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任何语言都有其内在的客观规律,但是由于人们认识这个规律的深度不同或角度不一,结果产生了一些既有联系又各自独立的不同学派,诸如英语的传统语言学、结构语言学、转换生成语言学等。由于各种语言学派的同时存在和彼此间的相互斗争,随之而来的多采多姿的各不同的教学法相应而生、是不可避免的。具体说,诸如语法翻译法、结构法或句型法、功能法、情景法、图解法、表解法、比较法、演绎法、归纳法、直观  相似文献   

在组织学教学中,教师往往将更多的精力放在知识点的教学上,却忽略了对整体内容的归纳和总结。文章就组织学中适用的一些归纳方法:逐级顺序归纳法、逐级特征归纳法、绘图比较归纳法、列表比较归纳法、功能联系归纳法及病例归纳法进行了举例说明;选择合适的归纳方法不仅可以把散在的知识点关联成一个有机的整体,还可以对一些易于混淆的内容进行直观的比较,利于学生的整体记忆、逻辑记忆和比较记忆,从而极大提高复习效果。  相似文献   

归纳法在有机化学教学中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归纳法是从一系列个别事实中概括出一般原理的一种思维方法 ,它也是一种推理形式。如人们从种瓜得瓜、种豆得豆等大量的个别的经验事实中得出一个结论 ,一切生物都能将性状传递给子代。这个过程就是一种归纳推理。归纳法的客观基础是个性和共性的对立同一 ,个性中包含着共性 ,通过个性可以认识共性 ,归纳法的客观基础决定了它是一种扩大知识 ,发现真理的方法。归纳法按照它概况的对象是否完全而分为完全归纳法和不完全归纳法。完全归纳法是根据某类事物的全体对象做出概况的推理方法。如通过分析所有旋光性物质的分子结构后方得出 :只有分子…  相似文献   

归纳法是从经验事实中找出普遍特征的认识方法。将归纳法运用于普通外科教学之中,着重介绍归纳法在疾病的临床症状、体征、诊断和鉴别诊断和手术指征中的应用。引导学生从疾病的共性中归纳比较出不同疾病的个性特点,培养学生的求异思维和创新能力。  相似文献   

采用无监督学习算法对105例抑郁症患者的多个实验室检验项目进行分组实验,将分组模型应用在88例测试数据集上,使用统计学方法检验分组结果,最终结果表明大部分组间差异有统计学意义,精神类疾病会对实验室检验项目产生一定影响.  相似文献   

比较归纳法在生物化学教学中的实践效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展创新教育搞好比较归纳法的应用,是完善教学方法要注意的问题。生物化学教学内容难度大,应用比较归纳法能帮助学生加深理解,增强记忆,取得了良好的效果,从而提高了教学质量。起到了引导学生思维方向的作用,培养了学生主动获取知识的积极性。  相似文献   

就应用图表归纳法快速有效地记忆做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

物理化学由于课程自身的特点,对教师的教学和学生的学习都具有挑战性。笔者在物理化学教学中尝试采用了类比归纳法,此法使教学内容脉络完整清晰,不仅调动了学生学习积极性,还培养了他们归纳、演绎、类比的逻辑思维能力,受到了学生们的普遍欢迎。文章主要从概念、公式、计算三个方面举例说明类比归纳法的具体应用。  相似文献   

方剂学教学艺术应从备课过程、讲课语言、多媒体课件制作、教学方法等多方面进行研究。备课过程要注意融入多学科内容、灵活运用多种归纳法;讲课语言要有幽默感、言简意赅,语调要有节奏感,语言要形象生动;多媒体课件要简单明了;要注意综合运用多种教学方法 。  相似文献   

在外科学对水、电解质及酸碱平衡失调这一章节的理论教学中,采用利用典故、合理使用多媒体教学资源、运用归纳法及引用临床病例进行实践教学等教学方法,使学生的学习积极性和对教学内容的接受程度有了较大的提高。  相似文献   

Diagnostic laboratories are increasingly seen as no more than "factories" that generate fast, reliable test results. The dangers of complacency about the use of tests are highlighted by recent cases of unnecessary surgery and chemotherapy based solely on false-positive test results. There are many causes of misleading laboratory data that can potentially lead to clinical mismanagement. Re-emphasis of the value of patient-relevant communication between the requesting doctor and the laboratory, and better undergraduate and postgraduate education about the appropriate use of tests, will help reduce the risks of test results leading to harm.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the issue of consent from children and whether the test of Gillick competency, applied in medical and healthcare practice, ought to extend to participation in research. It is argued that the relatively broad usage of the test of Gillick competency in the medical context should not be considered applicable for use in research. The question of who would and could determine Gillick competency in research raises further concerns relating to the training of the researcher to make such a decision as well as to the obvious issue of the researcher's personal interest in the project and possibility of benefiting from the outcome. These could affect the judgment of Gillick competency if the researcher is charged with making this decision. The above notwithstanding, there are two exceptional research situations in which Gillick competency might be legitimately applied: (1) when the research is likely to generate significant advantages for the participants while exposing them to relatively minor risks, and (2) when it is likely to generate great societal benefit, pose minimal risks for the participants and yet raise parental objection. In both cases, to ensure that autonomy is genuinely respected and to protect against personal interest, Gillick competency should be assessed by an individual who has no interest or involvement in the research.  相似文献   

Analysis of data from 643 breast cancer patients seen between 1971 and 1973 in northern Alberta was undertaken as a preliminary study leading towards a comprehensive breast registry. Age at first treatment and menopausal status were found to be related significantly to the clinical stage of the disease. Other data reported included age at menarche, lymph node involvement and methods of primary treatment. A decline in use of the radical mastectomy was noted. The comprehensive breast registry, which will be used to identify high-risk groups, assess treatment modalities, test hypotheses and generate ideas, has a high probability of success because of compulsory registration of new cases of breast cancer in Alberta and collection of data by the same four individuals.  相似文献   



To develop a computerized clinical decision support system (CDSS) for cervical cancer screening that can interpret free-text Papanicolaou (Pap) reports.

Materials and Methods

The CDSS was constituted by two rulebases: the free-text rulebase for interpreting Pap reports and a guideline rulebase. The free-text rulebase was developed by analyzing a corpus of 49 293 Pap reports. The guideline rulebase was constructed using national cervical cancer screening guidelines. The CDSS accesses the electronic medical record (EMR) system to generate patient-specific recommendations. For evaluation, the screening recommendations made by the CDSS for 74 patients were reviewed by a physician.

Results and Discussion

Evaluation revealed that the CDSS outputs the optimal screening recommendations for 73 out of 74 test patients and it identified two cases for gynecology referral that were missed by the physician. The CDSS aided the physician to amend recommendations in six cases. The failure case was because human papillomavirus (HPV) testing was sometimes performed separately from the Pap test and these results were reported by a laboratory system that was not queried by the CDSS. Subsequently, the CDSS was upgraded to look up the HPV results missed earlier and it generated the optimal recommendations for all 74 test cases.


Single institution and single expert study.


An accurate CDSS system could be constructed for cervical cancer screening given the standardized reporting of Pap tests and the availability of explicit guidelines. Overall, the study demonstrates that free text in the EMR can be effectively utilized through natural language processing to develop clinical decision support tools.  相似文献   

640例无精子症病因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:研究无精子症的病因构成情况.方法:对640例无精子症患者的临床资料进行回顾分析.结果:640例无精子症中,睾丸生精功能障碍240例(37.5%),染色体异常160例(25.O%),梗阻性无精子症128例(20.O%),隐睾症64例(10.O%),腮腺炎性睾丸炎32例(5.O%),其它少见病因16例(2.5%).结论:睾丸生精功能障碍、染色体异常及梗阻性无精子症是临床上无精子症的最常见病因.  相似文献   

目的:研究中国辽宁汉族群体Y染色体特异基因座DYS390、DYS389Ⅰ/Ⅱ的遗传多态性及其法医实践中的应用价值。方法:应用聚合酶链反应(PCR)后变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离扩增产物结合银染显带的方法,对DYS390、DYS389Ⅰ/Ⅱ基因座在98例辽宁汉族无关男性个体的等位基因分布进行调查。结果:DYS390基因座共检出5种等位基因,频率分布在0.010-0.480之间,个人识别机率为0.637;DYS389Ⅰ基因座共检出3种等位基因,频率分布在0.224-0.439之间,个人识别机率为0.644;DYS389Ⅱ基因座共检出5种等位基因,频率分布在0.020-0.367之间,个人识别机率为0.723。上述基因座组成的单倍型在98无无关男性中共观察到31种,单倍型的个人识别机率达到0.948,家系调查符合单体父系遗传方式。结论:DYS390、DYS389Ⅰ/Ⅱ基因座个人识别机率高,具有重要的法医学应用价值。  相似文献   

不同便潜血试验检测消化道出血的临床价值   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 结合胃镜检查,探讨不同大便潜血试验方法的临床价值。方法 使用化学法、单克隆胁检测法及人胁联合转铁蛋白检测法,对30例胃镜受检者同时进行大便潜血检测。结果 化学法检测24例阳性,6例阴性;单克隆胁检测法测定17例阳性,13例阴性;人胁联合转铁蛋白检测17例阳性,13例阴性。结论 化学法敏感性强,但特异性差,适用于大便潜血的过筛试验;单克隆胁法可作为消化道出血试验诊断的主要方法。  相似文献   



The Rh system is the major blood group system besides ABO system. Even after proper blood grouping and cross matching there is a possibility of alloimmunization and antibody production in the recipients against the Rh or minor blood group antigens like Kell, MNSs, Duffy etc. Keeping in view the heavy financial burden of complete phenotyping of blood; the determination of only Rh phenotypes can play a major role in preventing alloimmunization and adverse events in multitransfusion cases. To determine the proportion of Rh phenotypes in voluntary blood donors with a view to generate blood bank data for constitution of panel of blood donors for multipurpose utilities.


Identification of Rhesus factors (Rh) was done by the antigen antibody agglutination test by the test tube method on 10,133 healthy voluntary donors.


The phenotypic frequencies of Rh blood groups in the studied population were D-92.25%, C-87.55%, E-26.55%, c-51.06% and e-98.42%. Thus ‘e’ was the most common and E was the least common of all the Rh types. Phenotypically DCCee group was the most common phenotype and dccee was least common type.


Determination of Rh phenotypes can play a major role in preventing alloimmunization and avoiding adverse events in multitransfusion cases.  相似文献   



The Rh system is the major blood group system besides ABO system. Even after proper blood grouping and cross matching there is a possibility of alloimmunization and antibody production in the recipients against the Rh or minor blood group antigens like Kell, MNSs, Duffy etc. Keeping in view the heavy financial burden of complete phenotyping of blood; the determination of only Rh phenotypes can play a major role in preventing alloimmunization and adverse events in multitransfusion cases. To determine the proportion of Rh phenotypes in voluntary blood donors with a view to generate blood bank data for constitution of panel of blood donors for multipurpose utilities.


Identification of Rhesus factors (Rh) was done by the antigen antibody agglutination test by the test tube method on 10,133 healthy voluntary donors.


The phenotypic frequencies of Rh blood groups in the studied population were D-92.25%, C-87.55%, E-26.55%, c-51.06% and e-98.42%. Thus ‘e’ was the most common and E was the least common of all the Rh types. Phenotypically DCCee group was the most common phenotype and dccee was least common type.


Determination of Rh phenotypes can play a major role in preventing alloimmunization and avoiding adverse events in multitransfusion cases.  相似文献   

目的:探讨前庭单温试验在眼震图中的应用。方法:选取门诊主诉眩晕的患者100例行眼震图检查。选取眼震高潮期10s的波形计算最大慢相速度(SPV),将CP单温及CP双温分别计算,采用stata软件,行x^2检验。结果:单温试验异常65例中,双温试验异常44例,正常21例,单温试验正常35例中,双温试验异常4例,正常31例。结论:当前庭单温正常时前庭双温亦正常,两者差别不显著;而当单温异常时,需要进行双温试验。  相似文献   

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