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介绍开放获取(OA)期刊及其再利用的内涵,通过对图书馆再利用OA期刊过程中可能涉及的侵权问题的分析,寻找维护图书馆权益的对策,着重从知识共享许可协议对OA期刊再利用的权益分析、期刊审核及再利用服务方式提出图书馆再利用的风险规避建议,力求OA期刊再利用中尽量避免版权纠纷,使图书馆OA期刊再利用服务可持续发展。  相似文献   

从病案信息利用的范围及病案信息利用的管理两大方面阐述了病案在信息时代所处的地位及其利用价值,同时就拓展病案利用价值提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

目的了解我院医务人员利用病案情况。方法采用随机抽样方法,对我院500名医务人员在2005年利用病案的目的、利用频率和利用满意度进行问卷调查。结果医务人员利用病案主要是为医疗占46.8%和科研占35.6%;医生、护士、医技和管理人员中利用病案的比例分别为82.5%、48.9%、41.3%、78.6%;病案利用满意者占78.4%。结论医务人员利用病案的目的单一,护士、医技和管理人员的病案利用率不高。  相似文献   

病案信息利用工作的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从病案利用的人员、内容、目的和手段等方面分析了新时期病案利用工作的特点,查找出影响病案利用的主要因素,提出应处理好病案利用与基础工作、安全保护以及保密的关系,并对如何做好病案利用工作提出了相应措施.  相似文献   

目的探讨如何利用词汇学习策略,提高词汇学习效果。方法根据构词法学习、复习、记忆英语单词,利用同义词、反义词进行对比复习,利用联想增强对同类词的学习效果,利用上下文学习单词等。结果有助于增强记忆力。结论利用词汇学习策略,可以提高学习效果。  相似文献   

4.3专业院所(疾控中心)对居民HER有效利用路径4.4社区卫生服务中心对居民HER有效利用路径4.5社区居民对居民健康档案(HER)有效利用路径社区居民对HER有效利用可以有效地使居民利用HER掌握自己的健康状况信息。同时也可以通过建立HER实现健康自助。见图4、图5。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中山市小榄地区已婚妇女保健服务利用的影响因素。方法随机选取中山市小榄地区20-54岁已婚育龄妇女530例,采用流行病学调查方法进行问卷调查,调查妇女保健服务利用状况与健康状况,分析妇女保健服务利用状况与妇科疾病发生的关系,以及影响妇女保健服务利用的因素。结果530例妇女中利用保健服务者164例,占30.94%(利用组),未利用保健服务者366例,占69.06%(未利用组)。利用组妇科疾病发病率为13.41%(22/164),明显低于未利用组的46.17%(169/366),差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。Logistic回归分析结果显示,收入水平、就医便利程度、医疗保障、保健意识对妇女保健服务利用具有明显影响(P〈0.05)。结论中山市小榄地区已婚妇女保健服务利用率较低,应加强妇女保健服务宣传力度,增强保健意识,提供便利就医环境,提高医疗保障水平,降低医疗花费,以降低妇科疾病发病率,提高妇女健康水平。  相似文献   

医院病床的有效利用程度反映了病床管理情况,鞍钢铁东医院提出采用“病床有效利用准数”(V)~*检测病床有效利用的程度,能比较全面地评价医院病床管理水平。由于各医院的性质、任务、特点和条件不同,则其病床有效利用程度亦有所差异,本文就我院的具体情况探讨病床有效利用问题。  相似文献   

医疗改革的发展,使病案被社会利用的范围逐步扩大并引发了一系列问题。如何解决病案的社会利用与医、教、研利用关系,有效保护病案原件。  相似文献   

院外人员病历利用的状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解院外人员病历利用状况以及影响病历利用的因素.方法:利用2002年9月至2006年8月院外人员病历复印、查阅登记,提取患者姓名、病案号、出院日期、利用日期、利用人、用途、复印内容等信息,通过EXCEL对数据进行统计分析.结果:病历利用的目的以医疗保险为主(51.55%),病历利用的人员构成主要是患者(54.61%)和保险机构(44.17%),选择复印最多的项目是入院记录(22.79%),病历利用的时间主要在患者出院后1个月以内(35.08%).结论:增强医务人员的法律意识,加强病历的管理,规范病历复印程序,完善服务方式,提高为患者及有关机构查阅病历的服务质量.  相似文献   

Youth and children's sports are becoming increasingly popular in America. Previous studies have shown that children and adolescents are not small adults in their responses to exercise and stress. As children around the world become involved in more competitive and organized sports activities, the frequency and severity of acute and overuse injuries continue to rise. Safety guidelines, protective equipment and prevention education are crucial to reducing pediatric recreational and sports injuries. Preventing injuries and ensuring safe athletic practices are necessary for children and adolescents to continue to receive benefits from organized sports and recreational activities. Efforts to minimize these injuries are warranted both to ensure the long-term health of children and to reduce medical costs.  相似文献   

职业女性保健是当今国际社会普遍关注的热点,保护职业女性在执业活动中的安全与健康,已经成为维护她们合法权益,衡量社会进步的重要标志.本次报告是对120多名女性医护人员的工作压力和身心健康进行调研的成果,并分析了产生这一现象的原因,以及对解决问题的思考.  相似文献   

基于问题学习教学模式的要素与方法及利弊探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于问题的学习(PBL)是不同于传统教学法的一种教育范式,PBL教学法的要素是以学生为中心,学生围绕PBL的问题学习获取知识的方法并获取知识,训练独立思考问题和解决问题的能力,并养成自觉学习的习惯。教师在PBL教学中的作用主要是在PBL任务开始之前设计好PBL问题和计划好实施的方案,而在PBL的实施过程中要尽量少干预。尽管PBL这种教学模式有许多优点,但仍存在着不少争议。  相似文献   

结合古典文献研究,从对体表循经按压产生的经络反应,腧穴反应,切脉诊反应,切脉诊络、切脉诊络,辨证归纳,辨位归经几个方面论述了经络学说与中医临床诊断的密切关系,从而为中医临床各科的辅助诊断提供依据。  相似文献   

Inherited breast and ovarian cancers account for 10% of all breast and ovarian cancers. Relative to sporadic breast and ovarian cancers, these cancers tend to occur at an earlier age and grow more aggressively. Women with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations (BRCA1/2 mutation) have a 65% to 85% cumulative lifetime risk of developing invasive breast cancer and a 15% to 65% cumulative lifetime risk of developing invasive ovarian cancer. Identification of patients with the mutation is therefore crucial, because preventive measures such as prophylactic bilateral mastectomy, prophylactic bilateral salpingpo-oophorectomy and chemoprevention with Tamoxifen can prevent breast and ovarian cancer. Likewise, genetic counseling prior to testing is important, considering the major impact of the test results on an individual's life.  相似文献   

Corticosteroid therapy is of great value in many types of eye disease. The indications are briefly discussed, together with the choice of agent and mode of administration. The dangers of steroids are now widely recognized, and the complications are discussed, particularly cataract and glaucoma. Reference is also made to optic neuritis and thyroid ophthalmopathy, where the role of steroids is uncertain. Particular stress is laid on the need to keep steroid dosage as low as possible, so as to avoid systemic side effects. There are unfortunately many situations where treatment of doubtful efficacy has produced severe side effects. Despite the overall benefit of steroids in ophthalmology, there is a pressing need to find alternative treatment for a variety of blinding disorders.  相似文献   

张绍辉  王宇 《黑龙江医学》2001,25(9):641-642
端粒是真核细胞染色体末端的一种特殊结构 ,它能够维持染色体的稳定和完整 ,避免其发生融合、降解及重组。端粒酶位于细胞核内 ,是一种能够催化、延长端粒末端的核糖核蛋白 (RNP) ,由RNA和相关蛋白组成 ,它能够以自身RNA为模板 ,逆转录合成端粒DNA ,并添加于染色体末端 ,从而维持端粒长度的稳定使细胞永生化。端粒酶活性与头颈部肿瘤及癌前病变密切相关 ,本文就端粒、端粒酶与头颈部肿瘤的关系阐述如下。  相似文献   

Proteomics and disease: opportunities and challenges   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Since the human genome was sequenced, there has been intense activity to understand the function of the 30,000 identified genes; attention has now turned to the products of genes--proteins. Proteomics is the large-scale study of the structure and function of proteins; it includes the rapidly evolving field of disease proteomics, which aims to identify proteins involved in human disease and to understand how their expression, structure and function cause illness. Proteomics has identified proteins that offer promise as diagnostic or prognostic markers, or as therapeutic targets in a range of illnesses, including cancer, immune rejection after transplantation, and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria; it has the potential to allow patient-tailored therapy. Some major challenges remain, both technical (eg, detecting "low-abundance" proteins, and maintaining sample stability) and in data management (eg, correlating changes in proteins with disease processes).  相似文献   

The provision of Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) is a mandatory requirement when transmitting telemedicine traffic, due to information relevance to maintain the patient’s health. The main objective of this paper is to present a review of existing research works in the literature, referring to QoS and QoE in telemedicine and eHealth applications. The academic databases that were used to perform the searches are Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, PubMed, Science Direct and Web of Science, taking into account the date of publication from 2008 to the present. These databases cover the most information of scientific texts in multidisciplinary fields, engineering and medicine. Several search criteria were established such as ‘QoS’ AND ‘eHealth’ OR ‘Telemedicine’, ‘QoE’ AND ‘eHealth’ AND ‘Telemedicine’ etc. selecting the items of greatest interest. A total of 248 papers related to QoS and QoE in telemedicine and eHealth have been found, of which 39 papers have been identified as relevant works. The results show that the percentage of studies related to QoS in literature is higher with 74.36% to QoE with 25.64%. From the review of the research articles analyzed, it can be said that QoS and QoE in telemedicine and eHealth are important and necessary factors to guarantee the privacy, reliability, quality and security of data in health care systems.  相似文献   

目的 探讨抗精子抗体(AsAb)与抗子宫内膜抗体(EMAb)在不孕、流产中的作用及二者关系,进一步 揭示不孕、流产的病因。方法 采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)同时检测345例不孕、流产妇女血清中的AsAb与 EMAb,按AsAb检测结果分阳性组和阴性组,比较两组EMAb阳性率的差异。结果 原发不孕及自然流产妇女中, AsAb(-)组EMAb阳性率高达16.67%和19.51%,而AsAb(+)组EMAb阳性率高达43.64%和42.86%,显著高于 AsAb(-)组(P<0.01,P<0.05)。继发不孕妇女中AsAb(-)组EMAb阳性率为18.18%,AsAb(+)组EMAb阳性率 为32.2%,二者无显著性差异(0.01>P>0.05)。结论原发不孕及自然流产妇女中因个体免疫反应差异使某些 人易对体内、外物质发生免疫反应而产生抗体,从而导致不孕或流产。  相似文献   

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