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通过分析《中国近代中医书刊联合目录》中民国时期书目的著录信息,探讨民国时期中医药图书的特点,发现中医药图书与民国时期的时代发展紧密相关。《中国近代中医书刊联合目录》有14个一级类目,59个二级类目,多种版印方式并存,每年出版数量不等,图书出版由大型出版社、小型出版社、中医团体和个人共同合力为之,出版地则主要集中在上海等经济发达地区。  相似文献   

民国时期是中国历史上一个极为短暂的时期,其间产生了大量具有鲜明时代特色的中医药文献。它们除具有很高的学术价值以外还具有相当高的史料价值,是我们研究民国医学史及其他相关历史的第一手资料。本文以《医界之警铎》为例,剖析民国中医药文献的史料价值。  相似文献   

文章以江西中医学院图书馆为例,从中医药文献资源利用的实际情况出发,分析了影响图书馆中医药文献资源利用的主要原因,并针对这些原因提出一些提高中医药文献资源利用率的措施和方法。  相似文献   

通过对民国中医药文献数字资源服务平台收录的131种民国中医教材进行初步梳理,研究其出版时间、组织编撰者、出版地区及涵盖科目等,并对其学术价值、历史价值及文献价值进行探讨,为了解和研究民国时期中医药教育发展状况提供参考。  相似文献   

中医药院校图书馆应加强中医药古籍馆藏建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了中医药院校图书馆加强中医药古籍馆藏建设的意义和作用,并分析了中医药古籍的特点,提出了馆藏建设的途径。  相似文献   

随着世界科学技术的飞速发展 ,文献信息资源正以“指数”发展趋势上升 ,浩瀚的文献已广泛渗透到各个领域 ,人们不仅需要文献 ,而且也在随时制造文献、处理文献和传播文献 ,文献被视为一种比材料、比能源更重要的资源。然而 ,目前普遍存在的一个重要问题是文献资源的利用率低 ,国内许多图书馆藏书的利用率一般在 30 %左右 ,而且仅仅重复使用少量的藏书 ,大量的书刊无人过问。这与苏美等发达国家比较差距甚大 ,1980年苏联高校图书馆的图书利用率为93%。我国高校图书馆藏书丰富 ,但利用率却很低 ,这给国家有限的文献资源造成浪费 ,亦与高等学校…  相似文献   

结合当前中医药院校图书馆文献入库的实际情况,阐述了现代中医药文献信息的特点、需求与发展趋势,提出了加强中医药文献信息开发与利用的建议。  相似文献   

图书馆外文文献开发利用现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对图书馆外文文献利用的现状,阐明其影响因素并对如何开发利用外文文献提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

中医药文献信息检索课(以下简称文检课)是信息社会飞速发展的产物,它在适应现代信息社会,满足科研需要,开发文献资源,培养新型人材,提高教育质量等方面具有重要的意义。目前,有一些人认为,网络时代了,研究生不用必修文检课了,需要什么,自己上网查查就行了。对此,笔者有不同的观点  相似文献   

阐述了中医药高校图书馆与中医药事业发展的关系,分析了图书馆推进中医药事业发展创新的举措和价值。  相似文献   

通过对现存民国时期岭南医家的医著和医学文献进行整理与研究,对这部分文献的保护、开发和利用提出了设想。  相似文献   

重点分析了中医目录文献特有的编写体例和信息类型。提出了利用电子计算机技术手段挖掘和处理中医目录文献中的信息时,应采取针对性的策略。  相似文献   

伪满时期,东北沦陷区的中医被称为“汉医”,当时东北中医从业人员有25000名之众。中医未能得到伪满政府承认,一度走在被废止的边缘。中医界争取中医地位、发展中医学术、维护中医权益的斗争一直都在进行。伪满政府后来出台了《汉医法》等法律,建立了伪满中央汉医会等学术团体,实施了汉医考试制度等,管理、改造和利用中医。伪满时期的中医走过了一条畸形发展之路。  相似文献   

Wang FW  Chen LP  Hu J  Zhang G 《中西医结合学报》2011,9(10):1145-1149
作者通过搜集考证和调研土地革命战争时期红军的医疗卫生工作的历史资料,着重从创建红色医院、设立中医机构,组织采药办厂、研制成品剂型,加强充实中医、注重人才培养,发挥中药作用、全力治伤防病等方面,对红军时期中医中药为补充红军极度缺医少药的状况,保障红军部队的战斗力所做出的贡献进行了研究。对于当今继承和发扬红军医疗卫生工作的优良传统,大力发展中医、中西医结合事业有着重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

根据中医理论,从内服和外用两方面统计近年来中药及其制剂在治疗湿疹中的应用情况。其中,内服方面,从健脾除湿、养血润燥、清热凉血、补中益气等方面进行统计划分。外用通过中药外洗、中药外洗、中药湿敷、外用中药膏剂、涂搽成药搽剂等方面进行了阐述。通过综述近5年来的文献,为进一步推广中药及中药制剂在治疗湿疹中的应用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

中西医结合医学的发展符合实践需要,得益于其良好的临床疗效、独特的理念以及国家的重视,中西医结合事业始终在稳步前进,并得到了大众认可。其中中药复方与单味药、活性成分的研究、中医证候动物模型的建立以及病证结合诊疗模式的应用逐步发展完善。但是中西医结合的发展仍存在着学科概念不清、定位不明确、与现代科技结合不紧密等问题,由此引发了对中西医结合发展的思考。只有加强理论和方法创新,注重理论与临床实践相结合,坚持多学科交叉融合,才能使中医焕发新的活力。坚持守正创新,中西医并重发展、优势互补,使中西医结合学科更加发扬光大。  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Background Previous studies have noted that there is a high utilization rate of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services in Taiwan, China and in western countries, but few studies investigated factors associated with the utilization of TCM in Taiwan. This study analyzes the utilization rate and the factors associated with the utilization of TGM in Taiwan. Methods Data for this study were from the 2002 HPKAP Survey that conducted the face-to-face questionnaire interviews of people aged 15 years and over from October 2002 to March 2003 in Taiwan. This study analyzed the utilization of TCM outpatient services, including admission to the hospital and clinic visits. Results A total of 26 755 participants completed the survey in the six-month period. The data revealed that 10.4% of participants had utilized TCM services in the past one month while 4.2% of participants utilized TCM only (without using Western medicine outpatient services (WM) or Folk therapy (F'I')). The average visits of TCM services per patient was higher among people who had utilized TCM and FT services (2.68 visits) than among those who had utilized WM and FT services (2.15 visits) or TCM services alone (2.15 visits) during the previous one month. Younger people (odds ratio OR= 1.78, 95%C/= 1.47-2.16), women (compared with men), and people with higher education levels (OR = 1.58, 95%CI =1.25-1.98) were more likely to visit TCM than compared groups. People with self-reported poor health status (OR = 2.07,95%CI = 1.76-2.44) and people who exercise regularly (OR = 1.17, 95%CI = 1.07-1.27) had higher ORs to visit TCM service than comparison group.Conclusions There is a high utilization of TCM in Taiwan. Further studies are needed to investigate the related factors and determinants between the utilization of TCM and the utilization of FT in Taiwan.  相似文献   

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