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艾滋病即获得性免疫缺陷综合征(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS),包括多种不同病症:(1)病毒、细菌、真菌、寄生虫等机会性感染(;2)Kaposi's肉瘤、恶性淋巴瘤、宫颈癌等恶性肿瘤(;3)发烧、盗汗、腹泻、消瘦等代谢失常引起的消耗性症状。精气夺则虚,邪气盛则实,导致血气津液严重失和,细胞免疫功能不及,体液免疫过剩。艾滋病的传变途径自内而外。中医治疗艾滋病策略为调整人体内环境,"扶正祛邪",疏其血气,令其调达,而致和平,恢复代谢和免疫的自稳态。疗效评价则注重生存、生活和生态,关注患者主观感受和生活质量的改善,建立起以自主生命稳态为主要指标的疗效评价体系。  相似文献   

阴阳学说是中医学理论体系的一个极其重要组成部分,它既为中医从事医疗实践和理论研究提供了基本思想,又作为重要的理论工具,贯穿于中医理论体系各个方面。近现代以来,众多医家学者围绕阴阳学说对中医基础理论进行了大量的研究,笔者查阅了近十年来国内关于中医阴阳学说研究的部分文献,从阴阳起源及历史沿革、史学和哲学的角度、数理和生命科学的角度和q-医经络、臧象、五运六气、养生等角度对阴阳学说进行了简单综述,以期为中医基础理论研究提供一些思路。  相似文献   

随着现代经济的发展,生活水平的提高,高脂血症已成为导致心脑血管疾病的首要因素,也成为威胁中老年人生命的首要祸害Ⅲ。如何防治高脂血症是当代医学研究的热点,该文从中医角度浅谈高脂血症的病因、病机、治疗原则及方法。  相似文献   

杨润  吕楚  冯培民 《黑龙江医学》2014,38(1):109-110
功能性便秘按照罗马Ⅲ[1]标准被定义为排便费力,排便为块状或硬块,有排便不尽感,有肛门直肠梗阻或阻塞感,需要用手操作以促进排便,排便少于3次/周,且不符合肠易激综合征的诊断标准.近年来,中医治疗功能性便秘取得满意疗效,现将近年的研究综述如下.  相似文献   

目的:总结中医治疗颈椎病的护理体会。方法:分析72例采用中医治疗颈椎病的患者通过辨证分型,给予正确的护理措施。结果:正确的护理措施明显的改善了患者的病痛,取得患者的积极配合,使患者早日康复。  相似文献   

溃疡性结肠炎中医病名繁杂众多,根据其腹痛、腹泻、黏液脓血便等临床表现,多将其归属于中医"泄泻""痢疾""肠风""脏毒"等范畴。研究其中医病名源流,分析古代文献的有关论述,可从相关疾病的治疗方法中取得宝贵经验,对于我们今天认识、分期分阶段治疗本病具有重要的参考价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

浆细胞性乳腺炎是临床疑难疾病,极易误诊为乳癌,诊断不明确,且西医除手术外缺乏确切有效治疗方法。中医外科治疗该病取得一定的进展,对于临床各期患者均有有效方法且可以一定程度降低该病的复发率。通过回顾相关文献,对近年中医治疗该病的进展进行总结,以期为临床治疗该病提供参考。  相似文献   

中医特色医疗技术在痹证的治疗方面有很大优势,在减少药物的用量、减少药物的毒副作用、增强内服药物的疗效方面起到很好的作用。我院康复中心在古法蜡疗基础上,独创中药蜡疗应用于多种疾病,其中风湿类风湿性关节炎、关节僵硬疗效显著。  相似文献   



对无症状人体免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者这一群体的治疗,目前认为不需要治疗,只要进行定期的临床和实验室监测,并辅以社会支持,感染者即可保持健康状态,随着免疫的下降,会出现不同的机会性感染。根据中医学治未病原则,不能让无症状HIV感染者这一最大群体坐以待毙,应给予扶正祛邪的中草药治疗,对恢复免疫功能,清除HIV将起到事半功倍作用,若等到正气消耗殆尽,免疫功能丧失,再积极的治疗也是事倍功半,徒劳无益。  相似文献   

对近年来中医药辨治艾滋病的临床研究概况进行综述。目前中医临床根据艾滋病患者的不同临床表现辨证主要分为气血双亏、热毒郁结、气阴两伤、瘀血内阻4型;临床上使用次数较多且临床效果较明显的治疗艾滋病的中药复方制剂有益艾康胶囊、五味灵芪胶囊、唐草片、复方三黄散、艾宁颗粒等;甘草、黄芪、黄芩、金银花、丹参、柴胡、白花蛇舌草、紫花地丁等8味中药皆已经被证实具有高效抗人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)活性的作用;清热解毒中药中的紫花地丁、穿心莲、牛蒡子、紫草、金银花、苦参、夏枯草、贯仲、狗脊、黄连、淫羊藿、蟛蜞菊已经被证明具有抑制HIV病毒复制的作用。  相似文献   

To respond to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic in China, the integration of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has important implications in health outcomes, especially in China where the use of TCM is widespread. The National Free TCM Pilot Program for HIV Infected People began in 5 provinces (Henan, Hebei, Anhui, Hubei, and Guangdong) in 2004, and quickly scaled up to 19 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in China including some places with high prevalence, 26,276 adults have been treated thus far. Usually, people with HIV infection seek TCM for four main reasons: to enhance immune function, to treat symptoms, to improve quality of life, and to reduce side effects related to medications. Evidences from randomized controlled clinical trials suggested some beneficial effects of use of traditional Chinese herbal medicine for HIV infections and AIDS. More proofs from large, well-designed, rigorous trials is needed to give firm support. Challenges include interaction between herbs and antiretroviral drugs, stigma and discrimination. The Free TCM Program has made considerable progress in providing the necessary alternative care and treatment for HIV-infected people in China, and has strong government support for continued improvement and expansion, establishing and improving a work mechanism integrating Chinese and Western medicines.  相似文献   

朱丽  张丽萍 《中国病案》2009,10(12):39-40
人们总是说现在的系统整体护理是来源于整体医学模式的发展,文章认为两者从本质上而言并非是这样的一种继承的关系,从他们各自的定义、相关学科的发展看来是有一定的区别的,当然从某些方面而言他们也有着一定的联系。  相似文献   

Henan Province in China has a major epidemic of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome(HIV/AIDS).Chinese medicine(CM) has been used throughout the last decade,and a management modality was developed,which can be described by unified-planning,gradedadministration,and centralized-controlling(UGC).The UGC modality has one primary concept(patient-centered medicine from CM theory),four basic foundations(classifying administrative region,characteristics of CM on disease treatment,health resource conditions,and distribution of patients living with HIV),six important relationships(the "three uniformities and three combinations," and the six relationships therein guide the treatment of AIDS with CM),and four key sections(management,operation,records,and evaluation).In this article,the authors introduce the UGC modality,which could be beneficial to developing countries or resource-limited areas for the management of chronic infectious disease.  相似文献   

就中医学整体诊疗模式的临床探索进行理论总结及学术探讨。首先回顾了近年来经典中医学的整体诊疗及其异化,深刻认识到要打破和纠正现代分科诊疗的局限,必须认识和遵循人的生命及其病变的整体性,重振和发展中医学的整体诊疗模式。其次对重振中医整体诊疗的临床探索进行了理论总结,实践证明中医学整体观是中医整体辨证、诊断、调理、养护的理论基础。最后探讨了重振与复兴中医学整体诊疗模式的方法,认为要在系统中医学指导下以天生人观点、元整体观点、系统质观点为核心,发展中医学的现代整体观。并以此为基础,开拓和发展中医的现代化整体诊疗模式。  相似文献   

艾滋病特有的病因病机、传变规律及预后转归使得其病程长、病情复杂、证候较多。蛋白质组学是在蛋白质水平上获得的关于疾病发生、细胞代谢等过程的整体认识,具有"整体性、动态性"的特点,将其引入到中医证候学研究中,能够为中医证候的物质、功能基础研究提供新思路,对艾滋病的预防和治疗均具有重要意义。  相似文献   



To analyze the effect of Chinese medicine (CM) on mortality and quality of life (QOL) of acquired immunodefificiency syndrome (AIDS) patients treated with combined antiretroviral therapy (cART).


A random sample of AIDS patients enrolled in the National Chinese Medicine Treatment Trial Program (NCMTP) that met the inclusion criteria was included in this study. NCMTP patients were included as the CM+cART group, and those not in the NCMTP were included as the cART group. Survival from September 2004 to September 2012 was analyzed by retrospective cohort study. QOL was analyzed by cross-sectional study.


The retrospective cohort study included 528 AIDS patients, 322 in the CM+cART group and 206 in the cART group. After 8 years, the mortality in the CM+cART group was 3.3/100 person-years, which was lower than the cART group of 5.3/100 person-years (P<0.05). The hazard ratio (HR) for mortality in the cART group was 1.6 times that of the CM+cART group by Cox proportional hazard model analysis. After controlling for gender, age, marital status, education, and CD4+ T-cell count, the HR was 1.9 times higher in the cART group compared with the CM+cART group (P<0.05). The cross-sectional study investigated 275 AIDS patients. The mean scores of all QOL domains except spirituality/personal beliefs were higher in the CM+cART group than in the cART group (P<0.05).


For AIDS patients, CM could help to prolong life, decrease mortality, and improve QOL. However, there were limitations in the study, so prospective studies should be carried out to confifirm our primary results.

MAO Ze-dong''s view on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) can be divided into the scientific view on TCM, the development view on TCM and the future view on TCM. The core of MAO Ze-dong''s view on TCM lies in its scientific nature. The basic content of MAO Ze-dong''s development view on TCM includes unity of TCM and Western medicine (WM), advocating the multi-angle development of TCM from the height of Chinese national dignity, independence and self-confidence. MAO Ze-dong''s future view on TCM is targeted at WM learning from TCM, integrating TCM and WM and establishing new Chinese medicine. The contemporary enlightenment of MAO Ze-dong''s view on TCM is to start from reforming the medical education system before establishing new Chinese medicine.  相似文献   

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