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赖军华  李敏  刘欢 《医学综述》2012,18(10):1548-1549
乳酸作为体内糖代谢的中间产物,在正常情况下保持着产生与排泄的平衡,但在某些病理情况下,如由呼吸或者循环衰竭导致的组织缺氧,会引起血乳酸浓度的升高。血乳酸升高可极大地增加乳酸中毒的风险,因此血乳酸水平的监测具有重要的意义,尤其对危重患者,血乳酸水平不仅可以提示潜在疾病的严重程度,而且可预测组织缺氧情况,防止引起其他严重症状。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同血糖控制水平与ICU危重症应激性高血糖患者血清脂联素表达的关系。方法:伴有应激性高血糖的60例ICU危重症患者,随机分为对照组(目标血糖8.1~11.1mmol/L),胰岛素常规治疗组(目标血糖6.1~8.1mmol/L)和胰岛素强化治疗组(目标血糖4.1~6.1mmol/L)。入选后第1、4、7天检测外周血血清脂联素水平的变化。结果:实验第1天,各组患者血清脂联素水平较正常水平均明显下降,血清脂联素与空腹血糖水平呈负相关。但三组间血清脂联素水平比较,无统计学差异(P>0.05)。实验第7天,与对照组患者相比,胰岛素常规治疗组和强化治疗组患者血清脂联素水平上升趋势更为明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);但胰岛素常规治疗组和强化治疗组间比较血清脂联素水平无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:积极控制危重症患者合并的应激性高血糖有利于增加血清脂联素水平的表达,改善预后。  相似文献   

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), is a highly contagious disease. It firstly appeared in Wuhan, Hubei province of China in December 2019. During the next two months, it moved rapidly throughout China. Most of the infected patients have mild symptoms including fever, fatigue and cough, but in severe cases, patients can progress rapidly and develop into acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, metabolic acidosis and coagulopathy. The new coronavirus was reported to spread via droplets, contact and natural aerosols from human to human. Therefore, aerosol-producing procedures such as endotracheal intubation may put the anesthesiologists at high risk of nosocomial infections. In fact, SARS-CoV-2 infection of anesthesiologists after endotracheal intubation for confirmed COVID-19 patients have been reported in hospitals in Wuhan. The expert panel of airway management in Chinese Society of Anaesthesiology has deliberated and drafted this recommendation, by which we hope to guide the performance of endotracheal intubation by frontline anesthesiologists and critical care physicians. During the airway management, enhanced droplet/airborne personal protective equitment (PPE) should be applied to the health care providers. A good airway assessment before airway intervention is of vital importance. For patients with normal airway, awake intubation should be avoided, and modified rapid sequence induction is strongly recommended. Sufficient muscle relaxant should be assured before intubation. For patients with difficult airway, good preparation of airway devices and detailed intubation plans should be made.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of Corona Virus Disease (COVID) pandemic, there has been lack of clarity about the management protocols in spite of frequently updated national and international guidelines. Irrational use of unproven therapies has not been helpful in improving treatment outcomes. Early use of high-dose steroids or late use of antiviral medicines might have caused more harm than the benefit. There is also lot of fear about post-COVID fibrosis leading to extended use of steroids and antifibrotics. We reviewed the available COVID guidelines and treatment protocols in the light of scientific evidence generated over last 2 years by a systematic literature search using various databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, MEDLINE, UpToDate, Embase, and Web of Science). This article presents a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis, appropriate investigations, their interpretations, and use of specific therapies according to the stage of disease.  相似文献   

With over 16 million cases reported from across the globe, the SARS-CoV-2, a mere 125 microns in diameter, has left an indelible impact on our world. With the paucity of new drugs to combat this disease, the medical community is in a race to identify repurposed drugs that may be effective against this novel coronavirus. One of the drugs which has recently garnered much attention, especially in India, is an anti-viral drug originally designed for influenza, called favipiravir. In this article, we have tried to provide a comprehensive, evidence-based review of this drug in the context of the present pandemic to elucidate its role in the management of COVID-19.  相似文献   

目的观察胸腺法新治疗普通型新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)的疗效。方法选取2020年1月29日—2020年3月20日在成都市公共卫生临床医疗中心治疗出院的26例细胞免疫功能降低(CD4^(+)T计数<410个/μL)的普通型COVID-19病例,依据是否使用了胸腺法新治疗分为对照组及观察组。对照组使用重组人干扰素α-2β、阿比多尔或洛匹那韦/利托那韦,同时联合中药治疗。观察组在对照组基础上加用胸腺法新皮下注射,比较两组的治疗效果。结果两组患者的年龄、性别、病情、CD4^(+)T及CD8^(+)T计数基线均无明显差异,具有可比性,均在出院后按时完成随访复诊。两组新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)核酸转阴时间、住院时间、核酸复阳率、出院时的C反应蛋白(CRP)及血清淀粉样蛋白(SAA)均无明显差异(P>0.05)。两组出院时的CD4^(+)T计数及CD8^(+)T计数均较入院时升高(P<0.05),升高程度的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论本研究未显示对细胞免疫功能降低的普通型COVID-19患者按说明书用量使用胸腺法新治疗能得到确切的临床获益。  相似文献   

林静  傅华  张超 《西部医学》2021,33(3):448-453
目的 总结75岁及以上高龄老年新冠肺炎患者的血液学特征,以指导老年患者的诊断和早期治疗.方法 回顾性分析2020年2月3日~3月30日在武汉火神山医院收治确诊为新冠肺炎的高龄老年患者(年龄≥75岁)的病例资料.根据临床分型分为普通型组和重型组,比较两组患者的各项检查指标.重型组根据预后情况分为重型治愈组和重型死亡组,分...  相似文献   

呼吸道黏膜免疫系统是机体抵御感染的第一道防线,自2019年新型冠状病毒肺炎(corona virus disease 2019,COVID-19)发生以来,鼻腔黏膜免疫疫苗因具有诱导细胞、体液及黏膜三重免疫应答能力,已成为研究的热点。本文聚焦于新型冠状病毒,了解其结构及致病机制,并对鼻腔黏膜免疫机制进行简要介绍,概述鼻腔黏膜免疫疫苗种类及临床研究进展,以期为新型疫苗的研发提供理论参考,寻求预防治疗COVID-19的最佳方法与策略。  相似文献   

Objectives: To develop a new Chinese medicine(CM)-based drug and to evaluate its safety and effect for suppressing acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) in COVID-19 patients. Methods: A putative ARDS-suppressing drug Keguan-1 was first developed and then evaluated by a randomized, controlled two-arm trial. The two arms of the trial consist of a control therapy(alpha interferon inhalation, 50 μg twice daily; and lopinavir/ritonavir, 400 and 100 mg twice daily, respectively) and a testing therapy(control therapy plus Keguan-1 19.4 g twice daily) by random number table at 1:1 ratio with 24 cases each group. After 2-week treatment, adverse events, time to fever resolution, ARDS development, and lung injury on newly diagnosed COVID-19 patients were assessed. Results: An analysis of the data from the first 30 participants showed that the control arm and the testing arm did not exhibit any significant differences in terms of adverse events. Based on this result, the study was expanded to include a total of 48 participants(24 cases each arm). The results show that compared with the control arm, the testing arm exhibited a significant improvement in time to fever resolution(P=0.035), and a significant reduction in the development of ARDS(P=0.048). Conclusions: Keguan-1-based integrative therapy was safe and superior to the standard therapy in suppressing the development of ARDS in COVID-19 patients.(Trial registration No. NCT 04251871 at www.clinicaltrials.gov)  相似文献   

目的 报道广西首次发生的一起家庭聚集性新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情的流行病学特征和临床特点。方法 详细收集和分析一家庭10名成员中7名感染新型冠状病毒的流行病学、临床表现、实验室检查和放射影像学。结果 2020年1月18日居住在武汉的6名成员从武汉来到南宁,并与居住在南宁的4名成员一起生活。6名居住在武汉的成员有4名感染新型冠状病毒。4名近期没有去过武汉居住在南宁的成员有3名感染新型冠状病毒。7名患者年龄中位数37岁,其中包括一名11岁儿童。从出现症状到确诊的时间为1~7 d。临床症状包括干咳(42.85%)、肌痛(42.85%)、发热(28.57%)、疲乏(28.57%)、咽痛(14.28%)、头晕(14.28%)、鼻塞(14.28%),没有患者出现呼吸困难。炎症标志物C反应蛋白和降钙素原正常。淋巴细胞计数减少3例(42.85%),CD4+T淋巴细胞降低1例(16.67%)。5名患者肺部出现磨玻璃样病灶。结论 新型冠状病毒肺炎可在家庭成员之间互相传播。我们需要重视家庭人与人之间的传染,加强家庭聚集性病例的管理。  相似文献   

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