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Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of Xuesaitong soft capsule(血塞通软胶囊,XST)and its effect on platelet counts, coagulation factor 1 (CF1) as well as hemorrheologic indexes in treating patients with acute cerebral infarction (ACI). Methods: Two hundred and four patients with ACI were assigned into two groups, the control group ( n = 96) and the treated group ( n = 108). They were all treated with conventional Western medicines, including mannitol, troxerutin, citicoline, piracetam and aspirin, while to the treated group, XST was given additionally through oral intake, twice a day, 2 capsules each time for 8successive weeks. The clinical efficacy was evaluated according to the nerve function deficits scoring and the changes of platelet count. CF1 and hemorrhe.ological indexes were measured before and after treatment. Results: The total effective rate was 87.0% in the treated group, and 87.5% in the control group, respectively, showing insignificant difference between them. But the markedly effective rate in the treated group (66.7%) was significantly higher than that in the control group (27.1%, P<0.01). The count of platelet was not changed significantly in both groups after treatment, while CF1 inthem evidently lowered at the end of the 4th and 8th weeks of treatment, but showed insignificant difference between the two groups. The hematocrit, whole blood viscosity and plasma viscosity in both groups were all improved significantly after treatment, but also showed insignificant difference in comparison of the two groups. Conclusion: XST has good efficacy in auxiliary treatment of patients with ACI, though its mechanism remains to be further explored.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect of Xuesai-tong injection (XSTI, 血塞通注射液 , a preparation of Panax Notoginseng) as auxilliary treatment of severe craniocerebral injury. Methods Eighty-seven patients with severe craniocerebral injury were selected and randomly divided into the treated group (n=44) and the control group (n = 43), they were treated with conventional treatment, and XSTI was given additionally to the treated group. Intracranial pressure (ICP) and Glasgow coma score (GCS) of all patients were measuredafter 1 or 2-week treatment, and Glasgow outcome scale (GOS) of them was determined 3 months later. Then the therapeutic effect in the two groups were compared. Results After treatment, the ICP was lower, GCS higher and GOS better in the treated group than those in the control group significantly, all showing statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion XSTI has marked clinical therapeutic effect in treating patients with severe craniocerebral injury.Original article on CJITWM (Chin) 2004 ;2  相似文献   

ChronichepatitisBisthechieffactorthatin ducesliverfibrosisandfurtherleadstolivercirrhosisinChina.Thereisnoeffectivetreatmentorre  相似文献   

Opticatrophy,acommondiseasewhichleadstoblindness,respondstofewtreatment.However,acupuncturehasbeenactuallyusedandtheclinicaleffectintreatingthisconditionisratherpreferable.Byusingtheacupunctureformula"Three--EyeNeedling",remarkableclinicaloutcomeisachievedandtheresultoftherelatedelectrophysiologicalparametersfollowingtheacupuncturepracticeintreatingopticatrophyhasbeenobserved.METHODSClinicalD8tsTheclinicalmaterialswerecollectedintheSpecialClinicofOpticAtrophyoftheDepartmentofAcupuncture…  相似文献   

Diabeticnephropathy (DN)isoneofthecommoncomplicationsinmicrovesselsofdia betesmellitus (DM ) .Atpresentthereisnoidealtherapytocureit.  相似文献   

Clinical Study of Effect of Yizhi Capsule(益智胶囊)on Senile Vascular DementiaCHENKai(陈揩),CHENKe-ji(陈可冀),ZHOUWen-quan(周文泉),etal(G...  相似文献   

48 patients with liver fibrosis due to hepatitis B were treated for 2 years with the drugs for tonifyingthe kidney,supplementing qi,cooling and invigorating the blood and detoxification.The symptomswere markedly improved,and serum ALT and bilirubin were recovered and kept normal in most ofthe cases.The mean levels of serum hyaluronic acid,procollagen peptide Ⅲ and circulating immunecomplex were decreased and returned to normal after the treatment.B-ultrasonography showed thatthe portal vein kept in normal size in 82%of the patients,the enlarged portal vein diminished indiameter,and the enlarged spleen reduced.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Yuantong Capsule (YTC) in treating vascular dementia (VD). Methods: Eighty-three patients of VD were randomized on ratio of 2 : 1 into two groups, the 54 patients in the treated group were treated with YTC orally administered, 3 times a  相似文献   

Endothelin(ET)andcalcitoningenerelatedpeptide(CGRP)areapairofnewlyfoundvascularactivatingmediawithoppositiveaction.ETisavasoconstrictivepeptideproducedbyvascularendothelialcells(VEC)withstrongandprotractedeffect,thestrongestvasoconstrictorinthehumanb…  相似文献   

Ithasbeen proventhatChineseherbshaveexcellenttherapeuticeffectonhepaticfi brosis(1).ChineseherbalpreparationHandanGanlecapsule(汉丹肝乐胶囊,HDGLC),hasthefunctionofanti fibrosis.Thepurposeofthisstudyistoinvestigatethetherapeuticef fectofHDGLConhepaticfibrosis…  相似文献   

XuezhikangCapsule(XZK,血脂康胶囊)isabloodlipidregulatormadeofspecialrefinedredyeast,anditwasprovedthroughlotsofclinicalpracticeinthe10years,tohavesafe,sta bleandevidenteffectinreg ulatingbloodlipids.Thecur rentstatusresearchesonXZKinclinicalapplicationisnowreportedasfollows.EffectsinRegulatingBloodLipids1.BloodlipidsregulatoryeffectonpatientswithprimaryhyperlipidemiaWithpre posttreatmentself controllingorpla cebocontrollingmethodadopted,XZKhasbeenusedtotreatover3000patientsoftheHannation…  相似文献   

Clinical Study on Protective Effect of Xinmaitong Capsule on Damage of Vascular Endothelial Cells@丘瑞香@贺敬波@蓝军  相似文献   

Vasculardementia(VD)isoneofthechieftypesofseniledementia.Itisalsonamed“inversiblede mentia”duetoitsratherclearpathogenesisaswell  相似文献   

Clinical Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of Ginkgo Leaf Concentrated Oral Liquor on Bronchial AsthmaLIMing-hua,YANGBen-...  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the therapeutic efficacy of Gandou Tablet Ⅰ (肝豆片Ⅰ号) in tre ating hepatolenticular degeneration (HLD) and its effect on urinary trace element in 24 hours. Methods: Thirty-four patients with HLD took Gandou Tablet Ⅰ for 4 weeks, their changes of symptoms, signs and d aily life pattern were observed closely, and the levels of urinary trace element in 24 hours before the therapy an d every week after initiation of treatment were measured. Result s: The total effective rate reac hed 70.59%, with markedly effective rate being 8.82%.The therapeutic effect was much better in the child and mild patients. After treatment, the daily urina ry coppe r output was obviously increased every week compared with that before (P< 0. 01 ). Although i t was highly negative linear correlated with the duration of treatment (γ=-0.96 , P < 0.05 ), it has insignificant difference between any two weekly excretion of urin ary copper per 24 hours after treatment (P>0.05). So its effect on urinary copp er excretion was not decreased. Conclusion: Gandou Tablet Ⅰ could increase the output of urinary copper, hence it was effective in treating HLD wi thout apparent toxic or side reaction.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of Kaixin Capsule (开心胶囊, KXC) on myocardial ischemia and plasma endothelin (ET) level in patients with diabetic heart disease (DHD). Methods: The 72 subjects for observation were randomly selected from inpatients whose diagnosis fit to the standard of DHD. The 32 patients allocated in the control group were treated with conventional Western medicine, and the 40 patients in the treated group were treated with conventional Western medicine in combination with KXC, with the therapeutic course for both groups as 60 days. Results: On ECG, the total effective rate and markedly ef- fective rate in the treated group was 85. 0% and 37. 5% respectively, higher than those in the control group's 68.7% and 28. 1% respectively, and showing significant difference between the two groups (P〈 0.05). The level of ET in patients in both groups was significantly higher than normal range, after treatment, but reduced to different extent, and the comparison between them also showed that the difference was significant (P〈0.05). Conclusion: KXC might, by way of inhibiting and blocking the release of ET, lower its level in plasma so as to improve the myocardial ischemic condition of patients with DHD.  相似文献   

Objective:To study the effect of Shengmai San(生脉散Pulse-activating Powder) in protecting myocardium in the rat of the type 2 diabetic cardiomyopathy(DCM) model.Methods:The DCM rat model was established by combination of insulin resistance induced by a high-fat diet with intraperitoneal injection of high dose streptozotocin(50 mg/kg).And these rat models were randomly divided into three groups:a normal group(n=12,one of them died),a model group(n=15) and a Shengmai San group(treatment group,n=15).The damage of the myocardium was assessed by electrocardiogram at the twelfth week after modeling,and the blood glucose,cholesterol and triglyceride levels were determined;the content of the left cardiac ventricle myocardial collagen was quantified by Masson staining test;the level of myocardial cell apoptosis was detected with TUNEL apoptosis detection kit;the damage extent of the myocardial sub-cellular structures was observed by electron microscopy;the expression levels of cardiac TSP-1(Thrombospondin-1),TGF-β1(Transforming Growth Ffactor-β) and TRB-3(Tribbles homolog 3) proteins were detected by immunohistochemical method;the expression levels of cardiac TSP-1,A-TGF-β1 and L-TGF-β1 proteins were detected by Western blotting;and the expression levels of TSP-1 and TRB-3 mRNAs were detected by real-time quantitative PCR.Results:Compared with the control group,the blood glucose,cholesterol,triglycerides levels in both the model groups and the Shengmai San group were significantly decreased;the myocardial tissue was less damaged and the collagen content was reduced in the Shengmai San group;the myocardial sub-cellular structure was injured to a lesser extent;the expression levels of myocardial TSP-1,TGF-β1,TRB-3,and TSP-1,A-TGF-β1,L-TGF-β1 and chymase were decreased,and the expression levels of TSP-1 mRNA and TRB-3 mRNA were decreased in both the model groups and the Shengmai San group(the latter was better),.Conclusion:Shengmai San can inhibit myocardial fibrosis in the rat of diabetic cardiomyopathy,and significantly delay the formation of diabetic cardiomyopathy in hyperglycemia rats through multiple pathways.  相似文献   

InordertoexploretheeffectofYiqiHuoxue(益气活血,YQHX)recipeincompre hensivetreatmentoftheadvancedstageofesophagealcancer,fromMarch 1 994toJan uary 1 998,weadoptedradiotherapy(RT)toperformarterial perfusionchemotherapytotreat 3 1casesofmiddleandadvancedstageesophag…  相似文献   

正Naoxintong Capsule(脑心通胶囊,NXTC)is derived from the classic formula Buyang Huanwu Decoction(补阳还五汤)by WANG Qing-ren of the Qing Dynasty.Based on the concept ofconcurrent treatment on Nao(Brain)and Xin(Heart)(Nao Xin Tong Zhi)proposed by Prof.ZHAO Bu-chang,activating blood circulation and dredging collaterals herbs were supplemented to the classic formula.NXTC is composed of Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.)Bge.(monarch  相似文献   

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