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餐饮服务环节处于整个食品供应链的末端,如何把好这最后一道关口,直接影响食品安全大局。河南省新县食品药品监督管理局积极探索创新餐饮服务食品安全"6+1"工作法,新县餐饮服务食品安全保障水平得到进一步提高。一是严查餐饮许可工作法。  相似文献   

餐饮服务监管职能划转以后,我局积极推进餐饮服务食品监管长效机制建设,出台了《关于加强餐饮服.务食品安全监管工作的意见》,从6个部分18个方面对餐饮服务食品安全监管工作进行了规范。  相似文献   

论新形势下的餐饮服务食品安全监测检验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的为食品药品监管机构的基础建设提供参考。方法结合食品安全监管新形势,初步探讨了餐饮服务食品安全监测检验的模式和方法,就餐饮消费环节安全监管对监测检验的需求进行了分析和阐述。结果与结论提出了餐饮服务食品监测检验机构能力建设的建议。  相似文献   

10种行为纳入餐饮服务食品安全不良信用记录近日,国家局发布的《餐饮服务单位食品安全监管信用信息管理办法》规定,10种行为纳入餐饮服务食品安全不良信用记录:骗领、转让、涂改、出借、倒卖、出租《餐饮服务许可证》,超出餐饮服务许可范围经营等;聘用不得从事食品生产经营管理人员  相似文献   

<正>食品卫生安全是民生重大问题,是涉及人民生命健康的根本性问题。近年来,食品卫生安全问题频发,形势不容乐观。为掌握太原市餐饮服务环节食品安全状况,及早发现潜在的食品安全隐患,科学、有效地指导餐饮服务食品安全工作,我们对市辖区内食用农产品及餐饮服务食品畜禽肉、新鲜蔬菜、餐饮食品等品种进行了食品安全抽检监测,并对抽检检测结果进行了分析[1]。1对象和方法1.1抽检对象:2016年食品安全抽检监测范围覆盖全市集  相似文献   

据国家食品药品监督管理局网站信息,为督促餐饮单位(户)不断提高餐饮食品安全管理水平,山东省济宁市局率先在全省实施三脸公示制。由2名以上食品安全监督员对餐饮单位(户)的餐饮服务许可证、食品组织制度建设、食品安全管理人员、从业人  相似文献   

"餐饮店食品安全等级,直接挂到店门口,如果不把好食品安全关,就没有生意了……"。近日,广西壮族自治区来宾市食品药品监督管理局在该市东盟国际商业广场实行的"餐饮服务企业食品安全信誉度评价机制"和餐饮服务食品安全示范街创建活动,引起了较大的反响。  相似文献   

近日,河南省焦作市修武县食品药品监督管理局对辖区17家餐饮食品摊贩业主集中进行了约谈,并当场签订了《食品摊贩餐饮服务食品安全责任承诺书》,并要求各餐饮食品摊贩做到以下几点:一是用于食品经营的工具、用具、容器、设施等应当符合食品安全要求,防止污染,并不得与其他用具混用。二是从业人员应当取得有效的健康证明,保持个人卫生,穿戴清洁的工作衣、帽。三是采购食品、食品原料、食品添加剂、食品相关产品,应当查验供货者的许可证和产品合格证明文件并索取相关票据。四是不得销售霉变、腐败变质以及其他不符合食品安全标准和要求的食品。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,我国频频出现违法添加非食用物质和滥用食品添加剂的事件,国家也出台了一系列措施,加强了对食品添加剂的监督管理力度。2011年10月,山西省卫生厅卫生监督所对太原市城区餐饮单位食品添加剂使用情况进行了调查,结果如下。1对象与方法按照《食品安全法》《食品安全法实施条例》《餐饮服务食品安全监督管理办法》规定要求,采用随机抽样的方法,将太原市的餐饮单位按规模大小分为小型(经营面积≤150 m~2)、  相似文献   

姜潇  曹进  崔生辉  张庆生 《中国药事》2013,27(3):280-287
目的 为餐饮服务提供科学合理的监管途径.方法 分析餐饮服务的供应链条和涉及环节的多样性.结果 作为食品供应链条的中下游环节,餐饮服务的食品安全问题一方面来自于种植、加工、运输及零售等环节的危害物质积累;另一方面其本身的环节多样性也为食品安全带来了新的潜在风险.餐饮服务作为具有人文特征的消费提供方式,其食品安全监管必须针对饮食特征、习惯、环境来综合建立管理及检验模式.结论 物质管理、过程管理及链条化管理作为3种可应用于餐饮服务食品安全监管的模式,各有特点,其中链条化管理更能为餐饮服务提供合理的监管途径.  相似文献   

Over the past years benefit-risk analysis (BRA) in relation to foods and food ingredients has gained much attention; in Europe and worldwide. BRA relating to food microbiology is however a relatively new field of research. Microbiological risk assessment is well defined but assessment of microbial benefits and the weighing of benefits and risk has not been systematically addressed. In this paper the state of the art in benefit-risk analysis in food microbiology is presented, with a brief overview of microbiological food safety practices.The quality and safety of foods is commonly best preserved by delaying the growth of spoilage bacteria and contamination by bacterial pathogens. However, microorganisms in food can be both harmful and beneficial. Many microorganisms are integral to various food production processes e.g. the production of beer, wine and various dairy products. Moreover, the use of some microorganisms in the production of fermented foods are often claimed to have beneficial effects on food nutrition and consumer health. Furthermore, food safety interventions leading to reduced public exposure to foodborne pathogens can be regarded as benefits. The BRA approach integrates an independent assessment of both risks and benefits and weighs the two using a common currency.Recently, a number of initiatives have been launched in the field of food and nutrition to address the formulation of the benefit-risk assessment approach. BRA has recently been advocated by EFSA for the public health management of food and food ingredients; as beneficial and adverse chemicals can often be found within the same foods and even the same ingredients. These recent developments in the scoping of BRA could be very relevant for food microbiological issues. BRA could become a valuable methodology to support evaluations and decision making regarding microbiological food safety and public health, supplementing other presently available policy making and administrative tools for microbiological food safety management.  相似文献   

徐潇  甘辛  崔生辉  林兰 《中国药事》2012,26(6):545-547
目的 为餐饮食品致病菌检验工作提供参考.方法 整理分析国内外相关法规和文献.结果与结论 目前我国餐饮服务食品中致病菌检验能力尚无法满足监管需求,应进一步加强餐饮服务食品致病菌检验能力的建设,开展致病菌溯源预警平台的研究,切实保护人民群众饮食安全.  相似文献   

Tritscher AM 《Toxicology letters》2004,149(1-3):177-186
Many types of food processing techniques have been employed throughout human history, mainly to ensure microbiological and chemical safety of foods and to improve palatability. Growing consumer demand for healthy, nutritious and convenient food is a key driver for improvements and new developments in food processing. New processes or newly recognized compounds, often identified due to improved analytical capabilities, require careful evaluation of potential human health impact. As examples for processing-related contaminants, the risk assessments for 3-monochloropropanediol (3-MCPD) and acrylamide are discussed, exemplifying two traditional approaches in food safety assessment. 3-MCPD is formed in a variety of industrially and domestically produced foods in the presence of fat and chloride. 3-MCPD is considered a non-genotoxic carcinogen, hence a threshold of effect is assumed and sufficient data are available to establish a safe level of intake. The recent discovery of the formation of acrylamide in certain high heat-treated foods, domestically or industrially, has raised considerable concern, since acrylamide, besides neurotoxicity and reproductive toxicity, is considered as genotoxic carcinogen. Unavoidable substances considered to be genotoxic carcinogens are unwanted in foods and are usually dealt with via the ALARA principle. However, for such unavoidable substances, a quantitative risk assessment may give more useful advice to risk managers for appropriate actions. Currently, adequate dose-response relationships and mechanistic information regarding carcinogenicity of acrylamide are lacking. Once this information becomes available, the health risk from acrylamide exposure through food can be assessed.  相似文献   

我国餐饮食品中滥用食品添加剂的检测技术与方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李莉  董喆  崔生辉  林兰 《中国药事》2012,26(4):404-407
目的 为餐饮环节食品安全性检验检测提供参考.方法 对国内餐饮食品中滥用添加剂的现有检测技术和方法等进行综述,并就其存在的问题提出对策.结果与结论 我国餐饮环节食品添加剂存在超限量或超范围使用等违法行为.食品添加剂滥用严重威害人体健康,已成为当前餐饮食品安全最突出的问题之一.但是,目前我国尚无针对餐饮食品中食品添加剂限量的规范性检测方法,滥用食品添加剂的检测方法和技术较为滞后,影响了餐饮环节食品风险管理的进程.对餐饮食品中添加剂的使用种类和限量进行科学评估,建立和完善适用于餐饮食品中添加剂检测的技术标准与方法已是当务之急.  相似文献   

A number of genetically modified (GM) crops bioengineered to express agronomic traits including herbicide resistance and insect tolerance have been commercialized. Safety studies conducted for the whole grains and food and feed fractions obtained from GM crops (i.e., bioengineered foods) bear similarities to and distinctive differences from those applied to substances intentionally added to foods (e.g., food ingredients). Similarities are apparent in common animal models, route of exposure, duration, and response variables typically assessed in toxicology studies. However, because of differences in the nutritional and physical properties of food ingredients and bioengineered foods and in the fundamental goals of the overall safety assessment strategies for these different classes of substances, there are recognizable differences in the individual components of the safety assessment process. The fundamental strategic difference is that the process for food ingredients is structured toward quantitative risk assessment whereas that for bioengineered foods is structured for the purpose of qualitative risk assessment. The strategy for safety assessment of bioengineered foods focuses on evaluating the safety of the transgenic proteins used to impart the desired trait or traits and to demonstrate compositional similarity between the grains of GM and non-GM comparator crops using analytical chemistry and, in some cases, feeding studies. Despite these differences, the similarities in the design of safety studies conducted with bioengineered foods should be recognized by toxicologists. The current paper reviews the basic principles of safety assessment for bioengineered foods and compares them with the testing strategies applied to typical food ingredients. From this comparison it can be seen that the strategies used to assess the safety of bioengineered foods are at least as robust as that used to assess the safety of typical food ingredients.  相似文献   

创建景区游客食品安全的责任体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俞正荣 《中国药事》2011,25(2):147-149
目的为提高旅游景区食品安全监管水平提供参考。方法介绍了中卫市打造平安旅游区,开展以餐饮业为主线的食品安全示范景区创建活动的主要做法。结果与结论旅游景区食品安全监管历来是一个薄弱环节,宁夏中卫市以打造保障游客食品安全的责任体系为重点,开展了食品安全示范景区创建活动,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

As our scientific technology grows, risk assessment methods become more complex and, therefore, open to greater scientific debate. Risk assessment has always been a part of the regulatory notification and approval process for foods. However, the methodologies applied to risk assessment and decision-making have become diverse, dependent on a number of features, including the areas of the world in which one operates, the need to use cumulative risk assessment for pesticides and other ingredients or alternative risk assessment considerations for evaluating nontraditional or bioengineered foods. Diverse institutional structures within a single federal regulatory authority may tend to lead to diversity in risk outcomes that creates policy decisions that complicate and confuse the risk management process. On top of this challenge, decisions become more complicated by the need to examine beneficial factors of foods rather than the adverse effects of foods and food additives. Foods are a complex mixture of ingredients. Regulatory groups recognize the need to use new approaches for evaluating the safety and risks associated with foods and food additives, and to do so in a timely manner. The United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) in its need to ensure standards of "reasonable certainty of no harm" continues to explore alternative means to be responsive to petitioners as well as continue to examine scientifically validated means, e.g., quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR), and computer-assisted programs, within the approval process to assist in the evaluation of risks. Another means to improve the risk management process would include the cumulative risk assessment of pesticides that will, no doubt, be the beginning of more intensive efforts to understand cumulative exposures and the inherent risks from multiple pathways of exposure. The passage of the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) resulted in developing additional risk assessment methodologies and approaches to assess the potential for multiple exposures and risks. Addressing the international criteria used in decision-making related to foods safety assessment has resulted in acceptable intake values for food ingredients for carcinogens and noncarcinogens that, in general, tend to be more stringent in the United States compared to Europe. Clearly, the need for harmonization of risk assessment criteria and the impact of the decision process on regulatory approvals and safety assessment is a future need for the continued assurances of food safety. The topics presented in this paper are based on a symposium held in November 2002 at the annual meeting of the American College of Toxicology.  相似文献   

This paper provides guidance on how to assess the safety of foods derived from genetically modified crops (GM crops); it summarises conclusions and recommendations of Working Group 1 of the ENTRANSFOOD project. The paper provides an approach for adapting the test strategy to the characteristics of the modified crop and the introduced trait, and assessing potential unintended effects from the genetic modification. The proposed approach to safety assessment starts with the comparison of the new GM crop with a traditional counterpart that is generally accepted as safe based on a history of human food use (the concept of substantial equivalence). This case-focused approach ensures that foods derived from GM crops that have passed this extensive test-regime are as safe and nutritious as currently consumed plant-derived foods. The approach is suitable for current and future GM crops with more complex modifications. First, the paper reviews test methods developed for the risk assessment of chemicals, including food additives and pesticides, discussing which of these methods are suitable for the assessment of recombinant proteins and whole foods. Second, the paper presents a systematic approach to combine test methods for the safety assessment of foods derived from a specific GM crop. Third, the paper provides an overview on developments in this area that may prove of use in the safety assessment of GM crops, and recommendations for research priorities. It is concluded that the combination of existing test methods provides a sound test-regime to assess the safety of GM crops. Advances in our understanding of molecular biology, biochemistry, and nutrition may in future allow further improvement of test methods that will over time render the safety assessment of foods even more effective and informative.  相似文献   

A workshop was organised to investigate whether risk assessment strategies and methodologies used in classical/conventional toxicology may be used for risk assessment of allergenic foods, to discuss the advantages and limitations of different approaches and to determine the research needed to move the area forward. Three possible approaches to safety assessment and risk assessment for allergenic foods were presented and discussed: safety assessment using NOAEL/LOAEL and uncertainty factors, safety assessment using Benchmark Dose and Margin of Exposure (MoE), and risk assessment using probabilistic models.  相似文献   

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