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Nursing education in the United States began in the 1870s with hospital training schools modeled after the Nightingale plan. Presently there are three educational paths that students may take to become a registered nurse (RN). These are the baccalaureate degree (BS), the associate degree (AD) and the diploma. Accelerated nursing programs are also available for people who have a baccalaureate degree in another field. Nursing education and nursing practice in the United States is regulated by each of the 50 states. The focus of nursing education is the preparation of nurses who use critical thinking skills to provide comprehensive patient-centered care to a variety of clients. It is expected that nurses will function using evidence-based practice in a culturally competent, safe manner. Nursing schools must be approved by the state in which they exist. In addition to this, most nursing schools are also accredited, a voluntary process that is done by a non-governmental association. All graduates take the same licensing exam, a computer adaptive test that is from 75 to 265 items long educated graduates were first time test takers; 85.5% passed the exam. Trends in nursing education In 2008 almost 120,000 US include a focus on evidence based practice, an emphasis on safety and quality, patient education and management of chronic conditions, genetics and genomics and the use of simulation in nursing education  相似文献   

目的 了解本科护理学专业学生学习适应行为与学校环境因素认可度之间的相关关系.方法 采用自设问卷对北京、天津3所高等院校中一年级~四年级五年制本科护理学专业491名学生进行了有关调查.结果 本科护理学专业学生对同伴因素和教学因素的认可度较好,对综合因素、课程因素的认可度相对较差;学校环境因素认可度中总体评价、教师因素、同伴因素三方面的认可度对学生学习适应行为有直接影响.结论 通过提高学生对于教师因素、同伴因素的认可度可以促进学生良好学习适应行为的产生.提示护理教育者应当充分考虑学生的需求,进一步改善学校环境因素中的教师因素和同伴因素,以提高学生良好的学习适应行为.
Objective To investigate the correlations between the academic adjustment behavior and school environment of bachelor degree nursing students by using questionnaires, and offer some evidence for further teaching reform. Methods A sample of 491 bachelor degree nursing students from 3 nursing schools with 5year program in Beijing and Tianjin was collected in the study. Data were analyzed using the methods of statistics. Results Students have a high score of staff evaluation and classmate evaluation than conditions evaluation and courses evaluation. General evaluation, staff evaluation and classmate evaluation have direct effect on academic adjustment behaviors. Conclusions Academic adjustment behavior can be improved by enhancing evaluations toward school environment, staff and classmate particularly. Nursing educators should make efforts to change school environment according to student' need, and use effect methods to enhance students' academic adjustment behavior.  相似文献   

通过对毕业生及其培养或用人单位的问卷调查,本文分析了南京医科大学七年制临床医学专业人才培养的成效,以及江苏省医疗卫生事业发展对高层次医学人才的需求.结果 显示,临床实践能力和科研创新能力是医疗卫生事业发展所需要的高层次医学人才的重要能力;在三级甲等医院工作,具有硕士/博士学位、在专业技术岗位的被调查者更加看重医学生的科研创新能力;而在"1年通识教育、4年医学专业教育(含1年临床课程及见习、1年临床通科实习)、2年二级学科轮转"模式下培养的七年制临床医学专业毕业生的临床实践能力较强,但是科研创新能力不足,且学业负担偏重.因此,应当加强对七年制临床医学专业学生科研创新能力的培养和临床实践能力的通科训练.
An evaluation of 7-year medical education program in Nanjing Medical University was performed via questionnaire survey to the graduates and the staff of hospitals in which the graduates work,and the demand for advanced quality of medical graduates in the field of medical health care in Jiangsu Province is further analyzed. The results showed that the capacity for clinical practice and the capacity for research and innovation are the most important, which can meet the demands of health service development for high-level medical talents. The staff working in advanced hospitals, possessing master or doctor degree,or working as medical experts put more emphasis on the ability of the graduates to do innovative scientific research. Through the completed procedure of the 7-year program includes college general education for 1 year, medical education for 4 years ( containing senior clinical clerkship for 1 year and internship for 1 year) and alternation for medical and surgery subspecialties for 2 years, the graduates showed higher ability to do clinical practice, but not showed the growth of capacity for research and innovation. The most staff investigated proposed an enhancement in training for the capacity for innovative research and general clinical practice.  相似文献   

Background Different diagnostic and grading systems of conjunctivochalasis have resulted in apparent disparity between the prevalence rates of recent population-based studies.This study aimed to investigate the disparity between 4-level system cited from Meller and Tseng in 1998 (abbreviated here as Meller's system) and 5-level system modified from Meller's system cited from Zhang and associates (abbreviated here as Zhang's system) regarding the diagnosis and the patients' preferences for the treatment of conjunctivochalasis in the general population.Methods A total of 546 senile residents living in the Guiyangyuan community of Shanghai,China,participated in the study.The diagnostic criteria for conjunctivochalasis were based on two diagnostic grading systems:Meller's system and Zhang's system,which was modified from Meller's system.The participants' preference regarding medical treatment for conjunctivochalasis was determined according to the response to a question.One year later,a follow-up interview determines whether the patient had undergone surgery for conjunctivochalasis.Results With Meller's system,398 participants were confirmed as having conjunctivochalasis,and the prevalence rate was 72.89%.According to Zhang's system,only 213 participants were diagnosed as having conjunctivochalasis,and the prevalence rate was 39.01%.A total of 109 eyes underwent medical treatment or surgery for conjunctivochalasis in the following year,including eight eyes that were diagnosed as grade Ⅱ and 101 eyes that were diagnosed as grade Ⅲ according to Meller's system and five eyes that were diagnosed as grade Ⅰ,55 eyes that were diagnosed as grade Ⅱ,31 eyes that were diagnosed as grade Ⅲ,and 18 eyes that were diagnosed as grade Ⅳ according to Zhang's system.Conclusion Diagnoses of conjunctivochalasis using Zhang's system are more consistent with patient requests and the medical treatment strategies used than diagnoses made using Meller's system.  相似文献   

It is the demand of biochemistry teaching at medical college to set up the experimental course of molecular biology. In order to improve the teaching quality of molecular biology experiment, Hubei Nationalities University which is located at the remote region made a exploration for teaching content,teaching model, examination system and item management system about molecular biology experiment course. By doing this, good teaching characteristic and effect were got and the deficiency was found in the reforming process.  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of this investigation was to identify the novel factors involved in patients’ satisfaction with nursing care.Methods A cohort of 1860 consecutive inpatients were registered.Questionnaire including a total of 13 questions was carried out.Overall satisfaction and single satisfaction were calculated as follows,respectively.Overall satisfaction=(yearly total content +yearly total relative content)/yearly total cases/yearly times of questionnaire×100%,and single satisfaction=yearly total content or yearly total relative content or yearly total non-content/yearly total cases participating in corresponding item×100%.The item with the least score was further analyzed to find out the pivotal factor responsible for it.Results The research showed that 52%,64%,83%,of the cases felt satisfactory with the ward environment,the diet,the bed and quilt,respectively.As for the management of the hospital,91% of patients felt satisfactory,3% of patients felt unsatisfactory,and 6%,relatively satisfactory.The factors associated with participants’ satisfaction towards the nursing care were lack of the knowledge related to diseases or diet,hospital environment,hospital management,and nursing service.Conclusion The most important factor associated with paticipants’ satisfaction towards the nursing care attributes lack of the special knowledge related to diseases or diet.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the "3+1" monitoring mode for birth defects and quality control measures based on the population, and to obtain the related information data for birth defects.
Methods With the community population as the basis, adopting the unified monitoring scheme dominant by the leadership and administration of government, with districts (counties) as the monitoring sites, the "3+1 " monitoring mode for birth defects was based on a complete monitoring team with the combination of villages/residents' committees, townships (towns), counties (districts) and the municipality. Demonstration research was carried out in the pilot districts/counties in Chongqing City.
Results Birth defects population monitoring system based on population and family planning management and service network was established, and during 2005 and 2006.application research was carried out for the monitoring methods among birth defects population in the pilot districts (counties), obtaining the relevant information in regional birth defects, with a monitoring coverage of over 99%.
Conclusion Fully utilizing the birth management functions of Population and Famlty Planning System and the advantages of service networks, long term, dynamic birth defects monitoring system based on community population was established, with the integration of birth defects monitoring and regular reproductive health services, obtaining overall birth defects occurrence information in details, providing scientific basis for the government to formulate scientific, practical, economic and effective birth defects intervention policy, so as to improve the quality of the population.  相似文献   

目的 了解高职高专护理专业毕业生就业情况,为调整专业定位和培养目标提供依据.方法 采用整群抽样法,对浙江省某高职高专学校2007届~2009届护理专业2 470名毕业生的就业情况进行调查与分析.结果 3届护理专业毕业生总体就业率为96.5%,专业对口率为90.9%;在卫生机构就业的79.3%的毕业生工作在二级以上综合性医院的一线护理岗位.结论 浙江省某高职高专学校护理专业毕业生的就业率和专业对口率很高,毕业生主要工作岗位在浙江省二级以上综合医院.高职高专护理专业应该主要面向二级以上综合医院,培养既胜任综合医院临床护理工作,又胜任社区护理、预防保健、健康管理和医疗保健等工作的高技能型护理人才.
Objective To know the employment situation of nursing students from higher technical and vocational school,and provide a basis of professional orientation together with the adjustment of training goals. Methods Questionnaire method is adopted in this study. 2 470 nursing students from grade of 2007 to 2009 in a higher vocational school are investigated. Results the average employment rate is 96. 5% ,job suited rate is 90.9% , and 79.3% of nursing students work at the front-line position in general hospitals which are above second-class. Conclusions The nursing students employment rate and job suited rate are high in the higher vocational school. The students' position is in general hospitals which are above second-calss in Zhejiang Province.  相似文献   

Major construction is important for improving the quality of professional talent education. To explore the new ways of major construction about stomatological technique, the principle of characteristic development was discussed. With continuous efforts, the experts supporting system was initially established with a core of professional teaching committee, the Sino-foreign cooperation education programs were developed, the clerkship and employment base was expanded, also the professional training model was perfected gradually. In this article four aspects, including the optimization of specialty structure, professional training model, teaching model and teaching methods, and teaching staff, were elaborated combined with the achievements of major construction.  相似文献   

Objective :To establish a scientific, objective and applicable index system for evaluating outstanding biomedical scientists for science foundation of Shanghai. Methods: According to the principal indices that have been used in the developed countries for evaluating their talented personnel and the reality of our country, an index system was set up to evaluate the outstanding biomedical scientists for Shanghai science foundation. The following parameters were used to simplify the indices: correlation coefficient, multiple correlation coefficient, partial correlation coefficient, creditability, and discriminatory power. And analytic hierarchy process was used to determine the weights of each index. Results and Conclusions: The established index system is scientific and applicable ; it is helpful for cultivating and evaluating outstanding biomedical scientists.  相似文献   

护理本科生就业质量指标确立的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:护理本科生就业质量评价一直以来缺乏科学的标准,本研究拟调查专家对构建护理本科生就业质量评价指标体系的观点。方法:通过专家函询法对22位相关领域专家就护理本科生就业质量指标体系进行了为期两轮的函询和论证。结果:专家的权威程度系数为0.81和0.82;专家意见集中程度较高,两轮专家意见的和谐系数分别为0.54和0.71(P〈0.01)。就业质量指标体系包括用人单位满意情况、学生主观满意情况、工作条件与环境、专业对口情况等4大类及60项二、三级指标。结论:专家对确定护理本科生就业质量协调程度较高,为护理本科院校的教学改革实践提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

目的:了解护理本科毕业生就业情况及其影响因素,探求就业指导工作的新思路。方法:采用自行设计的问卷对158名应届护理本科毕业生的就业情况及其影响因素进行调查。结果:91.8%应届护理本科毕业生已基本落实就业单住,其中95.2%的护生从事临床护理工作;二本护生与三本护生就业率和就业单位比较,差别均无统计学意义(P〉0.05);80%以上的护生认为专业知识和操作技能、仪表外貌、沟通能力是影响就业的前三位因素。结论:我校应届护理本科毕业生的就业形势相对较好;护理专业毕业生就业单位主要是医院,就业面较窄;学校需要帮助学生正确认识就业影响因素,提高护生的就业竞争力。  相似文献   

护理本科生临床实践能力的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的分析护理本科生临床实践能力与其影响因素的相关性,了解四年制护理本科教学的改革效果。方法以263名护理本科生的入学年龄、学制、性别、高考成绩以及基础课程、公共课程和专业课程的成绩作为相关因素,临床实践能力(由各临床实习单元的综合平均成绩组成)为因变量,用多元线性回归分析法研究临床实践能力的影响因素。结果护理本科生临床实践能力与性别、公共课程和专业课程成绩呈现高度相关性(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论该研究形成的护理本科生临床实践能力多元线性回归模型基本反映了临床实践能力与其影响因素之间的相互关系,为我国四年制护理本科教学改革提供了科学和可靠的依据。  相似文献   

目的改进中医类专业本科毕业生的就业指导课程设置,培养更适合社会需要的中医专业学生。方法以问卷调查的方式,对在广东省内部分地区工作的80名中医类医生进行质量追踪调查。结果 67名(83.75%)中医专业毕业生的基本素质尚可,43名(53.75%)毕业生创新能力明显不足,18名(22.50%)毕业生临床技能较西医类毕业生明显不足,28名(35.00%)毕业生对传统中医的认识较浅。结论中医类医生培养素质有待进一步提高,建议就业指导课程设置进行加强创新能力及临床实践能力培养;加强中医类学生严谨科学态度的培养;加强引导中医类学生对传统中医深入研究的改进。  相似文献   

目的 确定优质护理质量评价指标,以评估医院护理管理及护理服务的给予情况.方法 采用ADH分层法、Delphi法、因子分析法等,包括三个阶段.阶段一:专家讨论,采用研究者及护理质量专家对卫生部《优质护理服务工作标准》进行研究;阶段二:采用Delphi法分三轮对上一阶段中的各条目重要性进行评分;阶段三:各研究专家用第二阶段中得出的《优质护理服务检查评价表》对随机抽取的20个病区进行评价.结果 ①通过专家讨论研究初步得出优质护理质量评价指标;②通过进一步的调查研究建立起更科学、客观、有效的护理质量评价系统.结论 该评价指标具有良好的效度及可操作性,内部一致性信度均大于0.7,在可接受范围,提示该护理服务评价指标具有良好的信度,可用于临床优质护理质量评价.  相似文献   

目的:构建一套科学、客观、合理的临床医学硕士专业学位研究生学位论文质量评价体系,为衡量临床医学硕士专业学位研究生科研水平及整体培养质量提供依据。方法:在查阅文献、小组讨论、专家访谈的基础上初步建立临床医学硕士专业学位研究生学位论文质量评价体系,采用德尔菲法对指标体系进行2轮专家咨询。结果:确定了包含6个一级指标,18个二级指标,42个三级指标在内的临床医学硕士专业学位研究生学位论文质量评价体系。结论:构建的临床医学硕士专业学位研究生学位论文质量评价体系具有较高的科学性和可靠性,能作为评价临床医学硕士专业学位研究生学位论文质量的标准。  相似文献   

近几年来,在全国普通高等院校毕业生就业形势严峻的情况下,医学类毕业生就业形势不容乐观。文章从现阶段调查分析入手,分析医学类毕业生就业总体状况、就业影响因素和就业难的深层原因,以科学发展观为指导思想,对“十一五”期间创新大学生就业教育提出思考,进而对如何以科学发展观来促进大学生的就业提出对策,对我国构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的利用信息化物品管理系统提高医院管理水平,保证护理工作安全。方法在移动护理工作站、医院信息系统和无线网络等设施的基础上,建立信息化物品管理系统。分析应用信息化物品管理系统的临床效果,比较物品交接时间,药品丢失数量及护士工作满意度情况。结果与传统护理物品管理方式相比,使用信息化物品管理系统进行物品交接的平均用时显著降低(t=10.66,P<0.001),药品丢失数量明显减少(χ2=4.215,P=0.040),体温计丢失数量明显减小(χ2=4.643,P=0.031),护士工作满意度明显提高(χ2=5.699,P=0.017)。结论信息化物品管理系统使物品管理更规范、更准确、更科学,提高护士工作效率,改进护理工作质量,保障医疗安全。  相似文献   

就业质量作为衡量就业状况的核心指标之一,已经成为就业领域里的重要研究内容。文章通过对不同地区高校毕业生就业状况调查数据的比较,结合用人单位对毕业生实际工作情况的评价,实证分析了影响毕业生就业满意度的关键因素,在此基础上从毕业生择业观念、能力结构和职业认知三方面提出针对性的就业工作改进建议,为培养社会适用人才、推进毕业生与用人单位的人职匹配提供参考。  相似文献   

高校毕业生质量评价指标体系的构建,是强化高校教育质量全面监控的一项重要措施.对于地方医学院校而言,开展毕业生质量评价指标体系的研究,从中寻找到高等教育改革和就业指导服务工作中的薄弱环节并加以改进,有助于实现人才培养、社会需求与就业的良性互动,更好地促进地方医药卫生事业的发展。  相似文献   

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