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Knowledge of the incidence of spontaneous congenital abnormalities is critical for the accurate interpretation of findings in teratogenicity studies in any species. In this paper, results of the examination of 1739 neonatal Göttingen Minipigs are presented. Over the 2-year period under consideration, the incidence of external and visceral malformations was less than 0.2 and 0.1%, respectively. The most common external malformations were syndactyly, limb hyperflexion, domed head and scoliosis. The most common internal malformations were undescended testes, ventricular septal defect, diaphragmatic hernia and atrial septal defects. Pentadactyly and variation in the aortic arch’s bifurcation (absent truncus bicaroticus) were the most common variations. These data will help support the use of the Göttingen Minipig as a non-rodent species in embryofetal development studies where concerns persist about the availability of background data.  相似文献   



Although Göttingen minipigs have been widely used for the evaluation of skin absorption, the correlation of minipig skin permeability with human skin absorption remains unclear. This study was designed to investigate the prediction of human plasma concentrations after dermal application of drug products using skin permeability data obtained from minipigs.


First, in vitro skin permeabilities of seven marketed transdermal drug products were evaluated in minipigs, and compared with in vitro human skin permeability data. Next, plasma concentration-time profiles in humans after dermal applications were simulated using the in vitro minipig skin permeability data. Finally, the in vitro-in vivo correlation of minipig skin permeability was assessed.


The in vitro skin permeabilities in minipigs were correlated strongly with in vitro human skin permeability data for the same drug products, indicating the utility of minipig skin as an alternative to human skin for in vitro studies. The steady-state plasma concentration or the maximum concentration of drugs was within 2-fold of the clinical data. Bioavailability was approximately 3-fold lower than in vitro permeated fraction.


Predictions using in vitro skin permeability data in Göttingen minipig skin can reproduce the human pharmacokinetic profile, although the prediction of in vivo skin absorption underestimates human absorption.

Göttingen minipigs are increasingly used to evaluate the pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles of drug candidates. However, their accuracy in predicting human PK parameters is unclear. In this study, we investigated the utility of Göttingen minipigs for predicting human PK profiles. We evaluated the PK parameters of 30 compounds with diverse metabolic pathways after intravenous administration in minipigs. Human total clearance (CLtotal) was corrected using the blood to plasma ratio, and the volume of distribution at steady state (Vd(ss)) was corrected with plasma unbound fraction (fup). CLtotal and Vd(ss) were predicted using single-species allometric scaling using data from minipigs and other reported animal models (monkeys, human liver chimeric mice, and rats). The predicted values were compared with actual values reported in humans. Göttingen minipig were superior to rats because of their better predictability of Vd(ss) and CLtotal, as represented by lower absolute average fold error values. However, their predictability for Vd(ss) was inferior to monkey and human liver chimeric mice. Prediction of CLtotal from blood-based minipig data showed excellent correlation with human data, and comparable predictability with monkey and human liver chimeric mice. Thus, Göttingen minipigs can be used as an optional model for preclinical pharmaceutical research for predicting human CLtotal.  相似文献   

To determine the usefulness of monkey as an animal model, bioavailability and in vivo release behaviors of theophylline (TP) after oral administration of controlled-release beads in dogs, monkeys, and minipigs were evaluated. Controlled-release beads were prepared using a centrifugal-fluid type granulator, that is, CF-granulator, and Ethylcellulose (EC) was used as controlled-release coating agent. Aqueous solution and EC-coated beads, which contained TP were orally administered to animals after at least 1-week intervals. In dogs and minipigs, their relative bioavailabilities of EC-coated beads were 33.1% and 47.0%, respectively, and in vivo TP release from EC-coated beads in the gastrointestinal tract of dogs and minipigs were not reflected in vitro data. In monkeys, relative bioavailability of EC-coated beads was 80.0% and the highest among the three species, and release amount of TP from EC-coated beads at 24 h after oral administration was 82.8% and 92.4%, which was almost correlated to in vitro data. Therefore, the discrepancy of the relative bioavailability in three species is considered to be due to the difference of in vivo release behavior of TP. The monkey may be useful animal model for bioavailability studies of controlled-release dosage forms of TP from the viewpoint of in vitro-in vivo release correlation.  相似文献   

Carbamazepine (CBZ)-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) complex in the presence of HPMC was prepared and characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffractometer intended for improving the dissolution rate of CBZ. The phase-solubility method was used to investigate the effect of HP-β-CD and HPMC on the solubility of CBZ. Tablets of the resulting complex were prepared using direct compression method and the bioavailability was evaluated in beagle dogs using a UPLC/MS/MS method. The results showed solubility of CBZ was increased up to 95 times by complexation with HP-β-CD in the presence of 0.1% HPMC. The results of DSC and X-ray diffraction proved a formation of complex between CBZ and HP-β-CD. Dissolution rate of CBZ was notably improved from complex tablets with more than 97.39% released within 10 min; whereas for the commercial tablets, around 60% was released within 30 min. Using commercial tablets as the reference formulation, the bioavailability of complex tablets was considerably increased by 1.5-fold (P<0.05) and T(max) was reduced to 0.88 h compared with 1.25 h for commercial tablets. Furthermore, a lower inter-subject variability (49.9%) was observed compared with that of the commercial tablets (39.7%). It is evident from the results herein that complexation with HP-β-CD in the presence of HPMC is a feasible way to prepare a rapidly acting and better absorbed CBZ oral product.  相似文献   

Human serum butyrylcholinesterase (Hu BChE) is a stoichiometric bioscavenger that is being developed as a prophylactic countermeasure against organophosphorus nerve agents. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of Hu BChE against whole-body inhalation exposure to a lethal dose of sarin (GB) vapor. Male Göttingen minipigs were subjected to: air exposure, GB vapor exposure, or pretreatment with Hu BChE followed by GB vapor exposure. Hu BChE was administered by i.m. injection 24 h prior to exposure to 4.1 mg/m3 of GB vapor for 60 min. Electrocardiograms (ECG), electroencephalograms (EEG), and pupil size were recorded throughout exposure. Blood drawn before and throughout exposure was analyzed for blood gases, electrolytes, metabolites, acetylcholinesterase and BChE activities, and amount of GB present. Untreated animals exposed to GB vapor exhibited cardiac abnormalities and generalized seizures, ultimately succumbing to respiratory failure. Pretreatment with 3.0 or 6.5 mg/kg of Hu BChE delayed blood gas and acid–base disturbances and the onset of cardiac and neural toxic signs, but failed to increase survivability. Pretreatment with 7.5 mg/kg of Hu BChE, however, completely prevented toxic signs, with blood chemistry and ECG and EEG parameters indistinguishable from control during and after GB exposure. GB bound in plasma was 200-fold higher than plasma from pigs that did not receive Hu BChE, suggesting that Hu BChE scavenged GB in blood and prevented it from reaching other tissues. Thus, prophylaxis with Hu BChE alone not only increased survivability, but also prevented cardiac abnormalities and neural toxicity in minipigs exposed to a lethal dose of GB vapor.  相似文献   

For pediatric indications requiring juvenile toxicity testing, the rat is the preferred species. However, for some drugs it might not be an appropriate model or regulatory agencies may also request a non-rodent species. Due to the relatively recent use of Göttingen minipigs, little background data are available. This shortage of historical data can raise concerns with respect to interpretation, thus potentially discouraging investigators. This article presents background data from 82 piglets collected at different ages. The data described show the normal variations and changes which are important in the interpretations of these studies. Age-related changes were observed for several cardiac and clinical pathology parameters and in the haematopoietic tissues. Therefore, all pigs were not considered equal. It can be concluded that these data can be used as guidance, to support the concurrent study control data but cannot completely replace them.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to evaluate the normal cardiovascular and ECG parameters in freely moving minipigs and to use these data as the basis of pharmacological drug safety evaluation. METHODS: 7 G?ttingen Minipigs were equipped with radiotelemetry transmitters (ITS). Aortic pressure (AP), left ventricular pressure (LVP), lead II of the ECG and body temperature were continuously monitored. Notocord HEM 4.2 software was used for data acquisition. Power calculations for the various parameters were done to assess appropriate sample sizes. RESULTS: We obtained excellent signal quality and found stable hemodynamic parameters with a low intrinsic heart rate in the G?ttingen Minipig. After oral dosing of vehicle, the hemodynamic parameters returned quickly to baseline values indicating that the procedure was well tolerated. The heart rate dependency of the QT interval had to be corrected individually. A sufficient power could be achieved with a sample size of 4 due to the low variability of the parameters measured. DISCUSSION: These are, to our knowledge, the first data documenting the course of systemic arterial and ventricular hemodynamic parameters in the freely moving G?ttingen Minipig over 24 h. As such, they may serve as a basis for future studies in which drug effects are studied in these animals.  相似文献   


External gross observations of the eye and its adnexae, ocular reflexes, anterior ocular segment biomicroscopic examinations, fundic examinations performed with an indirect ophthalmoscope, and/or electroretinographic investigations (ERG) were carried out on 112 7-12-month-old Yucatan micropigs, on 18 6-8-week-old, and 81 2-10-month old Gottingen minipigs to evaluate the incidence of observed ocular abnormalities and to compare the ERG waves. A statistical comparison was performed for these findings.

The most important ocular defects were classified as remnants of embryological vascular tissue. The other findings were considered either as embryonic remnants or of nondeterminate etiology. The most noteworthy findings were, in decreasing order of incidence, for Yucatan micropigs, 6-8 week-old and 2-10-monfh-old Gottingen minipigs, respectively, hyaloid artery remnants (82.1%, 83.3%, and 46.3%), pupillary  相似文献   

The aim of the current work was to develop generic sustained-release tablets containing 35 mg trimetazidine dihydrochloride and to establish an in vitroin vivo correlation that could predict the bioavailability. The marketed sustained release tablet (Vastarel MR) used as reference, a sustained-release matrix tablet was prepared using hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) as matrix by wet granulation and the in vitro dissolution profiles of the self-made tablets were determined in four different dissolution media (0.1 M HCl, pH 4.5 PBS, pH 6.8 PBS and water). A higher similarity between prepared tablets and Vastarel MR was established, with similarity factor (f2) ranging from 60 to 75 in the four media. The in vivo pharmacokinetics was studied in six healthy beagles. Compared with Vastarel MR, the Cmax of self-made tablets was slightly decreased, while the Tmax and MRT0–t were slightly prolonged, but with no significant difference (P > 0.05). The average of relative bioavailability (F) was 102.52% based on AUC0–t. For log-transformed AUC0–t and Cmax, the upper confidence limit on the appropriate criterion is <0, indicating these two formulations were population bioequivalent. The in vivoin vitro correlation coefficient obtained from point-to-point analysis of self-made tablets was 0.9720. In conclusion, the prepared tablets were bioequivalent to the marketed tablets, according to both the in vitro release rate and extent of absorption, and a good in vivoin vitro correlation was established for the self-made tablets that indicated in vitro dissolution tests could be used as a surrogate for bioavailability studies.  相似文献   



Onset and rate of gastric emptying are important determinants of drug absorption after oral dosing. Therefore, robust estimates of these parameters are needed in physiologically based absorption models to predict reliably plasma concentration time profiles. For human and some other laboratory animals, reasonable parameterization of gastric emptying has been established. However gastric emptying is less well characterized in minipigs, a large animal model rapidly gaining importance in pharmaceutical research.


A pharmacokinetic crossover study using different dosage forms of paracetamol (intravenous and oral solution, capsule and tablet) was conducted in four male and four female Göttingen minipigs after an overnight fast. Deconvolution analysis was performed to determine the absorption kinetics. Estimated lag times and first order gastric emptying parameters were incorporated in a previously published PBPK model of the minipig and simulations verified. Postmortem assessments of minipig stomachs were made after different fasting protocols.


Fraction of dose absorbed vs. time profiles showed high interindividual variability, comparable to human fed state absorption. Mean gastric transit times were determined to be 0.63 h, 1.36 h, and 0.73 h for solution, capsules, and tablets, respectively. Postmortem assessment confirmed that minipig stomachs were not empty after an overnight fast.


Gastric transit times in overnight fasted minipigs are longer than those observed in humans. This is most likely caused by delayed and incomplete food emptying and further work is needed to develop feasible and effective fasting protocols for minipigs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether propofol could be absorbed buccally when administered in semifluorinated alkanes (SFAs), here specifically perfluorobutylpentane (F4H5). This was evaluated in anesthetised and conscious rats and mini-pigs, to measure the relative bioavailability of propofol following buccal administration, but also partly to evaluate the animal models used for this investigation. The absolute bioavailability in the conscious animals was approximately 10% for both species and approximately 50% and 30% in the anesthetised rats and mini-pigs, respectively. This clearly demonstrates that propofol can be absorbed buccally, and F4H5 appears to be a relevant excipient for buccal administration of lipophilic drugs like propofol. The lower absorption in the conscious animals clearly indicates the need for an optimisation of the formulation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the provesicle formulation of nateglinide (NTG) to facilitate the development of a novel controlled release system of NTG with improved efficacy and oral bioavailability compared to the currently marketed NTG formulation (Glinate™ 60). NTG provesicles were prepared by a slurry method using the non-ionic surfactant, Span 60 (SP), and cholesterol (CH) as vesicle forming agents and maltodextrin as a coated carrier. Multilamellar niosomes with narrow size distribution were shown to be successfully prepared by means of dynamic laser scattering (DLS) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The absence of drug-excipient interactions was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. In vitro release of NTG in different dissolution media was improved compared to pure drug. A goat intestinal permeation study revealed that the provesicular formulation (F4) with an SP:CH ratio of 5:5 gave higher cumulative amount of drug permeated at 48 h compared to Glinate™ 60 and control. A pharmacodynamic study in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats confirmed that formulation F4 significantly (P<0.05) reduced blood glucose levels in comparison to Glinate 60. Overall the results show that controlled release NTG provesicles offer a useful and promising oral delivery system for the treatment of type II diabetes.KEY WORDS: Provesicles, Niosomes, Maltodextrin, Nateglinide, In vitro release, Goat intestinal permeation, Hypoglycemic  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical Research - This study aims to expand our understanding of the mechanisms of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in the Göttingen minipig to aid a...  相似文献   

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