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The effect of the trace elements on retinopathy of prematurity(ROP) were studied.Thirty preterm infants who had potential high risk factors of ROP were selected as observation group and 18 normal infants as control groups.By using atom spectrophotometer,the contents of serum trace elements(Mg,Cu,Zn,Mn,Se) were measured and analyzed statistically.The contents of serum Zn,Cu and Se in observation group were 0.75±0.22,0.41±0.20 and(134.07±71.57)×10-3 mg/L respectively,and 0.55±0.12,0.65±0.194 and(202.92±44.71)×10-3 mg/L in control group respectively(P<0.01).The contents of Cu and Se were obviously lower and that of Zn higher in observation group than those in control group.The same results were obtained between the infants with ROP and controls(P<0.01).However,there was no significant difference in the contents of serum Mg and Mn between two groups(P>0.05).It was concluded that the contents of serum Cu and Se in preterm infants who had high risk factors of ROP were obviously lower than in the controls.The contents of serum Cu and Se in the ROP infants were also much lower while contents of Zn much higher.Attention should be paid to the detection of the trace elements in preterm infants in order to prevent the deficiencies of Cu and Se.Only in this way can we prevent the deficiencies of Cu and Se,so as to decrease the ROP risk factors and prevent the disease.  相似文献   

The content of 12 trace elements in the hair of 20 aplastic anemia patients was determined and compared with that of normal subjects as control. The results showed that patients with deficiency of yin had a significant decrease in lithium, calcium, strontium, and chromium, those with deficiency of yang had a distinct decrease in zinc magnesium barium, strontium, calcium, and lithium, and those with deficiency of both yin and yang had a general decrease in all the 12 trace elements. Changes in trace element content in hair may serve as a guide to opening up new vistas in the treatment of aplastic anemia on the basis of an overall analysis of symptoms and signs.  相似文献   

The mean serum tyrosine concentrationswere 1.14 mg/dl for normal control group(17cases)and 1.43 for patients with coronary heartdisease(CHD)(67 cases),a significantly higherfigure in the latter.No significant differencewas found between male and female patients.Averages of the serum tyrosine levels of Yin-deficient(43 cases)and Yang-deficient(24 cases)groups were 1.50 and 1.29 mg/dl respectively.The differences were statistically significantbetween the two deficiency groups and betweenthe Yin-deficient and normal control groups.The values of male or female Yang-deficientpatients were not however significantly differentfrom the normal.We considered the increaseof serum tyrosine level in CHD patients possiblyto be one of the important pathologic biochemi-cal changes of Yin-deficiency.We found nosuch relationship between the tyrosine level andthe CHD as reported by some foreign investiga-tors.  相似文献   

Syndrome of endemic arsenism and fluorosis. A clinical study.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixty-five patients in Xinjiang with syndrome of endemic arsenism and fluorosis (SEAF) were investigated clinically from March 1982 to August 1989. SEAF is a kind of chronic syndrome resulting from the combined, harmful effects of two trace elements, arsenic and fluorine. Peripheral neuritis and cardiovascular changes were observed in this syndrome more often than in simple arsenism or simple fluorosis. The excessive quantities of these two trace elements in blood might have a synergic, harmful effect on the nervous and circulatory systems. No definite conclusion could be reached with regard to the morbidity of skin and visceral tumors in this series. The incidence of associated skin cancer was found to be 7.7% and an associated Grade II squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus was encountered in one patient.

To determine the contents of trace elements(TE)in kidney tissues of chronicglomerulonephritis(CGN),quantitative analysis of microspecimens of kidney tissues ob-tained from CGN patients were performed using eletron microscopy energy dispersiveX-ray spectrometer analysis(EDXSA),neutron activation analysis(NAA)and induc-tively coupled plasma spectrometer(ICP).The analystic results showed that 14 elements(Al,K,Ca,Na,Cu,Zn,Mn,Mg,Mo,Sr,Ti,Cd.Sn and Se)underwent changes in thekidney tissues of CGN.It is recommended that ICP be used to determine K,Cu,Zn andAl in kidney tissues,and NAA to determine Mn,Al,Zn,Se and Mg,both clinicallyand pathologically.Deter,omatopm of TE in kidney tissues can provide reliable infor-mation for further study of the roles of TE in the pathology of CGN.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE:To investigate the relationship between smoking and drinking and constitution types from Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)theory.METHODS:The Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire(CCMQ)was used.A sample of 8448subjects from nine provinces and municipalities was chosen from the database of the TCM constitution and health status survey.Constituent ratio and correspondence analysis were used to find the relationship between smoking and drinking and TCM constitution.RESULTS:There was an association between smokinganddrinkingandtheGentleness,phlegm-dampness,and dampness-heat type constitutions.People that did not smoke tobacco or drink alcohol tended to have Yang-deficiency,Yin-deficiency,Qi-depression,Qi-deficiency,special diathesis,orblood-stasis type constitutions.CONCLUSION:There was a significant correlation between tobacco and alcohol use and TCM constitutions.To improve patient health,more attention should be paid to tobacco and alcohol control.  相似文献   

An Ncol restriction fragment length polymorphism in the first intron of the lymphotoxin α gene was investigated in 35 patients with Crohn's disease, 40 patients with ulcerative colitis, and 30 unrelated healthy controls, all of Dutch origin. The results showed that no significant differences existed in the genotype frequencies of the NcoI polymorphism in the first intron of the LTα gene between ulcerative colitis patients or Crohn's disease patients and the healthy controls. The study indicates that the NcoI polymorphism in the LTα gene can not be used as a genetic marker for the predisposition to inflammatory bowel diseases. However, since this polymorphism may control the production of tumor necrosis factor, study of this and other related tumor necrosis factor gene polymorphisms may he used as markers to identify patient subgroups and to define patient heterogeneity. Further studies are being carried out on other polymorphisms and on the relevance of LTα and TNFα haplotypes.  相似文献   

The acute-phase response to infection is associated with alteration in dynamics of many trace elements (TE), particularly iron (Fe), zinc(Zn), copper(Cu) and selenium (Se). It has been suggested that the alteration of TE may represent an important defense mechanism, which has been underlined by the term"nutritional immunity". The goal of this study was to measure the serum Fe, Zn, Cu and Se during infectious processes, which might be given the references of sup-  相似文献   

This paper is a summary of our observations on 105 cases of infantile spasms. The age of onset was around six months after birth, but the patients came for treatment mainly about one year after onset. Fever of unknown cause, asphyxia, birth injury, infection of the central nervous system, tuberous sclerosis, phenylketonuria and recent immunization etc. were complained. Clinically, it is characterized by head nodding, mental retardation, myoclonic jerks and various neurologic deficits. EEG findings showed classical or modified arrythmia or other epileptiform patterns. About one third of 22 cases examined had abnormal brain stem auditory evoked potentials. Among 42 patients who underwent CT scanning before ACTH treatment, 18 were normal and 7 abnormal; during ACTH treatment 3 normal and 4 abnormal; after completion of treatment, 4 normal and 6 abnormal, suggesting no further atrophy of the brain. Examination of trace elements of the hair by particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) method in 23 patients revealed a significant difference in lead, calcium and zinc contents between patients and 101 controls, but no statistical difference in iron and copper contents between the two groups. Sodium valproate, prednisone and ACTH appear to be effective in the treatment of infantile spasms. Eight patients fully recovered, and they can go to school without difficulty. Many patients derived various degrees of improvement to the satisfaction of their parents. Two patients were still amented and often attacked by myoclonus. The effects, side effects of these drugs, and the possible pathogenesis were discussed.

骨关节炎的“筋”“骨”之辨   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
论述中西医学对骨关节炎的认识,并阐明骨关节炎的诊治要点,提出石氏伤科治疗骨关节炎之"筋骨并重,以筋为主"的观点。  相似文献   

班级管理需要严格依法办事的刚性,即制定班规,贯彻落实班规,公正、客观地评价学生;也需要润物无声的德育和精神关怀的柔性,即帮助学生树立理想和奋斗目标,榜样育人,给学生以精神关怀.构建和谐班集体,需依"法"治班与依"德"治班相结合.  相似文献   

《周易》的阴阳哲理,是《内经》阴阳学说的渊源土《内经》以《周易》的“《易》有太极,是生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦”等理论为依据,阐明阴阳对立统一规律。《周易》六十四卦阴、阳爻增减,刚柔相推之理也被《内经》所接受,以此阐明阴阳消长变化规律。《周易》天地阴阳二气上下交通,开阖出入的理论,又是《内经》万物化生及升降出入运动理论的基石。《周易》的“天人相应”观,被《内经》用以解释人与自然统一的道理。《内经》是一部《易》学色彩很浓的医学著作。  相似文献   

关于医疗纠纷中的"德"与"法"的思考   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
近年来 ,不少医院医疗纠纷不断增加 ,冲击医院的恶性事件时有发生。医院为了处理这些纠纷 ,往往要投入大量的人力、物力、财力。出于无奈 ,医院常以经济赔偿的办法求得“私了” ,结果又引发出新的纠纷 ,形成无止境的恶性循环。医疗纠纷已成为当今社会的一个热点和难点 ,有志之士呼吁尽快立法 (医疗法 ) ,有法可依 ;进一步立德 ,尽在情理之中。1 医疗纠纷中的“德”常识告诉我们 ,医院向病人提供的服务有双重性特点 ,即医疗品质和服务品质 ,两者提供的方式和策略是不相同的。医疗品质是可见并可量化的 ,是患者“所得到的”有形的东西 ;服务…  相似文献   

历史沿革 作为我国医用放射影像产业的开拓者和奠基人之一,万东医疗自诞生之初就深深根植于这片土地,伴随着新中国的发展而快速成长.  相似文献   

烦躁在《伤寒论》全书运用约134次,涉及原文120余条,取名多达20余种,各置于不同语言环境中。时指证候,时作形容,时言病机,有时单烦,有时并燥.词意博大精深,文字渊奥妙用。  相似文献   

七损八益与二者可调,是两条互为因果的生命活动准则。“七损八益”是指人体生命活动过程中,机体由少而壮,由盛到衰的损益盛衰变化之节律性、时限性与趋向性准则,而“二者可调”则是人体保持和合协调、平衡稳定的协调性准则。  相似文献   

《马氏文通》在中国语法史上具有开拓之功 ,其中很多术语成了后人研究的重点。句与读的关系一直是研究者关注的焦点。《马氏文通》句读观的缺点、句与读的关系、句与句的关系等问题是以往研究的薄弱环节。  相似文献   

“5S”教育在《护理学基础》教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨应用"5S"教育在护理学基础教学中的教学效果。方法对2004级、2005级护理专业学生《护理学基础》教学中,随机分组进行传统教育或"5S"教育。结果实施"5S"教育后学生规范化护理操作能力、人际沟通能力、自律性等均有提高。两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),"5S"教育组优于对照组。结论"5S"教育在护理学基础教学中的应用对于培养护理专业学生的综合能力是行之有效的,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

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