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国家自然科学基金:National Natural Science Foundation of China(N SFC)国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划):National High-tech R&D Program of China(863 Program)国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973计划):National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China(973 Program)国家重点基础研究项目特别基金:National Key Basic Research Special Foundation of China(N K B R SFC)国家重点基础研究专项基金:Special Foundation for State Major Basic Research Program of China国家985重点建设项目:Key Construction Program of the National(“985”Project)。  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金:National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划):National High-tech R&D Program of China(863 Program),国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973计划):National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China(973 Program),国家重点基础研究项目特别基金:National Key Basic Research Special Foundation of China(NKBRSFC),国家重点基础研究专项基金:Special Foundation for State Major Basic Research Program of China,国家985重点建设项目:Key Construction Program of the National(“985”Project).  相似文献   

论文所涉及的课题如取得国家或部、省级以上基金或属攻关项目,应列出(双语著录)。中英文基金项目分别置于中文关键词、英文Key words下方,如"基金项目:国家自然科学基金(39570835)","Fund program:National Natural Science Foundation of China(39570835)",并附基金证书复印件。  相似文献   

论文所涉及的课题如取得国家或部、省级以上基金或属攻关项目,应列出(双语著录)。中英文基金项目分别置于中文关键词、英文Key words下方,如“基金项目:国家自然科学基金(39570835)”、“Fund program:National Natural Science Foundation of China(39570835)”,并附基金证书复印件。  相似文献   

论文所涉及的课题如取得国家或部、省级以上基金或属攻关项目,应列出(双语著录)。中英文基金项目分别置于中文关键词、英文Key words下方,女口“基金项目:国家自然科学基金(39570835)”、“Fund program:National Natural Science Foundation of China(39570835)”,并附基金证书复印件。  相似文献   

论文所涉及的课题如取得国家或部、省级以上基金或属攻关项目,应列出(双语著录)。中英文基金项目分别置于中文关键词、英文Keywords下方,如“基金项目:国家自然科学基金(39570835)”、“Fun dprogram:National Natural Science Foundation of China(39570835)”,并附基金证书复印件。  相似文献   

论文所涉及的课题如取得国家或部、省级以上基金或属攻关项目,应列出(双语著录)。中英文基金项目分别置于中文关键词、英文Key words下方,如“基金项目:国家自然科学基金(39570835)”.“Fund program:National Natural Science Foundation ofChina(39570835)”,并附基金证书复印件。  相似文献   

论文所涉及的课题如取得国家或部、省级以上基金或属攻关项目,应列出(双语著录)。中英文基金项目分别置于中文关键词、英文Key words 下方,如“基金项目:国家自然科学基金(39570835)”、“Fund program:National Natural Science Foundationof China ( 39570835)”,并附基金证书复印件。  相似文献   

杨俊星  杨志滨 《武警医学》2015,26(5):449-451
 目的 发现当前最受关注的医药卫生领域热点,为卫生管理及相关政策制定提供参考。方法 检索2012-2013年CNKI数据库“医药卫生科技”大类收录的全部论文,获得被下载600次以上的最受关注论文进行统计分析。结果 2012-2013年发表的论文中,下载超过600次的论文共256篇, 其中肿瘤研究(21.48%)、医疗指南(9.73%)、糖尿病-心血管疾病-高血压等的循证医学治疗、医患关系、新型农村合作医疗位居最受关注内容的前5位,中医药相关研究在热点论文中也占有较大比例;国家级各种基金资助(包括国家自然科学基金、科技支撑计划、863、973、重点基础研究发展计划、重大新药创制等)论文占比26.17%。结论 热点论文与国计民生联系紧密,高质量的医学综述和治疗指南在临床实践有很大需求。  相似文献   

2021年11月18日,中国科学院正式公布了2021年中国科学院院士增选当选名单,我国著名介入放射学家滕皋军教授当选中国科学院院士。 滕皋军教授现任中国医师协会介入医师分会会长、东南大学首席教授、东南大学附属中大医院院长和介入中心主任,江苏省分子影像与功能影像重点实验室主任,Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology(CVIR)、Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology(JVIR)副主编,《介入放射学杂志》名誉主编。曾任亚太心血管与介入放射学会主席(2016- 2018)。 滕皋军教授从事医学影像与介入放射临床、教学、科研工作近40年,为中国介入放射学发展作出了开创性和突破性贡献,特别是在粒子支架的研发与应用,脊柱疾病介入治疗、经颈静脉肝内门体分流术(TIPS)再狭窄形成机制,主动脉夹层介入治疗、经血管腔内去交感神经消融术等领域有重要建树。作为国内分子影像学的开拓者,他发展了多项分子和功能影像新技术,并与介入技术融合,引领介入学科发展前沿。他先后主持了包括科技部973项目、863项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、重大国际合作项目等国家重点课题10余项。授有中国和国际发明专利10余项。发表中英文论文500余篇,其中SCI收录200余篇,包括Lancet、Radiology、Journal of the American College of Cardiology(JACC)、 Journal of Hepatology、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(PNAS)等国际著名期刊。获得国家科技进步二等奖3项、教育部科技进步一等奖1项。 滕皋军教授不但获得了中国医师奖(2018)、卫生部有突出贡献中青年专家(2006)等荣誉,还相继被欧洲心血管介入放射学会(CIRSE 2015)、美国介入放射学会(SIR 2017)、亚太心血管与介入放射学会(APSCVIR 2019)授予了最高荣誉奖(Gold Medal/Distinguished Fellow)。对于滕皋军教授为中国介入放射学作出卓越贡献的评价,恰如SIR授奖时的颁奖词:“滕医师是一名优秀领导者,他更是一位优秀导师,为学生们树立了人生和事业的榜样。他几乎凭借着一己之力将中国介入事业推向了世界舞台的中央。” 热烈祝贺滕皋军教授获得“中国科学院院士”这个中国科学技术界的最高学术称号和最高荣誉称号!这不仅是对他个人所取得成就与贡献的充分肯定,也是中国介入放射学事业发展成果的充分体现。这个介入界的喜事、大事,将是我国介入界划时代的里程碑,必将对我国介入发展起到突破性的推动作用!愿滕院士担负起新的责任和使命,引领介入放射学学科发展,作出新的更大的贡献。 《介入放射学杂志》编辑委员会  相似文献   

中国航天员科研训练中心航天医学基础与应用国家重点实验室李英贤团队,在重点实验室自主研究项目《模拟失重条件下Ⅱ型组蛋白去乙酰化酶对心肌功能的调控》(SMFA09A05)资助下,近3年来,通过CKIP-1基因敲除与心肌特异  相似文献   

目的 建立结构合理、科学,内容全面的道路交通事故与交通伤数据库.方法 (1)设计科学规范的交通事故与交通伤调查表,编制道路交通事故调查软件.(2)从交通管理部门获取我国道路交通事故及伤亡整体数据资料;抽样采集重庆市有代表性的公安交通管理支队7年道路交通事故和交通伤案件资料,录入数据库中.结果 在设计调查表的基础上编制了"道路交通事故调查数据库软件V1.0".软件录入项目包括:地区事故概况、具体事故的一般情况、道路环境、事故原因与责任、肇事车辆、人员损伤等信息.获得13年的全国道路交通事故和交通伤害年度整体数据;采集了重庆市4个交警支队辖区2000-2006年间33 987起一般以上道路交通事故和52 369例交通伤亡人员信息.建立了"道路交通事故与交通伤数据库".结论 根据道路交通事故通常受多因素影响的特点,本数据库从整体和局部收录了道路交通事故及其伤亡的总体和个案详细数据,为深入开展道路交通事故及其伤害研究提供了数据积累和平台.
Objective To establish a road traffic crash (RTC) & traffic injury (RTI) database database with scientific and reasonable structure. Methods ( 1 ) A set of scientific and standard RTC&RTI survey form was made and a software for collection of data on RTC&RTI developed. (2) The general data on RTI&RTI of China was obtained from traffic management departments of China and the data of some districts in Chongqing from 2000 to 2006 were obtained. All the data were input into the database for analysis. Results A TRC&RTI database software V1. 0 was developed based on the survey form. The input items included data about the areas where the accidents occurred, the general situation of the specific accident, the road conditions, the accident causes and responsibilities, the vehicle and the injury to persons. We obtained the RTC and RTI data of China during past 13 years and collected data on 33 987 cases of RTC and 52369 RTI of four districts in Chongqing. The RTC&RTI database was established. Conclusions The database has involved detailed data of general road crashes and injury as well as individual crash, which provides a good support for further study of RTC and RTI.  相似文献   

《介入放射学杂志》是我国第一本有关介入放射学基础研究,临床应用等方面的学术性期刊。是中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊),并已进入俄罗斯《文摘杂志》(AJ of VINITI)、荷兰《医学文摘》(EMBASE)等国际检索系统。据2008年中国学术期刊综合引证年度报告,本刊2007年度影响因子为0.924,  相似文献   

目的 探讨MSCT积分对肝囊型包虫病开腹手术方式选择及难度评估的价值.方法 依据肝包虫囊肿CT征象,制定肝包虫囊肿CT积分系统,包括7个项目.回顾性分析2008年行开腹手术治疗的71例93个肝囊型包虫病灶,进行CT积分,根据积分分为3组,A组:0~5分,适宜行完全外囊剥除术;B组:6~10分,适宜行外囊切除术;C组:≥11分或只要1项单项积分为4分,行内囊摘除术.采用Spearman相关分析方法分析WHO囊型包虫分型与实际手术的相关性、CT积分预测手术方式与实际手术方式的相关性、囊肿血管积分和胆系积分与实际手术的相关性,不同胆系积分残腔并发症的发生率比较采用Fisher确切概率法和x2检验.结果 CT积分0~5分39个病灶,6~10分45个病灶,≥11分9个病灶;其中30个行完全外囊剥除术,40个病灶行外囊切除术,23个囊肿行内囊摘除术.采用CT积分预测手术方式与实际手术方式的符合率为81.7%(76/93),可以较好的预测手术方式(r=0.741,P<0.01).血管积分、胆系积分与实际手术方式均有相关性(r值分别为0.587和0.327,P值均<0.01).胆管积分不同,术后残腔并发症发生率不同(x2=18.741,P<0.01).胆系积分非0组(积分1+2+3+4分)术后残腔并发症发生率30.3%(10/33)高于胆系积分为0组8.3%(5/60)(x2=6.059,P<0.05),胆系积分>1分组(2+3+4分)术后残腔并发症发生率(6/9)高于胆系积分1分组(4/24)的残腔发生率(x2=5.561,P<0.05).结论 CT积分是一种简单易行,能较准确预测肝囊型包虫病开腹手术方式及难度的方法.
Objective To evaluate the value of MSCT scores on surgery method selection and its difficulty estimation for hepatic cystic echinococcosis. Methods Based on the CT features of hepatic cystic echinococcosis ( HCE), an integral system including 7 items wasestablished. Images of preoperative CT examination performed on 71 cases of hepatic cystic echnococcosis were retrospectively analyzed by the integral system and compared with actual surgical. Total 93 cystic lesions were divided into 3 groups based on CT scores: Group A suitable for total cystectom (0 to 5 score), Group B suitable for subtotal cystectom (6 to 10 score), and Group C suitable forendocystectomy ( ≥11 scores, or4 score in one item). Spearman rank correlation was used to analyze the relationship between WHO classification of cystic echinococcosis and actual surgery methods, the relationship between operation mode forecasted by CT scores and actual surgery methods, the relationship between vessel scores of cyst and actual surgery methods, and that between biliary score of cyst and actual surgery methods. Fisher exact test and Chi-square test were used to evaluate the incidence of residual cavity in patients with different biliary scores. Results Thirty nine cysts got 0 to 5 scores, 45 cysts got 6 to 10 scores and 9 cysts got more than 10 scores. Total cystectom was performed on 30 cysts, subtotal cystectomy on 40 cysts and performed endocystectomy on 23 cysts, actually. Actual operation methods were correlated with that predicated by CT scores ( r = 0. 741, P < 0. 01 ), and with vessels score and biliary score (r = 0. 587,0. 327 respectively,P < 0. 01 ). The higher the biliary score, the higher the incidence of postoperative biliary tract complications. Conclusions Preoperative CT scoring was an easy and objective way to accurately predict the surgery methods and its difficulty for hepatic cystic cnechnococosis.  相似文献   

目的 研究用Diode探测器测量光子线束治疗中患者接受剂量的方法,验证治疗计划系统(TPS)计算剂量,并与Diode探测器测量剂量进行比较.方法 用60Coγ射线、6 MV X射线、水模体和固体模体,开展Diode探测器的重复性、剂量率响应、非线性剂量响应及刻度因子等实验.根据临床治疗需要,选择在不同条件下,研究剂量随机器角度、能量响应、源皮距、照射野、楔形角度、挡块和托盘因子等变化的影响,求出Diode探测器校准因子,用仿真人模体、Diode探测器、6 MV X线束,验证骨盆、头颈等部位剂量.再用Diode探测器测量6 MV X射线照射9例放疗患者的头颈、胸及腹等部位的剂量.结果 仿真人模体骨盆前面,左、右两侧(加楔形和不加楔形角度),以及头颈部左、右两侧(戴面具和不带面具)条件下,Diode测量值与TPS计算值的相对偏差均在±3%以内;放疗患者的头颈部两侧(戴面具)、胸部及腹部,Diode测量值与TPS计算值的相对偏差均在±5%以内.结论 用Diode探测器验证放疗患者剂量方法准确可靠,能快速获得数据.
Objective To explore the measurement method of the treatment dose of the patient with Diode for photon beam in radiotherapy,and to validate the treatment dose by comparing with the treatment planning system (TPS).Methods Experiments of the reproducibility,dose rate dependence,non-linearity dose response,and calibration factor in 60Co γ and 6 MV X beams were carried out with Diode on the surface of solid phantom and in water phantom.According to the needs of clinic treatment,different conditions were chosen to observe the dose changes with the angle of incidence,energy response,distance of source to skin,field size,wedge angle,block and tray using ionization chamber and water phantom.The Diode was placed on the surface of the solid phantom to obtain the correction factors.The doses of the chest,abdomen,and head and neek were verified with the Alderson phantom and Diode.Diode doses of the pelvis,head and neck at 14 points on the patient were measured.Results The Diode was irradiated at the points of the Alderson phantom,such as AP,RL and LL of the pelvis,with and without wedges,RL and LL junction of the neck and chin,with and without mask,the maximum relative deviation of doses was within ± 3% between Diode and TPS.The Diode was placed in different locations on the patient,including chest,abdomen and head and neck.The relative maximum deviation of doses was within ±5% between Diode and TPS.Conclusions The Diode method is reliable for measuring the exposure doses of the patient in radiotherapy.  相似文献   

目的 通过模拟持续飞行操作诱发脑认知疲劳(cognitive fatigue,CF)的实验模型,动态观察计算机模拟飞行双重任务操作绩效与主观疲劳评价指标的变化特征,为CF评价和制定相应航卫保障措施提供平台. 方法 男性战斗机飞行员30人,平均年龄(38.4±8.5)岁,分别在计算机上完成四数连加心算任务、模拟飞行姿态控制任务和二者复合的双重任务基础值测试,以及1~5 h的四数连加心算任务和模拟飞行双重任务的持续操作测试.同时对四数连加心算及模拟飞行期间出现的CF进行斯坦福嗜睡量表(Stanford sleepiness scales,SSS)评定. 结果 在单独完成四数连加任务时,其绩效指标和SSS主观评定分数在第1~5小时之间无显著变化.而完成双重任务时,双重任务正确率及双重任务保持率在基础值及第1~5小时之间差异均有统计学意义(F=16.25、23.42,P<0.01).进一步两两比较,双重任务保持率在第2小时、第3小时、第4小时、第5小时降低,与基础值相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);双重任务正确率在第3小时、第4小时、第5小时降低,与基础值相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).完成双重任务时SSS评分在第3小时、第4小时、第5小时降低,与基础值相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 计算机控制的模拟飞行双重操作任务是诱发CF的敏感方法 ,利用该模型可进一步开展相关疲劳监测方法 的研究,为制定相应航卫保障措施提供理论依据. Abstract: Objective To observe the working efficiency in simulated dual-task and the characters of subjective evaluation of fatigue by studying the model of cerebral cognitive fatigue (CF)that induced by consecutive simulated flight, to accumulate the experience on CF evaluation and to provide reference to aeromedical service. Methods Thirty male pilots [average age:(38.4±8.5)yrs] were firstly tested by mental arithmetic of 4-figure consecutive addition and computer simulated flying attitude control tasks for obtaining reference baseline and then by the consecutive dual-task which composed by above two tasks for 1-5 hours. The CF that induced by tasks was evaluated by Stanford Sleepiness Scales (SSS). Results There was no significant change either in accuracy of calculation or SSS score for 1-5 h consecutive addition task. The true responding rate and true maintaining rate of dual-task showed significant differences between the baseline's and the dual-task's for 1-5 h (F=16.25, 23.42, P<0.01). The true maintaining rate at the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th hours of dual-task were all decreased and showed significant differences with the baseline's (P<0.05). The same situation was also found for true responding rate at the 3rd, 4th and 5th hours of dual-task (P<0.05). Statistic was significant for dual-task due to the SSS score decreased at 3rd, 4th and 5th hour (P<0.05). Conclusions Performing consecutive simulated dual-task flight is sensitive to induce CF and the corresponding model could be used to evaluate the methodology of fatigue and be referenced to aeromedical service.  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于3D-CT轴位扫描所定义的计划靶区(PTVvector)与基于4D-CT定义的计划靶区(PTV4D)的位置和体积差异.方法 适合三维适形放疗(3D-CRT)的非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者共28例,其中,16例肿瘤位于肺上叶为肺上叶组,12例肿瘤位于肺中下叶为肺中下叶组,均于同次CT模拟定位时序贯完成胸部常规3D-CT轴位扫描和4D-CT扫描.基于3D-CT图像GTV及其运动矢量定义PTVvector:GTV外扩7 mm形成CTV,在CTV基础上依据4D-CT测得的肿瘤三维运动矢量均匀外扩形成ITVvector,然后再外扩3 mm,形成PTVvector;基于4D-CT图像各时相GTV融合定义PTV4D:10个时相的GTV分别外扩7 mm形成各时相的CTV,10个时相的CTV融合形成ITV4D,ITV4D外扩3 mm形成PTV4D.对比PTVvector和PTV4D靶区位置、体积及包含度差异,分析三维运动矢量和相关参数的相关性.结果 肺上叶和肺中下叶两组肿瘤中心三维运动矢量中位数分别为2.8和7,0 mm,差异有统计学意义(z=-3.485,P<0.05).肺上叶组PTVvector和PTV4D中心点坐标仅在x轴上差异有统计学意义(z=-2.010,P<0.05),肺中下叶组两靶区中心点坐标仅在;轴上差异有统计学意义(z=-2.136,P<0.05).肺上叶组PTV4D与PTVvector比值的中位数为0.75,肺中下叶组为0.52,两比值与肿瘤三维运动矢量的相关性差异均有统计学意义(r=-0.638、-0.850,P<0.05).PTVvector与PTV4D彼此间包含度的中位数分别为66.39%和99.55%,两者与肿瘤的三维运动矢量相关性差异有统计学意义(r=-0.814、0.613,P<0.05).结论 基于4D-CT定义的PTV4D明显小于基于3D-CT定义的PTVvector,两者的比值及相互包含度均与肿瘤三维运动矢量显著相关.
Objecttve To compare the positional and volumetric differences of planning target volumes(PTVs)based on axial three-dimensional CT(3D-CT)and four-dimensional CT(4D-CT)for the primary tumor of non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC).Methods Sixteen NSCLC patients with lesions located in the upper lobe and 12 patients with lesions in middle and lower lobes,totally 28 patients, initially underwent three-dimensional CT scans followed by 4D-CT scans of the thorax under normal free breathing.PTVvector was defined on gross tumor volume (GTV) contoured on 3D-CT and its motion vector. The clinical target volumes(CTVs)were created by adding 7 mm to GTVs,then, internal target volume (ITVs)were produced by enlarging CTVs isotropically based on the individually measured amount of motion in the 4D-CT,lastly,PTVs were created by adding 3 mm setup margin to ITVs. PTV4D was defined on the fusion of CTVs on all phases of the 4D data.The CTV wag generated by adding7 mm to the GTV on each phase.then,PIVs were produced by fusing CTVs on 10 phases and adding 3 mm setup margin.The position of the target center,the volume of target and the degree of inclusion(DI)were compared reciprocally between the PTVvector and the PTV 4D The difference of the position,volume and degree of inclusion of the targets between PTVvecter and PTV4D were compared,and the relevance between the relative characters of the targets and the three-dimensional vector was analyzed based on the groups of the patients. Results The median of the 3 D motion vector for the lesions in the upper lobe was 2.8 mm, significantly lower than that for the lesions in the middle and lower lobe ( 7.0 mm, z = - 3. 485, P < 0. 05 ). In the upper lobe group there was only significant spatial difference between the PTVvector and PTV4D targets in the center coordinate at the x axe (z = -2. 010, P < 0. 05 ), while in the middle and lower lobes there was only significant spatial difference between the PTVvector and PTV4D targets in the center coordinates at the z axe (z = -2. 136,P <0.05). The median of ratio of PTV4D and PTVvector, of the upper lobe group was 0. 75, significantly higher than that of the middle and lower lobes group (0. 52, z = - 2. 949, P < 0. 05 ).A significant correlation was found for the motion vector and the ratio of PTV and PTV4D in both groups ( r = - 0. 638, - 0. 850, P < 0. 05 ). For all patients, the median of D[ of PTV4D in PTVvector was 66. 39% ,while the median of DI of PTVvector, in PTV4D was 99. 55% , both showed a positive significant correlation with the motion vector (r = -0. 814,0. 613 ,P < 0. 05). Conclusions PTV4D defined based on 4D-CT simulation images is obviously less than PTV defined based on 3D-CT simulation images. The ratio and DI of both targets are related with the three-dimensional motion vector of the tumor.  相似文献   

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