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海洋生物中蛋白质、肽类毒素的研究新进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
报道了海洋生物中蛋白质、肽类毒素、主要是芋螺毒素和海葵毒素的近三年最新研究进展;以它们的结构、药理和构效关系进行概述。  相似文献   

目的从海南产大尉芋螺毒液中分离克隆新型O-超家族芋螺毒素基因,为大尉芋螺毒素药物的研究与开发提供源头化合物。方法采用快速扩增cDNA 3’-末端(3’-RACE,Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends)的方法,对我国海南产大尉芋螺(Conus capitaneus Linnaeus)的毒素cDNA进行分析,克隆测序所得基因片段,再进行序列比较,以及O-超家族芋螺毒素基因的遗传变异分析。结果发现了1种新的O-超家族芋螺毒素cDNA序列CaHr91N,编码长度为77个氨基酸(aa)的前体蛋白CaHr91P,具有典型的芋螺毒素前体结构特征,即由21aa的信号肽、22aa的前肽与34aa的成熟肽三部分组成。毒素区的成熟肽CaHr91M序列为ECREQSQGCTNTsPPccsGLRCSGQSQGGVCISN,具有O-超家族芋螺毒素保守的半胱氨酸框架C-C-CC-C-C.同时比较分析了CaHr91P与其它同源性的O-超家族芋螺毒素的相似性,以及大尉芋螺毒素的研究状况。结论CaHr91P新芋螺毒素基因的发现,及其序列的阐明,为进一步研究其生物活性和应用奠定了基础,同时为更多大尉芋螺毒素的发现和研究利用积累了经验。  相似文献   

目的建立一种新的基于二维液相色谱技术的疣缟芋螺毒素分离方法,了解其毒素组构成特点。方法从疣缟芋螺毒管中提取芋螺毒素总肽,在传统的凝胶色谱和反相色谱方法的基础上,根据芋螺毒素的等电点和疏水性,利用目标蛋白快速分离系统(Proteome Lab TMPF2D),对其进行二维分离。结果经过传统分离方法,能够检测得到40个左右的芋螺毒素条带,且分离效果不明显。而通过二维液相色谱分离方法,pI/UV图谱显示共检测到约200个芋螺毒素条带。结论同传统分离方法相比,采用Proteome LabTMPF2D系统对毒素分离更快速、分辨率更高,因此更利于鉴定芋螺毒素肽组分,也为下游序列结构特征与生物活性研究奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

芋螺毒素是由热带海洋肉食性软体动物芋螺分泌的、富含二硫键的一类结构多样的小分子多肽。芋螺毒素的化学合成已成为获得毒素肽的主要手段。现总结化学合成芋螺毒素线性肽及其氧化折叠形成二硫键的多种方法 ,并对现阶段化学合成芋螺毒素肽的新进展加以综述。  相似文献   

芋螺毒素分子生物学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
从海洋软体动物芋螺中分离纯化的芋螺毒素是一类具有特异生物活性的小肽神经毒素,目前芋螺毒素一方面作为神经生物学的重要分于探针正广泛应用于相关靶受体的基础研究中,另一方面则用于研制特异诊断试剂及疗效特异的新药,并作为分子模型用新药设计,研究涉及蛋白质化学,化学,药理学,电生理及分子生物学等诸多领域,本文综述了近年芋螺毒素分子生物学研究的进展。  相似文献   

目的从中国南海织锦芋螺中分离新的芋螺毒素,为药物发现、药物设计提供新的活性多肽或前体多肽,比较不同地域织锦芋螺毒素的构成,研究环境对织锦芋螺毒素分泌的影响。方法织锦芋螺毒液经预处理后,凝胶层析分离粗毒,用HPLC进一步分离,氨基酸测序。结果分离得到了10余个织锦芋螺毒素组分,确定了10个织锦芋螺毒素的氨基酸序列,其中4个为新型织锦芋螺毒素,6个与已报道的相同。结论中国南海织锦芋螺毒液中含有丰富的M族芋螺毒素,毒素成分与菲律宾宿务岛(Cebu)、马尼拉岛的织锦芋螺相似。  相似文献   

芋螺基因组DNA提取方法的优化   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
热带药用海洋生物芋螺产生的芋螺毒素(Conotoxin),已成为神经科学研究的有力工具药和新药开发的新来源。近来出现了从芋螺基因组DNA中克隆新型芋螺毒素基因的新方法.因而快速获得芋螺基因组DNA是分离多样性毒素基因、建立基因库及药用芋螺基因资源开发的前提。本研究采用不同的DNA提取方法.从6种芋螺的不同组织和器官中分离总DNA,经综合比较,建立了简便快速的提取芋螺总DNA的改良苯酚-SDS优化方法。  相似文献   

目的 为南海产丰富的芋螺生物资源的深入挖掘和开发利用,为从毒液中发现和寻找新型活性强、选择性好的阻断α4β2 nAChR的芋螺毒素奠定基础。方法 通过对五种南海常见芋螺(豹芋螺、黑芋螺、玉女芋螺、信号芋螺、和帝王芋螺)的毒液进行提取、分段,并采用双电极电压膜片钳技术测定了五种毒液各个组分对α4β2 nAChR和α3β2 nAChR的阻断活性。结果 豹芋螺、黑芋螺、信号芋螺和帝王芋螺这四种芋螺毒液的部分组分表现出较好的α4β2 nAChR阻断活性,同时也对α3β2 nAChR具有一定的阻断作用。豹芋螺大部分组分和黑芋螺毒液Mar-2组分对α4β2 nAChR有明显的阻断作用,阻断率分别高达40 %以上和73.6%,且这些组分未对α3β2 nAChR表现出阻断作用或作用很弱,即对α4β2 nAChR有良好活性且相比于α3β2 nAChR对α4β2 nAChR有较好的选择性。结论 本研究结果为后续对豹芋螺粗毒组分进行活性跟踪的分离纯化,为获得豹芋螺来源的新型芋螺毒素并阐明其结构和功能提供理论依据,为后续寻找选择性阻断α4β2 nAChR的新型芋螺毒素指明了研究方向,为深入开发利用南海产芋螺生物资源奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

ω-芋螺毒素的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
芋螺毒素(conotoxin,CTX)化学结构新颖,生物活性强,对电压门控或配体门控离子通道(包括少数G-蛋白相关受体等)的作用靶位选择性极高,已成为药理学和神经科学的有力工具和新药开发的新来源。其中ω-芋螺毒素(ω-CTX)能特异地阻断并区分不同的电压敏感性钙离子通道亚型,已广泛作为神经生物学上的重要分子探针,正应用于相关靶受体的基础研究中,并作为特异的诊断试剂及疗效特异的新药应用于临床,是芋螺毒素研究的热点,本文从芋螺毒素的分类、应用领域、电压门控离子通道、ω-芋螺毒素的结构特征、获得“厂芋螺毒素的途径及其应用前景方面,系统地概述了ω-芋螺毒素的研究进展,以供参考。  相似文献   

电压门控钠离子(Na+)通道(VGSCs)对兴奋细胞动作电位具有调节作用,许多生物毒素能与VGSCs相互作用。近年来研究发现,热带海洋肉食性软体动物芋螺中含有多种多肽类毒素(芋螺毒素或芋螺肽),其中一大类芋螺毒素能与Na+通道各种亚型特异结合,改变Na+通道的功能,对于研究Na+通道的结构和功能以及研发作用于Na+通道的相关药物或其先导化合物具有重要作用。本文就近年来发现的作用于Na+通道的芋螺毒素的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

芋螺毒素是由海洋肉食性芋螺所分泌的用于捕杀猎物的高活性生物多肽类毒素,据估计,全世界范围内约含100,000种不同的芋螺毒素,按照保守的信号区可分为A、B2、C、D、O、M、T等27个超家族。不同家族的芋螺毒素能够特异性的靶向各种离子通道和受体,因而成为了具有潜在药用价值的先导化合物和研究神经药理学的分子探针。当前报道的靶向烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体的芋螺毒素来自十个超家族,分别为A、B3、C、D、J、L、S、O1、M和T。本文对这十个超家族中靶向烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体的芋螺毒素的序列、结构及功能进行简要综述。  相似文献   

Marine cone snails from the genus Conus are estimated to consist of up to 700 species. These predatory molluscs have devised an efficient venom apparatus that allows them to successfully capture polychaete worms, other molluscs or in some cases fish as their primary food sources. The toxic venom used by the cone shells contains up to 50 different peptides that selectively inhibit the function of ion channels involved in the transmission of nerve signals in animals. Each of the 700 Conus species contains a unique set of peptides in their venom. Across the genus Conus, the conotoxins represent an extensive array of ion channel blockers each showing a high degree of selectivity for particular types of channels. We have undertaken a study of the conotoxins from Australian species of Conus that have the capacity to inhibit specifically the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in higher animals. These conotoxins have been identified by mass spectroscopy and their peptide sequences in some cases deduced by the application of modern molecular biology to the RNA extracted from venom ducts. The molecular biological approach has proven more powerful than earlier protein/peptide based technique tor the detection of novel conotoxins [1,2]. Novel conotoxins detected in this way have been further screened for their abilities to modify the responses of tissues to pain stimuli as a first step in describing their potential as lead compounds for novel drugs. This review describes the progress made by several research groups to characterise the properties of conopeptides and to use them as drug leads for the development of novel therapeutics for the treatment of a range of neurological conditions.  相似文献   

Conus venoms from marine cone snails continue to provide novel bioactive components. Two new classes of conopeptide specifically block alpha(1)-adrenoceptors (rho-conopeptide) and noradrenaline transporters (chi-conopeptides). Both classes are small peptides with two disulfide bonds. Rho-conopeptide is structurally similar to alpha-conotoxins, which block nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, whereas the chi-conopeptides are unrelated to other conotoxins. Both types of conopeptides are non-competitive blockers. Because these peptides demonstrate greater selectivity than current drugs in clinical use, they could lead to the development of improved therapeutics.  相似文献   

O-superfamily conotoxins include several families that have diverse pharmacological activity on Na+, K+ or Ca2+ channels. These superfamily toxins have been mainly found in fish-hunting and mollusk-hunting Conus species. Here, we reported two novel O-superfamily conotoxins, vx6a and vx6b, purified from a worm-hunting cone snail, Conus vexillum. Though their cysteine framework and signal peptides share high similarity with those of other members of O-superfamily, the mature vx6a and vx6b both have a low sequence homology with others. To test the biological function of vx6a, the toxin was chemically synthesized and then tested on the locust dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neuron system which containing various ion channels. Although no any activity on ion channels was found on the DUM neuron system, vx6a could clearly elicit a series of symptoms in mouse via intracranial injection, such as quivering, climbing, scratching, barrel rolling and paralysis of limbs at different dose.  相似文献   

The M-superfamily of conotoxins currently comprises three major groups of peptides (the mu-, kappaMu-, and psi-families) that share a key structural characteristic, the six-cysteine motif CC-C-C-CC, but differ with respect to their molecular targets. The psi-family consists of M-superfamily conotoxins that are nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) antagonists. To date, only two psi-conotoxins, PIIIE and PIIIF, are known, both of which were isolated from a single Conus species, Conus purpurascens. In this paper, we report the discovery and initial characterization of a psi-conotoxin from another Conus species, Conus parius, which we designated as PrIIIE. Its amino acid sequence, inferred from a cloned cDNA, differed significantly from those of PIIIE and PIIIF. Its bioactivity was investigated by using the synthetic form of the peptide in mice and fish bioassays. At 2.5 nmol, the synthetic peptide induced flaccid paralysis in goldfish in ca. 4 min but did not induce any remarkable behavior in mice (after i.c. and i.p. injection of up to 10 nmol of peptide) and did not block action potential in directly stimulated frog muscle preparations. Electrophysiological experiments carried out to measure inhibition of ion currents through mouse nAChR receptors expressed in oocytes revealed that PrIIIE (IC(50) approximately 250 nM) was significantly more potent than PIIIE (IC(50) approximately 7000 nM) and that PrIIIE showed higher inhibition potency against the adult-type than the fetal-type nAChR. In similar electrophysiological assays, PrIIIE showed no inhibitory effects against the mouse muscle subtype Na(+) channel isoform Na(v) 1.4. The discovery of this psi-conotoxin from a Conus species that belongs to the subgenus Phasmoconus, which is distinct from and larger than the clade in which C. purpurascens belongs, suggests that greater structural and functional diversity of psi-conotoxins remains to be discovered from the members of this subgenus.  相似文献   

Conotoxins (conopeptides) are small disulfide bonded peptides from the venom of marine cone snails. These peptides target a wide variety of membrane receptors, ion channels and transporters, and have enormous potential for a range of pharmaceutical applications. Structurally related ω-conotoxins bind directly to and selectively inhibit neuronal (N)-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) of nociceptive primary afferent neurones. Among these, ω-conotoxin MVIIA (Prialt) is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an alternative intrathecal analgesic for the management of chronic intractable pain, particularly in patients refractory to opioids. A series of newly discovered ω-conotoxins from Conus catus, including CVID-F, are potent and selective antagonists of N-type VGCCs. In spinal cord slices, these peptides reversibly inhibit excitatory synaptic transmission between primary afferents and dorsal horn superficial lamina neurones, and in the rat partial sciatic nerve ligation model of neuropathic pain, significantly reduce allodynic behaviour. Another family of conotoxins, the α-conotoxins, are competitive antagonists of mammalian nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). α-Conotoxins Vc1.1 and RgIA possess two disulfide bonds and are currently in development as a treatment for neuropathic pain. It was initially proposed that the primary target of these peptides is the α9α10 neuronal nAChR. Surprisingly, however, α-conotoxins Vc1.1, RgIA and PeIA more potently inhibit N-type VGCC currents via a GABA(B) GPCR mechanism in rat sensory neurones. This inhibition is largely voltage-independent and involves complex intracellular signalling. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of conotoxin action will lead to new ways to regulate VGCC block and modulation in normal and diseased states of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Conotoxins are small bioactive highly structured peptides from the venom of marine cone snails (genus Conus). Over the past 50 million years these molluscs have developed a complex venom cocktail for each species that is comprised of 100-2000 distinct cysteine- rich peptides for prey capture and defence. This review focuses on an important and well-studied class of conotoxins, the α- conotoxins. These α-conotoxins are potent and selective antagonists of various subtypes of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Key structure-activity relationship studies are presented to illustrate the common motifs, structural features and pharmacophores that define this interesting peptide class. Additionally, their synthesis, chemical modifications, the development of more selective and stable analogues and their therapeutic potential are discussed.  相似文献   

Two different groups of signal sequence in M-superfamily conotoxins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M-superfamily conotoxins can be divided into four branches (M-1, M-2, M-3 and M-4) according to the number of amino acid residues in the third Cys loop. In general, it is widely accepted that the conotoxin signal peptides of each superfamily are strictly conserved. Recently, we cloned six cDNAs of novel M-superfamily conotoxins from Conus leopardus, Conus marmoreus and Conus quercinus, belonging to either M-1 or M-3 branch. These conotoxins, judging from the putative peptide sequences deducted from cDNAs, are rich in acidic residues and share highly conserved signal and pro-peptide region. However, they are quite different from the reported conotoxins of M-2 and M-4 branches even in their signal peptides, which in general are considered highly conserved for each superfamily of conotoxins. The signal sequences of M-1 and M-3 conotoxins composed of 24 residues start with MLKMGVVL-, while those of M-2 and M-4 conotoxins composed of 25 residues start with MMSKLGVL-. It is another example that different types of signal peptides can exist within a superfamily besides the I-conotoxin superfamily. In addition to the different disulfide connectivity of M-1 conotoxins from that of M-4 or M-2 conotoxins, the sequence alignment, preferential Cys codon usage and phylogenetic tree analysis suggest that M-1 and M-3 conotoxins have much closer relationship, being different from the conotoxins of other two branches (M-4 and M-2) of M-superfamily.  相似文献   

芋螺镇痛多肽研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵重甲  戴秋云 《药学学报》2009,44(6):561-565
芋螺多肽由芋螺毒液管和毒囊内壁的毒腺所分泌,大多数芋螺多肽由10~40个氨基酸残基组成,且富含二硫键,能特异性作用于乙酰胆碱受体 (nAChR),及钙、钠、钾等多种离子通道亚型。目前已发现作用于N-型钙通道、nAChR的α9α10亚基、TTX-R钠通道、NMDA受体的芋螺多肽具有很强的镇痛活性,其中N-型钙通道抑制剂ω-MVIIA已于2004年上市。该类镇痛多肽具有相对分子质量小、结构稳定、活性及选择性高等特点。芋螺镇痛多肽不仅会成为镇痛机制等相关神经生物学研究的重要工具,也会为开发新一代无致瘾镇痛药起到重要作用。本文对芋螺镇痛多肽研究的最新进展予以评述,着重介绍芋螺镇痛多肽的作用靶位、构效关系及其应用进展。  相似文献   

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