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国际互联网(因特网)在医学领域中的应用,近年来国内已有报道[1~3]。我校于1997年上半年建成了以光纤为主干的校园网,并通过CERNET与国际互联网相通。为提高国际互联网在医学检验教育中的综合应用水平,结合我校的实际,我们在医学检验教学、科研、考试及日常管理等多方面对国际互联网进行了初步应用,现报告如下:1 材料与方法1-1 医学检验教学计算机多媒体课件制作将医学检验教学过程中所需投影片、幻灯片、图片及声像资料,通过文字、图片处理软件或扫描仪输入计算机。用VB语言(VisualBasic)制成…  相似文献   

通过研究形成性评价体系在检验教学过程中的应用方法,深入分析形成性评价体系的优缺点,探讨形成性评价体系在检验教学体系中运用的成效,促进检验教学体系适应新课标理念,推动检验教育教学、课程考试改革顺利实施。  相似文献   

王俭  贾宁阳  杨春山 《放射学实践》2003,18(12):901-901
由于影像学在医学本科生教学中属考查科 ,学员对其普遍不够重视 ,近年的教学改革又多集中在多媒体等教学形式上 ,很少考虑学员的学习习惯。我们试行“以考促学” ,效果不错。学员现状 :①自学、阅读理解能力强 ;②初涉临床 ,经验少、联想窄 ,任何临床体验对他们都充满诱惑 ;③考试经验丰富 ;④对考查科 ,投入精力有限。现有体制下考试仍是检验教学效果的主要手段 ,我们试行“以考促学” ,希望把考试从单纯的“验收”变成激励学员主动学习、灵活掌握所学知识的促学手段 ,具体做法如下。1 编制题库针对学员临床知识匮乏 ,影像描述条理性不强 ,…  相似文献   

我校是综合性医科大学 ,学员包括医疗系、护理系、麻醉系、药学系、卫生勤务管理系的中专、大专、专科升本科和 5年制、7年制本科等多个层次 ,虽然基础不同 ,对影像学的需求各异 ,但所用教材、教学时数和教学大纲则基本相同。如何根据学员实际情况 ,在大纲规定范围内 ,客观、公正地评价、验收教学效果 ,是教研室面临的重要课题。我们采取的做法主要有以下几点。1 建立综合题库规范、充实的题库是标准化考试的前提。我们根据执业医师考试要求 ,以现行教材为依据 ,结合现代影像学进展 ,编制、建立标准化题库 ,并于 2 0 0 0年 6月出版了《影像…  相似文献   

第二十届国际语言和嗓音医学学术大会,于1986年8月3日至7日在东京召开。作者应邀出席会议,并被接受为国际语言和嗓音医学协会(IALP)会员。本学科涉及面较广,它包括:语言病理学,语言矫治学、嗓音生理、嗓音病理,嗓音学、电声学、耳鼻喉科学、神经精神病学,心理学、声乐教学等,因此它是一门多学科综合的学科。而嗓音医学的种种方面又与临床医学密切相关。语言医学在我国尚属空白,嗓音医学在我国才刚起步。现仅就这次学术会议的有关内容综述如下。  相似文献   

检验学在军事航空医学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着航空活动的出现,人们逐渐认识到航空活动对人体的影响及人体因素对航空安全的重要性,建立了航空医学这一学科。伴随航空器向高速度、高性能的发展,使飞行活动的复杂程度更高,对人体的影响越来越大,对航空医学提出了新的课题。检验医学作为医学中的重要诊断手段,在方法学、仪器自动化和检验范围等方面取得了极大的发展。检验医学在航空医学尤其在军事航空医学中的应用越来越多。笔对军事航空医学的定义、研究范围、发展及检验学在航空病、飞行相关疾病和飞行训练对人体影响中的应用进展做了介绍。  相似文献   

目的探讨医学细胞生物学教学整合至细胞与分子基础模块中后,对五年制临床医学专业学员教学效果的影响和评价。方法分别选择模块化教学改革之前和之后的五年制临床医学专业学员的课堂教学效果调查问卷及考试试卷,分析2组学员课堂教学效果和考试成绩的差异。结果医学细胞生物学整合至细胞与分子基础模块中后,能提高学员的课程学习兴趣、综合运用知识点的能力、综合文献讨论课效果及早期接触科研的兴趣,并且理论课、实验课和综合文献讨论课的成绩均有显著提升。结论医学细胞生物学的模块化教学,有利于激发学员的学习兴趣、提高学习效果和学习成绩,值得推广运用。  相似文献   

现代教育理论强调要从根本上改“应试教育”为“素质教育”。从而给某些人造成一种错觉,似乎“考试”成了教育的装饰品,不再是教育中的必要手段了。对此,结合笔者6年的教学实践,和本校98级计算机应用专业学生参加全国《高等数学》统考取得优异成绩的一些做法,谈谈自己的一些观点。1 正确认识教育考试的意义从大的方面说,教育考试是国家或社会处理竞争的一种方法。通过科学的教育考试,激励人们学习国家规定的内容,选拔综合素质优秀的人才,为国家、社会创造财富。从小的方面说,教育考试是教育评价的重要依据,是考核教与学的一种手段,而且通过…  相似文献   

目的 :寻求一种操作简便、功能性强、供制作多媒体医学教学课件使用的操作平台。方法 :通过PowerPoint97将通常课堂教学使用的投影片、幻灯片、挂图、录像带、解说词及影片资料制成多媒体医学教学课件。结果 :该课件可方便地进行不同格式的文本、图片、声音和影像的制作、编辑和播放 ,初步实现了互动式多媒体教学 ;借助国际互联网进行远程多媒体教学以及自动完成更新有关教学内容的研究进展、发展动态等最新信息的多种功能。结论 :PowerPoint97是一种简便易学的多媒体操作平台 ,基本能满足医学教学课件的制作要求 ,适合医学教学工作者 ,特别是一些初学者制作课件的需要。  相似文献   

<正> 兴趣教学法是教师有效地向学员传授科学知识和学员主动的捕捉知识信息的活化剂、催化剂和强化剂。教师恰如其分地运用兴趣教学法,可使学员不断地对科学知识产生浓厚的学习兴趣,提高教学效果,达到教学目的。医学院校教师应当重视兴趣教学法在医学教学活动中的应用。笔者结合自己的教学实践谈一点粗浅的看法。 一、兴趣教学法的建立,主要是通过教师在教学活动中,不断地增强教学艺术魅力,使学员对科学知识产生强烈的吸引力而实现。教师在教学活动中讲演的语言,应当生动活泼、准确精炼、情感充沛、妙趣横生;  相似文献   

This report presents a recently developed web-based medical imaging simulation system for teaching students or other trainees who plan to work in the medical imaging field. The increased importance of computer and information technology widely applied to different imaging techniques in clinics and medical research necessitates a comprehensive medical imaging education program. A complete tutorial of simulations introducing popular imaging modalities, such as X-ray, MRI, CT, ultrasound and PET, forms an essential component of such an education. Internet technologies provide a vehicle to carry medical imaging education online. There exist a number of internet-based medical imaging hyper-books or online documentations. However, there are few providing interactive computational simulations. We focus on delivering knowledge of the physical principles and engineering implementation of medical imaging techniques through an interactive website environment. The online medical imaging simulation system presented in this report outlines basic principles underlying different imaging techniques and image processing algorithms and offers trainees an interactive virtual laboratory. For education purposes, this system aims to provide general understanding of each imaging modality with comprehensive explanations, ample illustrations and copious references as its thrust, rather than complex physics or detailed math. This report specifically describes the development of the tutorial for commonly used medical imaging modalities. An internet-accessible interface is used to simulate various imaging algorithms with user-adjustable parameters. The tutorial is under the MATLAB Web Server environment. Macromedia Director MX is used to develop interactive animations integrating theory with graphic-oriented simulations. HTML and JavaScript are used to enable a user to explore these modules online in a web browser. Numerous multiple choice questions, links and references for advanced study are provided in the tutorial for trainees to verify their understanding of each unit. It is expected that this tutorial will enhance medical imaging education, help trainees in subsequent analysis of image data, and form the basis for the development of more advanced technologies in the future.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: E-learning, an abbreviation of electronic learning, indicates the provision of education and training on the Internet or the World Wide Web. The impact of networks and the Internet on radiology is undoubtedly important, as it is for medicine as a whole. The Internet offers numerous advantages compared with other mass media: it provides access to a large amount of information previously known only to individual specialists; it is flexible, permitting the use of images or video; and it allows linking to Web sites on a specific subject, thus contributing to further expand knowledge. Our purpose is to illustrate the regulatory aspects (including Internet copyright laws), current radiological applications and future prospects of e-learning. Our experience with the installation of an e-learning platform is also presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a PubMed search on the published literature (without time limits) dealing with e-learning tools and applications in the health sector with specific reference to radiology. The search included all study types in the English language with the following key words: e-learning, education, teaching, online exam, radiology and radiologists. The Fiaso study was referred to for the regulatory aspects of e-learning. RESULTS: The application of e-learning to radiology requires the development of a model that involves selecting and creating e-learning platforms, creating and technologically adapting multimedia teaching modules, creating and managing a unified catalogue of teaching modules, planning training actions, defining training pathways and Continuing Education in Medicine (CME) credits, identifying levels of teaching and technological complexity of support tools, sharing an organisational and methodological model, training the trainers, operators' participation and relational devices, providing training, monitoring progress of the activities, and measuring the effectiveness of training. Since 2004, a platform--LiveLearning--has been used at our university: this is a Web-oriented application, that is, an Internet software solution that users can access through a Web browser. The pages displayed by the browser are dynamically generated through interaction with a database that collects both data required for the application to work and data related to the courses provided. There are different approaches to developing applications that use databases to store information. The selected approach is based on a modular three-level architecture divided into presentation level, intermediate level, and data level. The LiveLearning platform includes modules to manage multimedia contents and to interface with the streaming server so that the student can access the training contents directly from the platform interfaces. Furthermore, the platform offers its users different modules: Teaching Units, Documents, Forums, and Chats. By appropriately combining these modules, customised training can be devised based on specific requirements. CONCLUSIONS: The increasing diffusion of continuous education will reduce the costs of e-learning and make this training method, which helps keep pace with technological progress, more attractive, with significant professional gains for radiologists.  相似文献   



Physician-performed focused ultrasonography is a rapidly growing field with numerous clinical applications. Focused ultrasound is a clinically useful tool with relevant applications across most specialties. Ultrasound technology has outpaced the education, necessitating an early introduction to the technology within the medical education system. There are many challenges to integrating ultrasound into medical education including identifying appropriately trained faculty, access to adequate resources, and appropriate integration into existing medical education curricula. As focused ultrasonography increasingly penetrates academic and community practices, access to ultrasound equipment and trained faculty is improving. However, there has remained the major challenge of determining at which level is integrating ultrasound training within the medical training paradigm most appropriate.


The Ohio State University College of Medicine has developed a novel vertical curriculum for focused ultrasonography which is concordant with the 4-year medical school curriculum. Given current evidenced-based practices, a curriculum was developed which provides medical students an exposure in focused ultrasonography. The curriculum utilizes focused ultrasonography as a teaching aid for students to gain a more thorough understanding of basic and clinical science within the medical school curriculum. The objectives of the course are to develop student understanding in indications for use, acquisition of images, interpretation of an ultrasound examination, and appropriate decision-making of ultrasound findings.


Preliminary data indicate that a vertical ultrasound curriculum is a feasible and effective means of teaching focused ultrasonography. The foreseeable limitations include faculty skill level and training, initial cost of equipment, and incorporating additional information into an already saturated medical school curriculum.


Focused ultrasonography is an evolving concept in medicine. It has been shown to improve education and patient care. The indications for and implementation of focused ultrasound is rapidly expanding in all levels of medicine. The ideal method for teaching ultrasound has yet to be established. The vertical curriculum in ultrasound at The Ohio State University College of Medicine is a novel evidenced-based training regimen at the medical school level which integrates ultrasound training into medical education and serves as a model for future integrated ultrasound curricula.  相似文献   

Services offered by Internet are increasing continually and 15,000 medical websites covering all the specialties are available presently. Finding relevant information with a spider-web organization is difficult. We recommend starting with hierarchical lists which propose a selection of sites corresponding to medical specialties. We give our selection of important radiological websites dealing with image databases, case reports, radioanatomy and continuing medical education. While surfing the Web, an evaluation of the quality of websites is necessary. We used quality criteria proposed by Darmoni to rate the quality of ten websites. The global quality is good; help pages and external links are the main noticed shortcomings. All webmasters should pay attention to quality criteria and show visible marks of Darmoni criteria on their home page. To be able to foresee which Internet options should be developed, we evaluated our website and sent a questionnaire to our users. Clinical cases are the most requested facilities; they could be used for continuing medical education. Received: 28 January 1999; Revised: 13 July 1999; Accepted: 23 August 1999  相似文献   

In recent years, the distribution of medical information through Internet technology has been increasingly promoted as a result of the December 2001 initiative of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare known as "the grand design for the application of welfare and medical care information technology in the field of health." In June 1999, we developed a bed management system that uses a local area network (LAN). The ultimate goals of this systems configuration were the development of an order-entry system, an electronic health-record system, and improved information sharing. The system, which was created by employing widely used software, rationalized daily work by integrating patient information, hospitalization information, radiological examination reservation information, physiological examination reservation information, and rehabilitation reservation information. The radiological examination reservation information system that our radiology department uses is one of these systems. Electronic preservation of the reservation list is carried out in the radiology department, and information on examinations is input. The resulting full-scale order-entry system was introduced in July 2002, and it has improved the sharing of information among staff members.  相似文献   

Welch PG 《Military medicine》2000,165(3):189-192
OBJECTIVES: Military medical subspecialists consult with referring physicians, direct patient care and education, support isolated subspecialists, and maintain cohesive readiness plans. The World Wide Web appears promising in fulfilling these roles. METHODS: A website providing directed resources, the Walter Reed Army Medical Center Nephrology Service website (http:@www.wramc.amedd.army. mil/departments/medicine/nephro/NEPHROLOGY/index.htm!), is described in the context of its role in military medicine and online publishing. RESULTS: The Walter Reed Army Medical Center Nephrology Service website provides educational resources for both patients and physicians worldwide. It remains the only Army internal medicine website to offer online category I continuing medical education credits free to military physicians, and it also allows online graduate medical education. CONCLUSIONS: Military medical subspecialty programs can use the World Wide Web to provide consultation and education to distant and isolated patients and providers in a practical, feasible manner. This process can be expanded to education in operational medicine and other military-specific medical topics.  相似文献   

作者提出了建立物种身份证编码系统的规则,设计和编制了物种身份证编码应用系统软件,输录了物种分类及物种描述信息(吸虫、绦虫、线虫、棘头虫、蚤、原虫、病毒等)10000余种,附图3000余幅,并以网站的形式发布,网站名:www.wzsfz.com,通过运行,效果很好。物种身份证编码系统可为世界各国科研、教学和科学普及提供有关技术资料,对于物种资料的保存、累积、统计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies of the use of the World Wide Web to obtain medical knowledge have largely focused on patients. In particular, neither the international use of academic nephrology World Wide Web sites (websites) as primary information sources nor the use of search engines (and search strategies) to obtain medical information have been described. METHODS: Visits ("hits") to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) Nephrology Service website from April 30, 2000, to March 14, 2001, were analyzed for the location of originating source using Webtrends, and search engines (Google, Lycos, etc.) were analyzed manually for search strategies used. RESULTS: From April 30, 2000 to March 14, 2001, the WRAMC Nephrology Service website received 1,007,103 hits and 12,175 visits. These visits were from 33 different countries, and the most frequent regions were Western Europe, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, Pacific Islands, and South America. The most frequent organization using the site was the military Internet system, followed by America Online and automated search programs of online search engines, most commonly Google. The online lecture series was the most frequently visited section of the website. Search strategies used in search engines were extremely technical. CONCLUSIONS: The use of "robots" by standard Internet search engines to locate websites, which may be blocked by mandatory registration, has allowed users worldwide to access the WRAMC Nephrology Service website to answer very technical questions. This suggests that it is being used as an alternative to other primary sources of medical information and that the use of mandatory registration may hinder users from finding valuable sites. With current Internet technology, even a single service can become a worldwide information resource without sacrificing its primary customers.  相似文献   

临床实习质量影响因素分析及对策研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
随着医学教学改革的不断深化,保证并提高临床实习质量倍受人们的关注。作者就本校89名临床带教教师问卷调查表中显示的影响医学生临床实习质量的主要因素,提出了几点教学改革措施:(1)调整实习计划,“浓缩”基础理论课程,延长实习时间,确保实习质量。(2)加强素质教育,在思想上、管理上加大力度,培养学生刻苦好学精神。(3)提高实习成绩占毕业总成绩的比例,并作为毕业生毕业分配的重要依据。(4)对报考基础学科与临床学科硕士研究生的学生,采取不同的管理办法,避免临床实习与考研相互冲突。以达到提高临床实习质量,培养高素质医学人才之目的。  相似文献   

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