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Pediatric cerebral palsy (PCP) is ascommon disease in paediatrics.In the litera-ture there have been many reports on thetherapeutic methods for the disease,butvery few of them on the mechanisms of thesetherapies.PCP has been treated in our hos-pital by hydroacupuncture with satisfactoryresults.Since 1987,117 PCP cases have been  相似文献   

Clinical observation on 48 cases of stomach carcinoma pain indicated that acupuncture including filiform needle group and point-injection group had better therapeutic effects in treatment of stomach carcinoma pain when patient's mind was concentrated at the site of disease. After treatment for 2 months, the long-term effective rates of analgesia in both the filiform needle group and the point-injection group were similar to that in the western medicine group, all being about 81%. While the long-term markedly effective rates in the two groups were superior to that in the western medicine group. Life quality of the patients in all the groups were improved. The toxic action and side effects caused by chemotherapy were prevented, the high viscous state showed by indexes of blood rheology was unproved, and the lowered Cu-Zu-SOD activity in erythrocytes in patients of stomach carcinoma was increased in the filiform needle group and the point-injection group. Based on the results of clinical study, we consider that acupuncture analgesic effect on stomach carcinoma is related to the increase of PLEK, improvement of cellular immune function and the elevation of life quality after acupuncture.  相似文献   

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy arecommonly used in the treatment of tumors.However,such toxic side-effects as leukopenia,gastrointestinal or systemic reactions occurredin the treatment are so serious that somepatients can not tolerate it and even abandonthe treatment.Recently,some doctors have  相似文献   

The derangement of the atlantoaxiai joint is one of main cervical sources of dizziness andheadache,which were based on the observation on the anatomy of the upper cervicalvertebrae,analysis of X-ray film of the atlantoaxial joint,and the manipulative treatmentin 35 patients with cervical spondylosis.The clinical diagnosis of derangement consists of:dizziness,headache,prominence and tenderness on one side of the affected vertebra,deviation of the dens for 1mm-4mm on the open-mouth X-ray film,abnormal movementof the atlantoaxial joint on head-rotated open-mouth X-ray film.An accurate and delicateadiustment is the most effective treatment.  相似文献   

The acupuncture treatment of malaria hasbeen reported from many parts of China,allpointing to its effectiveness.For 4 years we made clinical observationsand experimental studies of the acupuncturetreatment of tertian malaria in a low-malaria zoneof Jiangning county.The report is as follows:  相似文献   

The capsule is effective in replenishing qi, nourishing yin, activating blood, and resolving stasis. It can correct abnormalities in blood rheology, improve fat metabolism, enhance func-tioning of the islets of Langerhans, lower blood sugar, and alleviate clinical symptoms. Effi-cacious also against the chief vascular complications of diabetes, it helps in abating myocardial anoxia, improving left heart function, stimulating blood circulation to the brain, resisting coagulation and resolving thrombosis, also dilating the arteries of the legs. It is of some benefit in early diabetic retinopathy and renal diseases.  相似文献   

Treatment of Acute Lumbar Sprain withAcupuncture on Houxi(SI 3)through toHegu(LI 4)Acute lumbar sprain usually follows vig-orous torsion of the body when the lumbarmuscles are improperly exerted.The site ofinjury is at the insertion of sacrospinous mus-cles and the lumbar fascia.The characteris-tic symptoms are severe lumbar pain and lim-  相似文献   

This paper reports the clinical trial of Tang Shen Ning (糖肾宁口服液, TSN) for treating diabetic nephropathy (incipient and clinical, as divided by Mogensen). The results showed that the total effective rate in treatment group (TSN western medicine) was 90.0%, and that in the control group (simply with western medicine), 56.7%. TSN plays important roles in decreasing proteinuria and improving renal functions.  相似文献   

In this study, Wu Zi Yan Zong ( 五子衍中WZYZ) fluid was used as the main recipe for reinforcement of the kidney. Six weeks after the therapy, the abilities of instantaneous memory and the memory of the segments of logical story were elevated, the time of upright standing with one leg and closure of the eye was prolonged, and the hand tremor and degree of kidney deficiency were unproved, but the memory width (memory in sequence and in reverse sequence of a figure) showed no significant difference in comparison with that before treatment.  相似文献   

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