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目的 探讨深度到由浅到深逐次进行模拟氦氧饱和潜水对潜水员细胞免疫状态的影响.方法 9名健康男性潜水员逐次由浅至深进行65、250、480 m氦氧饱和暴露,每次暴露前后采集抗凝血,经流式细胞术检测外周血T淋巴细胞亚群的变化.结果 在250 m饱和暴露后外周血CD4淋巴细胞亚群和CD4/CD8(41.26±8.46和1.36±0.50)较暴露前(35.63±7.93和1.04±0.36)显著升高;65 m及480 m饱和暴露前后,外周血淋巴细胞亚群未发生明显改变.未经65m饱和暴露实验的潜水员,在480m饱和暴露阶段,较其他潜水员的免疫状态更容易受到影响.结论 逐次加大深度氦氧饱和暴露可以防止饱和潜水环境中潜水员细胞免疫功能的抑制.  相似文献   

目的探讨单人纯氧舱高压氧治疗对微生物的抑制。方法模拟实验菌的存在环境,接受模拟的高压氧治疗方案。结果高压氧对厌氧菌有高度抑制作用,对需氧菌和真菌有抑制作用,但对铜绿假单胞菌抑制作用不明显。结论在高压氧舱内有交叉污染的可能。  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌耐药性5年连续监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜绿假单胞菌广泛存在于自然界和医院环境中,常引起皮肤、呼吸道、泌尿道及烧伤组织感染,严重的可导致菌血症和心内膜炎。在非发酵革兰氏阴性菌感染中由铜绿假单胞菌引起的感染占70%,是临床上引起各种感染的主要致病菌。为了给临床合理用药提供一定的理论依据,我们对1999—2003年期间本院临床分离出的铜绿假单胞菌及其对12种抗生素的耐药状况进行了连续监测,结果如下。  相似文献   

目的 跟踪监测全封闭续航期间某型潜艇舱室微生物数量和种类,并评价其潜艇舱室微生物污染水平.方法 LWC-1型空气微生物采样器采样,选择性培养基筛查嗜肺军团菌,VITKE2微生物自动鉴定系统检测微生物种类.结果 续航期间各监测点空气微生物平均浓度明显高于码头封舱时采样,最高达10倍;潜艇续航过程中各监测点微生物浓度超过国家适居评价标准的1~2倍;分离鉴定的微生物种类以人源性条件致病菌为主.结论 全部封闭续航期间潜艇舱室空气微生物平均浓度超过国家普通微生物污染评价标准,对工作人员存在潜在致病风险.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌是医院感染的重要致病菌 ,可引起许多部位的感染 ,特别是由铜绿假单胞菌引起的院内肺炎死亡率较高 ,80年代仍高达 70 %以上[1] 。由于铜绿假单胞菌的耐药机制复杂 ,易形成多重耐药 ,已经给临床抗感染治疗造成了严重的威胁 ,本文从检测痰液标本中铜绿假单胞菌诱导型β-内酰胺酶入手 ,分析了铜绿假单胞菌的耐药机制 ,阐明了铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜病的难治性 ,探讨了临床用药的合理性 ,为防止铜绿假单胞菌的感染提供了实验室的支持。1 材料与方法1 .1 标本来源由我院 2 0 0 1年呼吸内科的住院病人痰标本中分离 ,标本先于显微镜下…  相似文献   

目的:分析铜绿假单胞菌在临床感染中的分布及耐药性,为临床合理选用抗生素和控制院内感染提供依据。方法:按常规方法对临床各种标本进行细菌培养、分离、鉴定;结果按临床实验室标准化研究进行分析。结果:从痰标本中分离的铜绿假单胞菌菌株最多,占70.4%;药敏结果显示铜绿假单胞菌对18种抗生素耐药率在55.3%~100%。结论:铜绿假单胞菌已成为医院感染的主要致病菌,应不断为临床提供最新的耐药性资料,以更好地控制铜绿假单胞菌感染。  相似文献   

目的了解山西运城地区铜绿假单胞菌(PA)临床分布及其耐药特点,以指导临床合理用药。方法从临床各种标本中分离、培养铜绿假单胞菌,采用全自动细菌鉴定及药敏测定仪(ATB)进行细菌的鉴定及药敏分析。结果铜绿假单胞菌主要分离于痰液,以呼吸道感染为主,对阿米卡星、头孢他啶、头孢吡肟、环丙沙星、庆大霉素、特治星(哌拉西林,他唑巴坦)耐药率均大于40%,对泰能(亚胺培南/西司他丁)的耐药率较低(27.83%)。结论山西运城地区铜绿假单胞菌仍是医院病原菌感染的主要致病菌之一,且出现多重耐药性,需加强耐药性监测。  相似文献   

目的了解山西运城地区铜绿假单胞菌(PA)临床分布及其耐药特点,以指导临床合理用药。方法从临床各种标本中分离、培养铜绿假单胞菌,采用全自动细菌鉴定及药敏测定仪(ATB)进行细菌的鉴定及药敏分析。结果铜绿假单胞菌主要分离于痰液,以呼吸道感染为主,对阿米卡星、头孢他啶、头孢吡肟、环丙沙星、庆大霉素、特治星(哌拉西林/他唑巴坦)耐药率均大于40%,对泰能(亚胺培南/西司他丁)的耐药率较低(27.83%)。结论山西运城地区铜绿假单胞菌仍是医院病原菌感染的主要致病菌之一,且出现多重耐药性,需加强耐药性监测。  相似文献   

目的:分析桶装饮用水中铜绿假单胞菌的污染监测结果,为保证桶装饮用水的水质安全提供科学管理依据。方法随机抽取2014年~2015年沈阳市康平县200份桶装饮用水,其中120份为饮用纯净水,45份为饮用矿物质水,35份为饮用天然矿泉水,对200份桶装饮用水的资料进行分析,结合处理方式的不同将其分为两组,一组(88份)为经过饮水机处理,另一组(112份)为未经过饮水机处理。按照国家相关标准对200份桶装饮用水中的铜绿假单胞菌进行检测。观察分析200份桶装饮用水中铜绿假单胞菌的检测结果。结果对200份桶装饮用水进行铜绿假单胞菌检测发现,总共有60份(30.00%)检出铜绿假单胞菌,其中饮用纯净水铜绿假单胞菌的检出率为23.33%,饮用矿物质水铜绿假单胞菌的检出率为57.78%,饮用天然矿泉水铜绿假单胞菌的检出率为17.14%;200份桶装饮用水中细菌总数的不合格率为39.50%,大肠菌群的不合格率为14.50%,将铜绿假单胞菌的检出率和细菌总数的不合格率进行统计分析可知,组间无差异,P>0.05;将铜绿假单胞菌的检出率和大肠菌群的不合格率进行统计分析可知,组间存在差异,P<0.05;同时研究发现,经过饮水机处理的桶装饮用水铜绿假单胞菌检出率为45.45%,显著高于未经过饮水机处理的桶装饮用水(17.86%),组间比较结果存在差异, P<0.05。结论2014年-2015年沈阳市康平县桶装饮用水中存在铜绿假单胞菌污染现象,为保证水质安全以及保障消费者的生命健康,相关部门应加强对桶装饮用水水质的监督管理。  相似文献   

目的 对我院重症监护病房2008-2009年送检标本检出院内感染病原菌的种类及耐药性变化进行分析,为临床诊疗提供指导.方法 根据微生物常规检测方法对重症监护病房所送检标本进行分离培养,所培养出的病原菌用VITEK-compact-2进行鉴定,采用K-B法进行体外药物敏感试验. 结果 病原菌检出率较高的菌有铜绿假单胞菌、鲍曼不动杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、白色念珠菌等,所送检标本阳性率以呼吸道标本居多.结论 重症监护病房所分离出的病原菌中鲍曼不动杆菌、铜绿假单胞菌的耐药性在逐年增高,建议临床注意合理使用抗生素,加强感染控制措施.  相似文献   

The objective of the current paper is to report a new case of sexual murder involving human arson and summarize the literature on the phenomenon of sexual homicide. The present case study is unprecedented in Greece and a rarity in international literature due to the fact that the victim suffered genital mutilation and incineration while still alive. The evaluation consisted of 176 articles; 53 were reviewed by the authors. The results revealed sparse, but significant, research findings. The authors discuss the limitations regarding research, incidence of the phenomenon, crime-scene patterns, offender characteristics (killing methods, motive inferences, sociodemographic data, classifications, psychopathology, modus operandi), and victim selection. The incidence of the phenomenon is unclear (1–4%) due to non-standardized criteria. It is an expression of displaced anger or sexual sadism and/or a way to elude detection (ancillary benefit). Most offenders (in their first kill) and victims were in their late 20s to early 30s and belong to Caucasian populations. Personal weapons were commonly used against women, strangulation is the prevalent killing method against children, and firearms against men. Most of the sexual homicide perpetrators are non-psychotic at the time of the attack, but experience personality pathology, primitive defenses, pathological object relations, and withdrawal into fantasy in order to deal with social isolation.  相似文献   



Examine how the modelling of the relation between power and time to exhaustion can provide an estimation of the production of aerobic and anaerobic energy during intense exercise.

Current knowledge

The hyperbolic model made it possible to define the critical power corresponding to the maximal rate of energy renewed by aerobic metabolism. A new model distinguishing the critical power from the maximal aerobic power has been built to estimate more precisely the anaerobic contribution. Data from middle distance runners and subjects tested on cycle ergometer showed a relative contribution of anaerobic metabolism arising from critical power and increasing until around 10 % of total power when aerobic energy production reaches its maximum.


Considering the slow component of oxygen uptake would provide a more precise analysis of energy production and transformation during exercise at high intensity.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Aus 160 Obduktionen von Fußgängern, die durch PKW getötet worden waren, sind 50 nach folgenden Gesichtspunkten ausgewählt worden:Auffahrunfälle Erwachsener mit gesicherten Angaben in den Gerichtsakten über Fahrzeugbeschädigungen, Zusammenstoßstellen, Endlage der Fußgänger und Bremsspuren. Aus diesen Daten wurden Ausgangs- und Aufprallgeschwindigkeiten berechnet sowie die Wurfweite der Fußgänger gemessen.Die Ausgangsgeschwindigkeiten, nach der Berechnung zwischen 32 und 95 km/h, lagen meistens etwas höher als die angegebenen Geschwindigkeiten. Zwischen Ausgangs- und Aufprallgeschwindigkeiten waren die Differenzen größer. Ab 12 km/h Aufprallgeschwindigkeit kam es bereits zu tödlichen Verletzungen. Auffallend ist die zweigipfelige Verteilung der Häufigkeit sowohl bei der Einteilung nach den Aufprallgeschwindigkeiten als auch nach den Deformationsarbeiten (Aufprallgeschwindigkeit: 26% bei 51–60 km/h und 22% bei 21 bis 30 km/h; Deformationsarbeit: 34% bei 39–200 kpm und 30% bei 701–1000 kpm).Bei Aufprallgeschwindigkeiten über 50 km/h wurden doppelt so viel Knochenbrüche an der Wirbelsäule und am Becken als bei Aufprallgeschwindigkeiten unter 50 km/h festgestellt.Bei 44 Fußgängerunfällen lag ein Drittel innerhalb der Erwartungsgrenze der Wurfweite nach Fiala, je ein Drittel aber darüber bzw, darunter.Das Beschädigungsbild und die Anstoßverletzungen geben Hinweise zur Ermittlung der Aufprallgeschwindigkeit, vor allem wenn weitere Berechnungsgrundlagen fehlen.
Summary Fifty cases were selected from 160 autopsies performed on pedestrians who were accidentally killed by private motorcars; the cases were selected according to the following criteria:The cases were confined to impact accidents involving adults in which reliable evidence could be gathered from the Court records in relation to damage to the car, the place of collision, the final position of the injured pedestrian and the extent of skidmarks. The initial and collision speeds of the cars were calculated from these facts and the distance of projection of the pedestrians were measured.The initial speeds, calculated between 32 and 95 km/h, were, in most cases, higher than the declared speeds. The differences between initial and collision speeds were larger. Fatal injuries could arise from a collision velocity of only 12 km/h. A striking feature of the analysis was the distribution of two peaks of frequency whether these were classified according to the collision speeds or according to the deformation of the vehicle (collision speed: 26% at the speed of 51 to 60 km/h and 22% at the speed of 21 to 30 km/h; deformation work: 34% at the deformation work of 39 to 200 kpm and 30% at the deformation work of 701 to 1,000 kpm).Twice as many fractures of the vertebral column and pelvis were sustained at collision speeds over 50 km/h as were sustained under 50 km/h.In one third of 44 pedestrian accidents, the distance of projection was within the expected range described by Fiala; in one third the distance was above and in one third below the expected range.If additional data for calculation were lacking, the patterns in injury arising from the impacts gave indications from which it was possible to estimate the collision speed.
Stipendiat der Alexander v. Humboldt-Stiftung, Dozent Dr. med. S. Kamiyama, Dept. of Legal Medicine, School of Medicine, Chiba University, 313 Inohanacho, Chiba, Japan.  相似文献   

Fractures of the hip and pelvis are frequent and serious injuries in elderly patients. Due to the aging population, their incidence should double by 2050. Therefore, the social and economical implications of these fractures are significant. Delay in diagnosis increases the associated morbidity and mortality. The purpose is to review the imaging features of these fractures, the imaging techniques (projections, CT) to depict them and their classification based on severity.  相似文献   

目的应用256iCT对正常人左心室结构和功能相关指标进行定量研究,分析各指标与年龄和性别的关系。方法搜集506例行256iCT冠状动脉CTA结果正常的患者的影像资料;所有患者近6个月无心血管疾病病史。对原始图像进行多期重组,确定左心室舒张末期及收缩末期,分别对左心室舒张末期和收缩末期的室间隔厚度(septal wall thickness,SWT)、左室后壁厚度(posterior wall thickness,PWT)、左室宽径(LV inner diameter,LVID)、舒张末期容积(end-diastolic volume,EDV)、收缩末期容积(end-systolic volume,ESV)、每搏输出量(stroke volume,SV)和射血分数(ejection fraction,EF)进行测量和计算,并进行相关统计学处理。结果左心室舒张末期SWT、PWT、LVID 95%参考值范围分别为:4.4~12.1 mm,4.0~14.0 mm,28.1~60.8 mm。左心室收缩末期SWT、PWT、LVID 95%参考值分别为:6.2~15.7 mm,7.9~20.8 mm,18.1~46.3 mm。EDV、ESV、SV、EF 95%参考值范围分别为:55.9~165.7 ml,20.9~75.9 ml,25.8~98.6 ml,39.8%~78.3%。收缩期LVID和舒张期LVID值不同年龄组之间差异有统计学差异(P<0.05),并且随着年龄增长有增大趋势。收缩期SWT、舒张期SWT、收缩期PWT、舒张期PWT以及EF值有随着年龄增长而增大的趋势,同时EDV、ESV、SV值随着年龄增长有减小的趋势,但以上各指标在不同年龄组之间的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。不同性别组分析显示除EF值无统计学差异以外,其余各指标均有统计学差异(P<0.05),且男性组各参数均大于女性组。结论初步制定了左心室形态、功能相关参数的正常参考值,为临床诊断、危险评级及预后判断提供有意义信息。  相似文献   

目的 将动脉自旋标记成像(ASL)与动态磁敏感对比增强灌注成像(DSC-PWI)进行对比分析,探讨ASL在烟雾病患者中的临床应用价值.方法 对32例烟雾病患者同时行ASL与DSC-PWI检查并获得ASL及PWI灌注伪彩图.在半卵圆中心、丘脑、小脑幕平面分别观察双侧大脑前动脉、大脑中动脉、大脑后动脉供血区灌注情况并进行评分(正常记为0,显示低灌注记为1).比较ASL-CBF与PWI-CBF、MTT、TTP诊断低灌注的差异.结果 Spearman检验显示,ASL-CBF低灌注得分(209)与PWI-CBF(206)、MTT(223)、TTP(215)之间高度相关(相关系数分别为0.78、0.83、0.86,P值均<0.001).以TTP为标准,ASL诊断低灌注的敏感性为92.6%,特异性为93.5%,准确性为92.9%.结论 ASL技术可较真实地反映烟雾病患者的脑血流灌注状态.  相似文献   

We report on a rare, calcified, plasma cell tumor of the spine causing progressive myelopathy. Other unusual features were the lack of an osseous lesion at the site of the mass, considerable calcified amyloid within the mass but no identifiable amyloid elsewhere, and normal serum immunoelectrophoresis. Received: 12 February 1999 Revision requested: 18 March 1999 Revision received: 19 April 1999 Accepted: 20 April 1999  相似文献   

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