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In this paper the writer reviewed the experience gained from the clinical teaching of emergence medicine of seven-year program students and primarily explored the teaching principles of this clinical course. Targeted at solving the problems found in teaching activities and taking the current medical environment into account, the writer proposed the following clinical teaching methods to achieve a better effect With the transformation of clinical emergence medicine teaching philosophy, the clinical teaching should lay its focuses on the cultivation of capability of scientific thinking and the practical skill training of clinical emergence medicine. Besides, the enhanced communication skills between doctor and patient, the strengthened comprehensive quality of medical practice and scientific research of teachers and the establishment of equal and harmonious teacher-student relationship would contribute greatly to the improvement of clinical teaching as well.  相似文献   

为了更好地培养医学生临床实践能力,新疆医科大学第一附属医院血液科在临床实习中进行了积极的探索,主要包括明确血液病学实习的重要性与目的 ;加强医学生基本技能的培训,提高医学生病历书写质量;注重临床思维模式的训练和培养医学生医患沟通的能力.实践证明,以上方法有利于培养医学生的临床实践能力,有利于医学生向临床医生的转变.
To cultivate the medical students' clinical competence better,active exploration in clinical practice was made in the hematology department of the first hospital affiliated to Xinjiang Medical University. It focused on defining the importance and purpose of clinical practice in hematology, enhancing clinical basic skills cultivation, improving the quality of medical records writing, strengthening the training of clinical thinking and cultivating medical students' communication skill with patients. The results showed that these methods are helpful to cultivate students'clinical skills and make the transition from students to clinicians easy.  相似文献   

Based on the characteristics of computer basic course for medical students main factors which impact the learning efficiency of medical students were analyzed, and different teaching methods to improve their learning efficiency were discussed.  相似文献   

Professionalism training for medical students is a critical task that we face. The spirit of professional training of medical students is internal and external factors interaction. Peking University People' s Hospital, professionalism and training of medical students physician professionalism closely around the three basic principles and ten professional responsibilities and professionalism of teachers in enhancing the clinical training of medical students professionalism curriculum implementation, professional spirit and practice of medical students training, organization of medical students to carry out a variety of curricular and extracurricular activities to be implemented four ways, and has achieved initial success.  相似文献   

The education of physician-patient communication for the medical students is an important part, which can guarantee the quality of medical education in the work of clinical teaching. But in the present, medical colleges don't pay much attention to the training of physician-patient communication in the clinical practice for the medical students. This study discusses the importance to cultivate the ability of physician-patient communication for the medical students, the medical students' problems in the study of physician-patient communication in the clinical practice, and the learning suggestions of physician-patient communication for the medical students in the clinical practice, in order to provide reference for clinical teaching work.  相似文献   

麻醉医学专业临床教学的实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clinical education is the key step for cultivating students' basic knowledge, fundamental skills, and clinical thinking, and fulfilling the changing from medical students to clinicians who would be licensed. This article discussed how to improve clinical education of the anesthesiology interne from the following seven aspects: constructing teachers team, perfecting management system, emphasizing training of fundamental theory, knowledge and skills, clinical examination, education of medical insurance, education of medical ethics, and enriching extracurricular activities of interne.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview on the school-running concept and practice of the Medical School of SUN Yat-sen University in recent decade. While inheriting the fine educational tradition of Three "Bs" and Three "Ss" ( emphasizing the mastery of basic theories, basic knowledge and basic skills, as well as the development of serious attitudes, strict operating and stringent requirements for a high standard level ) , we established the Three-early-involvement Educational Model (early involvement in clinic practice, early involvement in scientific research, and early involvement in social practice ). In light of the integrated principles simplified as "earliness, integrity, strictness and solidity" in medical education (including the three-early-involvements; professional morality and medical ethics; the "Three Ss" and "Three Bs" ; solid clinical basics and sound monitoring) , we consolidated the professional quality, practical and innovative abilities of medical students in the cultivation qualified medical graduates. The paper can provide favorable reference for other medical schools in the training of qualified medical students.  相似文献   

Currently,with the increasing tensionin doctor-patient relationship and medical disputes,it is of great practical importance to train medical students’communication skills in order to establisha harmonious doctor-patient relationship to improve the quality of clinical teaching.This paper emphasizes the importance of cultivation of communication skills in medical education and suggests ways to improve communication skills among medical students.  相似文献   

In order to improve the teaching quality of experimental teaching of laboratory diagnosis and to cultivate the clinical ideation of medical students,we have been trying a series of reform in this course and obtained good results.Here,our experience in the selection of teaching contents,the improvement of teaching methods,and the setting of experimental assessment have been summarized and investigated.  相似文献   

提高临床综合分析能力和掌握科学临床思维方法是眼科学专业学位研究生临床能力 培养的关键.首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院眼科学教研室根据眼科学专业学位研究生的特点,制定了切实可行的临床能力培养方案,即开展"入科培训",细化学习目标,坚持采用实际病例教学,强化鉴别诊断,定期组织病例讨论,重视眼科手术基本功训练,建立完善考核制度等,使眼科学专业学位研究生在较短的临床轮转中达到高年住院医师规范化培训后的水平.
It is crucial to enhance the comprehensive capabilities of clinical analyzing and to master the scientific methods of clinical thinking for the post-graduate students with professional degree of ophthalmology. According to their characters, specific training programs were set up in focusing on the fundamental training in ophthalmology and the refinement of learning objectives. The key measures included adopting actual cases in teaching, enhancing differential diagnosis, organizing case discussions at regular intervals , emphasizing on basic skills training in surgery, and improving the examination system. Through the above mentioned training, the clinical skills of post-graduate students with professional degree of ophthalmology could be increased rapidly during the period of rotation, reaching the standard of senior residents.  相似文献   

本文分析了影响医学生临床技能的主要因素,构建了临床基本技能整合课程,从增设医学生人文社会类课程、整合临床技能的教学内容、加强医患沟通技巧训练、采用多种教学方法等方面进行了探索,一定程度上提高了医学生的临床技能水平.  相似文献   

为适应医学教学模式的转变、摆脱临床教学所面临的困境,临床技能培训课程体系的建设和优化刻不容缓.临床技能培训课程体系是一个跨学科、多层次、综合性极强的实践课程体系.体系以临床能力培养为主线,将临床模拟手段和临床真实手段相结合,以“三基”、“三严”、“三早”为基本教育理念,把临床实践教学拓展至医学教育全过程,旨在形成和创建临床基本技能、临床专科技能及临床综合技能三个基本课程模块.  相似文献   

浙江大学自2005年开始招收临床医学八年制学生,培养过程中借鉴国外医学教育发展的经验,改革创新,形成颇具特色的行医学课程体系。行医学是着重学生素质教育、能力教育的纵向课程。它以传授关于人类健康行为、疾病和医疗发展的基础知识为主要内容,通过先进、科学的教学理念和模式,让学生在医疗团队合作环境下学习所需的医患人际沟通技巧,运用临床工作所需的医学知识与操作技能,同时让学生有机会展示在终身学习的基础上解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

张岳  ;唐年亚 《医学教育》2014,(1):127-129
目的探讨举办外科学技能竞赛对高等专科医学院校提高临床实践教学效果的启示。方法举办南阳医学高等专科学校首届外科学技能竞赛,参赛人员为临床医学专业100名学生,共分20个参赛小组,每组5名学生;赛制为初赛、复赛、决赛,采取赛道形式;竞赛内容为外科学常用技能,分为基础、综合、提高3类共18项;竞赛范围与评分标准以《临床医学实训教程》为依据。赛后统计竞赛成绩并分析结果。结果初赛10项(参赛20组),项目及格率为100.0%;复赛4项(参赛12组),项目及格率50.0%;决赛4项(参赛4组),项目及格率25.0%。学生总体基础类技能掌握稍好,综合类与提高类操作掌握较差,且组间差异明显。结论充分发挥技能竞赛在医学生人才培养中的作用,以竞赛为平台,加强学生技能操作与能力训练,发现自身优势与不足,促进临床实践教学的改革与提高。  相似文献   

目的探讨医学生对支气管镜技术的认知程度、支气管镜技术的教学方法及教学效果。方法对临床本科实习医师进行系统的支气管镜技术理论知识讲授、支气管镜技术操作训练,并作问卷调查。结果经过支气管镜技术的学习,医学生在呼吸系统解剖、病理学特征、影像学诊断、支气管镜技术的操作技能、学习主动性等方面明显提高。结论支气管镜技术引入临床教学,能提高呼吸内科临床教学的质量,有助于丰富医学生的临床技能。  相似文献   

临床技能中心的建设与临床基本技能教学模式改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章主要介绍汕头大学医学院为了配合系统整合新教学模式的改革,于2002年8月建立了国内一流的临床技能中心,提出早期临床实践和临床技能教育终身制的教学理念,创建临床基本技能课程体系,全面提高医学生临床综合水平。并对临床基本技能教学模式进行一系列改革和尝试,结合先进的管理方法,不断提高临床医学教学水平。  相似文献   

外科手术基本技能训练属于外科手术学的基础课程,也是医学生进入临床必备的基础训练。内蒙古医科大学附属医院在教学过程中,对外科手术基本技能训练的教学进行探索,通过理论讲授与实践操作训练相结合,综合运用模型、离体动物组织器官以及动物实验等手段进行系统、规范化训练。实践证明,各年级外科学专业硕士研究生的外科手术基本技能水平在训练后均得到明显提高,达到预期的教学目的。  相似文献   

心血管内科临床教学存在对“三基”重视不足、因材施教不够、教学方式单调、考核流于形式等情况。针对这些问题,探索适应现代医疗模式的医学人才培养方式,通过狠抓基本功培训、规范查房、重视因材施教、改革教学方式和考核模式等措施,提高了学员的临床基本功和临床思维,改善了带教质量。  相似文献   

长学制医学生病历书写技能的培训是临床实践中最基础的训练重点,是"三基"项目之一,是长期以来被社会各界重视的项目,是临床医学生将医学理论知识与临床实习相结合。通过病历的书写,准确的表达出来的教学结果,是检验医学生和临床教师优劣与否的标志。医学生与临床教师都应有相同的认知,需要双方共同的努力。不论是否为长学制医学生,无论是否手工书写、计算机打印、电子病历、病历书写技术、技能、技巧的培训和训练是一致的。让医学生在病历书写训练中知道、了解、掌握其中的重点,才能在有限的临床实习中将病历书写技术与临床能力的培养良好的结合,为成为执业医师做好准备。  相似文献   

目的 制定全科医师临床基本技能模拟训练与知识强化教育精准课程,提高学员的岗位胜任力。 方法 采用专家访谈法、文献查阅法和问卷调查法,将20名访谈对象按照理论知识传授组、单项技能组、临床思维能力与态度组进行访谈,同时对99名全科学员进行调研及访谈,依据专家组的意见和全科医师特点及培训需求,制定精准的培训课程体系。 结果 20名专家对课程分类意见达到2/3频次的为以下4类:全科医学相关理论、单项技能、社区常见病慢性病的诊治与管理(临床思维能力)、人文法规与医德医风等;99名全科学员一般培训需求:学员认为培训的目的最主要是为了提高岗位胜任力;最需要的知识与技能是临床技能操作;最喜欢的培训方式是视频、讲授与操作相结合;最喜欢的人文课程是医患沟通。全科学员对培训专题意见达到2/3频次的项目集中在常见的临床技能和临床思维上,主要有:诊断基本技能、基本穿刺术、外科基本技能、妇科、产科基本技能、儿科基本技能、危重症抢救基本技能、基础护理技能、临床思维和综合知识等。依据调查结果,针对全科规培学员精准制定了导向明确,符合全科医师特点的标准课程体系,包含知识、技能和态度三个层次,内容涉及内科、外科、妇产科、儿科、急救、护理、全科临床思维及相关理论等。 结论 该课程体系促进了全科医师岗位胜任力的提升,实现临床基本技能规范化、标准化、同质化。   相似文献   

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