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单克隆抗体HIM82对中性粒细胞呼吸爆发的降调节作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究用单抗HIM82对中性粒细胞(PMN)呼吸爆发的早期调控,发现HIM82(30μg/ml)对佛波酯(PMA)激活的PMN产生的O2-、H2O2分别可下调至(44.00±8.9)%(n=8,P<0.01)和(65.16±15.41)%(n=8,P<0.01),对因呼吸爆发产生的活性氧物质(reactiveoxygenspecies,ROS)引起质膜中性内肽酶(NEP)的纯化作用(inactivation)[活性下降(43.29±9.41)%,n=8,P<0.01]有防护作用[活性恢复至(6648±15.53)%,n=8,P<0.05]。结果表明该单抗对PMA激发PMN呼吸爆发产生O2-、H2O2有明显的降调节作用,也表明质膜上相应分化抗原分子对PMN功能特别是对激活呼吸爆发的机构有重要影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨吗啡依赖猴红细胞的脂质过氧化损伤情况。方法15只恒河猴皮下注射吗啡,以剂量递增方式建立吗啡依赖猴模型,检测建模前后红细胞丙二醛、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶、超氧化物岐化酶、血红蛋白和红细胞数。结果建模前丙二醛为(2.46±0.65)μmol/L,建模后升至(3.52±1.5)μmol/L(P<0.01);谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶建模前为(8833.3±878.8)U/L,建模后减少至(6192.3±451.6)U/L(P<0.001);超氧化物岐化酶建模前为(19435.40±2069.29)U/gHb,建模后减少至(16365.25±2078.13)U/gHb(P<0.001);血红蛋白建模前为(136.2±6.3)g/L,建模后减少至(129.87±6.48)g/L(P<0.001);红细胞数建模前为(5.72±0.40)×1012/L,建模后减少至(5.24±0.37)×1012/L(P<0.001)。结论吗啡依赖猴红细胞存在脂质过氧化损伤。  相似文献   

本文就51例非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病患者的红细胞钠泵活性、细胞膜脂区流动性及血清脂质浓度之间的相互联系及与糖尿病的关系,作一初步探讨。 方法 ①红细胞钠泵活性用Lasise改良法;②红细胞膜脂区流动性(以荧光偏振度P和微粘度(?)表示)以DPH(1,6-二苯基-1,3,5-己烯)为荧光探剂标记红细胞膜脂区;③血清脂质浓度用酶法,分别测定胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)及其亚组分(HDL_2-C及HDL_3-C)。 结果 ①25例糖尿病患者的红细胞钠泵活性为每小时1.502±0.07mmol/L RBC(m±SE,下同),与10例正常对照组(1.141±0.07)相比,p<0.001;②41例糖尿病患者的荧光偏振度(p)为0.284±0.003,平均微粘度(?)为3.293±0.115,与20例正常对照组(p 0.245±0.002,(?)2.282±0.039)比较,p<0.001;③血清脂质浓度:51例患者的TC为4.34±0.16mmol/L,明显高于正常对照组(3.94±0.07,n=82);糖尿病组HDL-C为1.13±0.04mmol/L、HDL_2-C为0.31±0.02mmol/L,明显低于正常对照组(HDL-C为1.28±0.02、HDL_2-C 0.49±0.02),p值分别<0.005及<0.001。HDL_3-C浓度两组无显著差别。  相似文献   

生脉饮抗氧化作用对红细胞膜保护作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :本实验旨在研究生脉饮能否通过抗氧化作用 (清除羟自由基 )保护红细胞膜。方法 :以溶血率和脂质过氧化程度为判断指标。用氰化高铁血红蛋白法测定上清液中血红蛋白 ,判断溶血率 ;用TBA法测定MDA ,间接判断红细胞膜脂质过氧化程度。结果 :加药管与氧化管相比 ,溶血率降低 (P <0 .0 1) ,脂质过氧化产物MDA产生减少 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :生脉饮能够阻止或减轻羟自由基对红细胞膜的氧化作用  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性脑梗死 (ACI)红细胞免疫功能与自由基的关系。方法 测定 4 0例ACI患者和 35例健康对照者的红细胞C3b受体花环率 (RBC -C3bRR)、红细胞免疫复合物花环率(RBC -ICR)、过氧化脂质 (LPO)水平、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活性等指标进行对比研究。结果 与健康对照组比较 ,ACI患者RBC -C3bRR和SOD活性显著降低 (P <0 .0 1) ,RBC -ICR和LPO水平显著升高 (P <0 .0 1)。红细胞LPO与RBC -C3bRR呈显著负相关 (r =- 0 .4 75 7,P <0 .0 1)而与RBC -ICR呈显著正相关 (r=0 .4 385 ,P <0 .0 1)。结论 ACI患者红细胞免疫功能降低而脂质过氧化反应增强 ,红细胞膜脂质过氧化损害对红细胞C3b受体有不利影响  相似文献   

过氧化脂质简易荧光法及其临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以930型荧光法测定了210例血清过氧化脂质。正常参考值50例:男2.93±0.63umol/L(n=23)女3.10±0.61umol/L(n=27)。对60例烧伤病人测定后提示:伤后第五天最高,均值为:8.99±1.10umol/L呈峰型特征。对肝脏病100例分析表明:急性黄疸型肝炎组最高,9.44±1.81umol/L(n=60)实验结果表明LPO与细胞膜损伤有关。  相似文献   

目的 测定及观察老年人的红细胞免疫功能。方法 用红细胞C3b受体 (RBC -C3bR)花环实验和红细胞免疫复合物 (RBC -IC)花环实验对 12 6例 60~ 80岁老年人进行红细胞免疫功能的测定。结果  32例老年男性RBC -C3bR阳性花环率为 15 62± 8 62 % ,RBC -IC阳性花环率 10 96± 5 4 0 % ;94例老年女性RBC -C3bR阳性花环率为 15 0 3± 7 54% ,RBC -IC阳性花环率为 11 4 2± 5 95% ;老年男性和女性总的RBC-C3bR阳性花环率为 15 14± 7 78% ,RBC -IC阳性花环率为 11 2 4± 5 81%。结论 老年男性与女性RBC -C3bR阳性花环率和RBC -IC阳性花环率无明显差异。老年人总的RBC -C3bR阳性花环率与正常中青年人的数值接近 ,但RBC -IC阳性花环率明显高于正常中青年人的数值 (P <0 0 1)  相似文献   

内毒素对体外培养肝细胞脂质过氧化损伤的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究通过体外实验,探讨了内毒素对肝细胞脂质过氧化损伤的作用以及SOD的保护效应。用分离的大鼠肝细胞与内毒素(500ng/ml)共同孵育,6h肝细胞MDA、LDH和SOD水平均显著上升(P<0.05~0.01),而且LDH和SOD升高早于MDA;预先将PMN经内毒素处理后,再与肝细胞共孵,激活的PMN能显著损伤肝细胞,引起肝细胞MDA升高和LDH释放增加(P<0.01),SOD活性下降(P<0.05)。给予SOD治疗能部分抑制PMN对肝细胞的损伤作用。上述结果提示,内毒素对PMN引起肝细胞的损伤具有增强作用,内毒素亦可直接诱导肝细胞脂质过氧化损伤,但其机制尚待进一步阐明。  相似文献   

一氧化氮对精子膜功能完整性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 :研究一氧化氮 (NO)对人精子膜功能完整性的影响 .方法 :采用镀铜镉还原荧光法检测NO代谢产物硝酸盐 (NO-3 ) ;伊红Y水试验检测精子膜功能完整性 .用考马斯亮蓝 (CBB)G2 5 0染色法检测顶体完整率 ,用NO供体硝普钠 (SNP)与精子共同体外作用后涂片染色 ,在显微镜下分析顶体反应率 .结果 :生育组精液NO含量 (4 0 .8± 1 .5 )nmol·L-1 ,精子膜功能完整率 :B E型和为 (6 4± 4 ) % ,精子头部未着色(73± 1 0 ) %和精子顶体完整率 (91± 6 ) % ,与不育组 (78.5±1 .6 )nmol·L-1 ,(4 4± 1 1 ) %、(5 9± 1 6 ) %和 (71± 1 0 ) %呈非常显著性差异 (P <0 .0 1 ) .NO对精子顶体反应率在低浓度为(80± 4 ) % ,中浓度为 (76± 3) % ,高浓度为 (2 5± 4 ) % .结论 :NO对精子膜功能具有两重性 ,在低浓度时有保护作用 ,而在高浓度时对精子膜有毒害损伤作用 .其机制可能是低浓度NO与活性氧迅速结合 ,减少脂质过氧化反应 ,保护了精子膜的损伤 ,高浓度NO与活性氧结合后 ,过量的NO作用于精子膜的不饱和脂肪酸 ,增加了精子膜脂质过氧化反应而损害精子膜功能  相似文献   

在病理情况下,红细胞可出现膜物质丢失形成直径为150~300nm的囊泡。PNH是一种获得性的细胞膜有内在缺陷的溶血病,PNH红细胞可否出现囊泡化以及哪些因素可诱导囊泡形成,尚不清楚。本研究组过去的研究表明PNH红细胞膜易遭受氧化损伤,本研究用卵黄磷脂酰胆碱人工脂质体、过氧化氢和激活的中性分叶核粒细胞(PMN),观察PNH红细胞在膜脂含有过氧化脂质和受氧化损伤后的囊泡化现象。 卵黄磷脂酰胆碱先用氮气吹干,PBSG(10mmol/L PBS,1%葡萄糖)重新悬浮,在氮流下用超声处理10min,继而4℃下12000×g离心1h,取上清制成0.5 mg/ml人工脂质体;PMN用一步法Hyp-  相似文献   

目的 研究单克隆抗体(单抗)HIM82对中性粒细胞(Np)呼吸爆发产生的活性氧物质(ROS)的调控作用,并探索HIM82对该调控作用相关联的信息传递途径的影响。方法 比较对照组与实验组(单抗结合组)在趋化物激活后,ROS水平,对G蛋白抑制的影响,胞内水平,蛋白激酶C(PKC),酪氨酸激酶(PTK)活性的差异而判别该单抗对ROS及有关信息途径的影响。结果 HIM82与Np结合的阳性率达95%以上(对  相似文献   

Background Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) derived from bone marrow may differentiate into endothelial cells and participate in endothelial repair. These cells can be mobilized into peripheral blood by cytokines, including granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF). In the present study, we investigated the effects of G-CSF on neointimal formation and restenosis in a canine model of arterial balloon injury.
Methods Sixteen male beagle dogs were injected subcutaneously with 20 μg·kg^-1·d^-1 recombinant human G-CSF (n=8) or normal saline (n=8) for 1 week. On the fifth day of treatment, the dogs underwent renal arterial angioplasty. At 8 weeks after arterial balloon injury, angiographic observations were made and injured arteries were processed for morphometric analysis of neointimal formation.
Results Peripheral white blood cell counts were increased by 3.34-fold compared to baseline on the fifth day of administration of G-CSF. Angiographies revealed that one stenosis had occurred among the eight injured renal arteries from dogs treated with G-CSF, whereas all injured renal arteries from dogs treated with normal saline remained patent. The mean extent of stenosis among injured arteries was 18.3%±17.9% in the G-CSF treated group compared to 12.5%±7.6% in the saline treated control group (P=0.10). G-CSF treatment slightly increased neointimal thickness (0.42±0.15 mm vs 0.25±0.06 mm, P=-0.08) with an intima to media ratio of 0.83±0.49 vs 0.54±0.18 (P=0.11).
Conclusions G-CSF treatment does not attenuate neointimal hyperplasia and restenosis formation in a canine model of renal arterial injury, suggesting that the therapeutic strategy for preventing restenosis by stem cell mobilization should be investigated further.  相似文献   

壶腹周围癌631例的临床病理表现和外科疗效   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Shao YF  Wu TC  Shan Y  Wu JX  Wang X  Zhao P 《中华医学杂志》2005,85(8):510-513
目的 研究各种类型壶腹周围癌之间的区别与联系。方法 回顾性分析1980年1月至2003年12月收治的631例壶腹周围癌患者的临床表现、病理行为和术后生存情况。结果 胰头癌(352例)、胆总管癌(42例)、壶腹癌(189例)、十二指肠癌(48例)等壶腹周围癌存在以下差异:(1)平均症状持续时间(周)分别为11. 9±1. 3、5. 8±0 .9、6. 3±0. 6、18 .3±4 .0 (F=6 .18,P<0. 01);(2)血清总胆红素水平(μmol/L)分别为225±10、345±35、235±13、50±13 (χ2 =68 .49,P<0 01 );(3)肿瘤平均直径(cm)分别为6 .0±2. 2、3 0±1 .3、3 .0±1 .9、4. 8±3. 9 (χ2 =255. 7,P<0 01 ); ( 4 )腺癌分化程度(χ2 =9 .70,P<0 .05); (5)肿瘤切除后的T分期(χ2 =11. 68,P<0 .01 )和淋巴结状态(χ2 =8 33,P<0. 05); (6)无法切除肿瘤的十二指肠侵犯(χ2 =10. 76,P<0 .01 )、胆总管侵犯(χ2 =15 16,P<0 .01)、壶腹周围组织侵犯(χ2 =22. 49,P<0. 01)、大血管侵犯(χ2 =51 25,P<0 .01); (7)手术切除率13% (46例)、50% (21例)、74% (139例)、56% (27例) (χ2 =205 6,P<0. 01); (8)术后中位生存期(月)分别为6.0±0 3、13. 0±1 .2、22. 0±1 6、13 .0±2 .5 (χ2 =173. 47,P<0 .01 )。结论 不同类型壶腹周围癌的临床表现、病理学行为、手术切  相似文献   

Xu LT  Fan H  Tan QH  Hu B  Wang CH  Tang CW 《中华医学杂志》2006,86(12):832-836
目的探讨多器官功能障碍综合征时中性粒细胞凋亡延迟的潜在原因,以增加对全身炎症反应内源性保护机制的认识。方法对照组、实验组各5只弥猴用放射免疫分析法测定其外周血、肠黏膜生长抑素浓度;生长抑素与猕猴外周血中性粒细胞共同孵育后,观察猕猴外周血中性粒细胞的形态变化,流式细胞仪测定细胞凋亡率,电泳分析中性粒细胞DNA断裂片段,生物分子相互作用系统检测中性粒细胞上生长抑素受体(SSTR-1、SSTR-2)。结果猕猴肠缺血再灌注后,猕猴外周血及小肠黏膜中生长抑素含量均明显下降;中性粒细胞凋亡率由阻断前的15.4%±1.4%,显著降低至3.5%±0.5%(P<0.05);腹腔巨噬细胞凋亡率由阻断前的14.1%±1.7%增加至20.2%±1.8%(P<0.05);体外实验表明,生长抑素可使中性粒细胞体积缩小,细胞质密度增加,染色质固缩,细胞核变小;中性粒细胞凋亡率(50.2%±1.8%)明显高于对照组(20.0%±2.2%,P<0.01);中性粒细胞的DNA片段断裂分析电泳可见Ladder带。中性粒细胞上生长抑素受体能与生长抑素受体SSTR-1抗体、SSTR-2抗体发生结合反应,其特异结合量分别为(548±20)RU/m l及(28±21)RU/m l。结论生理状态下,生长抑素通过猕猴外周血中性粒细胞上生长抑素受体介导,诱导其凋亡;肠缺血再灌注后猕猴外周血及小肠黏膜中生长抑素含量明显下降,这使中性粒细胞凋亡延迟,从而推动了全身炎症反应综合征和多器官功能障碍综合征的发生。  相似文献   

B Liu  J Jiao  Y Li 《中西医结合杂志》1990,10(4):203-5, 195
In this study, the authors, by means of fluorescence spectrophotometry, observed the variations of blood contents of monoamine neuro-transmitters (5-hydroxytamine 5-HT; norepinephrine NE; dopamine DA) in 68 subjects before and after adoption of Qigong exercises. A comparison of pre- and post-exercise showed a general reduction in 5-HT, varying from 0.43 +/- 0.21 to 0.21 +/- 0.13 microgram/ml (P less than 0.001). Variations in NE and DA tended to go up, NE being from 0.27 +/- 0.13 to 0.35 +/- 0.27 microgram/ml, DA from 0.86 +/- 0.69 to 1.19 +/- 0.81 micrograms/ml (P less than 0.02). Effects of Qigong exercises on different diseases: Subjects in each group showed reduction in blood 5-HT content after they had practised Qigong exercise. (1) Cardiovascular disease: 0.47 +/- 0.34 to 0.16 +/- 0.11 microgram/ml (n = 13); (2) gastric diseases: 0.37 +/- 0.19 to 0.22 +/- 0.13 microgram/ml (n = 20); (3) joint system diseases: 0.44 +/- 0.21 to 0.18 +/- 0.13 microgram/ml (n = 10); (4) respiratory system diseases: 0.40 +/- 0.22 to 0.22 +/- 0.12 microgram/ml (n = 8); (5) other diseases (neuroasthenia, neurosis, etc.): 0.46 +/- 0.22 to 0.25 +/- 0.14 microgram/ml (n = 13). In all these groups except the fourth group, variations in 5-HT content in comparison with the pre-exercise values were respectively P less than 0.01, less than 0.01, less than 0.05, less than 0.05. The difference was obvious. The post-exercise blood content of DA in various groups rose up remarkably.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的 研究阿司匹林(乙酰水杨酸,ASA)对急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者血小板与白细胞粘附的影响及其作用机制。方法 采用体外玫瑰花结形成实验检测血小板与白细胞粘附,观察ASA 对两者粘附的作用;用125I标记的单克隆抗体测定血小板表面α颗粒膜蛋白140(GMP140)的表达,观察ASA对凝血酶诱导的血小板表面GMP140 表达的影响。结果 AMI患者血小板与白细胞间粘附率增高,凝血酶通过诱导血小板表面GMP140 的表达促进血小板与白细胞粘附;阿司匹林(500、5 000μg/m l)抑制AMI患者血小板与白细胞间的粘附,抑制凝血酶诱导的正常人血小板与白细胞间的粘附以及凝血酶诱导的血小板表面GMP140 的表达。结论 ASA一方面通过抑制GMP140 的表达,另一方面可能通过影响配体间的结合抑制血小板与白细胞之间的粘附,揭示了ASA 抗栓作用的另外一种机制  相似文献   

Background Internal metallic stents have been widely used in clinical practice, but a high postoperative restenosis rate limits its application. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of intrabiliary radiation on muscle formation and biliary duct remodeling after biliary duct balloon injury in dogs. Methods Twenty male dogs (15-20 kg) were randomly divided into treatment group (n=10) and control group (n=10). Balloon overstretching injury was induced using a balloon catheter placed across the biliary duct. Subsequently, a 103Pd radioactive stent was positioned at the target site in each animal in the treatment group, providing the injured biliary duct with a radiation dose of 12.58×10(7) Bq. Dogs in the control group received Ni-Ti stents. All the dogs were killed one month after initial injury. The injured sections were dissected free from the dogs, and were processed for histological and morphological study. Cross-sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, Masson’s trichrome, and Verhoef-van Giesen. Muscle formation area and lumen area were determined using a computer-assisted image analysis system. Results Compared with the control group, 103Pd radioactive stents significantly reduced muscle formation area (78.3%, P<0.01), and percentage area of stenosis [control stents: (60.0±21.6)%, 103Pd radioactive stents: (31.6±9.5)%]. In addition, in the treatment group, the biliary duct lumen area was significantly larger than that in the control group (P<0.01). Conclusions 103Pd radioactive stents providing a radioactive dose of 12.58×10(7) Bq are effective in reducing muscle formation and biliary duct remodeling after balloon overstretching injury.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document the risk-factor profile and risk-factor knowledge of patients with an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) not attending standard cardiac rehabilitation. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional comparison in a tertiary hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Patients admitted to hospital with an ACS, residing within 20 km of the hospital, and without severe comorbidity who did not access cardiac rehabilitation (NCR) were compared with a group about to commence standard cardiac rehabilitation (SCR). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Risk-factor profile, knowledge of risk factors via face-to-face assessment, quality of life. RESULTS: Of the 446 patients eligible for cardiac rehabilitation, 208 attended for assessment (NCR: n = 144; SCR: n = 64). The NCR group had higher mean (+/- SEM) low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels (2.6 +/- 0.1 v 2.3 +/- 0.1; P = 0.02), and were more likely than the SCR group to have a total cholesterol level of > 4.0 mmol/L (78% v 53%; P < 0.001) and an LDL cholesterol level > 2.5 mmol/L (47% v 25%; P = 0.01). They were more likely than the SCR group to be physically inactive (77% v 22%; P < 0.001); obese (46% v 33%; P = 0.04); depressed (21% v 5%; P < 0.001); or current smokers (21% v 1%; P < 0.001). Compared with the SCR group, the NCR group also had higher risk scores (LIPID risk score) (4.5 v 2.1; P < 0.001); lower quality of life (Medical Outcome Short Form [SF-36] Health Survey); and significantly poorer knowledge of risk factors. Among patients with at least two modifiable cardiac risk factors, the NCR group were less likely than the SCR group to be able to state at least one risk factor (24% v 38%; P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Patients not participating in cardiac rehabilitation after an ACS have more adverse risk profiles and poorer knowledge of risk factors compared with those about to commence cardiac rehabilitation. Alternate models for secondary prevention are required to improve health outcomes in patients not attending cardiac rehabilitation.  相似文献   

急性肺损伤局部与主要器官脂质过氧化的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观察大鼠急性损伤局部与主要器官质过氧化发迹方法:用静注射油酸的 制大鼠急性肺损伤模型。实验分对照组和油酸组,观察肺大体变化;取支气管-肺泡灌洋行 、血浆,不则定蛋白质及丙二醛含量;取心,肺,肝,肾组织测MDA及SOD。  相似文献   

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