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本文研究了丙嗪对正常人和肝硬化患者的药动学参数及其与半乳糖单点法(GSP)的相关性,以期对肝硬化患者进行剂量调整提供临床指导。选择9名肝硬化患者,6名健康志愿受试者。每人口服丙嗪2片(每片50ms),24OmL水,夜间禁食,随后第15,25,4O,6Omin,1.5,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,IO,12,16,24,36,48,6O,72h抽取7~12mL静脉血样,于涂有肝素的玻璃管中,离心,将血浆和血细胞分开,于一3O”C贮存备用。服药后0,1,2,4,6,8,12,24,4872h收集尿样,于一30C贮存,并记录尿样体积和PH值。各样品用HPLC法分析。,使用双室…  相似文献   

王力智  刘冰 《中国药房》1997,8(2):94-95
本报道通过对中药煎剂中的茎,叶,花,根,根茎,子实,果实,枝干,皮,藤,石,介,虫,甲5大类53种中药的重量,加水量,倒出量,吸蓄量的实验探讨,初步得出处方药重量,加水量、火候,煎煮时间和煎出量之间的关系及其相关的计算公式,对促进中药煎剂加水量和达到预期煎药量的量化指标,提供了科学实验依据。  相似文献   

依那普利致全身肌肉抖动1例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关爱阁  刘利芳 《海峡药学》2007,19(3):106-106
患者,男,54岁,因发作性胸闷,伴后颈疼痛半年,于2006年5月29日入院,自觉胸骨后尤甚,持续数秒至十余分钟不等,有时伴汗出及恶心,多在夜间发作。查体:体温36.4℃,脉搏56次/min,呼吸18次/min,血压144/80mmHg,神清,精神可,自动体位,查体合作,双肺呼吸音清,未闻及罗音,腹软,无压痛及反跳痛,心界无扩大,心率56次/min,律齐,心音正常,未闻及杂音,双下肢无水肿,神经系统检查无异常。  相似文献   

病毒唑、林可霉素联合用药致过敏性休克2例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
笔者遇见2例,因病毒唑和林可霉素联合应用发生过敏性休克,报告如下。病例1,徐某,女,43岁。因咽部红肿,T39.SC,拟诊为上呼吸道感染,入院,给予病毒峻300mg,林可霉素120万“,地塞米松10mg加入5%葡萄糖液500ml中赢滴,输往速度80滴/min,输往约20min,患者感胸闷,呼吸急促,面色苍白,口唇发钳,大汗淋漓,抽搐。停止输液,查体:血压倒不到,湖式呼吸,两眼发直.对光反应迟钝,心率126次/min,小便失禁,咳粉红色泡沫痰,两肺弥漫性湿罗音。诊断为过敏性休克,急性肺水肿。即肌注肾上腺素ling,另以肾上腺素4mg,东曹春院0…  相似文献   

生南星本品为天南星科植物的天南星Arisacmaerllbesces(wall)Schott干燥块茎,其性味苦,李温。笔者采用本品治疗癫痫证、头痛等疾病,效果尚佳,介绍如下。1癫证林××,男,23岁,1995年9月2日初诊,禀性好胜,心经郁热,高考不中,情怀不愉,精神异常,坐立不安,悲观自卑,恶梦惊人,外院神经科治疗,症状依然,舌质红苔黄腻,脉弦滑,此乃痰气郁而化热,痰热交蒸,上扰神明,治当化痰解郁,养心安神为主。生南星、生半夏各12g,炙甘草9g,浮小麦30g,大枣5枚,郁金、枣仁各10g,石菖蒲、获神各15g,炙远志4.5g,生铁落60g(先煎)…  相似文献   

缓释,控释片剂的发展概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就近两年缓释,控释片剂的类型,常用辅料及工艺进行综述。认为以羟丙基纤维素,羟丙基甲基纤维素,乙基纤维素,微晶纤维素,聚丙烯酸树脂Ⅱ号和Ⅲ号,羧甲基纤维素钠,碳酸盐,高级脂肪醇,硬脂酸镁等为辅料,通过制成骨架片,胃内漂浮片,包衣片,渗透泵片等几种形式的缓释,控释制剂,可以增加药物吸收程度,稳定血药浓度,降低毒副反应,减少给药次数,提高疗效。  相似文献   

由河南中医药医学研究所研制的百舒宁磁药贴,不经高温熬制.纯天然中药低温提取,微粒磁化工艺,使之具有超大载药量,高治疗活性,含有独特的甲基生物素和多种组织细胞激活因子,具有较强祛风通脉,化淤止痛,养血益筋,祛腐生新之作用,该品有两种类型:通用型,适用于关节炎,颈椎病,骨质增生,肩周炎,风湿病等,专用型,适用于股骨头坏死,腰椎间盘突出,偏头痛,三叉神经痛等。  相似文献   

含化复方新诺明引起过敏性休克一例患者,女,30岁,因咽峡炎于1992年8月7日晚10时自行含化复方新诺明(广州白云山制药厂)两片、约7分钟后,出现全身搔痒,当即肌注苯海拉明20mg,静推10%葡萄糖酸钙10ml,旋即全身泛起荨麻疹,奇痒难忍,眼睑轻度水肿,嘴唇发麻,咽部“发紧”,发音困难,烦躁,立即给予吸氧,静推地塞米松10mg,皮下注射肾上腺素0.5mg,与此同时,患者脸色苍白、鼻尖、未梢发凉,口唇紫绀,时吸暂停,意识丧失,脉搏140次/分,细数,血压测不到,再次给予皮下注射肾上腺素0.5mg,静点地塞米松15mg,并给予扩容、纠酸,约一分钟后,欲行气管切开时,患者呼吸渐恢复、继而意识清楚,紫绀减轻,血压10/16kPa,遂休克纠正。复方新诺明片致过敏性休克者尚属少见,该患者有青霉素过敏史,局部用药又易致过敏,考虑喉头痉挛与药物含化有关。(长治市人民医院王爱军,崔文华,郭天然)含化复方新诺明引起过敏性休克一例@王爱军,崔文华,郭天然$长治市人民医院  相似文献   

湿热盗汗论治二则赵军,冯玲(河南省开封市第二人民医院开封市475000)病例1王某,男,61岁,工人,盗汗约1年,每天睡醒后,上半身汗出如洗,起来后汗止,即感觉浑身发冷,头重乏力,畏寒肢冷,渴不多饮,大便干燥,小便色黄,舌质红,苔黄腻,脉濡数。此及湿...  相似文献   

患儿男,1天,第1胎,体重3400g,身长50cm,胎龄38周剖宫分娩。产时无窒息,生后1min Apgar评10分,5min Apgar评9分。生后转入我院新生儿科观察,即发现该婴四肢震颤.查体:体温36.5℃,呼吸40次/分,脉搏120次/分,精神状态可,头围30cm,前囟平,颈软,面色红,口周微绀,呼吸尚平稳,心率120次/分,心音有力,律齐,未闻及心脏杂音,双肺呼吸音清晰,腹软,肝脾未扪及。四肢震颤明显、频繁,肌张力略低,无肌强直,无双眼凝视,头部无震颤,上部量明显大于下部量,生理反射存在。其母无糖尿病病史及相关胎盘疾病。  相似文献   

目的从短蛸(Octopus ocellatus)的胴体和腕部提取多糖,对短蛸不同部位提取的粗多糖的基本理化性质进行分析和比较,并对粗多糖进行分离和纯化。方法依次采用冷水,木瓜蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶联合酶解的方法提取多糖,采用Sevage法和等电点法去除粗多糖中的蛋白。对短蛸不同部位提取粗多糖的总糖、蛋白、糖醛酸、硫酸根含量和重均相对分子质量、单糖组成等性质进行分析和比较,并采用Sephacryl S-300凝胶柱层析和QSepharose4 Fast Flow离子交换层析方法对粗多糖进行分离和纯化。结果从短蛸胴体中提取的粗多糖中总糖和糖醛酸的含量明显高于腕部粗多糖,且蛋白含量较腕部多糖低;水提多糖中总糖和糖醛酸的含量明显低于酶提多糖,且蛋白含量高于酶提多糖;短蛸胴体粗多糖的单糖组成相对简单,主要含有Glc和少量Man、GlcNAc、GlcUA,而腕部粗多糖的单糖组成较为复杂,除主要含有Man、GlcNAc、GlcUA和GlcN外,还含有少量Gal和Fuc等;各多糖的重均相对分子质量在127.9~266.4kD之间;水提多糖和酶提多糖在SephacrylS-300凝胶柱层析上的洗脱曲线也明显不同。结论采用不同方法、从...  相似文献   

Systemic envenoming by the saw-scaled viper, Echis ocellatus, is responsible for more deaths than any other snake in West Africa. Despite its medical importance, there have been few investigations into the toxin composition of the venom of this viper. Here we describe the isolation of E. ocellatus venom gland cDNAs encoding a protein of 514 amino acids that showed 91% sequence similarity to Ecarin, a prothrombin-activating metalloproteinase from the venom of the East African viper, E. pyramidum leakeyi, that induces severe consumption coagulopathy. Structural similarities between the E. ocellatus metalloproteinase and analogues in venoms of related vipers suggest that antibodies raised to phylogenetically conserved E. ocellatus metalloproteinase domains may have potential for cross-specific and cross-generic neutralisation of analogous venom toxins.  相似文献   

I U Asuzu  A L Harvey 《Toxicon》2003,42(7):763-768
Snake bites in rural Nigeria are commonly treated with plant extracts. We have studied the ability of one such traditionally used plant (Parkia biglobosa; [Jacq.] Benth., Mimosaceae) to reduce the effects of two snake venoms (Naja nigricollis, and Echis ocellatus) in several experimental models. A water-methanol extract of P. biglobosa stem bark significantly (p<0.001) protected the chick biventer cervicis (cbc) muscle preparation from N. nigricollis venom-induced inhibition of neurally evoked twitches when it was added to the bath 3-5 min before or after the venom. The extract also reduced the loss of responses to acetylcholine (Ach), carbachol and KCl, which are normally blocked by N. nigricollis venom, and significantly reduced the contractures of the preparation induced by venom. P. biglobosa extract (75, 150 and 300 microg/ml) significantly (p<0.05) protected C2C12 murine muscle cells in culture against the cytotoxic effects of N. nigricollis and E. ocellatus venoms. The extract protected egg embryos exposed to lethal concentrations of E. ocellatus venom for more than 12 h and completely blocked the haemorrhagic activity of the venom at concentrations of 5 and 10 microg/1.5 microl. P. biglobosa extract (400 mg/kg) did not protect mice injected i.p. with 5 and 2.5 mg/kg of E. ocellatus and N. nigricollis venoms, respectively. It, however, protected 40% of the mice from death caused by E. ocellatus venom after the extract and venom were pre-incubated for 30 min before injecting the mixture.  相似文献   

The dynamic transmission and transformation of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) from the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense to the cladoceran Moina mongolica and subsequently to the larvae of the fish Sciaenops ocellatus were investigated under laboratory conditions. The results showed that PSTs could be transferred to S. ocellatus when they preyed on PST-containing M. mongolica. During the experimental period, A. tamarense, M. mongolica and the digestive glands of the fish larvae contained C(1/2) toxins, and the viscera of S. ocellatus contained neoSTX. The proportion of beta toxin (C2) in C(1+2) toxins increased when PSTs were transferred from A. tamarense to M. mongolica, but in the subsequent transfer from M. mongolica to S. ocellatus the proportion of alpha toxin (C1) increased. During depuration, the contents of C1 and C2 toxins in fish larvae decreased with the duration of depuration, but neoSTX remained relatively constant. The present results indicated that, using a cladoceran as the vector, PSTs can be transferred from toxic algae to a high trophic level fish and metabolized in the fish. Future work should address the metabolic characteristics of PSTs in cladocerans and the end result when they are transferred to fishes.  相似文献   

Forty-two and twelve specimens of puffers Tetraodon ocellatus and T. nigroviridis were, respectively, collected from the aquaria in Taiwan and determined for toxicity by using tetrodotoxin bioassay. It was found that T. ocellatus contained moderate amounts of toxin in skin and viscera, and the highest toxicity scores were 432 MU/g skin and 212 MU/g viscera. The specimens of T. nigroviridus contained weak amounts of toxin in skin, and the highest toxicity score was 124 MU/g. The toxin was partially purified from the toxic specimens of each species by ultrafiltration using a YM-1 membrane, followed by chromatography on Bio-Gel P-2 column. Analyses by electrophoresis, thin layer chromatography, and high performance liquid chromatography showed that the toxin from both species was composed of tetrodotoxin and anhydrotetrodotoxin.  相似文献   

O J Ode  I U Asuzu 《Toxicon》2006,48(3):331-342
The anti-snake venom activities of the methanolic extract of the bulb of Crinum jagus plant (Amaryllidaceae) were investigated in vitro and in vivo against the venoms of three notable snake species: Echis ocellatus, Bitis arietans and Naja nigricollis. The extract was prepared by cold marceration in 50% methanol at 37 degrees C with intermittent shaking for 48 h. An yield of 12.8% w/w dry extract was obtained. Oral administration of C. jagus extract (1000 mg/kg) protected 50% of mice, while injection of a 30 min pre-incubated mixture of the same dose of extract and venom gave 100% protection against the lethal effects of E. ocellatus venom (10 mg/kg, i.m.). The intraperitoneal administration of the extract at 250 mg/kg, 30 min before the injection of E. ocellatus venom (10mg/kg, i.m.), significantly (p<0.05) prolonged the death time of poisoned mice. C. jagus extract (500 mg/kg, per os), gave 50% protection against B. arietans venom (9.5mg/kg, i.m.) in mice while the pre-incubation of a mixture of the same dose of venom and extract (500 mg/kg), prior to injection (i.p.) of the mixture, gave only 33.3% protection. The pre-incubation of 500 mg/kg of C. jagus extract with N. nigricollis venom (6 mg/kg) prior to i.p. injection of the mixture protected 50% of the treated mice. There were generally no significant differences in the death times of mice that were given the same dose of the extract orally 30 min before injection of the venoms and those administered with the pre-incubated mixtures of venom and extract. The pre-incubation of the extract and E. ocellatus venom (5mg/kg) for 30 min, before the i.m. injection of the mixture, significantly reduced infiltration of inflammatory cells to the site of injection 4h post treatment. The concentrations of plasma creatine kinase in poisoned mice were significantly (p<0.01 or p<0.05) reduced after the injection (i.p.) of C. jagus extract (1000 mg/kg) pre-incubated with E. ocellatus (5mg/kg) or B. arietans (7 mg/kg) venom, respectively. The bulb extract of C. jagus blocked the haemorrhagic activity of a standard haemorrhagic dose (2.8 mg/ml) of E. ocellatus venom at various concentrations (1.7, 3.3 and 6.7 mg/ml). The methanolic bulb extract of C. jagus was therefore able to significantly protect mice from death, myonecrosis and haemorrhage induced by the lethal effects of venoms of notable snake species in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Envenoming by the West African saw-scaled viper, Echis ocellatus resembles that of most vipers, in that it results in local blistering, necrosis and sometimes life-threatening systemic haemorrhage. While effective against systemic envenoming, current antivenoms have little or no effect against local tissue damage. The major mediators of local venom pathology are the zinc-dependant snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs). The high degree of structural and functional homology between SVMPs and their mammalian relatives the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) suggests that substrate/inhibitor interactions between these subfamilies are likely to be analogous. In this study, four recently developed MMP inhibitors (MMPIs) (Marimastat, AG-3340, CGS-270 23A and Bay-12 9566) are evaluated in addition to three metal ion chelators (EDTA, TPEN and BAPTA) for their ability to inhibit the haemorrhagic activities of the medically important E. ocellatus venom and one of its haemorrhagic SVMPs, EoVMP2. As expected, the metal ion chelators significantly inhibited the haemorrhagic activities of both whole E. ocellatus venom and EoVMP2, while the synthetic MMPIs show more variation in their efficacies. These variations suggest that individual MMPIs show specificity towards SVMPs and that their application to the neutralization of local haemorrhage may require a synthetic MMPI mixture, ensuring that a close structural component for each SVMP is represented.  相似文献   

lambda-Carrageenan is a sulfated galactan isolated from some red algae and have been reported to have many kinds of biological activities. lambda-Carrageenan from Chondrus ocellatus, an important economic alga in China and many other parts of the world, was degraded by microwave, and obtained five products that have different molecular weight: 650, 240, 140, 15, 9.3 kDa. Analytical results confirmed that microwave degradation might not change the chemical components and structure of polysaccharides under certain condition. In this study, tumor-inhibiting activities, weight of immune organ, nature killer cells activity, lymphocyte proliferation ratio and pathological slice of spleen and tumor cells from the control group and lambda-carrageenan-treated mice of transplanted S180 and H22 tumor were investigated. The results indicated that the five lambda-carrageenan samples all showed antitumor and immunomodulation activities in different degree. Molecular weight of polysaccharides had notable effect on the activities. In addition, their antitumor and immunomodulation have some relevance and the five lambda-carrageenans probably inhibited tumor by means of activating the immunocompetence of the body. Among all the experiment results, samples with the highest activities are PC4 and PC5 whose molecular weight are 15 and 9.3 kDa.  相似文献   

五种海洋生物抗衰老相关活性的实验研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
本文对海马、海地瓜等5种海洋生物进行微量元素分析,控索对抗应激、抗自由基、动物学习记忆能力、单胺氧化酶B活性和血流流变学的影响。结果除少数外,大部分都有显著性差异(P〈0.05或P〈0.01),提示5种海洋生物对老年性疾病防治和老年保健具有一定意义。  相似文献   

The antigenic relationship between snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) was analysed using rabbit antisera raised against the native forms of two SVMPs purified from Echis ocellatus venom. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), western blotting and two-dimensional SDS-PAGE, our findings show that antibodies raised against EoVMP1, a non-haemorrhagic class P-I 24kDa SVMP, and EoVMP2, a haemorrhagic class P-III 56kDa SVMP, demonstrate cross-reactivities which relate to the domain hierarchy observed in class P-I to P-III/IV SVMPs. A third 65kDa P-III metalloproteinase (designated EoVMP3) was also isolated from E. ocellatus venom using hydrophobic interaction, size exclusion and anion exchange chromatography. In comparative immunoassays, EoVMP2 and EoVMP3 bound strongly to the commercial monovalent ovine Fab fragment antivenom EchiTAbtrade mark (raised against the same venom), but EoVMP1 showed no cross-reactivity. This could indicate that antivenoms may lack antibodies to potentially important venom components.  相似文献   

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