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目的探讨中药复方对艾滋病患者CD4+T淋巴细胞计数的影响。方法 40例艾滋病期病人随机分成治疗组和对照组。观察基线以及治疗3、6、9、12个月末CD4+T淋巴细胞数、肝功能。结果采用重复测量检验,提示处理与时间之间无交互效应(P0.05)。治疗组病人CD4+T淋巴细胞计数升高程度,与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.035);治疗组病人ALT下降程度与对照组比较差异亦有统计学意义(P=0.027)。结论中药复方能够提高艾滋病期患者CD4+T淋巴细胞计数,减轻患者高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)副作用。  相似文献   

目的 探究人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者以及获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)患者经高效抗反转录病毒治疗(HAART)后心电图异常表现及其与CD4+T淋巴细胞相关性.方法 前瞻性收集2018年1月-2020年12月在兰州市肺科医院接受HAART后的HIV感染/AIDS患者心电图资料,观察心电图异常结果,采用x2检验及L...  相似文献   

欧慧  高赛珍  王曼  黄宗杰 《海南医学》2016,(22):3654-3655
目的:探讨抗病毒治疗对艾滋病感染者CD4+T淋巴细胞计数的影响。方法选择2014年1月至2015年6月期间中山市疾病预防控制中心确诊的92例艾滋病患者,均接受高效抗逆转录病毒疗法(HAART)治疗,记录治疗前及治疗3个月、6个月时患者血CD4+T淋巴细胞计数的变化,分析影响CD4+T淋巴细胞计数增加量的相关因素。结果 HAART治疗3个月后,患者血CD4+T淋巴细胞计数出现上升者占88.04%;治疗6个月后,所有患者CD4+T淋巴细胞计数均有不同程度的上升,CD4+T淋巴细胞计数增加量在年龄<40岁、治疗前CD4+T淋巴细胞计数≥200、BMI≥23及无药物漏服的患者中明显高于年龄≥40岁、治疗前CD4+T淋巴细胞计数<200、BMI<23及有药物漏服者,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论高效抗逆转录病毒疗法可显著增加艾滋病患者外周血CD4+T淋巴细胞计数,其疗效与年龄、治疗时机、BMI及用药依从性有关。  相似文献   

人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染引起机体免疫功能进行性受损,从而导致各种机会性感染和肿瘤。HIV对机体免疫系统的各个组成部分均可造成直接或间接的损伤,但CD4+T淋巴细胞是HIV攻击的  相似文献   

目的对64例HIV感染的孕产妇进行CD4+、CD4+/CD8+T淋巴细胞水平监测,掌握HIV感染者病程进展情况,为临床诊断和治疗提供依据。方法通过BD FACSCalibur流式细胞仪进行CD4+和CD8+T淋巴细胞绝对值计数及CD4+/CD8+比值的计算。结果检测64份样本中,CD4+T淋巴细胞绝对计数≤200个/μl的有15例,占23.44%,≤400个/μl的有21例,占32.81%,≤500个/μl的有13例,占20.31%,>500个/μl的15例,占23.44%。CD4+/CD8+≤0.5的有31例,占48.44%,<1的有22例,占总检测人数的34.38%,>1的有11例,占17.18%。结论 HIV感染的孕产妇存在不同程度的免疫功能损害,大部分人已进入艾滋病的中、晚期。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析HIV/AIDS患者皮肤黏膜表现的种类、严重程度及其与CD4 +T淋巴细胞计数的关系,评估皮肤黏膜病变预测、评价患者免疫状态的可行性. 方法 对345 例首诊确诊HIV/AIDS患者的临床资料进行回顾性研究,其中192例患者出现皮肤黏膜表现,153例无皮肤黏膜表现. 记录患者的CD4 +T淋巴细胞计数,观察HIV感染人群中各种皮肤病的发生率并分析皮肤病的种类、严重程度与患者免疫功能的相关性. 结果 HIV 阳性患者的皮肤病发生率为55.65%(192/345),皮肤黏膜损害的原因复杂,以真菌、病毒感染为主,分别为43.77%(151/345)、11.59%(40/345),其中以口腔念珠菌病发生率最高,达36.23%(125/345) ,其他包括马尔尼菲霉病、梅毒、单纯疱疹、颈部淋巴结核等都有较高的发生率. 无皮肤黏膜表现、出现1种和2种以上皮肤黏膜改变的CD4 +T淋巴细胞计数分别为(247 ±119)个/μl、(84 ±59)个/μl、(36 ±23)个/μl,差异均有统计学意义( P<0.05). 结论 HIV/AIDS患者皮肤黏膜表现多样,感染者免疫功能越差,越易并发皮肤黏膜疾病,某些皮肤黏膜表现可作为预测和评估HIV感染者免疫状态的临床指标.  相似文献   

HIV感染的CD4^+T淋巴细胞损伤机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染引起机体免疫功能进行性受损,从而导致各种机会性感染和肿瘤。HIV对机体免疫系统的各个组成部分均可造成直接或间接的损伤,但CD4+T淋巴细胞是HIV攻击的  相似文献   

目的:探索抗逆转录病毒疗法(ART)治疗在HIV-1疾病进程中对调节性T细胞(Treg细胞)的影响,并探讨Treg细胞频率在HIV-1疾病进程中的作用.方法:抽取114例(男96例、女18例)HIV-1阳性患者及17例健康对照者外周血,应用流式细胞术检测Treg细胞,并分析其表达水平(频率和绝对数)在 HIV-1疾病进程中的变化趋势及其与CD4+细胞绝对数之间的相关性.结果:随着HIV-1感染者病情进展,患者外周血中Treg细胞绝对数趋向下降并且与CD4+T细胞绝对数呈正相关,而Treg细胞频率趋向升高并且与CD4+T细胞绝对数呈负相关.Treg细胞频率及绝对数在ART治疗无症状HIV-1阳性感染者中显著降低,而在AIDS患者中却显著升高.结论:Treg细胞参与艾滋病免疫发病过程,并且在HIV-1感染的不同阶段,ART治疗对Treg细胞水平具有一定的影响,提示通过控制Treg细胞的水平可能有助于HIV-1感染疾病的临床控制.  相似文献   

目的 了解新疆维吾尔自治区伊犁州HIV感染者早期高效抗反转录病毒治疗后CD4+T淋巴细胞水平的变化情况及相关影响因素。方法 选取伊犁州2008年1月-2012年12月首次参加抗病毒治疗的HIV感染者(基线CD4+T淋巴细胞计数>350个/μl)为研究对象,收集其基线情况及治疗后各随访时点(6个月、12个月、18个月、24个月)的相关资料并进行统计分析。结果共收集311例HIV感染者信息,基线CD4+T淋巴细胞计数的M(P25,P75)为440(391,525)个/μl;治疗6个月与基线、12个月与6个月、18个月与12个月的CD4+T淋巴细胞计数比较,差异均有统计学意义(Z=-6.6,P<0.01;Z=-3.6,P<0.01;Z=-2.5,P=0.01),6、8、12、24个月时的CD4+T淋巴细胞计数与基线相比分别上升了84、123、143、140个/μl;CD4+T淋巴细胞计数有随时间变化的趋势(F=31.56,P<0.01),不同基线CD4+T淋巴细胞分组治疗后CD4+T淋巴细胞计数差异有统计学意义(F=20.54,P<0.01),>500个/μl组治疗后CD4+T淋巴细胞计数增长量低于351500个/μl组。结论 早期抗病毒治疗后CD4+T淋巴细胞计数在前6个月升高幅度较大,随后升高的幅度逐渐缓慢趋于稳定;基线CD4+T淋巴细胞计数越高,免疫功能恢复越好。  相似文献   

目的 分析宁夏地区自愿检测艾滋病患者CD4+T淋巴细胞计数和病毒载量水平,为了解本地区HIV 感染者和AIDS患者病情进展和治疗现状提供参考.方法 110例HIV感染者在2010年1~6月和2011年1~6月的CD4+T淋巴细胞检测结果的构成比进行比较;对2005-2010年加入一线抗病毒在治的艾滋病患者60例,采用流式细胞仪检测CD4 +T淋巴细胞计数、Easy-Q方法检测病毒载量,同时在中国艾滋病防治信息系统中查阅患者的各种机会性感染的发生情况.结果 2011年较2010年未治疗HIV感染者CD4 +T淋巴细胞计数< 200个·μL-1和200 ~ 350个·μL-1之间的患者构成比均有所增加;宁夏累计在治60例AIDS患者中,随抗病毒治疗时间越长,CD4+T淋巴细胞计数200 ~ 350个·μL-1的患者构成比越多,治疗时间越短,<200个·μL-1的构成比越高(26.5%),x2=6.558,P<0.05;2010年和2011年检测的病毒载量差异无统计学意义(x2 =0.-981,P=0.327),机会性感染以持续性发热所占比例最高为33.3%,腹泻和带状疱疹所占比例次之,分别为15.5%和14.3%.结论 宁夏HIV感染者疾病进展加快,需要接受抗病毒治疗的患者将增多;艾滋病患者随着治疗时间增加,部分病人可重建免疫功能;部分治疗后病毒载量未降低的病人,可能面临治疗失败的危险,关注各种机会性感染的同时也需要及时进行耐药监测以指导治疗方案.  相似文献   

Background CD4^+T cell counts have been used as the indicator of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) disease progression and thereby to determine when to start highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Whether and how the baseline CD4^+T cell count affects the immunological and viral responses or adverse reactions to nevirapine (NVP)-containing HAART in Chinese HIV-1 infected adults remain to be characterized. Methods One hundred and ninety-eight HIV-seropositive antiretroviral therapy (ART)-naive subjects were enrolled into a prospective study from 2005 to 2007. Data were analyzed by groups based on baseline CD4^+T cell counts either between 100-200 cells/μl or 201-350 cells/μl. Viral responses, immunologic responses and adverse events were monitored at baseline and at weeks 4, 12, 24, 36, 52, 68, 84, 100. Results Eighty-six and 112 subjects ranged their CD4^+T cell counts 100-200 cells/μl and 201-350 cells/μl, respectively. The pre-HAART viral load in CD4 201-350 cells/μl group was significantly lower than that in CD4 100-200 cells/μl group (P=0.000). After treatment, no significant differences were observed between these two groups either in the plasma viral load (pVL) or in the viral response rate calculated as the percentage of pVL less than 50 copies/ml or less than 400 copies/ml. The CD4^+T cell counts were statistically higher in the 201-350 group during the entire follow-ups (P 〈0.01) though CD4^+ T cell count increases were similar in these two groups. After 100-week treatment, the median of CD4^+ T cell counts were increased to 331 cells/μl for CD4 100-200 cells/μl group and to 462 cells/μl for CD4 201-350 cells/μl group. Only a slightly higher incidence of nausea was observed in CD4 201-350 cells/μl group (P=0.05) among all adverse reactions, including rash and liver function abnormality. Conclusions The pVLs and viral response rates are unlikely to be associated with the baseline CD4^+T cell counts. Initiating HAART in Chinese HIV-1 infected patients with higher baseline CD4^+T cell counts could result in higher total CD4^+T cell counts thereby achieve a better immune recovery. These results support current guidelines to start HAART at a threshold of 350 cells/μl.  相似文献   

目的分析HIV/AIDS患者抗病毒治疗前后CD4~+T淋巴细胞数的变化情况,为全省的抗病毒治疗提供科学依据。方法对青海省2013—2015年间接受抗病毒治疗的127名HIV/AIDS患者治疗前、治疗后3个月、6个月、9个月及12个月CD4~+T淋巴细胞数进行检测和统计学分析。结果 127例HIV/AIDS患者的平均开始治疗年龄为(37.6±10.8)岁,治疗前CD4~+T淋巴细胞数平均水平为(321.2±108.4)个/μL;患者治疗3个月、6个月、9个月和12个月时与进入治疗时点相比,其CD4~+T淋巴细胞数平均增加了52.2个/μL、75.8个/μL、75.3个/μL和76.5个/μL,差异均有统计学意义(P0.01);经抗病毒治疗1年后,CD4~+T淋巴细胞数500个/μL的患者从0例增至37例,占患者总数的29.1%;CD4~+T淋巴细胞数分为≤200个/μL、201~350个/μL和350个/μL三组患者,经抗病毒治疗1年后,CD4~+T淋巴细胞数平均分别增加了80.7个/μL、84.7个/μL和65.8个/μL,不同组患者HAART治疗1年后CD4~+T淋巴细胞数均值变化差异有统计学意义(P均0.05)。结论青海省目前的HAART治疗效果明显,同时提高HIV/AIDS患者的依从性,并尽早开展抗病毒治疗,有利于提高患者的生命质量,延缓疾病进程,降低病死率。  相似文献   

全球约有85%的人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)感染是通过性传播途径获得,避孕套的推广已在几个国家成功地控制了HIV-1的传播。高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)的出现从根本上改变了人类HIV-1的感染进程。HAART的运用可以抑制HIV-1的复制,可将血浆病毒载量控制在检测限以下,并增加CD4 T淋巴细胞的数量,但也存在耐药性和毒副作用等问题。未来几年面临的挑战是:确定预期将出现的新的药物类型的作用和治疗方法的发展,解决HIV/肝病/结核病双重感染的问题,更好地进行补救治疗,解决资源有限国家在防治艾滋病方面的问题以及努力获得预防艾滋病的成功。  相似文献   

Background At the end of 2005, 650 000 people lived with human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) in China, of whom 75 000 were AIDS patients. Many AIDS patients received highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) supported by the “China CARES” program but the immune responses of HAART were seldom reported. This study investigated the effect of HAART on the activation and coreceptor expression of T lymphocytes in Chinese HIV/AIDS patients and evaluated its effect on immune reconstitution. Methods Seventeen HIV/AIDS patients were enrolled and three-color-flow cytometry was used to detect the activation of HLA-DR CD38 and the coreceptor CCR5, CXCR4 expression on T lymphocytes in whole blood samples taken from the patients before and after 3- or 6-month HAART.Results The activation percents of CD4(+), CD8(+) T lymphocytes were significantly higher before therapy than the normal controls (HLA-DR/CD4: 40.47±18.85 vs 11.54±4.10; CD38/CD4: 81.34±10.86 vs 53.34±11.44; HLA-DR/CD8: 63.94±12.71 vs 25.67±9.18; CD38/CD8: 86.56±11.41 vs 58.84±6.16, all P&lt;0.01). After 6-month combined antiretroviral treatment, the activation of T lymphocytes in HIV/AIDS patients was significantly decreased (HLA-DR/CD4: 28.31±13.48; CD38/CD4: 69.88±12.64; HLA-DR/CD8: 46.56±18.64; CD38/CD8: 70.17±14.54, all P&lt;0.01 compared with the pre-treatment values). Before the treatment, CCR5 expression on CD8(+) T lymphocytes was up-regulated while CXCR4 expression on CD8(+) T lymphocytes downregulated in HIV/AIDS patients compared with the normal controls (CD8/CCR5: 70.91±10.03 vs 52.70±7.68; CD8/CXCR4: 24.14±11.08 vs 50.05±11.68, all P&lt;0.01). After 6-month HAART, CCR5 expression on CD8(+) T lymphocytes significantly decreased (56.35±12.96, P&lt;0.01), while CXCR4 expression on CD8(+) T lymphocytes increased (36.95±9.96, P&lt;0.05) compared with the pre-treatment and the normal controls. A significant statistical relationship was observed between the expression of activation markers, CCR5 and the CD4(+) T lymphocyte counts after HAART (P&lt;0.05).Conclusions Reduced activation of T lymphocytes and a normalization of coreceptor expression were observed in Chinese HIV/AIDS patients after HAART. Immunity can be restored in HIV/AIDS patients receiving HAART.  相似文献   

Dai Y  Qiu ZF  Li TS  Han Y  Zuo LY  Xie J  Ma XJ  Liu ZY  Wang AX 《中华医学杂志(英文版)》2006,119(20):1677-1682
Background Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) produces profound suppression of HIV replication, substantial increase in CD4(+) T cells, and partial reconstitution of the immune system. However, the numbers of subjects were small in previous Chinese studies. This study evaluated the efficacy and side effects of HAART in Chinese advanced AIDS patients.Methods One hundred and three antiretroviral drug naive AIDS patients were enrolled in this study and were divided into two groups by their baseline CD4(+) count: &lt;100 cells/&micro;l or ≥100 cells/&micro;l. Clinical, virological and immunological outcomes were monitored at baseline and at 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months during the course of treatment with HAART.Results One patient died and another was lost from the follow-up. For the remaining 101 HIV/AIDS patients at the 12th month during the HAART, the plasma viral load (VL) was reduced to (3.2±0.7) lg copies/ml, the CD4(+) count increased to (168±51) cells/&micro;l [among which the naive phenotype (CD45RA(+)CD62L(+)) increased to (49±27) cells/&micro;l and the memory phenotype (CD45RA(-)) increased to (119±55) cells/&micro;l], and the percentage of CD4(+)CD28(+) cells increased. At the same time, there was a significant reduction of CD8(+) T cell activation. In the 69 patients with the baseline CD4(+) count &lt;100 cells/&micro;l, 37 had a VL &lt;50 copies/ml; while in the 34 patients with the baseline CD4(+) count ≥100 cells/&micro;l, 25 had a VL &lt;50 copies/ml, the difference between the two groups was statistically significant. The CD4(+) T cell count showed a two-phase increase during HAART and a significant positive correlation was shown between the change of CD4(+) count and plasma VL. Over 12 months of HAART, 10 patients had gastrointestinal side effects, 13 peripheral neuritis, 7 hepatic lesions, 8 hematological side effects, 8 skin rashes, 10 lipodystrophy and 1 renal calculus.Conclusions Immune reconstitution as well as the significantly improved clinical outcomes is observed in Chinese advanced AIDS patients after HAART. Side effects are common during HAART and require clinical attention.  相似文献   

目的评估中药在高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)间断过程中对CD4 T淋巴细胞和病毒载量的影响。方法采用齐多夫定/拉米夫定 依非韦伦方案,对19例HIV/AIDS患者进行HAART治疗,治疗6个月后停用HAART,换服中药2个月,而后再次启动HAART3个月,再次停用并服中药3个月,观察患者体内CD4 T淋巴细胞和病毒载量的变化情况。结果在第1次治疗间断过程中,换用中药1个月时有43.8%的患者未出现病毒反弹,62.6%的患者免疫功能稳定或上升;2个月时有18.8%的患者未出现病毒反弹,43.8%的患者免疫功能稳定或上升;两者的病毒载量变化差异无显著性(P=0.097),换用中药2个月时的CD4 T淋巴细胞计数较1个月时显著下降(P=0.043)。在第2次治疗间断过程中,换用中药1个月时有33.3%的患者未出现病毒反弹,64.3%的患者免疫功能稳定或上升;3个月时有13.3%的患者为出现病毒反弹,46.6%的患者免疫功能稳定或上升;两者的病毒载量变化差异有显著性(P=0.017)。治疗12个月时,患者体内的CD4 T细胞计数显著高于基线水平(P=0.014)。结论中药可在一定程度上抑制HAART间断时的病毒反弹,维持患者的免疫功能,该作用可随间断时间的延长而减弱。  相似文献   



Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has become more accessible to Human immunodeficiency virus infection/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) patients worldwide. There is growing concern that the metabolic complications associated with HIV and HAART may increase cardiovascular risk and lead to cardiovascular diseases. We, therefore, set out to describe the cardiovascular risk profile of HIV/AIDS patients receiving HAART at a health facility in northern part of Nigeria.

Materials and Methods:

This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, Nigeria. Consenting patients, who had been receiving HAART, were compared with age and sex matched HAART-naive subjects. Questionnaire interview, electrocardiography, anthropometric and blood pressure measurements were conducted under standard conditions. Blood samples were obtained for the determination of plasma glucose, uric acid and lipid levels.


Two hundred subjects were studied, 100 were on HAART (group 1) and the other 100 (group 2) were HAART-naive. Subjects’ mean age for all the participants was 32.5 (7.6) years. The prevalence of hypertension was 17% in group 1 and 2% in group 2 (P < 0.001). Similarly, 11% and 21% of group 1 subjects were obese or had metabolic syndrome compared with 2% and 9% of group 2 patients (P < 0.05 for both).


HAART treatment was associated with significantly higher prevalences of hypertension, obesity and metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   



Crystalluria is associated with some highly active anti-retroviral therapies (HAART''s) used in the management of HIV/AIDS. Aims: This study used light microscopy to establish the prevalence of crystalluria among HIV/AIDS patients on HAART and identified the routine crystals present in their urine.

Materials and Methods:

In this simple randomised cross-sectional study, 200 HIV/AIDS participants, comprising 150 on HAART and 50 HAART-naïve were recruited from the HIV clinic at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH). Urine and blood samples were collected, for urinalysis and the determination of the CD4 count, respectively. A well-structured pre-tested questionnaire was used to obtain socio-demographic data and clinical history of the participants.


The prevalence of crystalluria was higher among HIV-infected persons on HAART than those not on HAART (6.7% vs 4%; P = 0.733). Calcium oxalate and triple phosphate crystals were the crystal types present in their urine (3.5% and 2.5%, respectively) and was present only in HIV subjects on first line of treatment (without protease inhibitors). Participants aged between 40-50 years and those with hypersthenuria and acidic urine had the highest amount of crystalluria (41.6%, 83.3%, and 58.3%, respectively).


HAART is associated with crystalluria in HIV patients. Light microscopy will be of disgnostic value in resource limited settings.  相似文献   

目的探讨艾滋病HAART发生高乳酸血症时CD4+水平与性别的关系。方法将接受HAART治疗中发生高乳酸血症68例患者分为男女两组测定CD4+水平,然后进行比较。结果发生高乳酸血症时CD4+细胞数男性为(396.00±113.17)个/μl,女性为(306.08±136.21)个/μl,t=2.10,发生高乳酸血症的男女两组CD4+水平差异有显著性(P<0.05),男性CD4+水平高于女性。结论艾滋病患者进行HAART治疗发生高乳酸血症时CD4+水平与性别有关,男性CD4+水平高于女性。  相似文献   

目的 探讨人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)/获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)患者以不同高效联合抗反转录病毒治疗(HAART)方案疗效及对CD4+T细胞和病毒载量的影响。方法 将2015年6月—2020年6月广安市人民医院收治150例HIV/AIDS为研究对象,依据HAART方案分为替诺福韦(TDF)组和齐多夫定(AZT)组各75例。比较两组患者疗效、治疗后不同时间血浆病毒载量和CD4+T细胞变化,采用WHO生存质量艾滋病专用量表简表(WHOQOL-HIV BREF)测试治疗前及治疗12个月的生存质量,比较两组不良反应发生情况。结果 TDF组总有效率为93.33%(70/75),AZT组总有效率为89.33%(67/75),两组总有效率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。TDF和AZT组治疗前HIV病毒载量<40 copies/mL分别为4例(占5.33%)和5例(占6.67%),经治疗12个月 HAART,患者 HIV病毒载量明显下降,<40 copies/mL分别为65例(占86.67%)和60例(占80.00%),两组治疗前后差异有统计学意义(χ2=41.681,99.866,P<0.05)。两组患者治疗前和治疗3、12个月HIV病毒载量在<40、40~<200和≥200 copies/mL的比例比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。TDF和AZT组治疗前、治疗12个月CD4+T细胞分别为(250.22±88.12)个/μL和(244.89±83.97)个/μL、(394.44±155.28)个/μL和(373.17±146.61)个/μL,TDF和AZT组治疗12个月CD4+T细胞明显升高,差异有统计学意义(χ2=10.263,9.636, P<0.05),两组治疗前、治疗3、6和12个月CD4+T细胞数差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。TDF和AZT组分别治疗12个月,WHOQOL-HIV BREF 8个维度评分均明显高于治疗前(P<0.05)。两组白细胞下降、肝功能异常、疲倦乏力、恶心呕吐、头晕头痛、腹泻发生率比较无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 替诺福韦(TDF)+拉米夫定(3TC)+依非韦伦(EFV)、齐多夫定(AZT)+拉米夫定(3TC)+依非韦伦(EFV)两种不同HAART方案治疗HIV/AIDS均具有良好疗效,能够降低血浆HIV病毒载量,提升CD4+T淋巴细胞计数水平,改善患者生存质量。  相似文献   

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