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为了进一步研究昆虫的生态学问题,我们探索了应用放射性磷P~(32)来标誌几种昆虫的方法。在我院农业生物物理研究室中标誌了黏虫、三化螟虫和赤眼卵蜂。这三种昆虫具有不同的生活习性。研究这几种昆虫的标誌方法,对今后进一步的工作是很有帮助的。1.黏虫我们于成虫期和幼虫期标誌了黏虫。成虫的标誌方法是利用成虫取食糖  相似文献   

当归作为伞形科植物当归Angelicae sinensis(Oliv.)Diels的干燥根可入药[1],是甘肃省道地药材,尤以岷县产量多质量好[2]。味甘、辛,性温。具有补血活血、调经止痛和润燥滑肠等功效[3-4]。当归不仅有药用价值,还可煲汤、炖肉及泡酒,有很大的食用价值,本文根据《食品安全性毒理学评价程序和方法》(GB15193)对当归提取物进行安全性评价.  相似文献   

伞形科当归属植物法落海(Angelicaapaensis Shan et Yuan Sp.nov.,阿坝当归)分布于云南东北部高寒山区,如东川等地,系多年生草本植物,药用其干燥根,以根条粗肥,气香浓而握之香气染手久留不散者为佳。味辛,性温、有理气、舒胃之效,民间广泛用于治疗肠胃气痛、腹胀、外感咳喘及头痛。中国科学院昆明植物研究所植物化学研究室孙汉董等对法落海的化学进行了详细的研究,从法落海干燥根茎中提出以氧化前胡素为主的六种呋喃型香豆素化合物:1.氧化前胡素(oxypeucedanin)。2.异欧芹乙素(isoimperatorin)。3.氧化前胡素水合物(oxypeucedanin hydratc)。4.白当归素  相似文献   

当归的化学成分及药理作用研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当归作为中药中一类比较常见的药物,其来自多年生草本植物当归的根,在我国的应用历史悠久。近年来,随着中医的不断发展,医学界进一步加强对中药的研究,现代药理学研究发现当归不仅有活血、补血等药理作用,还具有抗菌、调节机体免疫功能、抗氧化等药理作用。为更清楚地弄清当归的化学成分和药理作用,本文查阅当归研究的相关文献,就当归化学成分及药理作用做一综述。  相似文献   

当归及其成分阿魏酸对小鼠免疫功能的影响   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
本文研究了当归及阿魏酸对小鼠免疫功能的影响,结果表明:当归(给药剂量分别为15g/kg和30g/kg)与阿魏酸(给药剂量分别为12.5mg/kg和25mg/kg)可明显地增加小鼠脾脏和胸腺重量,促进小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能、小鼠碳粒廓清速率、由SRBC致敏的小鼠血清溶血素的形成、小鼠抗体生成细胞的形成等.当归(剂量为3.25mg/ml)与阿魏酸(0.12mg/ml)可促进ConA诱导的小鼠脾淋巴细胞的增殖,其刺激指数分别为1.47和1.98.说明当归和阿魏酸对非特异性免疫、体液免疫和细胞免疫功能均有较强的促进作用.  相似文献   

当归的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
陈慧珍 《海峡药学》2008,20(8):83-85
目的 介绍有关当归的炮制研究、化学成分及药理作用,为深入研究当归提供参考.方法 对近年来国内外期刊中有关当归研究的文献,进行了检索和综述.结果 总结了当归的炮制研究、化学成分、药理作用以及临床应用的研究进展.结论 当归是一种极具开发价值的中药.  相似文献   

当归主要的活性物质为当归多糖,一般采用粗提、精提等多种分离技术来提取当归多糖.当归多糖具有丰富的生理活性,不仅对机体血液系统有明显作用,同时还具有抗肿瘤、增强免疫力、抗氧化、抗辐射等作用.本文综述了当归总多糖及其组分的结构、当归多糖的理化性质、分离纯化制备技术,以及当归多糖的生物学功能和制剂,同时提出了当归多糖的研究方向.  相似文献   

当归四种炮制品挥发油的含量测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张健 《淮海医药》2006,24(1):74-74
当归味甘、辛,性温.具有补血活血,调经止痛,润肠通便等作用[1].历代用药均因加工方法不同而用法各异.其生品质润长于补血、调经及润肠通便.酒炙品有增强活血散瘀的作用,多用于血瘀经闭,痛经,产生瘀滞腹痛,跌打损伤及风湿痹痛,经络不利等症.土炒品既能补血又不致滑肠,适用于血虚而又便溏的患者.当归炭有止血作用,可用于崩漏下血等症[2].由于当归的主要成分为挥发油、棕榈酸、维生素B12等,不同的炮制品在功效上的差异是否与挥发油含量有关尚未见详细的报道.为此,笔者就当归四种炮制品的挥发油的含量进行了检测并对比分析,报告如下.  相似文献   

目的 建立人参当归颗粒的薄层鉴别.方法 采用薄层层析法对人参当归颗粒中的人参,当归进行薄层色谱鉴别.结果 通过实验表明该法可作为人参当归颗粒中当归的特征鉴别 结论 本试验所确定的鉴别方法稳定可靠,能较为合理地对处方中各组分进行定性鉴别,重复性强,可作为人参当归颗粒的薄层鉴别.  相似文献   

正当归作为伞形科植物当归Angelicae sinensis(Oliv.)Diels的干燥根可入药[1],是甘肃省道地药材,尤以岷县产量多质量好[2]。味甘、辛,性温。具有补血活血、调经止痛和润燥滑肠等功效[3-4]。当归不仅有药用价值,还可煲汤、炖肉及泡酒,有很大的食用价值,本文根据《食品安全性毒理学评价程序和方法》(GB15193)对当归提取物进行安全性评价,为当归提  相似文献   

Background: Since the end of 2015, reports by service providers have indicated a new trend in kitchen (homemade) production of an injection drug prepared from an ephedrine-containing conifer bush that is indigenous to the region. Objective: The aim of this report is to describe an emerging new homemade psychoactive drug synthesized from the ephedra plant, and the drug consumption methods associated with its' use in the Eurasia. Methods: Focus groups conducted with 16 people, self-identified as injection drug users (IDU's) who reported at least one incidence of ephedra preparation injection during the previous 30-days. Results: Participants were male, mean age of 43 and mean length of drug use of 22.2 years. Participants identified “conifer vint” as the most frequently injected drug during the 30-day period preceding the focus group. The source plant of the drug identified, as “conifer vint” is plant-based ephedra extracted from a common conifer bush that grows wild and is pervasive in the region. The process of synthesis resembles the production of “vint” (conversion of ephedrine to methamphetamine by reduction) and involves several legal and widely available chemical precursors. The final product of the synthesis is a strong injectable CNS stimulant solution. Conclusions/Importance: The production and use of raw ephedra from a pervasive indigenous plant reflect a new trend in psychoactive drug preparation and use that warrants international attention and has global implications for emerging trends in drug use.  相似文献   

Refinement of micro- and nanofabrication in the semiconductor field has led to innovations in biomedical technologies. Nanotopography, in particular, shows great potential in facilitating drug delivery. The flexibility of fabrication techniques has created a diverse array of topographies that have been developed for drug delivery applications. Nanowires and nanostraws deliver drug cytosolically for in vitro and ex vivo applications. In vivo drug delivery is limited by the barrier function of the epithelium. Nanowires on microspheres increase adhesion and residence time for oral drug delivery, while also increasing permeability of the epithelium. Low aspect ratio nanocolumns increase paracellular permeability, and in conjunction with microneedles increase transdermal drug delivery of biologics in vivo. In summary, nanotopography is a versatile tool for drug delivery. It can deliver directly to cells or be used for in vivo delivery across epithelial barriers. This editorial highlights the application of nanotopography in the field of drug delivery.  相似文献   

Purpose. In previous papers, a linear relationship between drug particle size and drug percolation threshold was found in inert matrix tablets. The main objectives of the present work are: to study the influence of the excipient particle size on the drug percolation threshold and to investigate if the change in the drug percolation threshold is due either to the absolute or to the relative drug particle size. Methods. Matrix tablets have been prepared using KC1 (7 different particle size fractions) as a drug model and Eudragit® RS-PM (4 granulommetric fractions) as matrix forming material. In vitro release assays were carried out on the 66 lots of tablets. The drug percolation thresholds were estimated following the method of Bonny and Leuenberger. Results. The particle size of the excipient has shown an opposite effect to the drug size on the drug percolation threshold. Nevertheless, the influence of drug and excipient sizes on the drug percolation threshold are of the same magnitude. Conclusions. The drug percolation threshold depends linearly on the relative drug particle size. This finding is in agreement with percolation theory and can facilitate the use of the percolation threshold as a preformulation parameter to improve the pharmaceutical dosage forms design.  相似文献   

Purpose. The aim of the present work is to characterize in vitro drug permeation processes across Caco-2 monolayer and to identify the advantages of this cultured cell system in predicting in vivo drug absorption after oral administration. Methods. The passive permeability of various drugs through Caco-2 monolayer was measured using Ussing-type chambers and compared with that of the isolated rat jejunum and colon. The in vivo drug permeability to the intestinal membrane was estimated by means of an intestinal perfusion study using the rat jejunum. Results. In Caco-2 monolayer, drug permeability increased with increasing drug lipophilicity and showed a good linear relationship with the in vivo permeability. In contrast, in the isolated jejunum and colon, the permeability of high lipophilic drugs was almost constant and, propranolol, a drug with the highest lipophilicity, hardly passed through the jejunal membrane in vitro. As a result, there was no significant relationship between in vitro and in vivo drug permeability in rat jejunum. However, the amount of drugs accumulated in the jejunal mucosa increased with increasing drug lipophilicity even under the in vitro condition. Conclusions. The permeation and the accumulation studies suggested that the rate-limiting process of in vitro permeation of lipophilic drugs through the intestinal membrane differs from that of in vivo drug absorption. On the other hand, drug permeation through Caco-2 monolayer, which consists of an epithelial cell layer and a supporting filter, is essentially the same process as that of in vivo drug absorption. We concluded that the simple monolayer structure of a cultured cell system provides a distinct advantage in predicting in vivo drug absorption.  相似文献   

Aim: The study is founded upon a critical analysis of the extent to which the mandatory drug assessment in funneling drug users under Malaysia's compulsory treatment and rehabilitation programme is consistent with the principles of human rights guaranteed under the Malaysian Constitution.

Method: Empirical qualitative data from a case study encompassing direct observations of natural sites, a focus group comprising former and recovering drug users, secondary data from official documents and case files.

Results: Findings show that the mandatory drug assessment of drug users is subject to arbitrary arrest, unnecessary prolonged detention, lack of medical assistance and non-compliance to due process.

Conclusions: The mandatory drug assessment of drug users in Malaysia entails serious infringements of the principles of human rights.  相似文献   


Context: Cyclodextrins could improve drug solubility and drug loading onto ion exchange resins. Moreover, the remaining cyclodextrin in the solution might be reused for drug solubility enhancement and drug loading onto resin.

Objectives: To investigate the application of fresh and reused cyclodextrin to improve drug solubility and drug loading onto resin.

Methods: The inclusion complexes were prepared and characterized using β-cyclodextrin (βCD) and 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD). The drug solution was loaded onto resin with and without cyclodextrin. Then, the remaining cyclodextrin was reused for the complex and the drug loading process.

Results and discussion: Improved drug solubility was observed when using cyclodextrins. The complex was successfully formed with 1:1 stoichiometry. The increase in drug solubility with cyclodextrins improved drug loading onto resin. The cyclodextrins delivered drug to bind with resin, forming resinate, and did not bind with the resinate themselves, which was confirmed by quantification of the amount of cyclodextrin in drug loading solution before and after drug loading process. Therefore, cyclodextrins were available to reuse for drug loading without affecting the percentage of drug loading.

Conclusions: Reused cyclodextrin is a novel way to deliver and enhance drug loading onto resin for development of an ion exchange-based drug delivery system.  相似文献   

Aims: The research on motivations and meanings associated with drug use in prisons has received little scholarly attention. Particularly, there are few studies analysing drug use in prisons from the perspective of both prisoners and prison officers, and in the context of prison-based drug rehabilitation. This article explores prisoners and prison staffs perceptions on why drug use occurs in prison. Methods: The data is derived from participant observation and qualitative interviews (N?=?35) conducted during eight months of ethnographic fieldwork in two drug rehabilitation programmes in a closed Norwegian prison. Findings: Prison staff emphasises drug addiction and prisoners troubled life trajectories when explaining in-prison drug use. Prisoners, on the other hand, explain that drug use can be (a) a way to alleviate some of the pains of imprisonment; (b) an integral part of social life in prison; (c) a route to status in the prisoner community and (d) a defiant way to subvert institutional rules and expectations. Conclusions: Prison staff tends to privilege pre-prison characteristics when explaining prisoners’ drug use, whereas prisoners tend to privilege how the prison context motivates and give meaning to their drug use. Implications for penal policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A general disposition equation for a linear mammillary model consisting of ncompartments is derived. This equation is used to derive disposition equations for the central compartment when drug input occurs into the central compartment and when drug input occurs into a peripheral compartment. The derivation of equations that describe the entire time course of drug in a particular compartment after intravenous, intramuscular, oral, and rectal drug administration is also presented.  相似文献   

Background: It is important to identify the type of drugs a patient has used, especially when polydrug misuse has increased and new drugs and patterns of misuse are quickly spread. Objectives: In order to acquire sufficient information about drug use, an effective and simple form of mapping is needed. Methods: Persons actualized for Opioid Substitution Treatment (n = 135) were interviewed about their drug-history in a two-stage model. First, they were asked to write down the drugs misused, and dot those injected with a felt pen. Second, they were asked to do the same on a drug list provided as a cognitive support. For a subsample of 50 persons, the drug list included four fictive drugs to evaluate possible over-reporting. Results: The use of a drug list did not take longer than the traditional way of using open questions, i.e. about 5–8 minutes. Using a drug list gave a cognitive support resulting in a much higher proportion/number of reported drugs. The majority, 97%, used more than one drug. None of the patients who were given the drug list that included fictive drug names reported having used any of them. The respondents reported 43 additional substances to the 125 given on the list which improve our knowledge of the drug scene. Conclusions/importance: Using a drug-list was superior to open questions; it does not take more time and provides additional, clinically relevant information than open questions. Using a drug-list also gives improved knowledge of new drugs entering the local drug scene.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(4):448-455
Aims: The aim of the research was to identify the types of drugs currently being used by university students, their involvement in multiple drug misuse and drug combinations, and the consequences of drug misuse in terms of associated harms. Methods: The research was based on an email survey of all first- and second-year students registered as undergraduates at a university in south Wales during October 2012. Results: The results of the research showed that drug misuse on the university campus studied was widespread in terms of the types and patterns of drug misuse. The most troublesome findings concern the high levels of multiple drug use, the use of some of the most dangerous drugs (including crack and powder cocaine and heroin, as well as ketamine), and the list of recorded harms experienced as a result of drug misuse. Conclusions: The article concludes that little attention has been paid outside of the United States to drug use among university students or to interventions designed to prevent it. However, there are signs that government policy in the United Kingdom is beginning to pay attention to the specific problems of drug misuse among university students.  相似文献   

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