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静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)包括深静脉血栓(DVT)和肺动脉血栓栓塞(PTE),是VTE发生在不同部位与阶段的两种临床表现形式,是骨折后围术期较常见的并发症[1],也是导致创伤骨科患者死亡的最主要因素之一[2],临床上往往以下肢骨折发生VTE的概率大,上肢骨折很少发生.本例患者因右肱骨近端粉碎骨折3h入院,伤后51h实施切开复位、钢板内固定手术,术后10d并发VTE死亡.上肢骨折并发VTE临床鲜有报告,为避免类似情况发生,笔者现总结报告如下.  相似文献   

目的探讨联合应用多层螺旋CT肺动脉造影(MSCTPA)和间接CT静脉造影(CTV)诊断静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)的价值。资料与方法对临床疑似VTE的87例患者,联合应用MSCTPA和间接CTV进行检查,在胭静脉至股总静脉水平,比较间接CTV与多普勒血管超声(DVUS)诊断深静脉血栓形成(DVT)的价值,计算间接CTV的敏感性、特异性、阴性预测值和阳性预测值。结果87例患者中,MSCTPA扫描肺血栓栓塞症(PTE)和DVT均显示32例,显示DVT未显示VIE8例,显示PTE未显示DVT22例。DVUS检查中,DVT42例。与DVUS相比,下肢间接CTV诊断DVT的敏感性95.5%、特异性99.2%、阳性预测值97.7%、阴性预测值98.5%。结论联合应用MSCTPA和间接CTV实现了一次检查同时诊断VIE和DVT,并能显示胸部和下肢的其他异常。  相似文献   

目的:探讨血浆D-二聚体(D-dimer)诊断肺癌围手术期静脉血栓栓塞症的最佳诊断值。 方法:收集2016年1月至2017年12月在北海市人民医院胸心血管外科住院的经病理明确诊断为原发性肺癌的患者50例,均行规范肺癌根治术,围术期行肺动脉CT血管造影(CTA)、双下肢深静脉血管超声并监测D-dimer水平,比较肺癌围术期出现静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)和不出现VTE患者的D-dimer水平,通过受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线计算D-dimer对VTE的最佳诊断值。 结果:50例肺癌患者中发生VTE5例,占10%(5/50);其中1例患者同时发生下肢深静脉血栓(DVT)及肺栓塞(PE),经行DSA下腔静脉滤器植入加术后抗凝治疗后恢复良好。VTE组与非VTE组的术前D-dimer差异无统计学意义;术后1、3、5、7 d,VTE组的D-dimer水平明显高于非VTE组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。D-dimer诊断VTE的灵敏度和特异度分别为75%和66.7%,阳性预测值为20%,阴性预测值为96%,Youden指数为0.417,AUC值为0.772,有较高的诊断价值;D-dimer诊断肺癌患者术后发生VTE的最佳临界值为2.79 mg/L。 结论:D-dimer取2.79 mg/L作为肺癌患者围术期静脉血栓栓塞症的最佳诊断值,有利于VTE的早期诊断和治疗,对改善VTE患者预后有重要意义。  相似文献   

静脉血栓栓塞(VTE)是恶性肿瘤患者的常见并发症,主要包括深静脉血栓形成(DVT)和肺栓塞(PE)。DVT的发生使患者治疗计划被迫推迟或终止,严重影响生存质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期(AECOPD)患者并发肺血栓栓塞症(PTE)的危险因素,依此构建列线图预测模型并进行验证。方法 选择2019年1月-2021年12月在川北医学院附属医院就诊的426例AECOPD患者进行回顾性分析。将患者以6∶4比例分为模型组256例,验证组170例。收集可能影响AECOPD患者并发PTE的指标,根据有无并发PTE将模型组患者分为PTE亚组与非PTE亚组,比较各亚组患者上述指标,采用多因素logistic回归分析筛选AECOPD患者并发PTE的独立危险因素,并以此构建列线图预测模型。以Bootstrap法对列线图预测模型进行内部验证,并采用验证组数据进行外部验证。结果 模型组256例AECOPD患者中共有39例(15.2%)并发PTE。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,巴氏指数评分、卧床时间、下肢深静脉血栓、右心功能不全、动脉血氧分压(PaO2)、纤维蛋白原、C反应蛋白为AECOPD患者并发PTE的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。根据多因素回归分析结果,采用R4.1.3软件构建列线图预测模型,模型内部验证ROC曲线下面积(AUC)为0.8...  相似文献   

股骨粗隆间骨折是创伤骨科常见髋部骨折类型.合并糖尿病的老年股骨粗隆间骨折患者在围手术期需要一定时期的卧床制动,由于合并基础疾病往往具有较高的下肢深静脉血栓(deep vein thrombosis,DVT)形成的风险性,而DVT又是此类患者围手术期致残率、致死率较高的并发症之一,严重者可继发致死性肺动脉血栓栓塞症 (P...  相似文献   

目的:分析神经外科术后下肢深静脉血栓(DVT)形成的危险因素,并制定有效的预防和治疗对策。方法:127例神经外科术后患者根据是否发生DVT分为DVT组(n=34)和无DVT组(n=93),比较两组患者在平均年龄、性别、合并症(糖尿病和冠心病)、术后偏瘫、长期卧床、体质量指数和下肢深静脉导管留置时间等方面的差异性。采用Logistics回归分析DVT形成的独立危险因素。结果:两组患者在平均年龄、高血压发病率、术后偏瘫、长期卧床等方面比较有显著差异性(P〈0.05);经Logistic回归分析,高龄、合并高血压病、术后偏瘫和长期卧床均为神经外科术后患者DVT形成的独立危险因素。结论:高龄、合并高血压病、术后偏瘫和长期卧床均为神经外科术后患者DVT形成的独立危险因素,采取有效防治对策可有效降低DVT的发生率。  相似文献   

美国胸科医师学会(ACCP)抗栓治疗和血栓预防临床实践指南第9版的抗血栓治疗篇重点讲述了静脉血栓栓塞性疾病(VTE)的治疗。与第8版指南相比,第9版指南有很大程度的修改并增添了部分新的内容。除了抗血栓药物、使用装置或外科手术技术在深静脉血栓形成(DVT)和肺栓塞(PE)(统称为VTE)的使用建议外,还提供了关于血栓后综合征(PTS),慢性血栓栓塞性肺动脉高压(CTPH),偶然诊断的(无症状)DVT或PE,急性上肢深静脉血栓形成(UEDVT),浅静脉血栓形成(SVT),内脏静脉血栓形成和肝静脉血栓形成的治疗建议。本文对相关部分内容进行了解读。  相似文献   

深静脉血栓(deep vein thrombosis,DVT)是手术后比较严重的并发症之一,常见于骨科、创伤等手术患者,并且以下肢DVT常见.DVT一旦发生,严重影响手术患者的预后,并且可导致严重的肺栓塞而危及生命[1-2].目前,有关肝胆外科手术后并发DVT的相关因素认识不足,为此,笔者对我院近两年来肝胆外科手术后发现并发下肢DVT的48例进行回顾性分析,现将其相关因素及护理干预要点报告如下.  相似文献   

目的 研究下肢创伤后深静脉血栓(deep vein thrombosis,DVT)的发生率、危险因素及D-二聚体(D-Dimer)水平对DVT的诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析我院收治的260例下肢骨折患者的资料,均行彩色多普勒超声检查,以明确有无下肢DVT形成,并统计各类骨折DVT的发生率,对DVT(+)组与DVT(-)组,术前制动时间≥7 d组和术前制动时间<7d组,男性与女性,高龄组与低龄组患者的D-Dimer浓度及DVT的发生率进行统计学分析.结果 下肢骨折总的血栓发生率为12.3%.骨盆骨折中DVT发病率最高(28.57%),足踝部骨折较低(1.54%),创伤后D-Dimer在DVT(+)组的浓度(1527±373)μg/L高于DVT(-)组的(552 ±262) μg/L(P <0.05).结论 下肢骨折DVT的发生率为12.3%.高龄、高凝因素、卧床时间大于7d、吸烟史为DVT的危险因素.D-Dimer浓度正常对排除DVT具有重要意义.且卧床时间等因素对其存在影响.  相似文献   

刘晓阳  尹星华  戴丽  程洋 《武警医学》2022,33(3):222-225
目的 了解人工全膝关节置换术(total knee arthroplasty,TKA)后症状性下肢深静脉血栓(deep vein thrombosis,DVT)患者的临床特点及高危因素.方法 回顾性研究2015-07至2020-06北京积水潭医院收治的8162例TKA患者临床资料,记录术后出现症状性DVT及继发的肺动脉...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: There has recently been great interest in the possible relationship between air travel and venous thromboembolism (VTE). Based on a case-control survey, we measured the frequency of VTE, associated risk factors (RFs), and factors influencing the onset of pulmonary embolism (PE) or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). METHODS: The study was conducted over 1 yr. A questionnaire was sent to physicians. Patients with a diagnosis of VTE were included, provided they had traveled from France to Reunion Island. RESULTS: Over 46 cases, 33 patients showed DVT and 13 PE. RFs for VTE were present in 38 patients (82%). On comparing RFs between study and control groups, we found no differences in age, gender, alcohol, sleep-inducing drug consumption, seat allocation, or estroprogestative treatment. RFs were significantly higher in the VTE group at p < 0.005: history of previous VTE (OR 63.3), recent trauma (OR 13.6), presence of varicose veins (OR 10), obesity (OR 9.6), immobility during flight (9.3), and cardiac disease (OR 8.9). For patients with DVT or PE, no differences were observed in comparing RFs. The PE group was older and mortality occurred only in this group. The number of displacements during flight (p < 0.009) and complete immobility (p < 0.001) were strongly related with onset of PE. Delay of symptoms was less than 24 h in 69% of PE cases compared with 21% of DVT cases (p < 0.004). CONCLUSION: Long-duration air travel VTE is associated with other underlying thromboembolic RFs. Low mobility during flight is a striking modifiable RF of developing PE. Travelers with RFs for VTE should be advised to increase their mobility.  相似文献   

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a disease that causes high morbidity and mortality in the population. At present the first-line imaging test for a suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) is computed tomography (CT) pulmonary angiography, and ultrasonography is widely used for the diagnosis of deep-vein thrombosis (DVT). Although these modalities are proven to be safe and accurate, unresolved issues remain, such as whether CT scanning in patients with a suspected PE should be extended to the legs. Another issue is the diagnosis of recurrent DVT. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers a number of advantages in the imaging of VTE. Recent developments of scanning protocols with shorter acquisition times, sometimes complemented by navigator gating or making use of endogenous contrast, offer new perspectives for the use of MRI. This review provides an overview of state of the art MRI techniques for the diagnosis of PE and DVT. Furthermore, the use of new contrast agents such as fibrin labeling to detect thrombi are addressed.  相似文献   

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Treatment for VTE in athletes is similar to nonathletes. Early treatment of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) with bed rest and anticoagulation has given way to anticoagulation with early mobilization. Thrombolysis, preferably catheter-directed thrombolysis (CDT), may be used in select patients with upper extremity DVT (UEDVT). Surgical procedures should be reserved for those athletes with UEDVT who fail initial therapy. Compression devices are advocated for the treatment of postthrombotic symptoms (PTS) in lower extremity DVT (LEDVT) and UEDVT. Athletes with DVT should be encouraged to start a gradual return to activities of daily living (ADL) the day they begin anticoagulation therapy. A structured return-to-training program with progressive increase in intensity can begin shortly after ADL mastery, provided the athlete is monitored carefully for recurrence of VTE. Athletes should not engage in contact or collision sports until anticoagulation therapy is complete.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the incidence of new or recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) after retrieval of inferior vena cava (IVC) filters and risk factors associated with such recurrence. Between March 2001 and September 2008, at our institution, implanted retrievable vena cava filters were retrieved in 76 patients. The incidence of new or recurrent VTE after retrieval was reviewed and numerous variables were analyzed to assess risk factors for redevelopment of VTE after filter retrieval. In 5 (6.6%) of the 76 patients, redevelopment or worsening of VTE was seen after retrieval of the filter. Three patients (4.0%) had recurrent deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in the lower extremities and 2 (2.6%) had development of pulmonary embolism, resulting in death. Although there was no significant difference in the incidence of new or recurrent VTE related to any risk factor investigated, a tendency for development of VTE after filter retrieval was higher in patients in whom DVT in the lower extremities had been so severe during filter implantation that interventional radiological therapies in addition to traditional anticoagulation therapies were required (40% in patients with recurrent VTE vs. 23% in those without VTE; p = 0.5866 according to Fisher’s exact probability test) and in patients in whom DVT remained at the time of filter retrieval (60% in patients with recurrent VTE vs. 37% in those without VTE; p = 0.3637). In conclusion, new or recurrent VTE was rare after retrieval of IVC filters but was most likely to occur in patients who had severe DVT during filter implantation and/or in patients with a DVT that remained at the time of filter retrieval. We must point out that the fatality rate from PE after filter removal was high (2.6%).  相似文献   

目的研究急性髋部骨折患者术前深静脉血栓(deep vein thrombosis,DVT)患病率及其相关预测因素,探讨术前和术后DVT之间的关系。方法回顾性分析深圳市龙华新区人民医院2011—2016年股骨颈骨折延期手术108例患者的临床资料(包括进行全髋置换术或人工股骨头置换术的患者),在术前与术后均对患者进行静脉造影,诊断DVT的发生。对术前发生静脉血栓栓塞(VTE)的患者进行溶栓和抗凝(低分子量肝素或利伐沙班)治疗。手术后根据推荐的抗凝方案进行抗凝,防止血栓形成,包括机械性预防(如早期活动、弹力袜、足底静脉泵、周期性充气加压等)和药物预防(如低分子肝素和利伐沙班),并重复静脉造影诊断DVT的发生。采用单因素分析和多因素Logistic回归分析确定术前DVT的预测因素。结果108例患者中35例(32.4%)在术前发生DVT,延迟手术时间、D-二聚体均是术前DVT的独立预测因素,且有24例(64.9%)术后与术前DVT发生在同一位置。结论股骨颈骨折延期手术患者术前DVT发生率高,术后DVT多与术前发生DVT相关。  相似文献   

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a serious common disorder with substantial cost and morbidity to society and can be life threatening in some cases. The majority of VTE is diagnosed on lower extremity ultrasound or CT pulmonary angiography, but some cases of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) may be occasionally diagnosed on CT of the abdomen and pelvis by the alert radiologist. The purpose of our study was to determine the fraction of new/unsuspected DVTs diagnosed on CTAP and the subsequent management and clinical course of these patients. After Institutional Review Board approval, a retrospective search of an institutional imaging database was performed for all cases of DVTs diagnosed on CTs of the abdomen and pelvis. Patients with positive studies were further investigated via clinical chart review for their subsequent management and clinical course. The 90-day mortality of the patients diagnosed with DVT on CTAP was also recorded. Sixty-two patients met the criteria for positive DVT on CTAP. Of these 62 cases, 26 (42 %) were new. Management was substantially changed in 24 out of 26 cases (92 %), most commonly initiation of anticoagulation. The 90-day mortality rate of patients diagnosed with pelvic DVTs on CTAP in our cohort was 21 %. Timely detection of pelvic DVTs can have serious implications for patient management, morbidity, and mortality. The pelvic veins should be included in the search pattern of all radiologists who review CTs of the abdomen and pelvis.  相似文献   


Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a multifactorial disease determined by a combination of inherited and acquired factors. Inherited factors include mutations in the genes coding for coagulation factors, some of which seem to exert a differential influence on the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). In post-mortem studies of subjects who have died from pulmonary embolism (PE), the analysis of the factors that may have augmented the VTE risk is often limited to acquired factors. This is due to the complexity—and sometimes the unfeasibility—of analyzing genetic factors and to insufficient knowledge of their individual roles in PE development. The present study used formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue to investigate a panel of 12 polymorphisms—the largest ever studied—that affect the VTE risk. Tissue samples came from post-mortem examinations performed by the specialists of the Section of Legal Medicine of the Department of Pathology of Marche’s Polytechnic University, and by the specialists of Health Care District Hospital of Imola, on 44 subjects who died from PE in the period 1997–2014. All individuals were found to have at least one mutation affecting the VTE risk. The present study demonstrates that genetic analysis can be performed post-mortem and the results are useful for forensic investigations, especially from MTHFR C677T and PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphisms. Broader studies using the techniques described herein are needed to determine the relative influence of the individual polymorphisms and their interaction in PE deaths.


Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are separate but related aspects of the same dynamic disease process known as venous thromboembolism (VTE). Recent community studies have shown that VTE is a major health issue for the developed world, with at least 201,000 new cases each year in the United States, comprising 107,000 with DVT and 94,000 with PE. A quarter of PE cases die within 7 days, some so rapidly that treatment or intervention is impossible. Despite the availability of heparin prophylaxis, the annual incidence of VTE has remained constant at 1 event per 1,000 person-years since 1979 but reaches 1 event per 100 person-years for the over-85-year-olds. The most important risk factors for VTE are hemostatic and environmental. The recent discoveries of factor V Leiden, prothrombin 20210A, and high concentrations of factor VIII have highlighted the increasing importance of a genetic predisposition to thrombophilia. Acquired hemostatic factors include pregnancy and the puerperium, oral contraception, hormone-replacement therapy, malignant tumors, and antiphospholipid syndromes. Important environmental risk factors include hospitalization with previous surgery or trauma, confinement in a care facility, neurologic disease or paraplegia after stroke, current or recent central venous catheter or transvenous pacemaker, and long airplane flights. Internists may be confused about the risk of PE after ventilation/perfusion (VQ) imaging. This may well arise from their use of the relative risk of PE after a low-probability category scan rather than the absolute risk obtained by incorporating the PE prevalence for their particular patient in the risk analysis. Ideally, personal communication with an experienced referring physician provides this clinical information for nuclear medicine. Diagnostic tools or checklists can be used as an alternative. A general knowledge of the natural history of VTE will encourage the nuclear medicine physician to provide an appropriate clinical signal to complement VQ categorical analysis. Combination of these 2 dynamic elements of the art and science of VQ scan reporting-the clinical pretest probability of PE and lung scan category-will permit an accurate prediction of the absolute risk of PE posttest.  相似文献   

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