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42例麻醉期间心跳、呼吸骤停的原因与救治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨麻醉期间心跳、呼吸骤停的常见原因与抢救方案.方法 对麻醉期间42例患者心跳、呼吸骤停的可能原因和复苏方法进行回顾性分析.结果 心跳、呼吸骤停的主要原因依次为缺氧(19.1%),失血性休克、低血压(16.7%),高血压心肌缺血(11.9%),迷走神经反射(9.5%),低血钾(7.1%);42例心跳、呼吸骤停患者,12例早期死亡,30例心脏复苏,24例脑复苏未留任何后遗症,抢救成功率为57.1%;在抢救过程,出现上消化道出血18例,呼吸衰竭7例,急性肾功能衰竭2例,4例患者死于多器官功能障碍.结论 麻醉期间缺氧和大出血是心跳、呼吸骤停的重要原因,正确的复苏方法加上并发症的防治可提高复苏成功率.  相似文献   

孙延波   《中国医学工程》2013,(12):57-57,60
目的探讨胸外科手术围麻醉期心跳骤停的原因和对策。方法回顾2005年1月-2013年1月期间我院466例胸外科手术患者中在围麻醉期发生心跳骤停的216例患者的临床资料,总结心跳骤停发生原因,找到相应解决方法。结果216例患者围麻醉期发生心跳骤停的主要因素包括患者身体因素、心理因素、麻醉因素、手术因素。所有病例均经止血、去除刺激、输血、应用肾上腺素、补液、扩充血容量、心脏按摩等治疗,其中211例复苏成功,5例死亡。导致复苏失败引起死亡的主要因素是手术原因引起的出血。结论胸外科手术围麻醉期容易引起心跳骤停,多数患者经对症处理复苏成功,建议术前对患者的身体、心理、麻醉方式、手术方式进行充分的评估和准备,减少心跳骤停发生率,降低手术失败率。  相似文献   

目的分析肝移植手术中发生心跳骤停的原因并探讨有效的防治方法。方法回顾性研究我院两年来肝移植术中发生心跳骤停患者的术前一般情况、心跳骤前的血流动力学、血气分析以及复苏后的血气分析。结果304例肝移植手术中有8例发生了心跳骤停,发生率为2.63%。2例心跳骤停发生在无肝期,停跳前出现循环功能失代偿;6例发生在新肝期,都出现再灌注综合征,2例出现高钾血症。结论高钾血症、低钙血症和代谢性酸中毒可能是导致肝移植术中发生心跳骤停的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的 探讨外科手术麻醉中心跳骤停的原因及其预防措施。方法 对1999~2004年外科手术中6例心跳骤停进行回顾性分析。结果 11051例手术中发生心跳骤停6例,其中发生在术前者占66.7%,术中占33.3%,发生率为5.4/万。所有患者均为60岁以上老人,ASA分级Ⅲ级以上者占83.3%,2例与手术因素有关,3例与麻醉因素有关。心跳骤停的心肺复苏成功率100%,心肺脑复苏成功率83.3%。结论 高龄及并存疾病、全身情况差、大出血、休克、昏迷以及手术、麻醉不当容易引起麻醉手术期间心跳骤停;加强基础知识和基本技能训练,术前充分正确估计病情,选择适当的手术及麻醉是预防心跳骤停的关键。只要发现及时,处理得当,围手术期心跳骤停的复苏成功率仍然很高。  相似文献   

目的 回顾性分析胸外科手术围麻醉期心跳骤停的原因及救治经验,旨在进一步提高胸外科手术患者的麻醉安全性.方法 查询2002年7月-2005年6月根据Access软件自编的麻醉登记(前组资料)及2006年8月-2008年12月麻醉信息管理系统(后组资料),共获取胸外科手术病例12 832例,分析围麻醉期心脏骤停的原因、救治经过及预后.结果 共发生围麻醉期心跳骤停16例,发生率为0.12%,其中前组的心跳骤停发生率为0.11%(6/5 301),后组为0.13%(10/7 531).单纯手术操作刺激所致心跳骤停12例(75%),均即刻心脏复苏,对麻醉恢复无影响;4例(25%)复苏困难者心跳骤停原因各异,其中心脏嵌顿1例,术中呼吸、循环功能不稳定伴手术刺激2例,可疑肺栓塞1例,心脏停搏的时间分别为40、10、7及39 min,经开胸解除病因、持续心脏按压、电复律、体外循环等综合措施抢救成功,心、肺、脑复苏的成功率为100%.后组死亡1例,余病例均康复出院.结论 胸外科手术围麻醉期心脏骤停的发生率为0.12%,有创动脉压监测在心电干扰时有助于及时发现心跳骤停,中心静脉通路为心脏骤停救治中最为快捷、有效的给药途径,持续心脏按压维持脑灌注是脑复苏成功的关键.  相似文献   

心跳骤停是麻醉和手术中最严重的并发症,能否成功复苏,关系到患者的整体康复。现就我院2001-2006年期间出现的5例心跳骤停成功复苏的病例作一报告。  相似文献   

目的探讨心血管病病人围术期心跳骤停的原因和总结心肺复苏成功的经验.方法回顾性分析20例心血管病病人心跳骤停的原因,并总结心肺复苏成功经验.结果15例病人复苏成功,5例死亡.心跳骤停的原因为急性心包填塞、大血管破裂、急性心肌梗死、严重酸血症和低钾血症、麻醉深度不够疼痛刺激、冠状动脉旁路血管移植术后移植血管闭塞.复苏成功的经验是对无气管插管的心跳骤停病人立即施行气管插管,坚持胸外按压和机械通气,大剂量肾上腺素的应用.结论心血管病病人围术期心跳骤停的原因较多,如果能及时发现,针对原因处理,复苏容易成功.  相似文献   

<正> 心跳骤停是麻醉与手术中的最严重问题,术中心跳骤停的复苏存活率国内资料为23~70%,国外行胸外心脏挤压者为51%,作开胸挤压者为32%,本组为70.5%。现将我院自1960年至1980年,21076例手术中发生17例心跳骤停的临床抢救情况,报道如下。  相似文献   

腹腔内脏器官受交感神经和副交感神经双重支配,腹部手术中因内脏牵引反应经常出现心动过缓,严重时可反射性心跳骤停,多年来,病房用阿托品一直作为麻醉前用药,目的之一是来预防迷走神经的过度兴奋,但目前存在争议,本通过对比观察不同时点硬膜外麻醉腹部手术中的心率、血压变化,探讨阿托品在腹部手术前用来预防迷走神经兴奋的时机。  相似文献   

<正> 麻醉期间心跳骤停复苏后再手术是一个值得探讨的课题,现结合国内外文献和作者的临床体会综合如下。一、再手术的指征 Hanks等报告围麻醉期心跳骤停14例,复苏后延期手术全部获愈,其中4~26天手术6例,1 1/2月~6年手术8例。认为心跳骤停时间短暂,用胸外心脏按压复苏成功者可以手术;若心跳骤停干扰了手术和需适当药物治疗者,手术延至数天至一周;由于室颤致循环功能不良,择期手术时间延迟,以心肌损害程度而定国内徐利军等报道7例再手术,死亡2例,提出心脏复苏后继续手术将加重病人生理紊乱,仅适合于病灶危  相似文献   

Background Patient safety has been gained much more attention in recent years.The authors reviewed patients who had cardiac arrest in the operating rooms undergoing noncardiac surgery between January 1989 and December 2001 at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,USA.The main objectives of the study were to determine the incidence of intraoperative cardiac arrest,to identify possible causes of cardiac arrest and to explore amenable modifications.Methods With approval by the University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board,patients experienced cardiac arrest during surgery were retrieved from medical records,surgical operation and anesthesia records and pathological reports by searching the Medical Archival Retrieval System (MARS),a hospital electronic searching system.Cases of cardiac arrest were collected over a period of thirteen years from the Pre byteria University Hospital (PUH),USA.Results We found 23 cases of intraoperative cardiac arrests occurred in 218 274 anesthesia cases (1.1 per 10 000).Fourteen patients (60.8%) died in the operating room,leading to a mortality rate from all causes of 0.64 per 10 000 anesthetics.Immediate overall survival rate after arrest was 39% (9/23).Half of the patients (12/23) were emergency cases with 41% survival rate (5/12).One fourth of the arrests were trauma patients (6/23).Most arrest patients (87%,20/23) were American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status (ASA PS) Ⅳ and Ⅴ,while only three patients were ASA PS-Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ,respectively.One case was attributable to an anesthesia-related cardiac arrest and recovered after successful resuscitation.Conclusions Most intraoperative cardiac arrests were not due to anesthesia-related causes.Anesthesia-related cardiac arrests might have a higher survival rate when compared to other possible causes of cardiac arrest in the operating room.  相似文献   

Background  Patient safety has been gained much more attention in recent years. The authors reviewed patients who had cardiac arrest in the operating rooms undergoing noncardiac surgery between January 1989 and December 2001 at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, USA. The main objectives of the study were to determine the incidence of intraoperative cardiac arrest, to identify possible causes of cardiac arrest and to explore amenable modifications.
Methods  With approval by the University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board, patients experienced cardiac arrest during surgery were retrieved from medical records, surgical operation and anesthesia records and pathological reports by searching the Medical Archival Retrieval System (MARS), a hospital electronic searching system. Cases of cardiac arrest were collected over a period of thirteen years from the Pre byteria University Hospital (PUH), USA.
Results  We found 23 cases of intraoperative cardiac arrests occurred in 218 274 anesthesia cases (1.1 per 10 000). Fourteen patients (60.8%) died in the operating room, leading to a mortality rate from all causes of 0.64 per 10 000 anesthetics. Immediate overall survival rate after arrest was 39% (9/23). Half of the patients (12/23) were emergency cases with 41% survival rate (5/12). One fourth of the arrests were trauma patients (6/23). Most arrest patients (87%, 20/23) were American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status (ASA PS) IV and V, while only three patients were ASA PS-I, II and III, respectively. One case was attributable to an anesthesia-related cardiac arrest and recovered after successful resuscitation.
Conclusions  Most intraoperative cardiac arrests were not due to anesthesia-related causes. Anesthesia-related cardiac arrests might have a higher survival rate when compared to other possible causes of cardiac arrest in the operating room.

Cardiac arrest due to anesthesia. A study of incidence and causes   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
R L Keenan  C P Boyan 《JAMA》1985,253(16):2373-2377
Cardiac arrests due solely to anesthesia were studied in a large university hospital over a 15-year period. There were 27 cardiac arrests among 163,240 anesthetics given, for a 15-year incidence of 1.7 per 10,000 anesthetics. Fourteen of these patients (0.9 per 10,000) subsequently died. Detailed examination of the data from these 27 patients revealed that the pediatric age group had a threefold higher risk than adults, and that the risk for emergency patients was six times that for elective patients. Failure to provide adequate ventilation caused almost half of the anesthetic cardiac arrests, and one third resulted from absolute overdose of an inhalation agent. Hemodynamic instability in very ill patients was an association in 22%. Specific errors in anesthetic management could be identified in 75%. Progressive bradycardia preceding the arrest was observed in all but one case.  相似文献   

A B Sanders  K B Kern  C W Otto  M M Milander  G A Ewy 《JAMA》1989,262(10):1347-1351
The effectiveness of ongoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation efforts is difficult to evaluate. Recent studies suggest that carbon dioxide excretion may be a useful noninvasive indicator of resuscitation from cardiac arrest. A prospective clinical study was done to determine whether end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring during cardiopulmonary resuscitation could be used as a prognostic indicator of resuscitation and survival. Thirty-five cardiac arrests in 34 patients were monitored with capnometry during cardiopulmonary resuscitation during a 1-year period. Nine patients who were successfully resuscitated had higher average end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressures during cardiopulmonary resuscitation than 26 patients who could not be resuscitated (15 +/- 4 vs 7 +/- 5 mm Hg). The 3 patients who survived to leave the hospital had a higher average end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure than the 32 nonsurvivors (17 +/- 6 vs 8 +/- 5 mm Hg). All 9 patients who were successfully resuscitated had an average end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure of 10 mm Hg or greater. No patient with an average end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure of less than 10 mm Hg was resuscitated. Data from this prospective clinical trial indicate that findings from end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring during cardiopulmonary resuscitation are correlated with resuscitation from and survival of cardiac arrest.  相似文献   

Cardiac arrest occurring on board aeroplanes is rare, but remains a common cause of inflight incidents. This review examines some of the management problems unique to inflight cardiac arrests, and emphasises the use of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillators.  相似文献   

Survival rates for in-hospital cardiac arrests are disappointing. Even though such arrests are often witnessed by a nurse, inadequate training may cause these first responders to have to wait for Advanced Cardiac Life Support trained personnel to arrive to perform defibrillation. The introduction of automated external defibrillator (AED) use by nurses was designed to address this problem, but studies have revealed that AED use is associated with a lower rate of survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest compared with no AED use. Interruption to cardiopulmonary resuscitation during the AED advisory mode is the likely reason for these unexpected results. Hence, courses like the Life Support Course for Nurses, which trains nurses to recognise collapse rhythms and to institute manual defibrillation, are extremely important. Barriers to the practice of advanced life support by nurses and recommendations for the prevention and management of in-hospital cardiac arrest are discussed.  相似文献   

J B Sack  M B Kesselbrenner  D Bregman 《JAMA》1992,267(3):379-385
OBJECTIVE.--To determine whether interposed abdominal counterpulsation (IAC) during standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) improves outcome in patients experiencing in-hospital cardiac arrest. DESIGN AND SETTING.--Randomized controlled trial in a university-affiliated hospital. PATIENTS.--Patients experiencing in-hospital cardiac arrest during a 6-month period. INTERVENTIONS.--Patients were randomized to receive either IAC during CPR or standard CPR in the event of cardiac arrest. Abdominal compressions were performed during the relaxation phase of chest compression, corresponding to CPR diastole, at a rate of 80/min to 100/min. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES.--The three end points studied were (1) return of spontaneous circulation, (2) survival 24 hours after resuscitation, and (3) survival to hospital discharge. In addition, we examined neurological outcome in those patients surviving to hospital discharge. RESULTS.--During the study period there were 135 resuscitation attempts in 103 patients. Return of spontaneous circulation was significantly greater in the group receiving IAC during CPR than in the group receiving standard CPR (51% vs 27%, P = .007). At hospital discharge, a significantly greater proportion of patients was alive in the IAC group than in the control group (25% vs 7%, P = .02). Eight (17%) of 48 patients who received IAC during CPR survived to hospital discharge neurologically intact, compared with only three (6%) of 55 patients from the standard CPR group (not significant). CONCLUSIONS.--We conclude that the addition of IAC to standard CPR may improve meaningful survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest. The optimal use of this technique awaits further clinical trials.  相似文献   

The Emergency Medical Response (EMR) program is a Victorian Government initiative in which fire fighters trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and equipped with automatic external defibrillators are dispatched to suspected cardiac arrests simultaneously with ambulance paramedics across metropolitan Melbourne. During the first 12 months (February 2000 to February 2001) of the expanded EMR program, 2942 events involved simultaneous dispatch of ambulance paramedics and fire fighters. In 430 events, patients had suffered a cardiac arrest of presumed cardiac cause, and resuscitation was attempted by the emergency medical services. Fire fighters provided the initial defibrillation to 41 (26.5%) patients presenting in ventricular fibrillation. Survival to hospital discharge for bystander-witnessed ventricular fibrillation cardiac arrests was 21.8%. The mean emergency services (fire and ambulance) response time to cardiac arrest patients was 6.03 (SD, 1.65) minutes. The mean time to defibrillation for ventricular fibrillation patients was 8.75 (SD, 2.07) minutes.  相似文献   

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