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夏日炎炎,一杯清凉的啤酒,会带给你无限舒畅,但有些人担心饮用啤酒会有碍健康,其实啤酒是以麦芽、大米、酒花、啤酒、酵母和酿造水为原科,在不锈钢设备中经过数周酿造而成的产品,啤酒中没有添加人工化学制剂、色素和防腐剂。因此,啤酒是上等的液体食品,适量饮用是有益健康的。  相似文献   

随着人们生活质量的提高,消费对传统的啤酒品味已发生了重大变化,低醇型、保健型、特色型将成为今后啤酒产品发展的趋势。目前,国内外市场也出现了一些新型啤酒。  相似文献   

巴西坎皮纳斯大学的研究人员近日建议,买啤酒前应先看一下生产日期。最好饮用出厂不到15天的啤酒,以利于身体健康。  相似文献   

“啤酒肚”,不能只怪啤酒 因日益凸出的“啤酒肚”而对啤酒忍痛割爱的人,今后或许可以不再担忧。德国和瑞典科学家的一项共同研究显示,“啤酒肚”或许是天生的。据2009年6月24日发表在《欧洲临床营养学杂志》的研究报告显示,男性一天内喝1000毫升啤酒,腰围增长的概率比很少喝酒的人增加17%,与此同时,体重和臀围也有所增加。  相似文献   

干糟症是门诊拔牙术后的一种常见并发症。发生的主要原因是口腔内有感染灶,如冠周炎、牙周炎等。另外拔牙的方法、手术操作时间和拔牙创伤程度都与干糟症的发生有着直  相似文献   

据说慈禧的日常御膳里每餐必有鸭子,焖蒸鸭子、清炖鸭子、烤鸭,鸭舌、鸭掌、鸭肫、鸭肝、鸭肠,她都爱吃。我们一家人也很爱吃鸭,为了变换口味,我总是想方设法把鸭子做成各种口味的美味佳肴,其中一道红糟嫩鸭更是让一家老小都赞不绝口。  相似文献   

英国Leeds大学的研究人员发现,用于啤酒和面包发酵的传统酵母,也许在胰岛素的鼻部给药中起重要作用。实验室的研究结果显示,酵母细胞可以成功地增加胰岛素在鼻粘膜的渗透。由于酵母显示可逆的作用、无毒并且容易获得,因此酵母作为鼻粘膜渗透提高剂有益处。酵母的结构与已知的渗透增强剂脱乙酰壳多糖相似,但其作用机理尚不清楚,正在做进一步的研究。  相似文献   

莫易 《华夏医药》2008,3(2):142-142
海鲜是一种含有嘌呤和苷酸两种成分的食物,而啤酒中则富含分解这两种成分的重要催化剂——维生素B1。如果吃海鲜时饮啤酒,会促使有害物体在体内的结合,增加人体血液中的尿酸含量,从而形成难排的尿路结石。如果自身代谢有问题,吃海鲜的时侯喝啤酒容易导致血尿酸水平急剧升高,诱发痛风,以致出现痛风性肾病、痛风性关节炎等。  相似文献   

<正> 目前,西澳大利亚用于制造啤酒的酒精消耗量占全部酒精消耗量的66%。由于酒精的滥用而引起的健康问题和社会问题迫使西澳大利亚不得不设法降低啤酒的酒精浓度。目前,由于西澳大利亚已有一定数量的低度啤酒出售,因此,人们自然想到用低度啤酒代替普通啤酒以减少酒精的使用量以及避免滥用。但低度啤酒能否取代普通啤酒呢?为此研究者们进行了大量的调查和研究。一、低度啤酒——澳大利亚以外的国家的研究结果 1975年春,一种低度啤酒(cool spring)在加拿大的安大略市场上出现。怀特希德和詹多罗斯卡着手进行了一项调查研究,  相似文献   

如何让青岛啤酒,这个具有百年历史但在年轻人眼里已经陈旧的品牌,重新焕发生机和活力,成为现代人青睐的时尚品牌?如何让青岛啤酒,这个典型的国营企业在市场经济条件下彻底脱胎换骨,改造成为与国际接轨的、制度健全、系统经营、市场化运作的现代企业?中国的企业平均寿命只有3到5年,中国的企业家如何打造持续经营、基业长青的世界级公司?  相似文献   

Induction of hypothyroidism by thioamide drugs will cause adrenal gland atrophy and decrease in its hormones. To prevent side effect on the adrenal gland, brewer's yeast, a natural product rich in vitamins and minerals was used. Serological techniques were applied to measure the volume of adrenal gland. For this purpose, 48 Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into one control and three experimental groups. In group 1, methimazole was administered at the dose of 30 mg/kg/day days, in group 2, 120 mg/kg/day of, brewer's yeast, in group 3, 30 mg/kg/day of methimazole plus 120 mg/kg/day of brewer yeast, and for the control group, an equal volume of saline (0.5 ml/rat/day) was orally given. After 30 days, all the animals were anesthetized and their adrenal glands were removed, fixed, embedded and stained. The volume of different zones of the adrenal glands was estimated by Cavalieri principle and point counting methods. statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Withney test and p < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. The results indicated that methimazole decreased the volume of fasciculata zone in the cortex of the adrenal gland and also decreased the blood cortisol level. Brewer's yeast reduced the methimazole side effects on this zone. In conclusion, it seems that the use of brewer's yeast could prevent methimazole-induced atrophy of the adrenal gland.  相似文献   

The artificial beta cell (ABC), a closed-loop insulin delivery system, was used to determine insulin sensitivity. Progressively increasing glucose loads were administered after initial stabilization of the blood glucose at euglycemic levels such that the serum C-peptide was suppressed. The amount of insulin required to maintain euglycemia was considered a measure of sensitivity to insulin. Six stable maturity onset diabetics were studied before and after supplementation with chromium-rich brewer's yeast. All patients demonstrated an increase in sensitivity to insulin as indicated by a decrease in the fasting blood glucose concentration and a decrease in insulin requirement during the glucose challenge (P less than 0.02). The data obtained support the hypothesis that chromium or some other factor(s) present in brewer's yeast potentiates the peripheral effects of insulin. It remains to be established whether this effect occurs at the receptor or post-receptor level.  相似文献   

Yeast has a phlogistic effect, and the inflammatory action of 10 brewer's yeast samples fractionated by autolysis and/or destruction of the cell wall was studied in rat hind paw. The yeast samples produced a dose dependent edema when given subcutaneously into the paw. The samples obtained by dissolution or destruction of the cell wall produced the most prominent edema and the phlogistic effect was more potent than commerical yeast powder. Peak of the response was noted 1 hour after injection and thereafter the grade of edema rapidly decreased. The pattern of swelling resembled that by dextran. The edema was partially (less than 40%) inhibited by anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, aminopyrine, phenylbutazone, and indomethacin. Mannan, a main constituent of the yeast cell wall, produced a swelling similar to that observed with yeast samples and this edema was almost completely inhibited by cyprohepatdine, an anti-serotonin drug, but was not inhibited by diphenhydramine, an anti-histamine drug. The results suggest that there is a release of serotonin when brewer's yeast is given subcutaneously, thus producing a phlogistic effect.  相似文献   

1. Antinociceptive activity of hen egg white lysozyme (Fleming's lysozyme) was determined against abdominal contractions provoked by irritants injected intraperitoneally into mice. Carrageenan (2 mg) (CA) injected with arachidonic acid (15 micrograms) (AA) or prostaglandins PGE1 or PGF2 alpha (0.04 ng), brewer's yeast (10 mg), caolin (10 mg), mepartricin (80 U) and phenylquinone (50 micrograms) were used as irritants. 2. Lysozyme was active at 400-800 mg/kg i.v. against CA + AA, CA + PG, brewer's yeast and caolin nociceptive stimulation. The compound was more effective against CA + AA than against CA + PG. Acetylsalicylic acid at 50-100-200 mg/kg p.o. was equally active against CA + AA and CA + PG. 3. Lysozyme was inactive in the tail pinch and hot plate tests that mainly detect central analgesics. 4. The results are discussed in relation to the claim advanced years ago that lysozyme is an effective analgesic agent in humans. The compound was found active against herpes zoster or cancer pain but did not find use despite the favourable reports presented. 5. The experimental results obtained on laboratory animals do not contradict the conclusions drawn after the clinical use of the compound.  相似文献   

Injection of brewer's yeast into the rat paw results in edema and a subsequent hyperalgesia. The edema was accompanied by an increase in 5-lipoxygenase products, and the hyperalgesia coincided with the formation of both cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase products. When administered perorally, indomethacin inhibited cyclooxygenase product formation, phenidone inhibited 5-lipoxygenase product formation, and 3-amino-1-(m-[trifluoromethyl]-phenyl)-2-pyrazoline (BW 755C) inhibited formation of products of both pathways. These compounds were also effective analgesic agents. The correlation of these effects with the suppression of hyperalgesia suggests the participation of products from both cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase pathways in the mediation of hyperalgesia.  相似文献   

4'-Chloro-5-methoxy-3-biphenylylacetic acid (DKA-9) is a novel phenylacetic acid derivative with marked anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities. DKA-9 was approximately 2 times and 25 times more effective than ibuprofen in inhibiting carrageenin-induced paw edema and adjuvant-induced arthritis, respectively, in rats. The anti-inflammatory effect of DKA-9 was observed also in adrenalectomized rats. In the Randall-Selitto test in rats, DKA-9 was about 2 times more potent than ibuprofen and equipotent to indometacin. In lowering brewer's yeast-induced fever in rats, DKA-9 was almost 1/2 times more effective than ibuprofen. Considering from therapeutic index (ED50 in ulcerogenic effect/ED50 in carrageenin-induced edema), DKA-9 was found to be much superior to indometacin or ibuprofen.  相似文献   

Two series of compounds, 2,3-dihydro-9H-isoxazolo[3,2-b]quinazolin-9-ones and 3,4-dihydro-(1,2)-oxazino-[3,2-b]quinazolin-10(2H)-ones, were synthesized and evaluated for anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic activity. The isoxazolo compounds were generally more active than their oxazino homologs. Three compounds, i.e., 2,3-dihydro-9H-isoxazolo [3,2-b]quinazolin-9-one (W-2429) and its 2- and 3-methyl congeners, were the most active of all compounds tested in this study. On the basis of the biological results herein reported, W-2429 is considerably more effective than acetylsalicylic acid in inhibiting carrageenan-induced edema and in reducing brewer's yeast-induced fever in rats. Also, it was found to be more potent than propoxyphene hydrochloride in the Randall-Selitto test for analgesic activity.  相似文献   

H P Koch 《Die Pharmazie》1992,47(7):531-537
Starting point for this study was the urgent need for replacement of the contemporary mode of acute toxicity testing of chemicals in vertebrates (LD50-test) by an experimental model with equal power that can be performed on non-pain sensitive matter. For this purpose, a testing procedure ought to be developed using a non-pathogenic microorganism as testing object that is available at any time, easy to cultivate, and in its indicative power equivalent to the LD50 test in mice, rats, and other laboratory animals. Such an organism has been found with ordinary yeast (baker's yeast, brewer's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) which can always be obtained in good quality. This procedure (shortly denominated as 'yeast test' offers several advantages: It is rather simple, inexpensive, outstandingly well reproducible, and it can be carried out conveniently also in routine experiments. The results correlate well with those furnished by the customary methods of acute toxicity testing.  相似文献   

5-[5-(4-Chlorophenyl-2-furanyl)]dihydro-2(3H)-furanone (F-1044), a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug related to orpanoxin, lacks the usual acid moiety of such agents. F-1044 had antiinflammatory activity equivalent to ibuprofen's and orpanoxin's in the carrageenin-induced paw edema model in normal and adrenalectomized rats. Antiinflammatory activity was also expressed in the guinea pig UV-induced erythema and rat established arthritis models. F-1044 was a more potent analgesic than ibuprofen and orpanoxin in the rat paw pressure assay. In contrast to the reference agents, F-1044 raised the pain threshold of both the yeast-injected and non-injected paws, suggesting a central component to its analgesic action. F-1044 was more potent than ibuprofen and orpanoxin in the rat brewer's yeast pyresis model. Based on its low activity in inhibiting bradykinin-induced bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs and low gastric irritation activity in rats. F-1044 appears to have a mechanisms of action that involves more than simple inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. Thus F-1044 is a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agent with unique chemical and pharmacological features.  相似文献   

This study investigated the individual differences in the baseline anxiety and anxiolytic effect of nitrazepam in Balb/c mice. Initially mice were sorted according into low, intermediate and high anxiety groups (LA, IA and HA) based on the number of entries to and time spent in open arms in elevated plus maze. Later, anxiolytic effect of nitrazepam (2 mg/kg, p.o) in LA, IA and HA mice was evaluated using hole board and light/dark tests. In Hole board test, LA mice made more number of head dippings and spent more time during head dippings, while HA mice made less number of head dippings and spent less time during head dipping when compared to that of IA mice. In light/dark test LA mice made more reentries to and spent more time in bright compartment, while HA mice made few reentries to and spent less time in bright compartment. Results suggest that mice of a single strain differ in their baseline anxiety and anxiolytic effect of nitrazepam.  相似文献   

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