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医院从1996年坚持开展暑期干部培训,15年来已经逐步形成了"顶层设计、注重实效、树立标杆、实践转化、交流共享、后效评价、持续改进及制度保障"的特色。作者从医院的干部管理体系、持之以恒的暑期干部培训以及干部素质和能力的提升等三个方面对医院暑期干部培训进行有益探讨,以期与同行共同探讨和相互借鉴。  相似文献   

暑期学生科研培训活动对创新能力培养的促进作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教学改革的核心问题是学生的创新新精神和能力的培养,通过暑期学生科研培训活动的实施,试图寻找解剖学科培训学生综合素质的有效方法,实践结果证明:暑期学生徉开培训活动对创新能力的培养有肯定的促进作用,无凝将对21世纪素质教育产生根本影响。  相似文献   

教学改革的核心问题是学生的创新精神和能力的培养 ,通过暑期学生科研培训活动的实施 ,试图寻找解剖学科培训学生综合素质的有效方法。实践结果证明 :暑期学生科研培训活动对创新能力的培养有肯定的促进作用 ,无疑将对 2 1世纪素质教育产生根本影响  相似文献   

克利夫兰医学中心(Cleveland Clinic Foundation,CCF)生殖医学中心的暑期实习生项目从2008至2013年已连续开展6年,实习内容主要包括讲座、论文写作和实验研究。项目开展至今,已累计培训来自全美和世界各地的109名学员,其发表论文78篇,该项目已在国际生殖医学人才培训方面产生较高影响力。项目的实习经历对学员申请高水平医学院就读和住院医师资格均发挥了重要作用。目前国内学生对类似项目有强烈需求,国内高水平医学院已具备开展类似项目的人员及设备基础。因此,借鉴CCF暑期实习生项目的组织和实施经验,在国内探索开展相关培训.为我国高水平医学生提供课程教育以外的实践教育体验。  相似文献   

高等院校教师队伍的整体素质决定了学校教育的发展水平。中国协和医科大学于2005年暑期对学校3所学院的主讲教师开展了教学技能的培训,并进行了有关教学技能等方面的问卷调查,本文对培训及问卷进行分析和总结,同时对今后的教师培训提出了一些思考和想法。  相似文献   

美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health,NIH)是世界上最重要的医学研究中心之一,是美国健康与公共卫生部的一个执行机构,美国乃至全世界健康行动及措施的焦点都汇集于此.NIH包括27个研究所和中心,18 000名员工,年度预算超过270亿美元[1].在过去完成的人类基因组序列图及许多生物医学的新发现中,NIH一直发挥着重要作用.在21世纪的生命科学正以前所未有的步伐发展之际,NIH以其独特的声望与地位,于2003年又提出了一个新世纪生物医学发展的宏伟规划--NIH路线图计划(NIHRoadmap Initiatives).  相似文献   

高等医学院校教师教学技能培训的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等院校教师队伍的整体素质决定了学校教育的发展水平。中国协和医科大学于2005年暑期对学校3所学院的主讲教师开展了教学技能的培训,并进行了有关教学技能等方面的问卷调查,本文对培训及问卷进行分析和总结,同时对今后的教师培训提出了一些思考和想法。  相似文献   

目的了解高职医学院校暑期培训对试用期教师转正后的影响和效果。方法随机选取菏泽医学专科学校2017、2018年各25名试用期教师,2017年转正前未参加暑期培训为对照组,2018年参加暑期培训为实验组,对两组试用期一年的成绩进行对比研究以及对实验组教师进行结构化问卷访谈,调查教学效果。结果实验组教师总结性考核三项成绩及总成绩高于对照组教师,二者差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论高职医学院校暑期培训对提高试用期教师转正考核成绩有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

美国国家卫生总署(National Institutes of Health,NIH)每年都要发放几百亿美金支持临床和基础医学研究,虽然这些基金主要是供给美国大学、科研机构、小工厂和小企业,但是NIH每年也提供几亿美元给美国本土以外的学校和科研机构,这个数目也在逐步扩大.  相似文献   

对检验专业学生暑期临床见习的组织形式及内容设置进行分析,总结多年暑期临床见习学生所取得的收获及体会。规范的组织形式和合理的见习内容设置,是暑期见习过程中学生全面了解专业基本内容的保证,应使学生通过短时间的见习对专业知识的理解收到良好的效果。  相似文献   

教学与科研相结合是新时代医学本科教育的一种创新模式,旨在以教学推动科研、以科研反哺教学,在带动课程教学体系创新的同时促进创新型医学本科人才培养模式改革,从而推动我国医学本科教育事业迈向新台阶。在基本教学得到充分保证的前提下,为更好地构建和推广教学与科研相结合的创新型医学本科人才培养模式,学生、教师和学校三方需经过反复沟通和融合,将科研创新训练贯穿于医学本科教育的全过程,学生需树立正确的科研价值观,教师应更新教育理念并提高创新型医学本科人才培养的责任感,学校需加强对学生科研创新活动的监督管理并不断完善相关体制。  相似文献   

H S Jonas  S I Etzel 《JAMA》1988,260(8):1063-1071
There were 28,123 applicants to US medical schools for the 1987-1988 academic year, a 10% decrease from the 1986-1987 year. Of this number, 17,027 applicants were accepted by at least one school. First-year enrollment equaled 16,686 students, of whom 639 students were repeating the first year. Thus, the number of first-time enrolled students was 16,047. This represents a decrease of 159 new-entry students from the previous year. Over 46% of the students entering medical school in the 1987-1988 academic year had a premedical GPA of 3.50 or higher (on a four-point scale). Eighty-seven percent of US medical schools academically qualified candidates on the basis of noncognitive criteria. In the past five years the number of first-year white male students has decreased by 13.2%, while the number of black male students has decreased by 1% [corrected]. In the same period, the number of white female students increased by less than one tenth of 1%, while the number of black female students has increased by 31.7%. The number of Asians or Pacific Islanders entering US medical schools has more than doubled: the percentage of male students increased by 106.5% and that of female students by 128.4%. The total number of students enrolled in 127 US medical schools in the 1987-1988 year was 65,742; of this number, 22,539 (34.3%) were women. The estimated number of graduates in the 1987-1988 year was 15,947. The total enrollment of students from underrepresented ethnic/racial groups was 6955 (10.6%), of which 4086 (6.2%) were blacks of non-Hispanic origin. The number of new-entry first-year students from underrepresented groups was 1776 (11.1%), of which 1063 (6.6%) were blacks. The number of full-time medical school faculty members was 66,798; another 130,437 were part-time and volunteer faculty members. The average time needed to complete the curriculum requirements leading to the MD degree is 152 weeks. Twenty-two medical schools offered a combined college-medical school program. The length of these combined programs averaged 256 weeks. The number of schools offering a Fifth Pathway program has decreased, and the number of applicants for these programs has also declined. The net attrition rate, which excludes students who withdrew temporarily to pursue advanced study or research, has remained at about 2%. Students dismissed because of poor academic standing represent 16% of the total student attrition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

R Detels 《JAMA》1979,242(15):1644-1646
The increasing need for epidemiologists in biomedical research has been studied by polling organizations with present and potential needs for epidemiologic services. The research institutes of the National Institutes of the National Institutes of Health and the schools of medicine reported the greatest estimated need among the respondents. They and others polled indicated a substantial need for master's and doctoral level epidemiologists that cannot be fulfilled by current training programs in epidemiology. Broad, sound methodological training applicable to all health problems, and increased funding for support of epidemiologic trainees and training programs in institutions, which would make epidemiology training competitive with that in other fields, are strongly recommened.  相似文献   

E L Schneider  M Ory  M L Aung 《JAMA》1987,257(20):2771-2775
A survey of American medical schools was conducted to examine the growth of teaching nursing home programs. Ninety percent (109/121) of schools surveyed reported affiliations with a nursing home(s) for teaching, research, and/or clinical care. Most affiliations occurred in the last six years and were typically with two or more nursing homes. They were usually 120 beds or more in size, and the majority were nonprofit or Veterans Administration units. Eighty-three percent (101/121) of medical schools had teaching programs involving nursing homes. Medical school courses that utilized nursing homes as teaching sites were largely selective or elective and were offered primarily in the senior year. Training programs involving residents were usually mandatory and mainly involved the departments of internal medicine and family practice. Fifty-five percent (66/121) of the schools had research programs involving nursing homes.  相似文献   

J J Nobel 《JAMA》1990,263(10):1435-1437
Only 2 medical schools in the United States and Canada of 133 that responded to a survey have policy guidelines that address most of the significant ethical and procedural issues related to misconduct and fraud in biomedical research. Some nonacademic research environments have superior guidelines that offer useful models and deserve examination. Prevention of misconduct and fraud in biomedical research and reporting requires thoughtful, proactive change by academic and clinical institutions. While the causes of misconduct and fraud may be sufficiently complex to engender long debate, the methods for minimizing it are relatively straightforward and start with a clear statement of values and acceptance of responsibility. Otherwise, the failure of the biomedical research community to meet this challenge forthrightly is soon likely to lead to damaging intervention by government agencies and elected officials. The time to act is now.  相似文献   

医学生情绪智力现状调查及培养策略的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解医学生情绪智力现状,填补医学生情绪智力状况量化研究的空白,为制定针对医学生的情绪智力培养方案提供更为科学客观的依据。方法:使用大学生情绪智力问卷和自编一般状况调查问卷对340名医学生进行调查,并对其结果进行统计分析。结果:医学生的情绪智力水平呈正向发展趋势,与大学生总体无显著差异,但在各情绪智力子维度上与大学生总体部分有差异。医学生情绪智力与性别、年级、是否独生子女、是否班干部等因素有关。结论:医学生情绪智力现状有其自身的特点,有必要通过进一步的培养提升其情绪智力水平。  相似文献   

Screening programs for hypertension   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Major screening programs for hypertension are necessary for the following reasons: (a) the 12 to 15% prevalence of hypertension in the North American population; (b) the high proportion of hypertensive patients who are inadequately treated or whose disease is not even recognized; (c) the fact that in too many medical centres hypertension is poorly investigated or considered an insignificant finding; (d) the demonstration by many groups, especially the Framingham study, of hypertension as the major factor in the occurrence of severe cardiovascular disease; and (e) the achievement of a marked decrease in severe cardiovascular complications following adequate treatment. But such screening programs are of little value if unaccompanied by a major educational effort directed not only to the public but also to the medical profession, and a parallel increase in the funding of biomedical research into the basic physiopathological mechanisms of hypertension.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors review 15 studies that compare various educational outcomes of problem-based, community-oriented medical curricula with those of conventional programs. The data suggest that problem-based curricula provide a student-centered learning environment and encourage an inquisitive style of learning in their students as opposed to the rote memorization and short-term learning strategies induced by conventional medical education. In addition, community-oriented schools appear to influence the career preferences of their students. The few data available show that significantly larger proportions of graduates from these schools seek careers in primary care. Some of the studies reviewed suggest that students in conventional programs perform somewhat better on traditional measures of academic achievement than do students in problem-based curricula. However, these differences, if any, tend to be very small. Data with respect to performance on instruments measuring clinical competence are inconclusive. Finally, the authors discuss the difficulties involved in carrying out comparative research at the curriculum level.  相似文献   

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