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临床心理学是通过心理学理论和方法解决人们的心理困扰。目前国内的心理咨询与心理治疗基本是参照或模仿西方心理学理论和方法。事实上,中医学是最早将心理学与医学很好相结合的一门学科,它将心-身统一的理论运用在医学理论及临床治疗中,强调心身合一、形神兼治,在诊断和治疗中遵循脏腑与情绪相关、四诊合参等理论,  相似文献   

问题与启示:标签理论视野下的戒毒工作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
标签理论是一种分析越轨行为产生的社会学理论。吸毒是一种性质极其严重的越轨行为,已经构成了违法。近年来,随着毒品的曰益泛滥,吸毒俨然成为一种社会问题,而由于各种主客观的原因,戒毒工作开展得举步维艰。本文试图从标签理论出发,考察中国目前戒毒工作的现状,发现其中的问题和不足,并尝试总结标签理论中对戒毒工作的一些启示。  相似文献   

目的:提出理论流行病学库室模型理论方法。方法:建立理论流行病学一阶库室模型理论:疗法和语言。结果:利用理论流行病学一阶库室模型理论方法重建和改进了Meuch.H的催化模型,克服了催化模型存在的仅适用感染力恒定、封闭系统的单类型流行病学状态的问题。结论:提出的理论流行病学库室模型理论方法,改进后的催化模型可称为广义催化模型,并给出此模型的理论分析。该模型可用于放射性物质在自然界的转移、处理和分析。  相似文献   

临床实习的特点是医学基本理论与临床诊疗实践的紧密相连,其重要性在于应用基本理论指导临床实践,在临床实践中加深对基本理论的理解、强化,目的是在理论与实践之间架起桥梁,促进理论与实践的牢固结合,促进医学生向医生的转化。以下就笔者从事的耳鼻咽喉科的临床实习带教谈几点体会。  相似文献   

简述药物警戒理论在药品不良反应监测理论基础上发展的历史进程,指出药物警戒理论本身还不完善,要在提高药品安全性方面发挥现实作用,有许多问题需要进一步研究解决。  相似文献   

五味作为中药药性理论的核心内容,近年来有许多学者从不同方面对中药五味理论进行一系列的研究。由于传统中医药理论与现代药学思维方式和认识途径存在差异,导致人们对于中药五味药性理论的认识不尽相同。从中药五味的源流,哲学思想对五味属性的推演以及四气、归经、升降浮沉、功效与五味的联系对中药五味药性理论的脉络进行梳理,进一步从真实滋味和功效属性两方面对中药五味药性的现代研究进行探讨,通过探究五味的真实滋味的标定及五味物质基础与功效的关联关系,对其进行客观的描述,以期寻求一种更加科学化的现代方法阐明中药五味药性理论。  相似文献   

关于塔板理论的进一步讨论王东援,孙毓庆,王延琮沈阳药科大学基础部110015塔板理论虽然在色谱教学中占有一席之地,但似乎并未得到应有的重视.传统看法认为这一理论无法揭示动力学因素对色谱过程的影响,致使这一理论长期处于被贬低的地位.表面上看,塔板理论在...  相似文献   

非水滴定中汞污染问题及解决方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘翔  程泽能 《中南药学》2010,8(9):695-697
非水酸碱滴定以Bronsted酸碱质子理论为基础。该理论认为,在溶液中凡能供给质子的化合物或离子是酸,凡能接受质子的化合物或离子是碱”一。这一理论对酸碱的定义虽然十分简单,但含义深刻、内容广泛、体系严谨,尤其能很好地说明溶剂在酸碱体系中的行为和作用,是指导“非水酸碱滴定”的理论基础。  相似文献   

叶青  郑莉 《中国基层医药》2012,(17):2713-2714
动机性访谈由Miller博士于1983年首先提出的,最早被应用于戒酒行为的改变,随后发展成系统理论,被越来越多地应用于慢性病管理。行为转变理论模式(TTM)是由美国学者Prochaska和Diclemente提出的,以社会心理学为理论基础,着眼于行为变化过程及对象需求,通过多方面引导,改变人们的日常不良行为模式。  相似文献   

护理理论、护理实践、护理研究的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1护理理论 1.1护理理论19世纪中期现代护理学的始祖南丁格尔开护理理论之先河,护理理论发展于20世纪60年代早期,有3种主要的方法发现护理理论:①借入法:从其他学科借来的理论再结合到护理学科中;②归纳法:从护理实践的情景中归纳总结出来;③推断法:由一个概念体系发展产生。  相似文献   

The effects of prazosin and yohimbine on pressor responses to sympathetic nerve stimulation and intravenous injections of noradrenaline, phenylephrine and clonidine were examined in pithed rats to determine the postjunctional location of alpha 2-adrenoceptors in the vascular smooth muscle. Prazosin antagonized the pressor responses to phenylephrine and to sympathetic nerve stimulation more effectively than the responses to noradrenaline and to clonidine. Yohimbine antagonized the pressor responses to noradrenaline and to clonidine more effectively than the responses to sympathetic nerve stimulation and to phenylephrine. These results suggest that alpha 2-adrenoceptors as well as alpha 1-adrenoceptors produce vasoconstriction in the rat vasculature and support the hypothesis that alpha 1-adrenoceptors are predominantly located within the neuroeffector junction in contrast to an extrajunctional location of alpha 2-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

《Drug and alcohol review》2018,37(Z1):S218-S222
Introduction and Aims. There is widespread concern about the nature, extent and impacts of lobbying by industries selling unhealthy commodities, which threatens public health and undermines important democratic processes. In the last decade, all Australian jurisdictions (except the Northern Territory) have established lobbyist registers with the stated objective of increasing the capacity of government and the public to scrutinise lobbying. Our aim was to assess whether the registers are fulfilling this objective. Design and Methods. We conducted web searches of registers in Australian jurisdictions in 2014 and 2015 to determine what type of information they collected and whether data were accessible. We supplemented searches with e‐mails and phone calls to registrars to clarify policies and seek additional information. Results. We found that the data were lacking in critical details and historical information was difficult or impossible to obtain. None of the registers required in‐house lobbyists to register or to be bound by the Lobbying Codes of Conduct. None required that informal lobbying (e.g. by government relations staff within a company) be recorded, and none provided detailed information about the nature and extent of lobbying activities. Discussion and Conclusions. The registers do not meet the stated objective of making lobbying activity transparent to the Australian public. Timely access to comprehensive information is essential to help promote the rational development of policy concerning tobacco, alcohol and gambling problems. There is an urgent need to reform lobbyist registers to ensure that they are comprehensive and transparent.  相似文献   

Yufang Sun  Chen Zheng  Bo Xu 《中国药学》2020,29(5):355-363
This article aims to discuss strategies to operate Moflo XDP high-speed sorting equipment for cell sorting and optimize the instrument to run in the best operating state. Using fluorescent microspheres to quickly calibrate the position of the main liquidflow and the laser beam, adjust the amplitude and frequency according to different size CytoNozzles to find the best breakoff point, and adjust the four-way side flow to achieve the stable maintaining of the equipment, so as to quickly sort sample at high-speed. The absence of air bubbles in the sheath liquid barrel and the liquid path is the key to achieving a stable sorting-maintaining in the sorting process. The accurate calculation of the breakoff point and drop delay is the key to improve sorting efficiency and cell activity.  相似文献   

孙煜  吕思伊  魏曼 《中国药事》2018,32(9):1264-1270
目的:为全面理解原料药GMP认证相关标准,提高生产企业对原料药生产规范的认识和检查员的检查水平。方法:对2016年至2017年湖北省原料药现场检查中主要缺陷进行统计分析,对GMP认证中主要缺陷项目进行分类总结。结果与结论:通过共性问题,结合原料药产品的本身特点,建议加强各岗位操作人员培训,落实培训效果;合理设计厂房,加强硬件系统的改造;严格把关物料,做好溶剂回收工作;注重细节,有针对性做好确认与验证工作;文件管理系统化,记录填写规范化;引入风险管理,贯彻执行生产全过程管理;重视变更和偏差管理,提高质量意识;建立职业化检查员队伍。  相似文献   

The effects of combinations of tubocarine and physostigmine, and of physostigmine and edrophonium alone, have been studied on the responses of the chick biventer cervicis muscle to nerve stimulation and to exogenous acetylcholine. The effects of hexamethonium, tetraethylammonium and triethylcholine have also been studied on the dose-response curves for acetylcholine, determined in the presence of low concentrations of physostigmine.Suitable combinations of tubocurarine and physostigmine reduced responses of the muscle to nerve stimulation, whilst leaving the responses to acetylcholine unaffected, whereas physostigmine and edrophonium augmented responses to acetylcholine, whilst leaving responses to nerve stimulation unaffected. These results indicate that the multiply innervated fibres of the muscle are particularly sensitive to inhibition of cholinesterase.Hexamethonium, tetraethylammonium and triethylcholine, drugs that are known to exhibit actions similar to that of the combination of tubocurarine and physostigmine, and also to possess anticholinesterase activity, depressed responses to acetylcholine determined in the presence of concentrations of physostigmine sufficiently low to possess a specific inhibitory action on cholinesterase. The results indicate that the neuromuscular block produced by large concentrations of these drugs is probably post-junctional in origin.  相似文献   

目的总结对20例下肢动脉栓塞介入诊疗术患者采取护理干预后的护理效果。方法对患者进行针对性术前心理支持及干预,术中术后精心护理,康复期的功能锻炼,生活习惯等进行护理干预。结果患者在护理干预下积极配合治疗,临床治疗效果满意。结论对下肢动脉栓塞介入术患者进行切实有效的护理干预能减轻患者的心理负担,术中术后的精心护理观察,术后患肢锻炼的正确指导,对促进患者早日康复,提高患者生活质量有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的分析腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC) 中转开腹及近期再手术原因并探讨中转开腹时机。方法回顾性分析我院850例LC中49例中转开腹及10例术后近期再手术临床资料。结果 LC 中转开腹手术原因: 胆囊三角解剖欠清、胆囊粘连32例,腹腔内出血6例,胆管损伤4例,发现胃癌1例,意外胆囊癌2例,胆总管结石3例,腹腔镜器械原因1例。近期再次手术原因: 肝总管横断损伤及胆囊管根部损伤各1例,迷走胆管漏2例,胆总管结石残留 3 例,腹腔出血 3例。结论选择合适病例,严格掌握中转开腹时机,就可以减少LC并发症的发生。  相似文献   

Both the prevention and attenuation of chronic heart failure (CHF) are important issues for cardiologists. There are three different strategies to prevent patients from deleterious sequels. The first strategy is to remove the causes of CHF if possible; the second is to attenuate the events that may lead to CHF, such as myocardial ischaemia and reperfusion injury, cardiomyopathy and myocarditis, cardiac hypertrophy and ventricular remodelling; the third is to prevent or attentuate the progression of CHF. Adenosine has a number of actions which merit it as a possible cardioprotective and therapeutic agent for CHF. Firstly, adenosine induces collateral circulation via inducing growth factors and triggering ischaemic preconditioning, both of which induce ischaemic tolerance in advance. Adenosine is also known to reduce the release of noradrenaline, production of endothelin and attenuate the activation of renin-angiotensin system all of which are believed to cause cardiac hypertrophy and remodelling. Secondly, exogenous adenosine is known to reduce the severity of ischaemia and reperfusion injury. Thirdly, adenosine is reported to counteract neurohumoral factors, i.e., cytokine systems, known to be related to the pathophysiology of CHF. Recently, we revealed that adenosine metabolism is changed in patients with CHF and increases in adenosine levels may aid to reduce the severity of CHF. Thus, there are many potential mechanisms for cardioprotection attributable to adenosine and we postulate the use of adenosine therapy will be beneficial in patients with CHF.  相似文献   

手术患者应激反应对免疫功能的影响及护理干预措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为了减轻各种生理和心理性的伤害刺激引起神经、内分泌、免疫和代谢紊乱等全身性应激反应,严重或长期的应激反应导致的手术患者免疫功能抑制,杜绝诱发伤口感染、手术伤口愈合缓慢、功能恢复缓慢等问题。方法针对应激诱导免疫抑制的发生机制,对手术患者采取去除应激源、降低应激反应强度、心理治疗和行为训练、免疫调节药物治疗和营养支持等护理干预措施。结果有效防治应激反应诱导免疫功能抑制。可有助于手术患者的恢复。结论通过对手术患者生理和心理应激反应采用护理干预措施,杜绝了伤口感染、使患者伤口愈合快,功能恢复好。  相似文献   

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