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The aluminium content in bone has been related in several ways: to the weight of wet bone, to the weight of dry bone, to the weight of bone-ash and to the calcium content of bone. We determined the accuracy and precision of measurement (using an inductively coupled mass-spectrometer) in 30 bone samples taken from one patient. The coefficient of variation of the aluminium/weight-quotient was 12.4 per cent for wet bone, 4.7 for dry bone and 5.0 for bone ash; and the coefficient of variation of the aluminium/calcium-weight-quotient was 7.5 per cent. Thus, the aluminium content in bone seems to be best related to the weight of dry bone.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to measure HIV prevalence and risk behaviour in 185 Irish Intravenous Drug Misusers. Information was obtained by application of a standardised WHO questionnaire covering HIV risk behaviour in the preceding 6 months. HIV serostatus was obtained by saliva/ blood sample testing. One hundred and 3(55.7 per cent) shared and 114 (61.6 per cent) lent used injecting equipment in the previous 6 months. 97 (94.2 per cent) of those who shared always cleaned the needles before use but only 48 (49.5 per cent) of these always cleaned in an efficient manner. One hundred and 14(79.2 per cent) males and 28 (68.3 per cent) females reported heterosexual activity in the preceding 6 months. On examination sexual risk behaviour was found to be high. 50.5 per cent of males and 63 per cent of females never used condoms with regular partners. 32.6 per cent of males never used condoms with casual partners. The large majority of partners of male I.D.U’.s (both regular and casual) were non injectors. Therefore there is potential for sexual spread of HIV into the non-injecting heterosexual population. Conversely the vast majority of partners of female IDU’s were injectors. This suggests that female IDU’s are at higher risk of HIV infection than their male counterparts. HIV prevalence in the study group was 8.4 per cent. Implications of results for future intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Ma K  Huang XB  Xu QQ  Li JX  Xiong LL  Yang B  Ye XJ  Chen L  Wang XF  Na YQ 《中华医学杂志》2010,90(44):3150-3152
目的 通过红外光谱分析法分析肾鹿角形结石的化学成分,探讨其与泌尿系统感染的关系,为肾结石的治疗和预防提供帮助.方法 回顾性分析北京大学人民医院泌尿外科2009年8月至2010年2月共51例肾鹿角形结石病例,以红外光谱法分析结石的化学成分,并对尿/结石细菌培养等临床资料进行总结.结果 共检测出一水草酸钙、二水草酸钙、碳酸磷灰石、六水磷酸镁铵、尿酸、L-胱氨酸等6种化学成分.结石以混合成分为主,单一成分结石15例(29.4%).含钙结石41例(80.4%),含尿酸结石10例(19.6%).感染石26例(51.0%).术前尿常规阳性率78.4%(40/51),尿/结石细菌学培养阳性率64.7%(33/51).结论 肾鹿角形结石成分多样,病因复杂,与泌尿系统感染密切相关.  相似文献   


The aluminium content in bone has been related in several ways: to the weight of wet bone, to the weight of dry bone, to the weight of bone-ash and to the calcium content of bone. We determined the accuracy and precision of measurement (using an inductively coupled mass-spectrometer) in 30 bone samples taken from one patient. The coefficient of variation of the aluminium/weight-quotient was 12.4 per cent for wet bone, 4.7 for dry bone and 5.0 for bone ash; and the coefficient of variation of the aluminium/calcium-weight-quotient was 7.5 per cent. Thus, the aluminium content in bone seems to be best related to the weight of dry bone.  相似文献   

胆石红外吸收光谱和X线衍射分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 胆石是怎样形成的,目前有许多问题尚未解决。关于这方面的研究过去着重于胆汁的化学分析和矿物显微镜观察胆石的成份和结构。近年来国内外都应用红外吸收光谱和X线衍射的方法对胆石进行定性分析,取得了一定的进展。现将我院手术取出的胆石(吉林省地区)30份进行红外吸收光谱和X线衍射分析结果报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:了解海南地区泌尿系结石患者的结石化学成分、百分比及性别、年龄与地区分布特点。方法收集海口市人民医院2010年10月至2015年11月经结石治疗的住院患者结石标本557例,应用红外光谱法进行结石成分测定,并结合临床资料进行统计分析。结果557例患者中男性多于女性,男女比例为1.95:1;40~60岁为泌尿系结石高发年龄段,占58.7%;398例混合型结石(71.45%)高于159例单一成分结石(28.55%);单一成分结石和混合型结石成分中草酸钙检出率最高;草酸钙与碳酸磷灰石混合型结石最多,占61.94%,草酸钙结石第二,占19.21%,无水尿酸结石占12.2%,碳酸磷灰石占1.97%,仅发现2例胱氨酸结石。含六水磷酸铵镁成分的泌尿结石患者组年龄[(41.0±9.3)岁]与草酸钙组[(51.0±12.3)岁]、无水尿酸组[(57.9±9.8)岁]、草酸钙和尿酸混合结石组[(54.3±11.0)岁]比较,差异具有显著统计学意义(P<0.01),与草酸钙和碳酸磷灰石混合结石组[(49.1±11.9)岁]比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论海南地区患者泌尿系结石成分发病以混合型为主,胱氨酸结石较为少见;含六水磷酸铵镁结石成分的患者发病年龄较小,而无水尿酸结石患者发病年龄最大。  相似文献   

Summary In order to find effective urolithiasis inhibiting factors, calcium oxalate stones were investigated by spectrum analysis. Of the composite trace elements nine were selected to test their effect on the kinetics of calcium oxalate crystallization in artificial and in urinary stone patient’s urine, and in experimental animals respectively. It was found that Mo and Sr could effectively inhibit calcium oxalate crystallization and decrease the renal total and crystalline calcium. The inhibitive effect of the trace elements, the mechanism of action, the required conditions and the way of their affecting the kinetics of calcium oxalate crystallization are discussed. Their clinical significance and the possibility of practical application are referred to.  相似文献   

应用人类胆囊结石形成理论制造牛黄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1980年我科提出了胆囊结石形成的流体力学理论,并于1983年根据这一理论在体外模拟实验中首次制造出人工胆固醇结石。根据这一实验成果,我们应用相同的理论、相同的方法,在体外应用新鲜的牛胆汁成功地制造出牛胆红素钙结石-牛黄。经87次实验,成功66次,成功率达75.8%。  相似文献   

Dental school graduates operating on patients without having had sufficient practice in school is potentially dangerous to the patients. In order to minimize this danger, it is necessary to establish a virtual learning environment for students. In this study, we incorporated DentSim, a clinical dentistry simulator, into an e-Learning platform. In addition to overcoming the time and space constraints on learning, DentSim can simulate clinical conditions. It also allows students to practice reading case histories and inspecting and diagnosing patients. To construct the research model for this study, we incorporated the four major factors for measuring e-Learner satisfaction—‘learner interface’, ‘learning community’, ‘content’ and ‘personalization’ with the variable of ‘intention to use’. The subjects were 350 dental students studying at the College of Oral Medicine. The structural equation modeling (SEM) results showed that Factors that influenced ‘intention to use’ include ‘learner interface’, ‘learning community’ and ‘personalization’, and ‘intention to use’ affect ‘e-Learner satisfaction’ with the system.  相似文献   

目的:了解干化学法和湿化学法测定无溶血及溶血时测定总胆红素和结合胆红素的差异。方法:分别采用干化学法和湿化学法测定无溶血及溶血血清总胆红素和结合胆红素。结果:无溶血时,两种方法测定总胆红素差异无显著性,结合胆红素测定差异有显著性;溶血时,除干化学法结合胆红素测定与无溶血时差异无显著性外,其他测定与无溶血时差异均有显著性。结论:干化学法和湿化学法测定结合胆红素不可等同。溶血时干化学法测定结合胆红素更为可信。  相似文献   

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