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目的通过调查了解百色市壮、汉族大学生的膳食结构与营养状况,为指导壮、汉族大学生合理膳食结构提供科学依据。方法采用随机整群抽样的方法抽取612名13年级壮、汉族大学生,采用24h回顾法进行膳食结构调查,了解壮、汉族大学生膳食结构、能量及各营养素摄入状况;通过测量身高、体重,了解其生长发育状况。结果壮、汉族大学生钙、铁、锌摄入量严重不足,壮族大学生钙、铁、锌摄入量比汉族大学生摄入量低;蛋白质、脂肪摄入量偏低,壮、汉族男生脂肪摄入量比女生摄入量低,而壮族男、女生摄入量又比汉族男生、女生摄入量低,壮、汉族大学生碳水化合物摄入量接近标准;以体质指数(BIM)标准对学生营养状况进行评价(χ2=1.615,P>0.05),壮族大学生中有14.44%男生、23.83%女生为消瘦,6.67%男生超重,汉族大学生中有13.22%男生、21.15%女生为消瘦,5.79%男生超重;百色市壮族大学生和汉族大学生在营养状况与三大营养素之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论百色市壮、汉族大学生膳食结构不合理,各类营养素的摄入不均衡,同时百色市壮、汉族大学生营养状况分布不合理,存在一定程度的营养不良,因此膳食结构应有待提高和改善,需要加强对大学生的膳食结构的干预,指导其建立科学、合理的饮食习惯。同时增加微量元素钙、铁、锌以及维生素C的摄入,多吃蔬菜水果,少吃零食。  相似文献   

目的:了解某高校学生膳食营养状况,为科学指导营养与合理膳食提供理论科学依据。方法:采用整群抽样方法,对某高校196名学生进行连续3d的24h膳食回顾调查。结果:男生谷类、豆类、蛋类食物摄入量均高于全国平均水平,蔬菜、禽肉类食物摄入量低于全国水平;女生谷类、豆类食物摄入量均高于全国平均水平,禽肉类食物摄入量低于全国水平。结论:大学生膳食结构不合理,有必要对大学生开展膳食营养教育,提高其健康水平。  相似文献   

大学生膳食营养状况分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:了解近期大学生膳食营养状况,为指导大学生合理膳食提供依据。方法:以有食物摄入量、热能和各种营养素摄入量、能量来源和三餐能量分配全部数据为原则,在中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)上筛选出近三年内(2004-2006年)发表的大学生膳食营养状况调查文章23篇,调查人数为18 339人,对其进行分析。结果:男生蔬菜、水果、鱼虾类、乳类的摄入量不足,女生蔬菜、鱼虾类和乳类的摄入量不足,男生VB2、VC、Ca摄入量不足。女生Ca摄入量不足,为493mg,达推荐量的61.6%。能量来源百分比:蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物,分别为13.6%、28.5%、57.9%。三餐能量分配:早餐、午餐、晚餐分别为26%、40.9%、33.1%。结论:大学生膳食结构不合理,应全面加强各种营养素的摄入量,合理搭配食物,以提高营养水平。  相似文献   

赵海月  朱蕾蕾  王迪 《重庆医学》2012,41(25):2628-2629,2632
目的了解武汉市大学生矿物质与维生素的摄入水平,为开展高校健康教育及改善食堂膳食工作提供科学依据。方法采用记帐法结合24h膳食回顾法对475名大学生进行连续3d的膳食调查,回收有效调查表400份。结果除女大学生的维生素A实际摄入量达推荐摄入量(RNI)外,被调查大学生钙、铁、锌、维生素B1、维生素B2、烟酸、维生素C的摄入量均达不到RNI或适宜摄入量(AI),且维生素A、钙、铁、锌的摄入均以植物性食物为主。结论被调查大学生矿物质与维生素的摄入明显偏低,应引起相关部门的重视,采取综合措施,开展多种形式的营养知识宣传教育和营养干预。  相似文献   

目的了解百色市壮、汉族大学生膳食结构与营养摄入状况,为大学生平衡膳食、合理营养提供科学依据。方法采用随机整群抽样方法抽取691名在校大学生,筛选出壮、汉族大学生643名作为调查对象,采用24h回顾法进行3d膳食调查及评价。结果百色市壮汉族大学生碳水化合物、维生素C、维生素E和铁摄入充足,脂肪、维生素B2、视黄醇当量和钙均严重摄入不足,壮、汉族男生锌摄入量和壮族女生膳食纤维摄入严重不足,汉族女生锌摄入量充足,脂肪供能比偏低,碳水化合物供能比稍高。结论大学生营养状况较差,膳食结构有待完善,应尽快加强对学生的膳食营养健康教育,提高膳食营养质量,改善身体健康状态。  相似文献   

目的通过调查在校大学生日常膳食中蛋白质的摄入状况,研究存在与饮食相关的问题,从而保障大学生膳食营养的合理摄入和身体健康。方法以河南理工大学新校区全日制在校学生为目标人群,在36000名在校大学生采用随机抽样的方法选择研究对象。采用24h膳食回顾法发放调查问卷,收集相关资料。利用SPSS16.0统计软件进行数据处理。结果该校大学生24小时蛋白质实际摄入量水平与理论摄入量的百分比总体呈正态分布,部分学生蛋白摄入量不合理、有关营养知识欠缺、不重视早餐、三餐无规律等问题。结论今后应通过加强宣传教育,让学生了解蛋白质对健康饮食的重要性,建立正确的膳食习惯,保证大学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

目的了解在校大学生营养认知态度、膳食结构、营养素摄入量,为开展大学生营养宣传教育提供科学依据。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法,抽取1 000人为研究对象,采用自行设计的调查问卷,对在校本科生进行24 h回顾法[1-2]膳食调查。利用营养计算软件计算每人每天能量及各种营养素摄入情况。结果发放调查问卷1 000份,收回980份,回收率98.0%,有效问卷965份,有效率98.4%。不同专业营养认知水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),医学专业学生的营养认知较其他专业学生营养认知较好;所有专业学生食物摄入量和我国2007版《中国居民膳食宝塔》相比,谷类偏高,畜禽肉类、奶类及奶制品摄入量偏低,水果、蔬菜类摄入只有膳食宝塔推荐量的51.20%。不同专业学生的营养素摄入量差异没有统计学意义,不同性别膳食结构差异有统计学意义。结论应采取不同形式对大学生进行科学膳食行为的宣传和指导。  相似文献   

目的了解在校大学生膳食营养状况,为指导大学生合理膳食提供依据。方法采用问卷调查结合访谈的方式,对400名在校大学生进行营养知识、饮食习惯和饮食行为调查。结果大学生对营养知识缺乏全面深入的了解,每日三餐营养摄入量分布不均,营养失衡,不吃早餐问题突出,膳食结构不合理,能量摄入不足。结论大学生营养状况较差。膳食结构不合理,应加强营养知识教育,使其合理饮食,提高营养水平。  相似文献   

目的:为了解大学生日常膳食营养中存在的问题,提高大学生的营养水平,保障大学生膳食营养的摄入和健康,并为其营养健康教育提供依据。方法:自行设计问卷,结合访谈,对362名在校大学生进行5日营养摄入情况及一日三餐摄食情况调查,收回有效问卷353份。结果:每日三餐营养摄入量分布不均,营养失衡,早餐问题突出;饮食习惯不良;胃肠疾病发生率较高。结论:合理营养,平衡膳食是大学生身体健康的保证,学校要采取综合措施提高大学生营养水平。  相似文献   

目的;了解某校女大学生维生素C,铁营养水平,方法:采用营养调查方法。结果:女大学生膳食结构不合理,维生素C摄入量偏低,占RDA61.33%。铁摄入量亦不足,占RDA92.11%。且大部分为非血红素铁,通过4h尿负荷试验测定,维生素C不足率为58.80%;血清铁不足率为67.30%。结论:该校女大学生膳食中动物性食品及蔬菜水果类摄入偏少,机体维生素C及铁营养不足。  相似文献   

目的研究宁夏平罗县居民最适宜的食盐加碘量,为宁夏局部调整盐碘水平提供依据。方法在平罗县下辖的灵沙村和西灵村中,按照随机抽样的原则,调查8~10岁学生170名,成人(18岁~)100名、孕妇+乳母22名,共计292名。采集调查对象日间一次随机尿样,用过硫酸铵消化砷铈催化分光光度法测定;用三日称量法计算每人每日食盐食用量,同时采集居民食用盐,用直接滴定法测定碘盐含碘量;以世界卫生组织等推荐的孕妇和乳母的碘摄人量为基准推算最适宜的食盐加碘量。结果上述3组人群的尿碘中位数为237.9μg.L-1,推算的碘摄入量为295.6μg.d-1,食盐食用量平均为10.7g.d-1,食盐碘含量平均为32.5 mg.kg-1,碘盐供给的碘量为226.0μg.d-1;环境来源碘为69.6μg.d-1。结论宁夏平罗县农村居民最适宜的食盐加碘量为(17.0~31.6)mg.kg-1,现行国家标准(20~50)mg.kg-1尚有下调的空间。  相似文献   

Choline is an essential nutrient; dietary deficiency of choline is associated with impaired liver function, elevated blood concentrations of alanine aminotransferase, creatinine phosphokinase and homocysteine. There is also depletion of acetylcholine concentration in the brain, leading to deficit in memory function. The authors examined the dietary intake of choline in groups of students at the Mona Campus of the University of the West Indies. Sixty-two medical students (first and second years) and biochemistry students (final year) were recruited They were asked to (including amounts) record all foods and drinks consumed for three days (two weekdays and one weekend day). The sheets were collected and the amount of choline and betaine (a metabolite of choline) consumed were calculated Dietary intake of folate was also evaluated. The analysis revealed that 86.2% of the females and 90.9% of the males reported diets that delivered less daily choline than the adequate intake quoted by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (425-550 mg/day). The betaine consumption ranged between 25 to 620 mg/day (no adequate intake documented) and the folate consumed was more than the recommended daily allowance of folate (180-200 microg/day). The dietary intake of choline in the majority of students is below adequate intake. Although folate also serves similar functions to choline, it is unlikely that it can substitute for choline in all physiological aspects and therefore the implications of low dietary choline need further investigation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Growth and dietary intake data are essential for formulation of nutritional policies and interventions for children. DESIGN: 945 school children (11-16 years) were subjected to growth assessment and their nutrient intake was determined using the 24-hour dietary recall method on three consecutive days. RESULTS: 21.3% of boys and 21.1% of girls were stunted (-2SD below the median height-for-age). 141 (14.9%) children were both stunted and wasted (-2 SD below the median weight-for-age). Mean body mass index of girls was significantly higher (p < 0.001) than boys at all ages. The mean daily dietary intake of energy was 3.2 (+/- 2.4) MJ, protein 29.1 (+/- 2.1) g, fat 4.5 (+/- 1.1) g, iron 11.5 (+/- 1.0) mg, and zinc 0.8 (+/- 0.7) mg among boys. Among girls, energy intake was 4.2 (+/- 1.8) MJ, protein 29.0 (+/- 2.3) g, fat 4.4 (+/- 1.0) g, iron 11.4 (+/- 1.0) mg, and zinc 0.5 (+/- 0.6) mg. Fat comprised about 4.0% of the daily energy intake. CONCLUSIONS: High rate of growth deficiency and undernutrition among adolescents mandates innovative nutritional intervention strategies. The observed mean intakes of nutrients in the sample showed a worrisome deviation from the recommendations of the dietary guidelines for Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

目的分析25g以内的酒精日摄入量对血清高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)水平的影响效果,并探讨25g酒精作为建议日摄入量的上限是否合理。方法采用问卷调查结合血脂检测的方法,对758例只有饮用白酒习惯的男性和633例从不饮酒的男性的HDL-C结果进行分析,其中548例日均酒精摄入量在25g以下。结果日均摄入酒精量在25g以内的所有组别的HDL-C水平均比不饮酒者高(P值均<0.001)。日均摄入25g及35g酒精以上组的HDL-C水平也均比25g及35g以下组高(P值均<0.005)。以HDL-C达到1.04mmol/L与否分组,两组的日均酒精摄入量分别为23.86g、21.08g,统计学检验有显著性差异(P<0.0025)。结论男性每日摄入25g以内酒精者,较不饮酒者HDL-C水平高,建议男性适量饮酒。从升高HDL-C水平的角度看,作为建议酒精日摄入量的上限,25g的标准或许制定得有些偏低。  相似文献   

The serum lipid levels (mean +/- SD) of 3312 healthy urban and rural inhabitants over 40 years of age in Shanghai were studied. The results were: cholesterol 166.7 +/- 30.9 mg/ml, triglyceride 81.1 +/- 42.3 mg/dl, HDL-cholesterol (HDLc) 57.4 +/- 11.6 mg/dl, HDL2c 20.6 +/- 9.8 mg/dl and HDL3c 37.1 +/- 7.8 mg/dl. Dietary surveys were carried out in 512 of these subjects and their average daily nutrient intake was estimated to be: total calories 2,577 Kcal, proteins 656 g (50.7 g of vegetable proteins), fat 69.1 g (P/S ratio 0.70), carbohydrates 423 g, cholesterol 282 mg, dietary fibres 23.5 g, sodium 4993 mg, potassium 2,618 mg and magnesium 575 mg. The serum lipid levels of urban and rural inhabitants were compared. Total cholesterol levels were significantly higher in urban inhabitants of all age groups and of both sexes, while triglyceride levels were significantly higher in urban inhabitants of certain age groups. However, HDLc levels, particularly HDL2c levels were significantly higher in rural inhabitants of most age groups and of both sexes. The above differences were probably the result of differences in dietary patterns and nutrient intake between urban and rural inhabitants.  相似文献   

Calcium supplementation and postmenopausal bone loss   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A series of 103 early postmenopausal women completed a questionnaire about their dietary calcium intake and were then divided into three groups: those with an intake below 550 mg/day, those with an intake between 550 and 1150 mg/day, and those with an intake above 1150 mg/day. Thereafter they were given a daily supplement of 500 mg calcium for two years and had their bone mineral content measured every three months. Any changes found were taken as an estimate of bone calcium balance. All three groups showed a similar fall in bone mineral content over the two years, indicating that a calcium intake of 1000-2000 g daily is ineffective in preventing bone loss in the early menopause.  相似文献   

Criteria and recommendations for vitamin C intake   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Levine M  Rumsey SC  Daruwala R  Park JB  Wang Y 《JAMA》1999,281(15):1415-1423
Recommendations for vitamin C intake are under revision by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences. Since 1989 when the last recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of 60 mg was published, extensive biochemical, molecular, epidemiologic, and clinical data have become available. New recommendations can be based on the following 9 criteria: dietary availability, steady-state concentrations in plasma in relationship to dose, steady-state concentrations in tissues in relationship to dose, bioavailability, urine excretion, adverse effects, biochemical and molecular function in relationship to vitamin concentration, direct beneficial effects and epidemiologic observations in relationship to dose, and prevention of deficiency. We applied these criteria to the Food and Nutrition Board's new guidelines, the Dietary Reference Intakes, which include 4 reference values. The estimated average requirement (EAR) is the amount of nutrient estimated to meet the requirement of half the healthy individuals in a life-stage and gender group. Based on an EAR of 100 mg/d of vitamin C, the RDA is proposed to be 120 mg/d. If the EAR cannot be determined, an adequate intake (AI) amount is recommended instead of an RDA. The AI was estimated to be either 200 mg/d from 5 servings of fruits and vegetables or 100 mg/d of vitamin C to prevent deficiency with a margin of safety. The final classification, the tolerable upper intake level, is the highest daily level of nutrient intake that does not pose risk or adverse health effects to almost all individuals in the population. This amount is proposed to be less than 1 g of vitamin C daily. Physicians can tell patients that 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day may be beneficial in preventing cancer and providing sufficient vitamin C intake for healthy people, and that 1 g or more of vitamin C may have adverse consequences in some people.  相似文献   

碘化钾保健食盐驱铅及抗铅毒性肾损害的临床及实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研制一种能防治铅中毒的食用保健盐。方法:用含0.25%醋酸铅的饮料喂养SD大鼠复制铅中毒模型,同时用不同浓度碘化钾(KI)盐水(分别为10mg.kg.d^-1,20mg.kg.d^-1和30mg.kg.d^-1)分组喂养,探索预防铅中毒的KI日需量。然后制成含KI1%的食盐,供50名铅作业工人烹饪菜肴后食用;在服用KI盐前后测定血ZPP,Hb、血铅、尿δ-ALA,并动态观察尿铅排泄情况。结果  相似文献   

目的了解海南省居民的膳食结构、营养素摄入现况,为国家制定相关政策、指导居民合理饮食提供依据。方法采用分层多阶段整群随机的方法从家庭抽样为单位,调查包括询问调查和膳食调查等。利用“海南省居民营养与健康状况调查”中的连续3d24h回顾法的食物数据、家庭食物称重法记录的家庭调味品消费量数据和家庭人均年收入数据,应用SAS软件进行统计分析。结果海南省居民动物性食物消费量增加,达人均207.0g/d;奶类、水果消费量低于推荐量;但畜禽肉类、油脂消费过多,分别为人均112.1、41.7g/d;食盐的消费量为6.7g/d,达到推荐量要求;奶类食物偏低,为人均5.8g/d;蔬菜消费不足,为人均235.8g/d。居民能量、蛋白质、脂肪及大多数营养素的摄入量基本充足,但钙、维生素A、B1、B2等仍不足。结论海南省居民膳食状况有较大提高,但膳食结构不尽合理;基本营养素摄入得到满足。但某些营养素依然缺乏。  相似文献   

Objectives: The first objective of this study was to classify men aged 40–74 yrs with metabolic syndrome (MetS) according to daily rice intake, and the second was to investigate physical measurements, physiological examinations, blood biochemical assays, intake of food other than rice and lifestyle and environmental factors in the study group.Methods: We analyzed data from 6095 men aged 40–74 yrs who had undergone full medical examinations. The men were classified into 3 age groups: (1) 40–49 yrs, (2) 50–59 yrs, and (3) 60–74 yrs. The men were classified further into 3 groups according to daily rice intake: group 1 (≤300 g), group 2 (300–450 g), and group 3 (≥450 g). The relationship between daily rice intake and the following factors was analyzed in the three age brackets: (1) physical measurements including waist circumference, (2) physiological measurements, (3) serum biochemical indices, (4) whether or not the person was taking medication for hypertension, diabetes mellitus or serum lipid abnormalities, (5) lifestyle, and (6) consumption of foods other than rice.Results: Daily rice intake was related strongly to the occurrence of MetS in all three age brackets. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed (1) a significant increase in the odds ratio for MetS (1.461 times) for group 3 compared with group 1 in men aged 40–49 yrs and (2) a significant increase in the odds ratio for MetS (1.501 times) for group 3 compared with group 1 in men aged 50–59 yrs. However, there was no significant difference in the odds ratio for MetS among rice intake groups in the 60–74 age bracket.Conclusion: In men aged 40–59 yrs, daily rice intake strongly influenced the incidence of MetS, whereas in men aged 60–74 yrs, there was no relationship between daily rice intake and MetS.  相似文献   

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