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目的:为促进连锁药店药学服务的进一步开展和相关部门实施监管提供参考。方法:通过实地调查和问卷调查相结合的方式对成都市区5家连锁药店分店开展药学服务的基本情况进行调查与分析。结果:核心服务方面,调查发现2家药店未悬挂药师证且药师不在岗;各药店药师提供用药指导频度的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),超过50%的受访消费者在药店B、C和E购药时药师经常会提供用药指导。感知服务方面,存在违法广告和促销情况的药店各有3家;各药店药品分区情况均较好;服务存档材料情况药店C最好,药店D最差;服务咨询区设置上独立咨询区的设置情况较差。扩展服务方面,会员卡业务一项除会员日优惠外5家药店对会员的优惠方式各有不同;各药店药品拆零服务开展情况较差,无一家药店拆零品种数≥10。结论:成都市区连锁药店药学服务基本情况差强人意。除了采取药店加强对药师的考核和管理、完善药学服务项目,监管部门强化对药品广告和促销的监管等手段外,建议借助互联网信息技术手段,建立云监管平台,开展远程服务和云服务,加强互联网品牌服务营销,以提升连锁药店的药学服务水平。  相似文献   

魏飙 《中国药店》2010,(2):56-59
根据商圈、顾客群及消费购买习惯以及服务差异化等,药店可以细化为便利性店、药妆店、健康美丽店、专业性药学服务药店、综合性药店等几种类型,连锁企业可以结合自身门店的顾客群进行相应转型。  相似文献   

连锁药店应对药品价格竞争的策略探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
程艳  马爱霞 《中国药房》2004,15(6):380-382
目的 :为连锁药店应对药品价格竞争提供参考思路。方法 :从经济学角度探讨药店竞争 ;分析平价药店与连锁药店各自的优、劣势。结果与结论 :连锁药店只有加强药学服务 ,不断发掘市场空白点 ,充分发挥自身优势 ,才能在竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

目的:了解3类零售药店(城市连锁药店、城市单体药店、乡镇单体药店)在处方药管理和销售过程中存在的问题,推进药品分类管理制度的发展,促进居民合理、安全用药。方法:通过设计调查问卷与实地观察,对枣庄市2014年4-5月60家零售药店是否凭处方销售处方药、有无执业药师在岗、特殊管理药品的销售是否规范等一系列问题进行调查统计并提出建议。结果与结论:在调查统计的60家零售药店中,包括城市连锁药店20家、城市单体药店20家和乡镇单体药店20家;仅14家(23.3%)药店凭处方出售处方药,3家(5.0%)城市连锁药店有执业药师且在岗;多家药店的抗生素、特殊管理药品、处方药未按有关规定销售。零售药店处方药管理和销售中存在多种违规问题。建议完善药品分类管理制度并加强对零售药店的监管,以保障患者合理、安全用药。  相似文献   

药店顾客需求特征对药店经营管理的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析药店顾客的需求特征,并针对性的提出药店经营管理的策略。发现药店顾客的需求具有被动性、被迫性、急迫性、目标指向性,以及谨慎性等特征,药店应该强化品类管理水平,通过提供专业化药学服务和开展促销传播活动,并结合专业化药店形象塑造和强化,提高顾客满意度。  相似文献   

目的:为促进和强化湖南永州农村地区零售药店开展药学服务提供参考。方法:通过对湖南永州农村地区357家零售药店的服务理念、服务方式、服务流程、服务内容、软硬件设施及从业人员的专业素质等13个方面进行调查,了解其开展药学服务的现状。结果与结论:该地区有78.9%的药店存在执业药师或药师挂靠现象,从业人员中仅有53.3%是药学专业毕业;每年参加培训的人员比例不足30.0%,平均培训时间不超过8小时;65.3%的药店从业人员尚未树立药学服务理念;未配备基本药学服务软硬件设施的药店达47.0%,未建立药学服务管理流程的达87.4%;不足10.0%的零售药店开展了药学上门服务。应该通过强化零售药店从业人员管理和培训、规范药店药学服务内容、建立标准化的药学服务流程、明确药店基本药学服务软硬件设施的配置、加强对药店药学服务绩效的考核与评价、督促药店药学服务社会功能的发挥等,实现居民安全、有效、合理用药。  相似文献   

目的:探索一种可以持续提高连锁药店质量管理的模式。方法:通过介绍品管圈在国内外的发展背景和研究现况、医院应用的先进经验以及研究连锁药店目前管理中有待改善和解决的问题,分析连锁药店品管圈应用的必要性,并用“合规圈”示范连锁药店品管圈活动的步骤和品管方法,展示出品管圈如何在连锁药店中使用。结果:品管圈活动的应用能够对连锁药店的质量管理起到正向作用,使连锁药店更好地提供药学服务,其在连锁药店应用是可行的。结论:将品管圈改进方法导入连锁药店管理中,促使连锁药店从业者积极主动展开质量管理活动,全面提升连锁药店的管理品质,提高药学服务水平。  相似文献   

朱守惠 《上海医药》2014,(19):64-66
本文分析了我国零售药店开展药学服务存在的问题,指出开展药学服务能够提升零售药店的核心竞争力,从而带来经济效益。通过提升药学技术人员的药学服务能力、配备必要设备、建立顾客健康档案等措施能够推进零售药店的药学服务工作。  相似文献   

李慧 《中国药店》2002,(3):42-42
在美国,一家名不见经传的小型单体药店——Leesburg却创造出850万美元年销售额的奇迹,比上一年增长了30%。要知道,连锁规模和销售额均占据连锁药店排行榜第一名的CVS,按180亿美元的年销售额计算,平均每家店的年销售额也只不过近500万美元。对此,Leesburg的老板BruceRoberts先生解释说,“基于成本预算的基础之上,从现有顾客群体身上获得更多的利益,正是Leesburg获得成功的营销之道。”  相似文献   

目的通过调查零售药店药学服务的状况,分析存在的问题,提出改进建议。方法采用文献查询、观察法、神秘顾客法和综合分析的方法进行调研。结果零售药店药学服务功能处于弱化状态;药店经营理念还没有转变,执业药师数量缺乏、素质不高。结论零售药店可以通过转变经营理念、探索建立可行的药学服务管理模式、提高药店从业人员的药学服务水平来改善药学服务功能弱化的状况。  相似文献   

徐敢 《中国药事》2018,32(11):1462-1466
目的:分析社会药房药事服务费收费机制,为深化医药卫生体制改革提供参考和建议。方法:通过定性分析和研究推理,探索社会药房药事服务收费管理机制并提出改革建议。结果:设立社会药房药事服务费,对全面取消以药养医、落实医药分开、提升药品流通企业转型升级具有重要的价值和意义。结论:应尽快创设社会药房药事服务费管理机制,建立合理的执业药师专业服务的补偿机制和激励机制。  相似文献   



To compare patients'' expectations and experiences at pharmacies offering traditional APPE learning opportunities with those offering enhanced APPEs that incorporate pharmaceutical care activities.


A survey of anchored measures of patient satisfaction was conducted in 2 groups of APPE- affiliated community pharmacies: those participating in an enhanced APPE model versus those participating in the traditional model. The enhanced intervention included preceptor training, a comprehensive student orientation, and an extended experience at a single pharmacy rather than the traditional 2 x 4-week experience at different pharmacies.


While patient expectations were similar in both traditional and enhanced APPE pharmacies, patients in enhanced pharmacies reported significantly higher in-store satisfaction and fewer service gaps. Additionally, satisfaction was significantly higher for patients who had received any form of consultation, from either pharmacist or students, than those reporting no consultations.


Including provision of pharmaceutical care services as part of APPEs resulted in direct and measurable improvements in patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

目的:提升专业药房(DTP药房)执业药师专业能力水平,助力DTP药房健康有序发展。方法:梳理国内外DTP药房产生的背景和发展状况,分析我国DTP药房特点和作用,提出DTP药房对执业药师专业能力的要求。结果:我国DTP药房以提供全周期专业化药学服务为特色,在处方外流、药品带量采购、“双通道”管理机制等政策的激励下,DTP药房面临重要发展机遇。结论:执业药师应不断提升专业的药学服务能力、书写药历和开展药物警戒能力、患者用药信息收集分析能力、全流程药品质量管理能力、沟通协调和人文关怀服务能力,以适应新形势下我国DTP药房发展需求,促进DTP药房为患者提供有价值的健康服务。  相似文献   

李烨  窦纪梁  张丽青 《中国药事》2017,31(7):727-732
目的:梳理当前网上药店发展中存在的问题,为促进我国网上药店的发展提供帮助。方法:通过文献研究及问卷调查,分析当前我国网上药店存在的问题,从法律法规、销售品种、网站建设、药品配送等方面进行探讨。结果与结论:现行的法律法规不够完善,缺乏对网上药店的监督管理;网上药店销售的产品种类比较混乱,网站建设不完善,药品信息标注不明确;消费者对网上药店的了解程度不高,对网上销售的药品质量存有质疑;网上药店的物流配送机制尚不健全。  相似文献   

申思思  李佳月  王松林  刘芳羽  赵静 《中国药事》2017,31(12):1390-1394
目的:通过总结目前我国互联网药店及药学服务现状,对比分析国外成熟监管经验,找出我国“互联网+”背景下药店及药学服务市场法律监管存在的问题及原因,并提出建立和完善监管的对策。方法:以互联网药店及药学服务热点为视角,运用文献调查方法及比较分析的方法,梳理国外对网络药店立法及监管的最新进展。结果与结论:我国互联网医药电商发展迅速,但存在网络药品销售法律法规不完善,准入门槛低,监管力度弱,网络药品医保体系尚未建立等问题。我国“互联网+”背景下药店及药学服务市场法律监管应在借鉴成熟经验的同时有所突破和创新,符合我国医药电子商务特色和实际。  相似文献   

BackgroundInternationally, community pharmacies have become increasingly involved in providing harm reduction services and health advice to people who use illicit drugs.ObjectiveThis paper considers public opinion of community pharmacy services. It discusses attitudes to harm reduction services in the context of stigmatization of addiction and people who use drugs.MethodsThis exploratory study involved twenty-six purposively sampled members of the public, from the West of Scotland, participating in one of 5 focus groups. The groups were composed to represent known groups of users and non-users of community pharmacy, none of whom were problem drug users.ResultsThree thematic categories were identified: methadone service users in community pharmacies; attitudes to harm reduction policies; contested space. Harm reduction service expansion has resulted in a high volume of drug users in and around some Scottish pharmacies. Even if harm reduction services are provided discretely users' behavior can differentiate them from other pharmacy users. Drug users' behavior in this setting is commonly perceived to be unacceptable and can deter other consumers from using pharmacy services. The results of this study infer that negative public opinion is highly suggestive of stereotyping and stigmatization of people who use drugs. Participants considered that (1) community pharmacies were unsuitable environments for harm reduction service provision, as they are used by older people and those with children; (2) current drug policy is perceived as ineffective, as abstinence is seldom achieved and methadone was reported to be re-sold; (3) people who use drugs were avoided where possible in community pharmacies.ConclusionsCommunity pharmacy harm reduction services increasingly bring together the public and drug users. Study participants were reluctant to share pharmacy facilities with drug users. This paper concludes by suggesting mechanisms to minimize stigmatization.  相似文献   

《Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal》2021,29(12):1441-1448
BackgroundPharmacists as a group of health care professionals, face different types of ethical challenges in their everyday routine that may impede pharmaceutical care.ObjectivesIn this study, we aimed at evaluation and recognition of the ethical challenges of pharmacy practice in community pharmacies.MethodsThis exploratory study was conducted as a qualitative study consisting of open-ended in-depth interviews and focus group discussions followed by content analysis. The study participants were chosen from pharmacists with PharmD degree who had at least 4 years work experience and were the founders or technical managers of community pharmacies, either as governmental or private. Interviews continued until data saturation and transcribed verbatim. The content analysis was done by Graneheim and Lundman method. The codes were generated, and categorized. After assessment and final modifications, the results of the study were discussed and confirmed in a focus group discussion conducted by 7 experts who teach medical ethics and/or pharmacy ethics.ResultsOverall, 40 pharmacists were interviewed (mean age 46 ± 11.3 years). The extracted ethical challenges of pharmacy practice were categorized into 3 main themes, 11 subthemes and 102 codes. The themes were achieved as challenges related to professionalism and professional practice, challenges related to professional communications and challenges related to regulations and policies.ConclusionTaken together, it seems that most of the challenges of pharmacy practice are related to professionalism and professional commitment; however, the regulations and policies provide serious obstacles for pharmacy practice and pharmaceutical care. More efforts towards teaching professionalism and modification of regulations and policies are recommended.  相似文献   

BackgroundAction research (AR) is a common research-based methodology useful for development and organizational changes in health care when participant involvement is key. However, AR is not widely used for research in the development of pharmaceutical care services in pharmacy practice.ObjectivesTo disseminate the experience from using AR methodology to develop cognitive services in pharmacies by describing how the AR process was conducted in a specific study, and to describe the outcome for participants.MethodsThe study was conducted over a 3-year period and run by a steering group of researchers, pharmacy students, and preceptors. The study design was based on AR methodology. The following data production methods were used to describe and evaluate the AR model: documentary analysis, qualitative interviews, and questionnaires.ResultsExperiences from using AR methodology and the outcome for participants are described. A set of principles was followed while the study, called the Pharmacy-University study, was being conducted. These principles are considered useful for designing future AR studies. Outcome for participating pharmacies was registered for staff-oriented and patient-oriented activities. Outcome for students was practice as project leaders and enhancement of clinical pharmacy-based skills. Outcome for researchers and the steering group conducting the study was in-depth knowledge of the status of pharmacies in giving advice to patient groups, and effective learning methods for students.ConclusionDeveloping and implementing cognitive pharmaceutical services (CPS) involves wide-reaching changes that require the willingness of pharmacy and staff as well as external partners. The use of AR methodology creates a platform that supports raising the awareness and the possible inclusion of these partners. During this study, a set of tools was developed for use in implementing CPS as part of AR.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of directive guidance (DG) behaviors by pharmacists on patient satisfaction with pharmaceutical care services. DG behaviors are social support behaviors and include such activities as supplying information about medications and providing encouragement and feedback regarding drug therapy. DESIGN: Cross-sectional observational study using a self-administered survey. SETTING: Two university-affiliated ambulatory care clinics, two chain pharmacies, and one independent pharmacy. PATIENTS: One hundred sixty patients with a chronic disease (e.g., asthma, hypertension, diabetes). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Patient satisfaction with pharmaceutical care services. RESULTS: A total of 160 completed questionnaires were collected from patients at 5 sites. Overall, patients patronizing ambulatory care clinics perceived higher rates of DG behaviors and were more satisfied with pharmaceutical care services, compared with patients in community pharmacies (P < .05). The hierarchical regression model was significant (F(13,112) = 4.9091, P < .001). DG behaviors explained 32.4% (P < .001) of the variance in patient satisfaction with pharmaceutical care services. CONCLUSION: Higher rates of DG behaviors by pharmacists are associated with greater patient satisfaction with pharmaceutical care services.  相似文献   

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