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《洗冤录》白清代康熙年间钦颁之后,即成为审理刑狱、司法断谳的重要准绳和刑事司法检验的权威指针。然而西方近代科学的传入,却使传统检验奉行的《洗冤录》饱受非议。特别是“五四”新文化运动以来,《洗冤录》不仅在学理上受到西式化学检验的强烈质疑,遭到知识界的猛烈挞伐,而且以其为指征的传统司法检验方法也备受指责。虽然《洗冤录》跌下神坛,但因科学法医体系未臻确立,20世纪30-40年代中国的司法检验实践中依然大量延用旧法,《洗冤录》可谓跌而不倒,显示出根深蒂固的生命力。《洗冤录》的近代命运,不仅是近代中国不同时期历史话语的直接结果,也是近代中国的真实写照。  相似文献   

石振铎《本草补》研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《本草补》曾被知史学家范行准先生称之为“西洋传入药物学之嚆矢”。然而该书在国内已经散失,近年来在海外发现了该书。从《本草补》的作者,刻本,内容,以及其与赵学敏《本草纲目拾遗》引述的对比中,可认识《本草补》作为早期西洋传入药物学的实际价值。  相似文献   

日本的平安时代(794~1192),隋唐医学及医药著作大量源源不断地传入日本,从镰仓时代开始代表宋医学的《和剂局方》逐渐成为日本医学的主流。在相当长的时间里,医史学界都认为当时的日本不仅在临床上采用中医药理论与辨治方药,而且医学著作、医事制度、医学教育、医药管理等方面均与我国同出一辙。但是根据最新的研究表明,当时的日本医学已不是对中国医学的单纯模仿,而是在对中国医学的取舍中已经出现日本化的特征。  相似文献   

中医对过敏性紫癜的认识和研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国古代医学典籍中虽无“过敏性紫癜”的病名,但根据过敏性紫癜(AP)的临床证候特点,可将其归类为“肌衄”、“葡萄疫”、“斑疹”、“紫斑”及“血证”等范畴。1证候表现《医宗金鉴.失血总括》说:“皮肤出血曰肌衄”。本病的皮损表现与古代医家对“葡萄疫”的描述颇类似,如《外科正宗.葡萄疫》中说:“葡萄疫,其患多生小儿,感受四时不正之气,郁于皮肤不散,结成大小青紫斑点,色若葡萄,发在遍体头面……邪毒传位,牙龈出血,久则虚人,斑渐方退。”《幼科金针》也提到:“葡萄疫……乃不正之气使然,小儿稍有寒热,忽生青紫斑点,大小不一,但有点而…  相似文献   

《医经八支》是古印度医学经典著作,随佛经传入藏族地区和蒙古地区,对藏医学和蒙医学理论体系的形成和发展产生重要影响。《医经八支》的内容分六部、八支、120章,系统论述了生理学、病理学、诊断学及治疗学等方面的内容。本文拟从《医经八支》的著者及成书年代;主要内容;在阿输吠陀医学中的地位;对藏医学和蒙医学的影响等方面进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

自从西医传入中国之后,我国传统医学即受其影响,早在满清时代就有唐宗海著《中西汇通医书五种》,而后民国时代又有《衷中参西录》,作者张锡纯力图沟通中西医学。以后海内  相似文献   

苦瓜俗称“锦荔枝”、“癞葡萄”.属葫芦科植物。苦瓜的种植历史悠久.约在宋代时期传入我国,全国各地均有种植.现盛产于我国广东、广西、湖南及云南等地。  相似文献   

一般认为从中国传入的针灸医术,是从公元562年吴知聪将《明堂图》等针灸书籍带入我国开始的。之后奈良时期制定了“大宝律令”,开始制定医事制度,于是出现了针灸博士、针灸师、针灸生等。我国(日本)现存最早的医书,平安时期的《医心方》的作者丹波康赖,就是一位针灸博士。镰仓以后,我国(日本)出现了民族经验医学。由于曲直赖道三、入江赖明、吉  相似文献   

厉凤娟 《中国乡村医生》2008,10(24):160-160
过敏性紫癜足一种过敏性毛细血管和细小血管的血管炎,多由细菌、病毒、食物等诱凼引起,中医归为紫斑、肌衄、葡萄疫,其病因《外科正宗·葡萄疫》说:“感受四时不正之气,郁于皮肤不散,结成大小青紫斑,色若葡萄。”对于此病中医疗效明显优于两医,现将中医治疗此病的方法整理、总结如下。  相似文献   

16世纪初,朝鲜李朝许浚荟萃中国明代中叶以前主要医籍以及部分朝鲜医籍,辑成《东医宝鉴》,标志朝鲜医学开始走向建立独特理论体系的新阶段。这部巨著传入中国后,第一个试图梓行的人是一位民间医生-王如尊,从王如尊其人,1747年王如尊手朱本的概貌,以及该书的柴潮生序文和王如尊的后记,认定王如尊手抄本具有很高的文献价值。王如尊手抄本《东医宝鉴》珍藏于长春中医学院图书馆。  相似文献   

姜科姜黄属植物挥发油抗真菌实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报告姜科姜黄属植物挥发油抗真菌实验的结果。姜黄、郁金、莪术三种挥发油对我国常见的10种致病真菌都有较明显的抑制作用,其中以姜黄挥发油的抑菌作用最强,最低抑菌浓度(MIC)为2~0.08%(ml/100ml),姜黄挥发油除具强抗真菌作用外,还具有多种药理活性,且姜黄在我国资源丰富,故有较大的实用及开发价值。本试验还表明,莪术挥发油对白色念珠菌也有较明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Ophthalmology in China has developed in three successive phases. From the arrival of Dr. Peter Parker in Canton one hundred years ago v.ntil the last two dccades, cmphasis was laid on the curative phase of ophthalmology. Within the last two decades, earlier efforts in oph- thalmic research have been coorclinated and some notable research work on ophthalmic probIems has been done. Although various pro- bIems in ophthalmology have been considered from the public health viewpoint, it is only recently that the preventive phase of oph- thahnology has attracted the attention that it merits. '' The pro- gressive development of ophthalmology in China depends on a pro- gram in which the curative, the research and the public health phases of ophthalmology are maintained in proper oalance. It is therefore an opportune time to draw attention to their interdependence and to point out the need for their coordinated development.  相似文献   

Two cases of multiple sclerosis (MS) with autopsy findings are reported. Case l showed sclerotic plaques and demyelinating fo.ci of various ages and Case 2 presented a typica! cli- nical picture of MS with 5 remi:ssions and re- lapses and pathologically, fresh and old foci of necrosis and demyelinization representing acute MS* The findings of 8 previously reported cases in China are outlined. From these 10 cases it is concluded that MS in China is mostly of acute or subacute onset with an average course of 2.6 years. The majority showed signs of involve- ment of the spinal cord and optic nerve with acute or subacute softening predominating, re- sembling Asian type MS. The disease is not rare in China.  相似文献   

The problem to which I want to call your attention to-night is a vast one, how large no one knows for certain, but in South China at least it is one of the major health problems. It is commonly estimat- ed that there are a million lepers in this country but it is as impossible to know how many suffer from this infection as from the kindred dis- ease of tuberculosis which in many ways it closely resembles. Especi- ally is this the case in its widespread incidence, its furtive onset, its special attack on children and its liability to recurrence, as well as in the close similiarity in the nature of the infective organisms.  相似文献   

The most striking feature of cholera in China is that no rcgular periodicity of the epidemic can be detected from the records. Years of epidemic prevalence alternate with a number of years of moderate in- cidcnce and years when it is entirely absent. Cholera was epidemic in China in 1932 following the Yangae flood. It was practically absent for 4 years from 1933-1936. In 1937 cholera resumed in epidemic proportion in most of the large cities in China following the Sino- Japanese war.  相似文献   

肺错构瘤(hamartoma)是肺部良性肿瘤,临床上常误诊为肺癌、结核瘤和其他肺疾病作者收集各类型肺错构瘤26例,此为迄今国内首见大宗病例报道,根据组织学特点,分为4型:软骨瘤型错构瘤、淋巴组织样型错构瘤、腺瘤样型错构瘤和成纤维细胞型错构瘤,以软骨瘤型错构瘤为多。  相似文献   

Considering the high incidence of malaria in many parts of China, it is a little surprising to find blackwater fever a comparati;ely rare disease and, according to Seaton, it is found only in Yunnan, Hainan Island and occasionally in the South China ports. The following report of a case of blackwater fever in the New Territories of the Kowloon Peninsula is interesting in view of the extreme rarity of the disease in this district where malignant tertian malaria is both endemic and rampant.  相似文献   

医疗纠纷是当前的社会热点之一,处理十分棘手。在我国卫生立法尚不完善的情况下,应用现行有关法津法规如《医疗事故处理办法》、《消费者权益保护法》、《民法通则》、《刑法》等处理医疗纠纷,无疑起了积极作用。因此我们必须认真学习法律法规,依法处理医疗纠纷,维护医患双方的合法权益。  相似文献   

In the Canton Hospital there hangs a unique painting of Doctor Peter Parker, the pioneer medical missionary to China. It shows him with Kwan Ato, the young assistant whom he chose to teach as an apprentice. The painting is far more than a portrait; it is a symbol of the way in which, through these years of the century ending in 1935, the medical missionary has conceived it to be his duty and his oppor- tunity, not merely to dispense medicines for the relief of the sick, but unceasingly to train workers who should be able to carry on the work commenced by him. In a very real sense, therefore, the hundredth anniversary of the beginning of hospital work in Canton is also the centenary of moclern medical education in China. No other spirit could possibly actuate the modern man who views his task on any permanent basis. He must reproduce himself if his life and activity are to last. It is natural, therefore, that, over and again through the yeais, as one hospital cornerstone after another has been laid, the chief address of the day has laid emphasis on the fact that this new building was to be a place for healing, a place for teaching and, so far as pos- sible, a place for inquiry into the causes of disease. The three go hand in hand  相似文献   

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