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医改背景下中国15省市医院药师现状调研   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
曾露  李娟 《中国药师》2015,(10):1714-1717
摘 要 目的: 探寻医院药师未来发展方向。方法: 采用现场问卷和邮寄问卷相结合的方法,对全国15省市不同等级医院的药师的工作现状进行调查,基于数据的统计分析,科学研究医院药师工作目前存在的问题。结果: 各级医院人力资源差距较大;药师工作待遇和环境有待提高;继续教育和立法不够规范和统一;临床药学及合理用药工作有待进一步发展。结论:建议建立和健全相关法律法规,保障药师合法权益;完善药师培养体系,提升药师的专业素质,促进医院药学发展。  相似文献   

于丽婷 《中国药师》2017,(4):771-773
摘 要 目的:通过对两组药师化疗职业防护情况的对比和分析,发现某院对药师化疗职业防护方面的缺点和不足。方法: 应用《医护人员化疗职业防护状况调查表》,采用随机数表法从静脉药物调配中心(静配组,PIVAS)药师和门急诊输液中心(输液组,OUIVA)药师中各随机抽取30名接触化疗药物的药剂师作为研究对象进行问卷调查。调查问卷的主要内容包括:调查对象的基本情况、药物冲配室防护条件、药师防护状况、药师培训状况等。对两组药师问卷回答情况进行统计分析。结果: 整体上药师对化疗药物危害及防护措施认识较差。静配组在使用防护用具及采取防护措施等多个方面明显优于输液组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:药师对化疗药物的危害、危害途径认识不足,对化疗职业防护措施执行率较低,医院没有健全的防护制度和充足的防护设备。  相似文献   

摘 要 目的:了解贵州省医疗机构部分医院药师继续教育开展情况。方法: 对贵州省91家医疗机构部分医院药师进行现场问卷调查,分析药师每年参加学术会议以及开展药学继续教育的次数、感兴趣的继续教育项目内容等信息。结果: 回收的121份调查问卷显示所调查的医院药师每年参加各类药学会议小于5次的比例为85.95%,所在医疗机构每年开展药学继续教育项目小于5次的比例达76.03%。对于医院药师感兴趣的继续教育项目内容排名为临床药学与临床药师培训、药事管理、“三基”培训及其他,同时有60份问卷反馈该医疗机构有计划近期培训临床药师。结论:当前贵州省各医疗机构医院药师继续教育水平较低,基层医院药师缺少继续教育机会和条件。需要进一步为基层医疗机构医院药师的继续教育提供机会,加强继续教育水平,借以提高药学服务水平。  相似文献   

目的 探讨县级医院临床药师的工作技能培养和规范化考核指标。方法 通过我院临床药师参与临床药物治疗实践,分析总结县级医院临床药师知识结构的重要性和细化量化临床药师工作指标的必要性。结果 临床药师的知识转型是参与查房与会诊、用药监护和用药指导的必备条件,实施规范化考核是深入开展临床药学工作并持续提升药学服务质量的保障。结论 县级医院临床药师需参与临床多学科的药学服务,在实践中丰富临床知识,在落实考核指标中持续提升工作质量。  相似文献   

王欣耀  庄涛  陶颖  徐晓媛 《中国药事》2018,32(2):195-200
目的:调查英国药师职业发展体系、内容和特点,为完善我国执业药师职业发展体系提出建议。方法:通过文献研究和专家访谈的方式,收集近年来英国药师职业发展的各项资料,整理出英国药师管理部门、职业发展体系、教育培训内容和职业发展特点。并对照分析我国的药师职业发展情况。结果与结论:我国执业药师职业发展培训内容偏向理论,缺乏实用性;培训方式比较单一,对不同岗位、不同能力的执业药师没有针对性;执业药师职业发展认证机制不完善。应借鉴英国职业发展体系,从完善药师职业发展认证机制,促进职业发展多元化,尽早培养执业药师职业发展意识等方面来完善我国执业药师职业发展体系。  相似文献   

目的:了解和评价一线医务人员对临床药物治疗风险的认知情况。方法:采用Likert scale设计调查表,对采集的数据采用SPSS 22.0统计软件进行分析。结果:发放调查问卷200份,回收有效问卷193份,有效回收率96.5%。医务人员对于药物治疗风险基本概念的认知、参与意愿以及自身工作中的风险认知度均比较高;影响参与的因素中客观因素认知度高,主观因素认知度低;对工作环节的药物治疗风险管理中,药师更多的参与、先进的信息化有效预警手段的引入、信息交流平台的建立方面有较高的认同度。不同性别、年龄、技术职称、工作年限、职业人群对药物治疗风险的认知程度差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:医务人员对药物治疗风险概念和参与意愿的认知度比较高,对目前药物治疗风险的管理认同度较低,积极主动参与的态度不强烈,医院需要在预警措施、沟通交流、提高医务人员主动参与意识等方面加强管理,建立一个多环节有效运行的药物治疗风险管理体系。  相似文献   

目的 以英国药学技术人员的职业发展和教育模式为借鉴,以期为中国医院药学事业的发展提供实践依据。方法 介绍英国国家药学教育与药学技术人员发展框架及医院药师的受教育和职业发展路径,找出两国在药师培养、工作模式的不同和差距,提出促进中国临床药学事业发展、药学教育改革和临床药师培养的建议。结果与结论 英国的药学教育以培养面向临床及患者工作的药师为目的,学制4年,药学硕士学位,教学内容偏重临床实践。中国的药学教育起步较晚,药学人才培养模式与课程设置未突出该课程"交叉、实践性强"的特点;英国的药学教育模式、药学人才培养体系及医疗体制对其医院药学服务发展具有重要的作用,对中国药学人才培养模式与课程设置改革有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

目的 对安徽省ICU护士幽门后喂养知信行现状进行调查,并分析其影响因素。方法 本研究采用横断面调查设计,课题组根据文献综述结果结合临床经验设计安徽省ICU护士幽门后喂养知信行调查问卷,采用方便抽样法通过问卷星对安徽省425名ICU护士对幽门后喂养的知识、态度和行为情况进行调查,并采用单因素分析法比较不同人口学资料的护士知信行得分是否存在差异。结果 最终收到有效问卷414份。护士幽门后喂养知识得分率为70.6%,信念得分率为85.96%,行为得分率为78.17%。不同医院等级(t=4.393、2.496、2.526)、护龄(F=6.237、3.122、6.978)和职称(F=13.577、8.264、6.150)的护士幽门后喂养知识、态度、行为得分不同,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。结论 安徽省ICU护士幽门后喂养基础知识和前沿知识掌握不完善,提示医院管理者应针对医院等级、护龄和职称等影响因素采取措施,以提高ICU护士幽门后喂养知信行水平。  相似文献   

基于Delphi法构建临床药师核心能力指标体系的研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目的 初步构建临床药师核心能力指标体系。方法 通过文献回顾设计问卷,应用Delphi法,选取38名专家进行2轮问卷函询。结果 2轮专家咨询问卷回收率分别为97.4%,97.2%;专家权威系数范围为0.71~0.95。形成了临床药师的核心能力指标体系:包括一级指标5项,二级指标26项。结论 专家的积极性和权威性较高,形成的指标体系为临床药师的培养和临床药学工作的开展提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:了解药师对老年人合理用药知识的掌握情况及影响因素,为促进药师在老年人合理用药中的作用发挥提供参考。方法:根据2012版Beers标准设计问卷,调查广州市部分"三甲"医院和佛山市部分"二甲"医院的药师对老年人合理用药知识的掌握现状,并就调查结果进行统计和分析。结果:共发放调查问卷190份,回收有效问卷176份,有效回收率为92.63%。受访药师中,答题较好的占30.11%,答题差的占23.30%,其余答题一般。20道题目中,答题正确率超过80%的仅5题。其中临床药学部门受访药师较非临床药学部门受访药师得分高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);职称越高、工作时间越久的受访药师得分越高,不同职称、工作时间的受访药师得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);而不同等级医院、不同学历的受访药师得分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:药师对老年人合理用药知识掌握一般,且其掌握情况与工作部门、职称、工作时间存在相关性。医院应加强药师关于老年人合理用药知识的培训和考核,重视并积极针对老年人开展以合理用药为中心的临床药学工作。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess perceptions of stress among working pharmacist moms.MethodsMembers of the then 1000-member Facebook Pharmacist Moms group were invited to complete an 18-question online survey. The survey included questions related to stress and demographics.ResultsNinety-three pharmacist moms responded to the survey. The majority (82%) of respondents graduated more than 5 years ago. Most (81%) had at least 2 children; 44% had at least 1 child younger than 5 years. The largest proportion (58%) of respondents practiced in a community pharmacy, whereas nonretail respondents included those working in a hospital (25%) or in academia (12%). Retail pharmacist moms felt more nervous or stressed about work than nonretail pharmacist mothers (70% vs. 49%; P < 0.01) and were more likely to feel difficulties were piling up so high they could not overcome them (48% vs. 15%; P < 0.01). Moms who worked in retail also felt more upset because of something that happened at work compared with nonretail pharmacist moms (63% vs 28%; P < 0.01).ConclusionWomen have become a major force in pharmacy and will continue to play a considerable role in the future of the profession. Pharmacist moms working in retail report higher stress levels compared with their nonretail counterparts. These results indicate a need to educate future female pharmacists on coping skills and life management techniques that foster healthy work-life balances. Employers should be aware of the underlying stressors that pharmacist moms are coping with in the workplace. These findings suggest the need for a more comprehensive survey to determine whether the stress perceived by pharmacist moms is warranted.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo quantify influenza vaccination rates and determine perceived barriers to influenza vaccination among U.S. pharmacists from various practice settings.DesignProspective study.SettingUnited States in 2008.Participants1,028 respondents, including 895 pharmacists.InterventionA survey request was distributed manually at the 2008 National Community Pharmacists Association annual meeting, and an initial e-mail was sent with two follow-up e-mails to all pharmacists who receive e-mails via Pharmacist e-link.Main outcome measuresVaccination rates and barriers to vaccination among pharmacists.ResultsPharmacists reported an influenza vaccination rate of 78%, with coverage varying across practice settings: hospital (88%), academia (86%), clinic (83%), and community (75%). Employers infrequently required the influenza vaccine as a condition of employment (7%), and slightly more than one-half (58%) compensated pharmacists for being vaccinated; both of these were significantly associated with higher influenza vaccination rates (P < 0.001 for both). One-quarter of pharmacists (26%) expressed at least one issue regarding the influenza vaccine. Pharmacists were significantly less likely to be vaccinated if they expressed a concern (91% vs. 43%, P < 0.0001). Community pharmacists were significantly less likely to be compensated for receiving the influenza vaccination and significantly more likely to express one or more concerns than pharmacists from any other practice setting.ConclusionPharmacists reported high influenza vaccination rates overall, with slight variability among practice settings. Although employers infrequently required influenza vaccination, approximately one-half of employers compensated their pharmacists for being vaccinated. Employer incentives and pharmacist attitudes were highly correlated with influenza vaccination.  相似文献   

BackgroundPrior national surveys have quantified unemployment in the pharmacy workforce, and recent surveys have occurred in a changing environment, with increased numbers of pharmacists in the labor market.ObjectivesWe sought to investigate the rate of unemployment and situations of unemployed pharmacists.MethodsData from the 2019 National Pharmacist Workforce Survey were analyzed, focusing on an initial question about employment status and follow-up questions for unemployed respondents about whether they were seeking a job, the reason they were unemployed, and how long they had been unemployed.ResultsOverall, 4.4% of the respondents were unemployed, with higher rates occurring for female pharmacists, older pharmacist cohorts, and respondents of color, with the highest rate occurring (9.3%) for Black pharmacists. Most (74.4%) of the unemployed pharmacists were seeking a job in pharmacy, but 16.6% were not seeking any job. Nearly two-thirds of the unemployed pharmacist respondents had left the workforce involuntarily, with men at higher rates than women. The youngest cohort of unemployed pharmacists was the least likely to be forced to leave and more likely to leave for workplace-related or personal reasons. Black pharmacists had the overall highest rate of leaving the workforce involuntarily. On average, the unemployed pharmacists had been out of work nearly 2 years (19.2 months), and the periods out of work ranged widely. Those seeking a job in pharmacy predominantly (75.7%) had been unemployed for 1 year or less. More than half of the pharmacists involuntarily unemployed had been unemployed for 6 months or less.ConclusionAn increased rate of unemployment and a higher proportion of those unemployed seeking work occurred in this most recent national survey of the pharmacist workforce. Differences in the extent of unemployment and whether leaving the workforce was voluntary or involuntary occurred in pharmacists of color and in some age cohorts.  相似文献   

BackgroundEmotional intelligence (EI) is known to improve teamwork, communication, and organizational commitment. The role of EI has also influenced pharmacists’ ability to empathize, control emotions, and actively listen. Although EI’s impact on work-related components, including occupational stress, job performance, and psychological affective well-being, has been studied, there are no data specific to the practice of pharmacy.ObjectiveThe primary objective of this study was to determine whether a significant correlation exists between pharmacist EI and work-related components.MethodsA voluntary Qualtrics survey (Qualtrics, Provo, UT) was distributed electronically to all active pharmacists licensed by the Florida Board of Pharmacy, which included questions from valid and reliable assessment tools. Spearman correlations were used to examine the association between EI facets and dependent variables of occupational stress, job performance, and psychological affective well-being. A subanalysis was conducted to evaluate demographic data. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05 for all tests. Incomplete survey responses were included in the analysis.ResultsA total of 942 responses were received and analyzed. Most of the respondents were aged 44 years or younger (42.5%), female (46.9%), identified as Caucasian (52.8%), and worked 31-40 hours weekly (20.6%). Most of the respondents reported a primary employment setting within community (29.3%) or hospital (18.6%) pharmacy. Higher EI correlated with lower levels of occupational stress, higher job performance, and higher psychological affective well-being. Secondary outcomes reported increased stress for both females and those practicing in the community setting; hospital-based pharmacists reported higher job performance and psychological affective well-being. Stress decreased with both age and years of experience.ConclusionHigher EI may support overall wellness for pharmacists on the basis of the results of this study. Additional evaluation of demographic data, including practice settings, and a more robust cohort of participants would provide more insight in this area.  相似文献   

ObjectiveOccupational stress of health care providers may lower the quality of care. Person-environment fit theory and practical evidence have indicated that various types of knowledge and skills of health care providers are differentially associated with occupational stress. Clinical pharmacists are an indispensable part of medical teams. Clinical pharmacists in China are generally under high occupational stress, but what kind of knowledge and skills can relieve their occupational stress remains unclear. This study aimed to assess the association between the specific knowledge and skills of clinical pharmacists and their occupational stress in China. This study aimed to assess the association between the specific knowledge and skills of clinical pharmacists and their occupational stress in China.MethodsA field questionnaire survey using a stratified sampling was conducted to gather data on occupational stress, knowledge and skills related to hospital pharmacy, and other factors of occupational stress using the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire and a self-developed instrument. Ordinary least squares regression was used to evaluate the association of the participants’ knowledge, skills, and other factors with their occupational stress.ResultsA total of 625 clinical pharmacists from 311 tertiary hospitals in China (response rate = 84%) participated. Knowledge of or skills related to pharmaceutical care service provision (P = 0.02), the use of computers and the Internet in pharmacy practice (P = 0.02), interpersonal communication (P = 0.10), or pharmacoepidemiology (P = 0.08) was associated with reduced occupational stress of the participants. Participants who had credentials of nation-level specialized (P = 0.09) and general training (P = 0.04) for clinical pharmacist had lower degrees of occupational stress than those without these credentials. The participants’ clinical professions, routine tasks, technical titles, and type of hospital they work in were also associated with their occupational stress.ConclusionEnhancing several aspects of knowledge or skills among clinical pharmacists in tertiary hospitals in China may help reduce their occupational stress. Efforts are needed to improve the education and training system of clinical pharmacists in China.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo summarize select continuing pharmacy education (CPE) topics and hours related to geriatric care completed by community, hospital/clinic, and long-term care (LTC)/consultant pharmacists in the previous 12 months, whether pharmacy workplace influenced topic selection or completion, and to describe CPE sources used by community versus hospital/clinic pharmacists.DesignCross-sectional survey (2017).Setting and participantsLicensed pharmacists in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska with primary practice settings in community pharmacies, hospitals, or clinics or those practicing as consultant pharmacists.Main outcome measuresCPE on geriatric-related topics and hours completed in the previous 12 months, CPE providers and sources used, and differences in CPE topic completion and CPE providers and sources by primary pharmacy practice setting.ResultsPharmacists’ response rates for states ranged from 10.5% to 17.1%. Pharmacists (n = 1082) reported limited completion of geriatric-related topics. Almost one-third completed CPE credit in Alzheimer disease (AD) but fewer than 20% of pharmacists in selected age-related chronic diseases (e.g., Parkinson disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, epilepsy, vascular dementia, geriatric syndrome). LTC/consultant pharmacists completed significantly more hours in geriatric-related topics compared with other pharmacists. In contrast, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, asthma, and heart failure were completed by 34% to 64% of the pharmacists. Pharmacist’s Letter (57.2%), Power-Pak CE (42.4%), conferences, conventions, and symposia (32.5%), and Pharmacy Times (21.8%), were the most used CPE sources. Other sources were used by fewer than 18% of the pharmacists. Online CPE providers used by high numbers of study participants offered limited AD- or dementia-related topics and hours.ConclusionFindings revealed modest to minimal CPE completion in select geriatric care topics among pharmacists in the Upper Midwest. Completion rates were higher for LTC pharmacists compared with hospital, clinic, and community pharmacists. Only a few CPE sources were heavily used, and those offered minimal CPE in AD/dementia-related care. Given current findings and previous research, current CPE use habits and CPE offerings from major providers and sources seem insufficient for ensuring continued high-quality patient-centered care for growing U.S. aging populations.  相似文献   

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