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本文介绍和讨论全科医生持续职业发展的国外经验,并对我国全科医学人才队伍持续发展提出建议。澳大利亚采用国际上持续职业发展的理论,以质量保障和病人安全为主题,制定和实施了新一轮全科医学持续职业发展项目。该项目以富于弹性的设计,侧重满足全科医生个体化和多样性的需要,请全科医生主动参与持续职业发展的设计,通过主动学习、临床审计、循证医学俱乐部、全科医学研究、快速PDSA循环、临床实践、学位课程学习、参与职业考试等多种形式,有效地使全科医生在知识、技能、态度、行为和才智上得到收获。我国全科医生的持续职业发展依然在探索之中,师资和相应资源的缺乏、持续职业发展理念上的欠缺、与全科医学人力资源开发相关的政策协调问题,是全科医生持续职业发展的主要障碍。从战略上把继续医学教育转变为全科医生持续职业发展,研究制定中国全科医生持续职业发展的目标和主题,设计和实施适合全科医生需要和特点的项目活动。  相似文献   

杨辉  韩建军  许岩丽 《中国全科医学》2018,21(16):1910-1915
2018年皇家澳大利亚全科医生学会(RACGP)将其主办的学术期刊从《澳大利亚家庭医生》(AFP)更名为《澳大利亚全科医学杂志》(AJGP),该次更名进一步明确了全科医学的学科定位与服务内涵。本文以此为出发点,梳理了世界各地区全科医学/家庭医学职业组织及学术期刊的更名情况,并具体讲述了澳大利亚全科医学名称的变迁。目前,中国存在全科医学和家庭医学名称混合使用的情况,在一定程度上影响了居民对全科医学和全科医生的正确认知,建议在充分考虑管理者、全科医生及居民对名称理解的基础上,进一步明晰全科医学和全科医生的概念和含义。  相似文献   

杨辉  韩建军  许岩丽 《中国全科医学》2019,22(19):2267-2279
新医改10年,是中国全科人力发展的积极探索和迅猛发展阶段。目前,中国的全科医生数量不断增长,全科医生教育培养工作取得积极进展,但依然存在着一些需要持续改进的方面。本文以中国全科医生队伍建设历程和现状为基础,分析了目前中国全科人力发展的尚存问题,并给出了针对性建议。作者认为,全科人力资源的功能定位、全科医生质量和绩效管理、城乡和地区间的全科人力数量和质量差距、全科医学师资结构以及医学和教育双能力、全科医学学科和学术建设、全科人力发展及服务的质量和创新,是接下来中国全科医学发展的重点关注方面。从医学早期教育开始全科培训,以综合维度的需要为计划和培训导向,贯穿医学本科、住院医师规范化培训、职业培训、持续职业发展各阶段,规划全科医学教育的蓝图和路径,充分重视和加强全科医学的学科建设与研究,支持全科师资和导师培养,是中国全科人力资源可持续健康发展的综合性措施。  相似文献   

全科医学教育的师资标准研究——学徒式培训的启发   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
澳大利亚全科医学培训是通过学徒式教育方式,让全科医生培养全科医生,使学员掌握全科医学实践的本领,有能力提供基本的、预防的、病人为中心的、综合的、连续的、在社区提供的服务。而实现这个培训目标的师资主要依靠优秀的全科医生。为保证全科医学培训的质量,澳大利亚制定了师资和培训场所标准,规定了师资的基本条件、第一年培训的师资条件、培训过程要求和培训场所要求。中国目前的全科医学师资主要是大学理论老师和医院专科专家,师资队伍学究化和专科化倾向严重。由于过度强调学历和职称,工作在基层的有经验的社区医生往往不能进入师资培养计划中。作者认为,继承和发扬传统的师承教育方法,选拔和培训优秀的社区医生担当师资,并让他们逐步成为全科医学教育和培训的主力,这样才能培养出符合全科医学学科特征和服务于社区人群的、具有实践操作能力的全科医生。  相似文献   

本文回顾了澳大利亚、北美等西方国家全科医学发展的历史,重点考察了这些国家的医学教育中全科医生培训的演变过程,与医院的专科培训的关系,全科医学专业组织的建立过程和发展经历,政府在全科医学发展中的作用。通过比较,讨论和分析历史沿袭下来的因素对我国医学发展方向及全科医学发展的影响,以医院为基础的医学教育和医院提供大量“一般服务”的矛盾,医学权威结构的状况及其对全科医学发展的影响,并提出几点政府支持全科医学发展的建议。  相似文献   

澳大利亚全科医生学会(RACGP)在10月初举行了一次“全科医学危机峰会”,召集澳大利亚全国的全科医学专家及医疗保健服务各方面的利益相关者,分别就全科服务需要的资助模式、全科医生队伍人才流失的解决方案、有效地收集和使用数据3个议题进行圆桌会议活动,期待通过利益相关者的充分沟通和讨论,寻找克服困难和进一步发展全科医学的解决方案。本文基于此次峰会的背景和内容,对国际全科医学发展的态势及原因进行分析,以期让中国同行了解世界全科医学的前沿与进展。  相似文献   

通过在澳大利亚为期两个月的全科医学实地学习和考察,本研究从政府的作用、行会的作用、公民社会参与的作用、全科医学服务质量的管理、医院功能的设置、初级保健的服务设置、全科医生守门人、医疗服务和药品服务的关系、医疗保险体制等九个方面比较分析了中国和澳大利亚全科医学管理上的异同,并阐述了获得的启示,为我国全科医学发展提出新的理念方法和措施,以期发挥借鉴和参考作用。  相似文献   

发展全科医学教育,培养高素质的全科医学人才是我国医药卫生体制改革与发展的迫切需要。澳大利亚是较早开展全科医学教育的国家之一,已经建立了较为完备的全科医学教育体系,其成功经验值得我们学习和借鉴。本文通过对澳大利亚和中国的全科医学教育模式、管理体制、专业组织、课程计划、教学标准、考试方式及考试内容等方面进行比较,并在借鉴澳大利亚全科医学发展的成功经验的基础上,对我国全科医学教育的发展进行探讨,提出了拓宽筹资渠道,加强经费管理;加强全科医学或社区卫生服务学术或行业组织的作用;强化师资队伍建设,建立科学的考核认证体系;规范全科医学社区教学基地的建设,完善全科医学课程计划;加强教学质量管理,创新考核机制等措施,以期为建立适合我国国情的全科医学教育体系提供参考。  相似文献   

申鑫  冯晶  甘勇  卢祖洵 《中国全科医学》2021,24(22):2765-2769
我国全科医生队伍人才短缺、人员留用困难的问题极大地影响着基层医疗卫生服务的发展,也给分级诊疗制度的落实与推进带来巨大挑战,亟须制定策略维护和提升全科医生的职业吸引力。本文基于SWOT分析法,探讨当下全科医学与全科医生队伍具备的优势与劣势,以及所面临社会环境的机会和威胁。提出:目前我国提升全科医生职业吸引力面临的优势在于广泛的政策支持、全科教育的持续发展及符合健康中国发展目标;劣势在于全科医生的社会认同不高及管理制度的缺乏;机会在于医药卫生体制改革、医联体建设和健康信息技术的发展;威胁在于具体医疗行为的限制及培养体系、硬件基础的缺乏。同时,文章在分析全科医生职业吸引力提升动因和面临挑战的基础上,制定符合全科医学发展方向的应对策略,包括增加财政支持力度、强化制度建设、拓宽晋升平台、优化团队配置等方面,以期提升全科医生职业吸引力,促进我国全科医生队伍可持续发展。  相似文献   

澳大利亚全科医学服务质量管理框架、措施及借鉴   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文系统地介绍了澳大利全科医学服务的质量管理框架,并从以病人为中心的战略;全科医生教育、培训、认证和持续发展;全科医学服务质量标准;促进信息管理和信息技术应用等4个方面,阐述澳大利亚持续改善全科医学服务质量的具体措施,为我国全科医学和社区卫生服务的发展提供可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

Preventive care is an integral component of general practice teaching in all Australian medical schools. While curriculum time and teaching methods vary, the overriding emphasis remains on integrating both epidemiological and behavioural science approaches into the primary care setting. Preventive aspects are stressed during attachments with general practitioners. Use of appropriate theoretical frameworks and models allows the role of the general practitioner in disease prevention to be formalized. Undergraduate teaching is further reinforced by programs within the Family Medicine Programme at a vocational training level, and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners at a continuing medical education level.  相似文献   

The Australian Government is planning to pilot a model of prepaid funding for coordinated care of patients with diabetes in general practice. Patients will register with a practice that undertakes to coordinate their care, and practices will manage pre-allocated funds to provide services instead of billing Medicare. Systems to manage prepaid funds in Australian general practice have not yet been developed. In the model that has been proposed, practices with a small register of patients will be at risk of overspending, which may threaten practice viability and patient services. If the initiative is to have integrity, all patient services should be paid from the prepaid funds and patients should only attend the practice with which they have registered. Risks should be delineated and contingency plans made explicit before practices and patients commit to the initiative.  相似文献   

An analysis of the Australian Health Survey was made to define the health needs of our society. The high number of people who consult physicians outside hospitals, and the extent of accidents as a cause of morbidity are in contrast with the emphasis of current medical training. The potential value of incorporating Health Survey and national census data into curriculum planning is emphasized.  相似文献   

通过分析高等医学院校人文科学素养和通识教育课程设计的发展与现状,从通识教育的认识、课程体系的设计,不同教育环境的差异,系统制度规范等方面进行了评价,并对此提出了几点思考,包括重视通识教育课程体系的设计,因地制宜规划通识教育课程设计,精心设计通识教育的课程体系,构建支撑通识教育课程设计的制度规范。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess teaching about cancer in medical schools in Australia and New Zealand. DESIGN AND SETTING: Postal survey of all 12 Australian and New Zealand medical schools in 1997. PARTICIPANTS: The Dean (or a nominee) of each medical school and the representative of each university on the Oncology Education Committee (OEC) of the Australian Cancer Society. OUTCOME MEASURES: Curriculum content, clinical placements and forms of teaching and assessment related to cancer; presence and composition of cancer curriculum planning, and assessment groups. RESULTS: 22 responses were received from 10 medical schools (from nine Deans or nominees and 13 OEC representatives). Implementation of cancer teaching and overall course structure varied considerably between schools. Nine of these 10 schools had a "cancer planning group", and four were using problem-based learning. Only five schools could readily provide detailed curriculum maps. Courses covered most areas of basic and clinical sciences outlined in the ACS ideal curriculum; chemotherapy and palliative care were taught in all courses, but other subjects were covered less often (e.g., clinical staging, radiation oncology and pain management were taught in nine schools, critical evaluation of medical literature in seven, and economic evaluation in five). Teaching on cancer in clinical placements also varied considerably (e.g., one school devoted no time to palliative care). DISCUSSION: There has been some improvement in delivery of cancer education in medical schools since 1993, but considerable variation in teaching practice and implementation remains. Difficulty in determining details of course content led directly to difficulty in assessing the quality of teaching about cancer.  相似文献   

以往的病人满意度测量工具,或根据政府和医疗机构工作重点,或根据文献和研究者的观点,来决定满意度测量指标。澳大利亚全科医生学会(RACGP)根据消费者参与的原则,开发了全科医学服务病人满意度问卷。参与式问卷开发将有助于测量工具的有效性和测量结果对社区卫生/全科医学服务管理的支持。这种研究也促进了居民和社区参与,发挥其在社区卫生服务质量改善中的作用。本文对RACGP的病人满意度测量工具开发方法进行介绍,以期为完善中国的全科医学服务病人满意度测量工具提出技术建议。  相似文献   

提高全科医学教育者的质量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨辉  Shane Thomas 《中国全科医学》2009,12(17):1567-1569
目的 本文从全科医学教育的阶层结构的角度,重点分析全科医学导师/精英的特征和能力,并详细讨论全科医学师资的遴选、培养和支持标准,提出优先发展全科医学精英和导师,从而带动全科医学师资队伍发展,保证全科医学培训质量的建议.方法 文献研究和政策分析.结果 现代全科医学站在巨人的肩膀上,大师们给予我们的不仅仅是学术上的睿智,更重要的是他们的人品和精神.全科医学导师是传承和发扬全科医学的中坚力量,除了他们自身的条件和努力外,也需要环境的支持.全科医学师资队伍是由合格的医生和优秀的全科医生组成的.结论 应该根据中国实际,制定符合全科医学教育规律的师资入门条件和培训计划,以保证培训的质量.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the productivity of Australian general practice in terms of research publications with the productivity of other medical disciplines. DESIGN: A survey of Australian general practice, medicine, surgery and public health publications carried out by manual searching of specific journals and an electronic search of the US National Library of Medicine's "PubMed" database. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The number of original research publications by Australian general practitioners, physicians, surgeons and public health physicians during 1999; the relative publication rate of Australian general practice, medicine, surgery and public health over the period 1990-1999. RESULTS: Of original research articles published in 1999, GPs authored 65% (17/26) in Australian Family Physician and 3% (3/90) in the Medical Journal of Australia; physicians published 4% and 37%, respectively. The electronic search identified 54 research articles relating to Australian general practice published in 1999 in 21 different journals, only two of which were primary care journals. Over the period 1990-1999, there was a publication rate of one general practice [discipline] article per 1000 GPs in practice per year. Corresponding rates for medicine, surgery and public health were 105/1000, 61/1000 and 148/1000, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: There is considerable disparity between the level of research output of general practice and that of the disciplines of medicine, surgery and public health. If we are to have effective general practice research, we urgently need to develop research skills, a supportive infrastructure and a culture that nurtures research.  相似文献   

In 1972 a study of workload and morbidity was undertaken by a New South Wales general practitioner. The writer analysed 5,618 of his own face-to-face patient contacts and have been set out below. A comparison was also made between the writer's morbidity statistics and those of the Australian Morbidity Survey. Both surveys were conducted at the same time and it was interesting to note a marked similarity in the percentages of disease episodes when classified into broad groups (such as respiratory disease, for example). The results have been useful as a basis for future research, as an educational tool for undergraduates and graduates learning about general practice and as an aid in practice management planning.  相似文献   

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