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We report a sudden death of an infant due to mirtazapine poisoning. A 15-day-old newborn boy was found dead when he was sleeping beside his mother who had suffered from panic disorder for approximately 1 year. After giving birth, she complained of palpitations and shaky hands, and was prescribed mirtazapine. The deceased newborn weighed 3,282 g and his height was 55 cm. There were no autopsy findings related to the death. The mirtazapine concentration as quantitated by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis was 620 ng/mL in right heart blood, and was approximately 10 times higher than the therapeutic level in adults. Because transfer of mirtazapine into breast milk is low, mirtazapine was likely administered intentionally to the newborn. Based on the newborn’s immature renal, liver, and blood–brain barrier function, the cause of death was attributed to mirtazapine poisoning. Poison-related homicide in the infant is rare. We report the first case of intentional mirtazapine poisoning case in a newborn.  相似文献   

In order to accurately diagnose child abuse or neglect, a physician needs to be familiar with diseases and medical conditions that can simulate maltreatment. Unrecognized cases of abuse may lead to insufficient child protection, whereas, on the other hand, over-diagnosis could be the cause of various problems for the family and their potentially accused members.Regarding child abuse, numerous cases of false diagnoses with undetected causes of bleeding are described in the scientific literature, but, specifically concerning leukemia in childhood, only very few case reports exist.Here, for the first time, we report a case of a 2-year-old boy who got hospitalized twice because of suspicious injuries and psychosocial conspicuities, in a family situation known for repeated endangerment of the child’s well-being. After his first hospitalization with injuries typical for child abuse, but without paraclinical abnormalities, medical inspections were arranged periodically. The child was hospitalized with signs of repeated child abuse again five months later. During second admission, an acute lymphoblastic leukemia was revealed by intermittent laboratory examination, ordered due to new bruises with changes in morphology, identifiable as petechial hemorrhages.This case elucidates the discussion of known cases of leukemia in childhood associated with suspected child abuse in order to provide an overview of possible diseases mimicking maltreatment. To arrange necessary supportive examinations, a skillful interaction between pediatrician and forensic pathologist is crucial in the differentiation between accidental and non-accidental injury.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS) in the anterior tibial (AT) compartment is generally believed to be the result of reduced venous blood flow caused by restrictive compartments and increased intramuscular pressures. If this is so, then restricting venous flow in the muscles of healthy subjects during exercise should mimic CECS. METHODS: This hypothesis was tested in 10 control subjects (aged 19-41 yr, five males) with and without external venous occlusion induced by a sphygmomanometer cuff fitted just below the knee and inflated to 80 mm Hg. Twenty CECS patients (20-39 yr, 16 males) were studied without external occlusion. Subjects performed intermittent, isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) of the AT for 20 min (1.6-s contractions, 0.5 duty cycle). MVC, tetanic force (2 s at 50 Hz), muscle thickness (ultrasound imaging), and pain were measured during exercise and 10 min of recovery. RESULTS: Venous occlusion in the controls induced greater pain, fatigue, and increase in muscle thickness (P < 0.01). Initially the patients fatigued more slowly than the occluded controls, but at the end of exercise, the fatigue and pain were similar in these two groups. The controls showed a greater increase in muscle size (P = 0.01). Recovery was similar in all three groups, although the size of the patients' muscles recovered rather more slowly. CONCLUSION: External venous occlusion of the AT muscles in control subjects induces changes very similar to those of CECS patients, although the different time courses indicate that different processes are involved. The AT compartment of CECS patients is capable of distension.  相似文献   

Paraneoplastic syndromes are symptom complexes that cannot be readily explained by local or distant spread of the tumor. They can occur due to hormone production, autoimmunity or other biologically active products produced by the tumor, etc. Tumor induced osteomalacia is a rare paraneoplastic syndrome in which the manifestation is mainly musculoskeletal such as bone pain, fractures and muscle weakness as a consequence of elaboration of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) by the tumor.Most of these tumors are solitary and small and hence localization of these tumors is often challenging. This review summarizes the various anatomic imaging modalities such as plain radiographs, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear medicine imaging techniques in the evaluation of these tumors.  相似文献   

Objective  To evaluate the technical feasibility of performing elbow MR arthrography via a posterior approach through the triceps. Materials and methods  The images of 19 patients with elbow MR arthrography via a posterior transtriceps approach were retrospectively studied. The injections were performed by four musculoskeletal radiologists, using fluoroscopic guidance and a 22- or 25-gauge needle. The fluoroscopic and subsequent MR images were reviewed by two musculoskeletal radiologists and evaluated for adequacy of joint capsular distention, degree and location of contrast leakage, and presence of gas bubbles. Results  The injection was diagnostic in all 19 patients, with a sufficient amount of contrast agent seen in the elbow joint. No significant contrast leakage occurred in 12 patients who received injections of 8 cc or less of contrast agent, but moderate contrast leakage occurred in 6/7 patients who received injections of greater than 8 cc. Contrast leakage generally occurred within the triceps myotendinous junction. No gas bubbles were identified in the injected joints. Conclusion  Patients often present for MR arthrography of the elbow with medial or lateral elbow pain. Contrast leakage during a radiocapitellar approach may complicate evaluation of the lateral collateral ligament or the common extensor tendon origin. Transtriceps MR arthrography offers an alternative to the more commonly used radiocapitellar approach. With injected volumes not exceeding 8 cc, the risk of significant contrast leakage is small. An advantage of the transtriceps injection is that contrast leakage through the posterior needle tract does not interfere with evaluation of the lateral structures.  相似文献   

The lightning strike is one of leading cases of weather-related death worldwide. We present an unusual case of four fatality-lightning strike with various pathological manifestations. All victims died from a single lightning strike in the mountains that also caused injury to 156 other people. All victims had mechanical damage and rock damage that are typical for lightning strikes in the mountainside. Another lesions indicative of lightning strike and electrical damage were, among others: burnt and torn clothes (all cases) current marks (Cases 1, 2 and 3) and Lichtenberg figures along with flashover marks on Case 1. In the review we described the pathophysiological mechanisms of lightning-induced lesions and injuries and epidemiological trends of lightning-strike deaths. Our study exemplifies various manifestations of lightning strikes on forensic examination and underlines the necessity to take lightning strike into consideration when investigating open-air deaths of unclear origin.  相似文献   



Combination of both morphological and functional information has gained more and more appreciation with the concept of “functionally relevant coronary artery lesion (FRCAL)” and “functional revascularization”. This has paved the way for non-invasive single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)/computed tomography angiography (CTA) hybrid imaging. We aimed at assessing the value of cardiac hybrid imaging on the detection of FRCAL and its potential as a gatekeeper for invasive examination and treatment.


In Two hundred and thirty-eight patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) underwent CTA and myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) using SPECT on a dual system scanner in one session before treatment. 78 patients underwent invasive coronary angiography (CAG) within 1 month. Detection of FRCAL by the combination of SPECT/CTA was compared with SPECT/CAG, which served as a standard of reference. According to the both combination results, treatment decision (revascularization or medical treatment) was chosen in the catheterization laboratory.


Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive and negative prediction rate by SPECT/CTA vs. SPECT/CAG for the detection of flow-limiting coronary stenosis on patient- and vessel-based analysis were 94.33, 72.00, 87.18, 87.71, 85.71 % and 88.71, 92.44, 91.45, 80.89, 95.78 %, respectively. No revascularization procedures were performed in patients without flow-limiting stenosis. However, more than one-third (25/67, 37 %) of revascularized vessels were not associated with ischemia on MPI.


The cardiac SPECT/CTA hybrid imaging can accurately detect FRCAL and thereby it may be used as a gatekeeper for CAG and revascularization procedures.  相似文献   

We report a case of Churg–Strauss syndrome (CSS) associated with coronary artery involvement, as demonstrated on coronary CT angiography (CCTA), without specific cardiac symptoms. A 69-year-old male had an 8-year history of bronchial asthma and chronic sinusitis with hypereosinophilia (35 %), polyneuropathy, and a positive antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody titer, so he was diagnosed with CSS. The patient had no specific cardiac symptoms, but CCTA showed vasculitis and a saccular aneurysm involving the proximal coronary arteries. The 3-year follow-up CCTA demonstrated an increase in the extent of soft-tissue wall thickening and infiltration involving the coronary arteries. Although vasculitis of the major coronary arteries is not a prominent feature of CSS, our case suggests that the coronary arteries may also be targeted in this syndrome.  相似文献   

In the early morning a 28-year-old man was found lying on the tracks of a railway station with head injuries and fractures of the cervical spine resulting in permanent quadriplegia. He was in a club about 1 km away until about 2 h earlier and did not have any recollection of what could have happened. Was he the victim of an assault, did he fall down or was he hit by a passing train? The solution to this “mystery” came from a forensic evaluation that included the forensic branches of pathology, chemistry, merceology and genetics as well as the scene evaluation. Through these different steps, the role of a railway collision in determining the injuries was ascertained and a possible dynamic was postulated. The presented case is an expression of the importance of the different forensic disciplines and the difficulties the forensic pathologist encounters when analysing such peculiar and rare cases.  相似文献   

We presented a case of a 57-year-old female, who was tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection and was admitted to a hospital seven days later with signs of early pneumonia. The second day after her admission to the hospital, and nine days after the first positive PCR test, examination showed progressive ascendant weakness of the arms and legs with persisting paresthesia, lab tests showed increased concentration of proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid with albumino-cytological dissociation. She was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). She was on low-flow oxygen support of 3 L/min, with good oxygen saturation (97–99%), without clinical or radiological progression of pneumonia. After receiving a negative PCR test for COVID-19 (11 days after the initial, positive test), four days after admission, she was set to be transferred to a specialized neurology clinic, however, she died unexpectedly during admission. The autopsy showed light to moderate lung edema, signs of moderate to severe coronary atherosclerosis and early myocardial ischemia. Histochemical and immunohistochemical staining of the peripheral nerves sampled from the cervical and brachial plexuses, showed foci of demyelination as well as infiltration with inflammatory cells, predominantly macrophages, and lymphocytes to a lesser degree. It was concluded that the causes of death were a breathing disorder and the paralysis of the diaphragm due to inflammatory polyneuropathy caused by GBS, initiated by SARS-CoV-2 infection. With the lack of similar autopsy cases, we believe that the presented case could be a valuable addition to the understanding of GBS development in SARS-CoV-2 related cases.  相似文献   

In 2005, the European Society of Cardiology published recommendations for cardiovascular screening in athletes. Discussion on whether screening is beneficial is ongoing. Recently, the first prospective results on effectiveness of screening in preventing sudden deaths were published from Italy. The results were supportive of screening, but did not provide conclusive evidence. Our suggestion for a Nordic approach on this issue is a directed cardiovascular examination initially involving elite athletes, because this is feasible with respect to the Nordic health care systems and the organization and logistics of elite competitive sports, but also because of the negative aspects of screening large populations. This directed cardiovascular examination would include personal and family history, clinical examination, and electrocardiography (ECG). Further examinations should thereafter be carried out in athletes with suggestive findings in the initial evaluation. The directed cardiovascular examination should be voluntary. It should be conducted at least once, with information on alarming symptoms (syncope, chest pain or dizziness during exercise) and heredity (sudden cardiac death or hereditary heart disease in near relatives) stressed to the athlete as indications for necessary check-ups in the future. The examination would also provide the athlete with an ECG recording, which is valuable as a reference at a later time.  相似文献   



Molecular imaging with 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) has been used in Parkinson??s disease (PD), but there is no consensual index to discriminate between normal and PD patients in the Caucasian population. The purpose of this study was to determine diagnostic cutoff points in the quantification of MIBG cardiac uptake in our population of PD patients. We have also calculated the reproducibility over a range of interpretation expertise.


The study included 14 PD patients and 14 normal age- and sex-matched controls. Heart to mediastinum ratios (H/M) were calculated at 15?min (H/M15m) and 4?h (H/M4h) post-injection by three observers with different interpretation expertise, one of whom drew the regions of interest at three different times. The intraobserver and interobserver reliability was calculated (interclass correlation coefficient and coefficient of variability). Diagnosis was estimated by maximizing the Youden index for H/M and washout ratios. Discrimination ability was assessed by the area under the curve (AUC). Sensitivity and specificity were reported, using our thresholds.


The parameter with the best diagnostic accuracy was the H/M4h ratio, with a major AUC (0.976 area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve). The threshold was 1.43 with a 95% confidence interval of 1.37?C1.50. Using this threshold, the sensitivity and specificity were 93 and 100%. The interobserver and intraobserver variabilities measuring this ratio were 3.2 and 3.1%, respectively.


The diagnostic cutoff point for 123I-MIBG myocardial scintigraphy in a Caucasian population with PD was 1.43 for the H/M4h index, with a good sensitivity and specificity. The technique is easy to use, with a good reproducibility over a range of interpretation expertise.  相似文献   

Primary Sj?gren syndrome (SjS) has a comparatively good prognosis except when it is complicated by non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. We performed an autopsy on a young female patient with primary SjS who had died suddenly during a meal, and we discuss the relationship between primary SjS and the cause of death. Eosinophilic change of the cardiomyocytes and severe arteriolosclerosis were observed within the myocardium. In the conduction system, lymphocyte infiltration was detected in the bundle of His, in addition to arteriosclerosis in the sinoatrial node and atrioventricular node arteries. The cause of death was diagnosed as ischaemic heart disease induced by arteriolosclerosis: its development can probably be attributed mostly to primary SjS. It should thus be kept in mind that primary SjS can occasionally result in the development of cardiovascular complications, such as ischaemic heart disease, as well as systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Aim: To analyse the content of the curricula of radiographic reporting courses in six established sites.Methods: The structures of the six courses were examined by analysis of course materials from the educational institutions. Two sample course documents were scrutinized initially in order to identify major themes. From the information gathered a 27-point questionnaire was developed and distributed to the six educational sites.Results: The data showed the institutions to be placing great importance on meeting the needs of the clinical departments and their patients. Variations were noted in course content, award and measurement of competence.Conclusions: The paper provides an overview of an important paradigm shift in the role of diagnostic radiographers. It is clear that the development of reporting courses should involve close links between academic and clinical sites, with an emphasis on team work.  相似文献   

International Journal of Legal Medicine - Aortic rupture or dissection as immediate cause of sudden death is encountered in forensic and clinical autopsy practice. Despite a common denominator of...  相似文献   

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