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海洋微生物次级代谢产物生物合成的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋微生物次级代谢产物往往具有新颖的化学结构,蕴含着独特的生物合成途径、酶学机理和不同于陆生放线菌次级代谢产物的生物合成机制。自从2000年第一例海洋微生物天然产物enterocin的生物合成基因簇被阐明以来,迄今已克隆和鉴定了27种海洋微生物次级代谢产物的完整生物合成基因簇。这些次级代谢产物的生物合成主要源于四种途径,包括聚酮合酶途径,非核糖体肽合成酶途径,聚酮-非核糖体肽合成酶杂合途径,以及其他途径。本文综述了近年来一些重要海洋微生物活性次级代谢产物的生物合成途径,以及组合生物合成技术在海洋微生物次级代谢产物结构多样化方面的应用。  相似文献   

杜东霞 《中国抗生素杂志》2012,37(8):568-574,598
微生物天然产物的异源表达在药物的发展过程中发挥着越来越大的作用。通过基因工程技术,将目的生物合成基因簇转移至不同的异源宿主中表达,不仅能够激活沉默的生物合成基因簇,而且可将异源表达体系作为一个非常有用的工具通过组合生物合成生产更多结构新颖、功能独特的化合物。本文结合当今该领域的最新研究动态,概述了基因簇异源表达宿主的选择依据及生物合成基因簇在不同宿主表达的研究进展,以期为天然产物的研究提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

炎症作为机体抵抗有害刺激修复损伤组织的防御反应,参与多种疾病的发展进程,严重危害人类生命健康。而临床常用的抗炎药物有一定的不良反应,寻找一些高效、低毒的抗炎先导化合物仍是一个重要方向。海洋作为各类生物资源的宝库,由于海洋生态环境的特殊性(高压、高盐,低氧等),使得许多海洋生物在生命过程中产生大量具有特殊结构和抗炎活性的天然产物,成为炎症新药物研发的重要来源。本文总结了2016-2021年从放线菌、真菌、细菌三类海洋微生物中分离出的约73种天然产物,并对其在抑制炎症活性方面进行综述,以期望为今后的研究提供借鉴和启发。  相似文献   

目的 对单菌多次级代谢产物(One strain many compounds, OSMAC)策略在微生物次级代谢产物研究中的应用进展进行综述。方法 查阅近年来的相关文献,对微生物次级代谢产物研究中所应用的OSMAC策略进行分类和归纳总结。结果 近年来所应用的OSMAC策略主要包括改变培养基、改变培养条件或培养状态、混合培养、化学表观遗传修饰、添加酶抑制剂或其他物质等。结论 OSMAC策略在激活微生物沉默基因、增加次级代谢产物多样性方面发挥了重要作用,随着现代科学技术的发展,OSMAC策略与新技术结合必然会成为发现新药和先导化合物的一条重要途径。  相似文献   

海洋微生物能够产生大量结构新颖、活性独特的次级代谢产物,这为药物先导化合物的发现提供了重要来源,已成为海洋药物研究的热点。本文综述了自2000年至今从海洋真菌、细菌、放线菌报道的具有抑菌活性次级代谢产物的研究进展,共涉及到活性化合物101个,结构类型主要包括大环内酯类、生物碱类、醌类、肽类和萜类等,其中26个化合物含有氯、溴或硫元素;体外抑菌活性测试结果表明,有33个化合物的MIC<5μg.mL-1。  相似文献   

次级代谢产物的代谢工程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文讨论了代谢工程的一些基本概念和基本原理,以及代谢工程原理在次级代谢产物的设计育种中的应用;并结合近年来在代谢工程领域所开展的一些次级代谢产物的育种工作,介绍了抗生素代谢途径分析和修饰的研究进展以及提高抗生素产量和改善菌种生产性能的新思路。  相似文献   

肠道微生物次级代谢产物化学结构新颖、生物活性多样。目前发现的肠道微生物代谢产物主要包括环二肽及多肽类、生物碱类、内酯类、环酰胺类等,肠道微生物在抗菌、抗病毒、抗炎等方面表现出巨大的研究前景。本文对近几年来肠道微生物来源的次级代谢产物的结构特征、生物活性及肠道微生物在疾病治疗方面的研究进展进行总结和综述。  相似文献   

青霉属真菌是自然界中最常见的真菌,分布范围非常广泛,是最重要的药源真菌,从青霉属真菌中报道了许多具有抗菌、抗肿瘤、抗病毒等活性的次级代谢产物,是药物先导化合物的重要来源。近年来,随着微生物全基因组测序分析技术的发展以及对极端环境来源的青霉属真菌资源的不断挖掘,应用基因挖掘手段探索青霉属来源新型次级代谢产物成了一个新的研究热点。本文综述了近年来在青霉属真菌中通过基因挖掘策略获得的次级代谢产物基因簇及其代谢产物,希望可以对探索青霉属及其它真菌的次级代谢基因簇、推断基因功能、推导新的合成代谢途径及获得新的代谢产物有所帮助。  相似文献   

海绵共附生微生物活性次级代谢产物的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的综述海绵共附生微生物次级代谢产物的生物活性及研究进展。方法查阅文献。进行整理和归纳。结果与结论从海绵共附生微生物中已分离得到许多结构独特,活性多样的次级代谢产物。其中有些具有潜在的药用价值。  相似文献   

李小花    庞辉 《中国新药杂志》2010,19(15):1329-1332
血栓性疾病是威胁人类健康的重要疾病,而溶栓酶是治疗血栓性疾病最有效的药物,但其不良反应限制了临床应用。寻找高效低毒的溶栓药物是目前研究的热点问题,来源于微生物代谢产物的溶栓酶是一种重要的溶栓酶,1989-2008年间各国研究人员相继报道了很多能够产生溶栓酶的微生物,主要有β-溶血链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、链霉菌、假单胞菌属、杆菌、海洋绿藻类、真菌类等。文中全面介绍了这几类微生物产生的溶栓酶,并着重阐述了其化学结构特点和溶栓机制,说明微生物代谢产物是溶栓药物的重要来源。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the sequences of microbial genomes have accumulated, changing the strategies for the discovery of novel anti-infective agents. Targets have become plentiful, yet new antimicrobial agents have been slow to emerge from this effort. In part, this reflects the long discovery and development times needed to bring new drugs to market. In addition, bottlenecks have been revealed in the antimicrobial drug discovery process at the steps of identifying good leads, and optimizing those leads into drug candidates. The fruit of structural genomics may provide opportunities to overcome these bottlenecks and fill the antimicrobial pipeline, by using the tools of structure guided drug discovery (SGDD).  相似文献   

The design of new ligands with high affinity and specificity against the targets of interest has been a central focus in drug discovery. As one of the most commonly used methods in drug discovery, the cyclization represents a feasible strategy to identify new lead compounds by increasing structural novelty, scaffold diversity and complexity. Such strategy could also be potentially used for the follow-on drug discovery without patent infringement. In recent years, the cyclization strategy has witnessed great success in the discovery of new lead compounds against different targets for treating various diseases. Herein, we first briefly summarize the use of the cyclization strategy in the discovery of new small-molecule lead compounds, including the proteolysis targeting chimeras (PROTAC) molecules. Particularly, we focus on four main strategies including fused ring cyclization, chain cyclization, spirocyclization and macrocyclization and highlight the use of the cyclization strategy in lead generation. Finally, the challenges including the synthetic intractability, relatively poor pharmacokinetics (PK) profiles and the absence of the structural information for rational structure-based cyclization are also briefly discussed. We hope this review, not exhaustive, could provide a timely overview on the cyclization strategy for the discovery of new lead compounds.  相似文献   

安全性是决定创新药物研发成败的关键因素。传统的药物毒性测试与安全性预测面临严峻挑战。基于毒性通路扰动的毒性测试策略已成为药物安全性评价的重要发展方向。本文针对传统毒性测试方法存在的问题,简要介绍了毒性通路的内涵及其毒理学意义,重点阐述了基于毒性通路扰动的安全性评价新策略的提出及其发展,并以药物线粒体毒性预测为例,介绍了毒性测试新策略的原理及应用,为药物安全性评价的发展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

网络药理学:药物发现的新思想   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
新药研发是医药产业发展的核心驱动力,也是社会发展的重要需求,但近年来,随着对药物研发要求的不断提高,新药研发正面临着巨大困难,单靶点高选择性的新药研发思想遇到了挑战,已经显示出发展的局限性。网络药理学是近年来在单靶点药物研究的基础上提出的新药发现新策略。本文围绕网络药理学的形成基础和目前研究现状,探讨网络药理学发展的方向和应用前景,同时分析网络药理学的局限性和存在的问题,并通过与传统中医药学理论和中药复方有效成分组学的思想相比较,探讨网络药理学在新药研发中的应用。  相似文献   

Micro- and nanoscale technologies are emerging as powerful enabling tools for tissue engineering and drug discovery. In tissue engineering, micro- and nanotechnologies can be used to fabricate biomimetic scaffolds with increased complexity and vascularization. Furthermore, these technologies can be used to control the cellular microenvironment (i.e., cell–cell, cell–matrix and cell–soluble factor interactions) in a reproducible manner and with high temporal and spatial resolution. In drug discovery, miniaturized platforms based on micro- and nanotechnology can be used to precisely control the fluid flow, enable high-throughput screening, and minimize sample or reagent volumes. In addition, these systems enhance reproducibility and significantly reduce reaction times. This paper reviews the recent developments in the field of micro- and nanoscale technology and gives examples of their tissue engineering and drug discovery applications.  相似文献   

1 Clinical pharmacology is a key activity in drug discovery and drug development with much to contribute to drug innovation.
2 However, very few clinical pharmacologists choose the pharmaceutical industry as their ultimate career.
3 Medical alumni of the RPMS clinical pharmacology department illustrate this; only four industrial careers vs thirty professors of clinical pharmacology or medicine.  相似文献   

Structure-based methods are having an increasing role and impact in drug discovery. The crystal structures of an increasing number of therapeutic targets are becoming available. These structures can transform our understanding of how these proteins perform their biological function and often provide insights into the molecular basis of disease. In addition, the structures can help the discovery process. Methods such as virtual screening and experimental fragment screening can provide starting hit compounds for a discovery project. Crystal structures of compounds bound to the protein can direct or guide the medicinal chemistry optimisation to improve drug-like properties - not only providing ideas on how to improve binding affinity or selectivity, but also showing where the compound can be modified in attempting to modulate physico-chemical properties and biological efficacy. The majority of drug discovery projects against globular protein targets now use these methods at some stage.This review provides a summary of the range of structure-based drug discovery methods that are in use and surveys the suitability of the methods for targets currently identified for CNS drugs. Until recently, structure-based discovery was difficult or unknown for these targets. The recent determination of the structures of a number of GPCR proteins, together with the steady increase in structures for other membrane proteins, is opening up the possibility for these structure-based methods to find increased use in drug discovery for CNS diseases and conditions.  相似文献   

Bacteria obtain a significant proportion of their genetic diversity via acquisition of DNA from distantly related organisms, a phenomenon known as horizontal gene transfer. The focus of horizontal gene transfer investigations has been primarily on the impact of this phenomenon on the ecological and/or pathogenic characteristics of bacterial species, with very little effort devoted to investigating horizontal gene transfer as a means of drug discovery. Here, we describe a novel approach to harness the power of horizontal gene transfer to produce novel chemotherapeutic molecules, a process that is easily scalable. We describe the state of the art in this field and discuss the current limiting factors associated with this phenomenon. Utilising a horizontal gene transfer method, we have identified and characterised a novel antimicrobial compound. Production of this antibiotic, termed rhodostreptomycin, is associated with the transfer of DNA from a species of Streptomyces to Rhodococcus by an as yet identified mechanism. We believe that horizontal gene transfer may represent the future of natural product discovery and engineering.  相似文献   

Yang HQ  Li XJ 《药学学报》2011,46(8):877-882
小分子药物靶点的发现对于生物和医学的研究者而言,是一项既重要又艰巨的任务,医学和药学界研究工作者急切需要发现和确认新的靶点。为了克服药物靶点确认的瓶颈,已经发展了许多新技术用以研究小分子化合物与蛋白质分子间的相互作用,其中包括化学蛋白质组学方法。化学蛋白质组是全蛋白质组学研究的一个亚类,化学蛋白质组学是利用能够与靶蛋白质发生特异性相互作用的化学小分子来干扰和探测蛋白质组,在分子水平上系统揭示特定蛋白质的功能以及蛋白质与化学小分子的相互作用,从而准确找到药物作用靶点的组学研究方法。化学蛋白质组学技术和方法不断成熟,在药物作用靶点的发现、确认和药物多靶点研究等方面都将起到重要的作用,并将大大提高药物发现的效率。  相似文献   

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