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目的 探讨采用锥形股骨柄假体生物学固定对高龄患者行全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplsty,THA)后的假体周围骨改建及中期临床疗效.方法 随机选取2003年1月-2005年1月采用锥形股骨柄假体生物学固定行THA的高龄患者(70~90岁)30例(34髋).对术后及随访X线片的影像学资料、术后及随访中采用双能X线骨密度仪(DEXA)测量的手术前、后假体周围骨密度资料进行分析,临床疗效采用Harris标准评定,并以Kaplan-Meier法评价股骨假体的使用寿命.结果 4例死于肺癌,余26例(30髋)获5~7年(平均6年)随访.术后X线片测量显示12髋1年内假体下沉<1.5 mm,无假体松动.增生性骨反应见于Gruen 2,3,4,5,6,11,12区;吸收性骨反应见于1,7区.DEXA检查显示骨密度增加在2,3,4,5区,骨密度减少主要发生在1,6,7区.术后6个月内,2,5区的骨密度增加速度最快(P<0.05),2年后各区骨密度改变趋于稳定(P>0.05).术后1年内的假体周围总骨密度减少较多(P<0.05),手术2年后的假体周围总骨密度基本无改变(P>0.05),只是骨量从股骨近端到远端呈区域性重新分布.髋关节功能Harris评分从术前38.56±8.21提高至最近随访时的86.32±6.01,假体6年存留率达100%.结论采用锥形股骨柄假体生物学固定对高龄患者行THA后的假体周围具有良好的骨改建模式,且中期临床效果良好.  相似文献   

假体脱位是全髋关节置换术(THA)后常见的并发症。髋关节周围的外旋肌是维持关节稳定性、避免假体脱位的重要结构。假体多次脱位导致外旋肌会导致外旋肌缺失。翻修术中不重建外旋肌功能, 将增加术后脱位率。疝修补补片其主要用于修补各种疝气, 可用来提供组织框架, 形成纤维瘢痕, 重建外旋肌功能, 增加髋关节稳定性。笔者报告1例THA术后髋关节假体多次脱位合并外旋肌缺失患者, 探讨微创假体翻修术中使用疝修补补片修复外旋肌缺失的疗效。  相似文献   

目的 总结后外侧小切口全髋关节置换术治疗股骨颈骨折的经验.方法 2002年10月-2005年1月收治的199例(207髋)初次全髋置换,其中46例(46髋)为股骨颈骨折患者,新鲜骨折31髋,陈旧性骨折15髋.采用后外侧小切口全髋关节置换术,观察股骨颈骨折置换的切口长度、手术时间、出血量、引流量、住院天数、术后并发症、功能恢复和评分情况.结果 随访时间14~26个月,平均17.2个月.随访期间最后一次Harris评分:新鲜股骨颈骨折患者(84.1±8.6)分,陈旧性股骨颈骨折患者评分(85.8 ±7.6)分.所有患者术后X线片未见明显假体位置不良.新鲜和陈旧股骨颈骨折的手术切口、手术时间、出血量、引流量、住院天数差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).新鲜和陈旧性股骨颈骨折组各有1例患者脱位.结论 后外侧小切口全髋关节置换术具有创伤小、出血及并发症少和功能恢复快的特点,对于股骨颈骨折患者不仅能获得良好的髋关节功能,且减少了并发症的发生.  相似文献   

目的 探讨老年转子间骨折治疗失败后髋关节置换的方式及效果. 方法 2004 -2009年收治老年转子间骨折治疗失败患者10例,其中男4例,女6例;年龄68~84岁,平均75.7岁.骨折初次治疗包括动力髋螺钉(DHS)固定3例,动力髁螺钉(DCS)固定1例,股骨近端重建钉固定3例,保守治疗无内固定3例.治疗失败包括股骨头坏死4例,内固定切割3例,骨折不愈合2例,畸形愈合合并骨关节炎1例.术前检查除外感染,行髋关节置换术.随访时记录Harris评分,影像学评估假体位置. 结果 全髋置换术6例,其中髋臼骨水泥固定3例,非骨水泥固定3例;股骨头置换4例.股骨假体使用加长柄5例,普通柄5例.手术中失血量平均764 ml,手术时间平均128 min.术中发现股骨距缺损3例,大转子尖骨质阻挡髓腔入点7例;安放假体复位后,转子与髋臼存在撞击3例;术后发现骨水泥从既往内固定钉孔内侧渗漏3例.随访2~7年,Harris 评分由术前37分改善为85分.无血栓、感染、骨折、脱位发生,其中1例2年后因脑出血死亡.结论 老年转子间骨折治疗失败后,髋关节置换术可以允许患者早期下地活动,缩短卧床时间,是一种有效的治疗方式.但是,应该注意其骨质疏松、骨质缺损、解剖结构的改变以及既往内固定物影响等特点,减少并发症的发生.  相似文献   

目的 总结股骨近段矢状位纵向劈开成形术行全髋置换术治疗髋关节终极疾病合并股骨干骺段狭窄畸形的疗效。 方法 选择2000年1月-2009年12月收治的18例(22髋)髋关节终极疾病合并股骨干骺段狭窄畸形患者,其中男3例,女15例;平均年龄54岁(41~ 75岁)。单髋14例,双髋4例。按Berry分类法,全部患者均被确定为干骺段畸形和大小异常型,其中诊断为发育型(先天性髋关节发育不良)17例,陈旧性髋结核1例。先天性髋关节发育不良者按Crowe等分类法,均被诊断为Ⅳ型。所有患者均采用股骨近段矢状位纵向劈开成形、股骨转子下叠加式缩短截骨和“V”形旋转截骨等手术,并采用标准型股骨柄假体生物学固定。 结果 无感染、脱位、下肢神经牵拉伤,以及股骨近段失控性骨折等并发症。术后X线片示臼杯均位于真臼区,所有股骨柄假体的初始固定质量均优良。所有截骨区在术后3~6个月均获骨性愈合。术后测量显示患肢平均延长3 cm(2.5~3.5 cm)。随访1~10年,平均6年,Harris评分由术前的平均30分改善至术后1年的平均93分。X线片显示无骨溶解,或广泛的X线透亮带、假体进行性下沉、内翻移位等假体松动征。无一例因假体松动或其他原因需行翻修手术者。 结论 髋关节终极疾病合并股骨干骺段狭窄畸形者,采用股骨近段矢状位纵向劈开成形术,并采用标准型股骨柄生物固定假体行全髋置换术治疗可取得满意疗效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨MRI随访在经导管动脉灌注(TAI)治疗非创伤性股骨头缺血性坏死(ANFH)疗效评估中的价值.方法 对22例(30髋)经临床和影像学检查确诊的非创伤性ANFH患者采用TAI治疗,并比较治疗前后临床症状、髋关节功能及MRI影像改变.随访观察9~ 36个月.按ARCO分期,0期1髋;Ⅰ期6髋;Ⅱ期20髋;Ⅲa期3髋.结果 TAI术后,0期+Ⅰ期患者髋关节功能评分由术前平均(82.7±2.48)分增至术后平均(99.98±3.45)分;Ⅱ期患者髋关节功能评分由术前平均(76.9±3.23)分增至术后平均(95.07±3.68)分;Ⅲa期患者髋关节功能评分由术前平均(69.8±1.22)分增至术后平均(90.09±3.17)分.差异均有显著性统计学意义(P<0.05).MRI随访发现19髋(63.3%)有不同程度好转,股骨头坏死区病灶稳定,见增生、硬化及囊变缩小,骨髓水肿范围变小,髋关节积液减少;2髋(6.7%)病变基本保持不变;9髋(30%)病变加重,表现为骨髓水肿范围增大、髋关节积液增多,但在继续随访中病变好转.结论 非创伤性ANFH患者TAI术后MRI随访有一定的价值,但需结合患者的临床及其他影像资料才是科学的随访措施.  相似文献   

目的 探讨人工半髋置换术治疗高龄髋部骨折患者的特殊要点.方法 回顾性分析2008年1月-2010年12月对采用半髋置换治疗的138例高龄髋部骨折患者临床资料.其中男43例,女95例;年龄75~103岁,平均82.8岁.致伤原因:摔伤98例,撞伤32例,扭伤8例.股骨颈骨折84例(GardenⅢ型33例,Ⅳ型51例),股骨转子间骨折54例(Jensen-Evans分型:Ⅱ型3例,Ⅲ型6例,Ⅳ型25例,V型18例,R型2例).术后按Harris评分标准进行随访评价.结果 本组术后下床活动时间平均4.5 d(3~12 d).平均随访24.4个月(10~45个月),无假体松动、下沉、感染等.术后由于再次外伤,发生1例假体脱位、2例假体远端股骨干骨折.术后6个月Harris 评分平均86.8分(52~100分),其中优42例,良59例,可19例,差5例,优良率为80.8%.结论 在充分做好术前、术中、术后各项措施的前提下,半髋置换治疗高龄患者髋部骨折是一种较好的方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨动力髋螺钉(DHS)和微创动力髋螺钉(MTDHS)治疗高龄粉碎性股骨转子间骨折的疗效.方法 2006年9月-2009年7月采用MTDHS和DHS分组治疗高龄粉碎性股骨转子问骨折42例.根据Evans分型:MTDHS组Ⅲ型16例,Ⅳ型6例;DHS组Ⅲ型15例,Ⅳ型5例.对手术时间、出血量、住院时间和髋关节功能进行评价.结果 42例患者术后随访9~17个月,平均13个月.髋关节功能按Harris评分标准进行评定:DHS组20例,平均76.4分,MTDHS组22例,平均89.8分.MTDHS组在手术时间、出血量和髋关节优良率方面均显著优于DHS组.结论 MTDHS治疗股骨转子间骨折,手术创伤小,术后髋关节功能恢复好,并发症发生率低,是治疗转子间骨折的较好方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)治疗合并股骨头或股骨颈骨折的髋臼骨折方法、手术特点和疗效.方法 对7例合并股骨头或股骨颈骨折的髋臼骨折行Ⅰ期THA.髋臼骨折按AO分型:A型1例,B型3例,C型3例.股骨头骨折1例,股骨颈骨折6例.伤后7~21 d接受THA,5例行髋臼复位内固定后采用生物型髋臼,2例金属加强环配合骨水泥固定髋臼,股骨侧均采用生物型固定.结果 6例得到随访,平均随访时间3年9个月(2年3个月~6年5个月),出现脱位1例,经手法复位后未再脱位,1例出现异位骨化.所有随访患者髋关节功能均有明显改善,Harris评分术前平均48分,术后提高到91分.随访期内未发现假体松动.结论 THA是治疗合并同侧股骨头或股骨颈骨折髋臼骨折的有效方法,能显著改善关节功能,避免多次手术.  相似文献   

目的 比较自制含万古霉素的骨水泥占位器和Link感染治疗型占位器的疗效,探讨人工髋关节置换术后慢性感染Ⅱ期翻修中占位器的选择.方法 26例人工髋关节置换术后感染患者,年龄32~82岁,平均69.5岁.彻底清创、取出假体后,14例置入含万古霉素的骨水泥占位器,12例采用Link感染治疗型占位器.术后静脉滴注抗生素2周后,改为口服抗生素6周;术后定期复查血白细胞、红细胞沉降率(ESR)和C-反应蛋白(CRP).Ⅱ期行人工髋关节翻修术.手术前、后以Harris髋关节评分标准评估临床治疗效果.结果 26例患者在彻底清创、取出假体、自制含万古霉素的骨水泥占位器或Link感染治疗型占位器置入后,伤口均Ⅰ期愈合.Ⅱ期翻修手术间隔时间平均5.2个月(3~11.5个月),翻修术后随访平均20.8个月(12~33个月),未出现感染复发征象.Harris髋关节评分Ⅰ期术前平均27.9分,Ⅱ期术前平均52.9分,最后随访时平均83.6分(P<0.05).含万古霉素骨水泥占位器患者Ⅱ期术前有1例断裂,Link感染治疗型占位器患者Ⅱ期术前无断裂.结论 (1)Ⅱ期翻修术具有感染清除率高、缓解疼痛、有效保留关节功能等优点,是治疗人工髋关节置换术后感染的有效方法;(2)使用自制含万古霉素的骨水泥占位器和Link感染治疗型占位器,均能有效感染控制和恢复部分患肢功能;(3)Link感染治疗型占位器术中操作简便,治疗间歇期患肢功能恢复较好,但置管易堵,不能长期缓释抗生素,费用较高,适用于体质较好、感染不严重、两次手术间隔期患肢功能要求较高的患者.  相似文献   

目的 探讨晚期股骨头缺血性坏死合并严重股骨颈前倾角畸形患者采用普通假体髋关节置换的手术方法及临床疗效.方法 本组男9例,女6例;年龄30~42岁,平均37岁.前倾角40°~50°,术前Harris评分(59±8)分,术中通过将股骨假体缩小前倾角20°~30°,同时将髋臼杯前倾角增大10°~15°,使其基本恢复正常对合关系,防止关节前脱位.术后定期影像学检查和临床疗效Harris髋评分.结果 术后15例患者均获得随访2.5~3.7年(平均2.9年),关节假体稳定性良好,关节活动度基本正常.术后2年Harris评分为(88±6)分,与术前相比,疗效显著(P<0.01).结论 晚期股骨头缺血性坏死合并严重股骨颈前倾角畸形患者手术中通过对普通的股骨假体及髋臼杯安放的角度的联合调整,使关节置换术后人工假体与髋臼的对合基本恢复正常,疗效显著,同时避免了使用小柄股骨假体、转子下截骨或使用特殊前倾角股骨假体等治疗方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨改良Watson-Jones(OCM)入路微创全髋置换术的技术要点,观察临床应用效果.方法 2005年1月-2006年12月采用OCM入路微创全髋置换术治疗髋关节损伤及疾病患者35例,其中男16例,女19例;年龄(65.9±6.8)岁;体重指数(24.4±3.2).记录每例患者的切口长度、手术时间、术中及术后输血量、术后住院天数、并发症、假体位置、髋关节功能评分(Harris评分法)等,分析该方法的临床效果.结果 手术切口(8.3±0.9)cm;手术时间(92.1±13.5)min;输血量(300±218.2)ml;髋臼外展角(46.3±2.9)°;术后住院天数(7.9±1.7)d.平均随访17.3个月(6~24个月).前20例患者术后3个月有11例患者主诉臀部疼痛,术后6个月有9例,术后12个月减少到5例;后15例未出现类似症状.无感染、脱位、血管神经损伤或深静脉栓塞等并发症.末次随访Harris评分为(91.3±5.7)分.结论 OCM入路微创全髋置换术创伤小,术后患者康复信心足,辅以适当的功能锻炼可获得较快的恢复.  相似文献   

Adhesive capsulitis of the glenohumeral joint is said to be a self-limiting process. However, in some patients the disease can last much longer than 1 year, which may lead patients to more invasive treatment than merely undergoing physiotherapy. Other patients do not accept this severe limitation and choose treatment options that restore the range of motion (ROM) more rapidly. Conventional open release techniques generally improve motion but involve extensive dissection. The purpose of this study was to develop a safe and reproducible technique of arthroscopic capsular release (ACR) and to present the results of this technique in the clinical situation. The technique for ACR was first defined in a cadaver study and then applied in 28 patients with primary adhesive capsulitis of the glenohumeral joint. The patients were selected for the arthroscopic release when conservative therapy had failed for at least 6 months. All of the patients had a global loss of shoulder motion and had motion restored with a combined anterior, posterior, superior, and inferior release of the of the capsule (360 degrees release). Additionally, in all patients synovectomy with electrocautery was performed. We documented the ROM in the different planes as well as the Constant score. The Constant score improved a mean of 41 points. Range of motion for all planes significantly improved (P < 0.01). Abduction improved from 75 degrees preoperatively to 165 degrees intraoperatively; 6 weeks after surgery, mean abduction was 168 degrees and at the time of follow-up it was 167 degrees. Mean external rotation in adduction improved from 3 degrees preoperatively to 75 degrees intraoperatively. After 6 weeks, the mean external rotation in adduction was 72 degrees and at the time of follow-up the external rotation reached 76 degrees. Mean external rotation in abduction improved from 4 degrees preoperatively to 81 degrees intraoperatively, 80 degrees after 6 weeks and 85 degrees at the time of the last follow-up. Internal rotation in abduction was 17 degrees preoperatively. Intraoperatively, mean internal rotation was 59 degrees. An angle of 58 degrees was documented at 6 weeks follow-up, and at the last follow-up an angle of 63 degrees was documented. No postoperative lesion of the axillary nerve was present. We concluded that arthroscopic capsular release is a reliable method for restoring motion with minimum morbidity in carefully selected patients. When performing an ACR the incision of the glenohumeral joint capsule should be undertaken at the glenoidal insertion in the abducted and external rotated shoulder.  相似文献   

Soft tissue movement between reflective skin markers and underlying bone induces errors in gait analysis. These errors are known as soft tissue artifact (STA). Prior studies have not examined how STA affects hip joint angles and range of motion (ROM) during dynamic activities. Herein, we: 1) measured STA of skin markers on the pelvis and thigh during walking, hip abduction and hip rotation, 2) quantified errors in tracking the thigh, pelvis and hip joint angles/ROM, and 3) determined whether model constraints on hip joint degrees of freedom mitigated errors. Eleven asymptomatic young adults were imaged simultaneously with retroreflective skin markers (SM) and dual fluoroscopy (DF), an X-ray technique with sub-millimeter and sub-degree accuracy. STA, defined as the range of SM positions in the DF-measured bone anatomical frame, varied based on marker location, activity and subject. Considering all skin markers and activities, mean STA ranged from 0.3 cm to 5.4 cm. STA caused the hip joint angle tracked with SM to be 1.9° more extended, 0.6° more adducted, and 5.8° more internally rotated than the hip tracked with DF. ROM was reduced for SM measurements relative to DF, with the largest difference of 21.8° about the internal-external axis during hip rotation. Constraining the model did not consistently reduce angle errors. Our results indicate STA causes substantial errors, particularly for markers tracking the femur and during hip internal-external rotation. This study establishes the need for future research to develop methods minimizing STA of markers on the thigh and pelvis.  相似文献   

A decline in physical function associated with secondary hip osteoarthritis (OA) may be caused by both radiographic and clinical factors; however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine how joint degeneration, hip morphology, pain, hip range of motion (ROM), and hip muscle strength relate to one-leg standing (OLS) and gait in patients with mild-to-moderate secondary hip osteoarthritis. Fifty-five female patients (ages 22–65 years) with mild-to-moderate hip OA secondary to hip dysplasia were consecutively enrolled. Balance during OLS and three-dimensional hip angle changes while maintaining the OLS and at foot-off of the raised leg were measured. Gait speed and peak three-dimensional hip joint angles during gait were also measured. The associations between dependent variables (balance, gait speed, and hip kinematic changes) and independent variables (age, body mass index, pain, joint degeneration, hip morphologic abnormality, passive hip ROM, and hip muscle strength) were determined. While lower hip muscle strength was associated with hip kinematic changes such as flexion and internal rotation while maintaining OLS, decreased acetabular head index (AHI) and increased pain were associated with hip extension and abduction at foot-off in OLS. Decreased passive hip ROM was associated with decreased peak hip angles (extension, adduction, and external and internal rotation) during gait, although increased pain and decreased hip extension muscle strength were associated with slower gait speed. In this study of patients with secondary hip OA, AHI, pain, and hip impairments were associated with OLS and gait independently from age and radiographic degeneration.  相似文献   

BackgroundIt is not known if lower limb gait kinetics of total hip replacement (THR) patients reach normal levels at long term follow-up post-operatively.MethodsThree-dimensional gait analysis was performed on 134 THR patients with identical implants 10-years post-operatively. Lower limb moments and powers were compared between different age strata (54–64 years, 65–69 years, 70–74 years, 75–79 years and over 80 years) and a normal elderly control group.ResultsHip extensor moment and hip power generation were significantly reduced in all age groups compared to normal. External hip rotation moment was significantly reduced in all age groups, apart from the youngest group, compared to normal. However, in contrast to previous short term follow-up studies there was no significant difference in hip abduction moment between any of the age groups and the normal group.ConclusionThis large cohort study shows that, at long term follow-up following THR, some hip joint kinetics (hip extensor and external rotation moments and hip power generation) do not reach normal levels, but that peak abduction moment is preserved. THR patients recovery could potentially benefit from intensive rehabilitation focusing on hip extension and external rotation in the post-operative, and perhaps preoperative, period.  相似文献   

目的 探讨旋转平台高屈曲型人工全膝关节置换术(total knee replacements,TKR)的特点及临床效果.方法 对61例患者(78膝)行旋转平台高屈曲型(Sigma RP-F)人工TKR,其中17例为双侧膝关节置换.男13例15膝,女48例63膝;年龄45~79岁,平均64.3岁.术前诊断:膝骨关节炎56例,类风湿关节炎5例.采用正中切口髌旁内侧入路,所有膝关节都未进行髌骨置换,但对髌骨进行去神经化和修复术.结果 本组随访3~16个月,平均10.5个月.影像学显示无松动,无髌骨翘起、半脱位或脱位.临床评定采用美国膝关节学会(KSS)评分,术前平均膝评分48分(33~72分),膝功能评分41分(28~63分),术后随访膝评分97分(88~100分),膝功能评分96分(84~99分),膝关节活动度平均为(130.)(110.~150.),未发现假体旋出、不稳定或感染的患者.结论 旋转平台高屈曲人工全膝关节可提供足够的关节接触面积、全程的髌骨轨迹、足够的胫骨关节轴向旋转自由度,使膝关节可安全达到高屈曲的目的,近期随访疗效满意,但是否达到实验室分析的减少磨损、增加假体使用寿命的目的仍需进一步随访.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little data are available on changes that occur with age in joint range of motion in dancers and nondancers. HYPOTHESIS: In dancers, joint range of motion will increase with age, whereas it will decrease in nondancers, independent of the joint studied. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3. METHODS: The study population included 1320 female dancers, aged 8 to 16 years, who participated in different types of dancing classes (classical ballet, modern dance, jazz, etc) and 226 nondancers of similar age. Range of motion was measured for the hip, knee, ankle, foot, and spinal joints. RESULTS: The pattern of differences in range of motion with age varied in different joints and types of movement. (1) For combined ankle and foot plantar flexion (pointe), ankle plantar flexion, and hip external rotation, there was no change in range of motion in dancers, whereas range of motion diminished with age in the nondancers. (2) For ankle dorsiflexion, neither group showed any change with age, and range of motion was significantly greater in the nondancer group. (3) For knee flexion, hip flexion, and hip internal rotation, range of motion decreased with age in both groups. (4) For hip abduction, range of motion decreased with age in dancers and remained constant in the nondancers. (5) For hip extension, range of motion increased in both groups. (6) For lower back and hamstrings, range of motion increased among dancers with age and remained constant among nondancers. CONCLUSION: Dancers and teachers should realize that passive joint range of motion is unlikely to improve with age. Therefore, the major goal of a dancing program should focus on exercises that retain the natural flexibility of the dancers' joints rather than trying to improve them.  相似文献   

目的 分析人工关节置换治疗内固定失败的股骨转子间骨折的临床效果及手术技术. 方法 选择2001年- 2009年内固定治疗失败的股骨转子间骨折18例,动力髋螺钉(DHS)固定失败16例,股骨近端防旋螺钉(PFNA)固定失败2例.失败后对13例行人工双极股骨头置换,5例行全髋关节置换.Harris评分评估术后结果. 结果 12例获得完整随访,随访时间1~7年,平均2.3年.本组患者2例出现术中并发症;3例术后3个月内死亡,3例失访;l例出现关节脱位,闭合复位牵引治疗.患者疼痛均较术前明显减轻或消失,2例活动后有中度疼痛,4例活动后出现轻微疼痛.Harris评分术前平均34分,术后1年平均83分. 结论 人工关节置换能恢复髋关节功能,是治疗内固定失败的股骨转子间骨折的有效治疗方法.  相似文献   

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