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在实践中走向成功——纪念中国医学伦理学研究30周年   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
改革开放的30年是我国医学伦理学研究在实践中由成长逐步走向成功的30年。从中西方医学伦理学研究差异、传统医学伦理与当代医学伦理冲突及市场机制下医学伦理研究三个维度对文化背景在医学伦理研究中的重要意义进行了阐述,指出在现代科学技术视阈下应引导大众树立科学的生死观,重视学术交流平台建设及在我国特定文化背景下医学伦理学的本土化研究,并回顾了本人从事医学伦理学研究的一些史实。  相似文献   

目的 探讨人类胚胎干细胞研究中的伦理学问题。方法 由人类胚胎干细胞研究所引发的伦理学争论及带来的伦理忧患,导出应注意的医学伦理方面的问题。结果 人类胚胎干细胞研究应遵循一定的伦理原则。结论 医学伦理学应规范和引导人类胚胎干细胞研究。  相似文献   

1 医学伦理学专业的知识结构。医学伦理学专业的知识结构至少应包括伦理学知识和医学专业知识,而且,两方面的知识必须有机的而不是各占一半的机械式的结合。现代医学伦理学要解决“医学中的伦理问题”和“伦理学中的医学问题”。“医学中的伦理问题”要求医学伦理学家具备一般伦理学知识,“伦理学中的医学问题”要求医学伦理学家必须具备医学专业知识。  相似文献   

医疗机构进行伦理查房工作,需构建可行的医学伦理查房体系;落实医学伦理查房措施;注重医学伦理查房实效。采取加强医学伦理学教育、完善伦理查房评价机制等途径,从伦理学的角度去促进、完善医疗服务,并提出构建和谐医患关系应切实做好隐私保护操作、履行知情告知及完善环境布局设施等建议。  相似文献   

在庆祝中国医学伦理学暨生命伦理学研究30周年之际,回顾医学伦理学学科在山东大学发展的历程,认为重视学科建设是学科发展的关键。具体应做到:始终把医学伦理教学视为该学科的基本使命;始终认为医学伦理的科学研究是学科发展的基础;始终坚信人才培养为学科发展注入不竭生命力;始终坚持学术交流,为学科发展开阔视野、扩大影响。  相似文献   

从医务人员对医学伦理的了解看医学伦理教育   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
通过对五所医院医务人员从伦理培训、对医院伦理委员会的认知、对临床伦理和临床研究中伦理的认知、对医学伦理培训的需求四方面进行现场调查,并对是否接受过伦理学课程培训对研究内容选择的差异进行分析,从而描述了医务人员对医学伦理认知的现状,提出医学伦理在临床实践和医疗科研中已有较大的影响,医学伦理委员会的工作需要进一步加强,医学伦理教育任重道远.  相似文献   

针对医学伦理学教育的现状,应着重加强医学伦理教育实践性:在内容上必须与医学实践紧密结合;必须直面,并努力解答现代医疗卫生实践中出现的新的伦理问题:寓伦理学内容于专业课程,特别是临床实习课程之中。  相似文献   

通过对全国各省级医学伦理学会的主要工作与经验进行总结,概括为培训教育、学术研究、交流合作、规范管理、咨询鉴定、宣传普及与服务会员七个方面,并结合福建省医学伦理学发展现状,提出学会在职能发挥中对民众医学伦理观引导与互动上应有所加强,同时论述了这些经验对构建福建省医学伦理学会的启示.  相似文献   

科技伦理治理属于实践伦理学范畴,其在不断解决科技活动产生的伦理问题和伦理冲突中发展。伦理治理具有共性要求和专业性标准,与健康相关的医学科技活动,包括生命科学和人工智能在医学领域的应用使医学科技伦理治理面临共性和独有的挑战。科技监管和伦理治理应考虑生命科学和医学研究的专业特殊性,并充分发挥现有伦理审查体系的作用。因新一代测序、基因编辑和人工智能等技术的应用使伦理治理的关注、侧重和标准有所改变,应采取措施加强医学科技伦理治理,进一步推动伦理先行。讨论了分类分级的监管审查策略和潜在的高效的区域伦理委员会的组织架构及审查机制,进而建议加强医学科技伦理治理的医学教育和继续教育。  相似文献   

医学生职业道德素质问题的伦理思考   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
当前医学生的职业道德素质有所滑坡,主要表现在部分医学生缺乏良好的医学职业精神、社会公德意识淡薄、行为失范等。其主要原因在于部分医学院校在医学生的培养上不够重视人文素质教育,医学伦理学教育效果不能令人满意,医疗市场中的不良现象对部分医学生产生了消极影响,医学技术的发展对医学生的伦理观念产生了巨大的冲击。应重视对医学生进行人文素质教育、尤其是医学伦理学教育,加强对医学技术应用的伦理规范等,提高医学生的道德素质。  相似文献   

目的:引起医学期刊作者和编者对稿件伦理学准则的重视,杜绝学术不端行为。方法:通过学习归纳国际国内有关医学伦理学的准则和法规,总结我们在工作中经常遇到的各种违反医学伦理准则和学术不端案例。结果:部分科研医务工作者未重视必须遵循的医学伦理学规范,学术不端现象时有发生。结论:编辑和作者需加强学习,提高意识,共同防范学术不端和违反医学伦理学的行为。  相似文献   

伴随着前沿科研的不断进步,人类伦理也随之发生一些修正,但似乎科研永远回避不了与伦理的冲突。因此,在生物医学相关的科研活动中,作为实施者和管理者,我们不仅要考虑研究本身是否可以产出成果,同时,必须考虑在研究过程中涉及研究对象的一系列伦理道德方面的问题。因此,深入思考医学科研与伦理两者之间的相互关系。对于日后更好地开展科研工作是必不可少的。  相似文献   

Ethical reasoning and decision-making may be thought of as 'professional skills', and in this sense are as relevant to efficient clinical practice as the biomedical and clinical sciences are to the diagnosis of a patient's problem. Despite this, however, undergraduate medical programmes in ethics tend to focus on the teaching of bioethical theories, concepts and/or prominent ethical issues such as IVF and euthanasia, rather than the use of such ethics knowledge (theories, principles, concepts, rules) to clinical practice. Not surprisingly, many students and clinicians experience considerable difficulty in using what they know about ethics to help them make competent ethical decisions in their day-to-day clinical practice. This paper describes the development of a seminar programme for teaching senior medical students a more systematic approach to ethical reasoning and analysis and clinical decision-making.  相似文献   

通过实例,分析刊登在国际著名SCI医学期刊上的生物医学英语论文中常见的与医学伦理和科研道德相关问题,着力讨论生物医学英语论文写作过程中应注意的作者署名和贡献问题、材料与方法部分所涉及人体或动物为研究受试体时的伦理问题、致谢辞的撰写、参考文献选取,有关利益冲突等问题,并进一步论述了上述问题的相关处理方法。  相似文献   

Medical ethics     
Pellegrino ED 《JAMA》1986,256(15):2122-2124
Three current issues in biomedical ethics are briefly reviewed: discontinuance of artificial feeding, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and the physician as economic "gatekeeper." The controversy surrounding artificial feeding is illustrated through a summary of three recent court cases (Brophy in Massachusetts, Jobes in New Jersey, and Bouvia in California). AIDS is engendering heated debate on questions such as the physician's duty to care, public health efforts to stem spread of the disease, and policy issues related to resource allocation. Efforts to control health care costs through prospective payment arrangements are confronting physicians with a serious conflict between their economic interests and ethical obligations.  相似文献   

Since its introduction by the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki, the place held by ethics in biomedical research has been continuously increasing in importance. The past 30 years have also seen exponential growth in the number of biomedical articles published. A systematic review of the literature is the scientific way of synthesising a plethora of information, by exhaustively searching out and objectively analysing the studies dealing with a given issue. However, the question of ethics in systematic reviews is rarely touched upon. This could lead to some drawbacks, as systematic reviews may contain studies with ethical insufficiencies, may be a possible way to publish unethical research and may also be prone to conflict of interest. Finally, informed consent given for an original study is not necessarily still valid at the systematic review level. There is no doubt that routine ethical assessment in systematic reviews would help to improve the ethical and methodological quality of studies in general. However, ethical issues change so much with time and location, and are so broad in scope and in context that it appears illusory to search for a universal, internationally accepted standard for ethical assessment in systematic reviews. Some simple suggestions could nevertheless be drawn from the present reflection and are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

生物医学研究中实验动物伦理学问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
动物实验是生物医学研究中必须采用的手段,对生物医学的发展起着十分重要的作用,但随着社会的发展和人类的进步,实验动物伦理问题引起了人们广泛的关注。对动物实验的伦理学争论及实验动物伦理问题的发展、现状、存在问题、立法状况、实施的必要性等方面进行了详细的分析,对如何正确认识和对待实验动物的生命,如何科学、合理而人道地使用实验动物进行科学研究,如何加强并改善我国实验动物福利伦理工作等方面进行了系统的阐述,强调了生物医学研究与实验动物伦理必须协调发展,才能使实验动物更好地服务于科技进步、人类健康和社会发展。  相似文献   

In this paper, the author attempts to explore some of the problems connected with the formulation and application of international biomedical ethical guidelines, with particular reference to Africa. Recent attempts at revising and updating some international medical ethical guidelines have been bedevilled by intractable controversies and wrangling regarding both the content and formulation. From the vantage position of relative familiarity with both African and Western contexts, and the privilege of having been involved in the revision and updating of one of the international ethical guidelines, the author reflects broadly on these issues and attempts prescribing an approach from both the theoretical and practical angles liable to mitigate, if not completely eliminate, some of the problems and difficulties.  相似文献   

In medicine, racial differences are frequently presented as part of the best explanation of differences in the risk of diseases. The problem of using racial classification in biomedical research has become important because of its ethical consequences in society. However, the biological relevance of the concept of race cannot be established by any ethical argument and the epistemological role of racial categorisation requires clarification. In this paper, different issues related to the concept of race are considered. This paper analyses the semantic problem concerning the definition of race, considers the ontological problem of race, drawing attention to the biological evidence for genetic differences among human groups, and presents a promising epistemological approach to the problem of race. The purpose of the paper is to examine whether, or when, racial categories belong in biological explanations. It shows that the concept of race cannot be justified in biology because it does not lead to successful predictions, and that genetic discontinuities are sufficient to explain differences in diseases but not needed in the explanation. The biomedical field should search for genetic patterns related to diseases, and should not assume racial discontinuities among human groups and use racial clusters as proxies for undetected genetic patterns.  相似文献   

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