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As we, the members of the present editorial board and all the editors of Chinese Medical Journal (CMJ),celebrate the 120th anniversary of the joumal, the first and the most important thing that we should do is to pay our tribute to the founders of the journal and many others who worked for the journal as editors and members of the past editorial boards, the authors and readers of the journal and all the individuals and organizations that supported the journal for its existence and development during the past 120 years.  相似文献   

Statins are lipid-towering agents widely used in the treatment of hyperchotesterotemia and atherosclerosis. They act by inhibiting of 3-hydroxy-3-methytgtutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, an enzyme responsible for the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevatonate in cholesterol biosynthesis. Due to their ability to reduce low-density tipoproteins (LDL) Levels more than other cholesterol-lowering drugs, they have become the drugs most often prescribed in the treatment of atheroscterosis.  相似文献   

Thyrotoxicity of the Chlorides of Cadmium and Mercury in Rabbit   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Exposure to heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury is of immediate environmental concern. The present study was aimed at establishing a direct relationship between heavy metal poisoning and thyroid dysfunction. Cadmium and mercury treatment at LD50 levels resulted in severe thyrotoxicosis in the rabbit. Within 24 h of intramuscular administration of cadmium chloride 15 mg-kg-1 body weight (bw) and mercury chloride 20 mg.kg-1 bw, thyroid peroxidase activity increased significantly over the control with a concomitant rise in the triiodothyronine (T3) titre. On the other hand, there was a remarkable fall in the thyroxine (T4) level, and the T3/T4 ratio was high as compared with the control. Evidence indicates that acute heavy metal lethality will induce unmediate hyperthyroidism. It is suggested that T3-toxicosis may be produced by a preferential synthesis of T3 and/or preferential deiodination of T4 to T3. Measurement of T3 and T4 levels may thus be utilized as a reliable indicator of heavy metal lethal  相似文献   

IntroductionOpioidreceptorsdistributethroughouttheCNSandothertissues.OpioidsactasagonistontheCNSopioidreceptorsandtheeffectofnarcoticsontherespiratorycenterhadbeenstudiedindepth'--'l.InhumanandanimalmodelsMor,PetandFenallinduceASMcontractions2-4-].Itisattributedtoanincreaseofthecentralvagaltone,thehistaminerelease,theexcitationofthe(L--adrenergicreceptorsortheMcholinergicreceptorsintheASMandthedirecteffectontheASM.However,theroleofopioidreceptorintheASMhasnotbeendeeplyinvestigated.I…  相似文献   

Background This study investigated the relationship between the height of osteotomy and the correction of the kyphotic angle during posterior closing wedge osteotmy with instrumentation and the spinal osteotomy with cage inserting into the intervertebral gap and closing posteriorly by a single posterior approach in thoracolumbar kyphosis, and using this relationship as the basis of the preoperative design. Methods From April 1996 to June 2007, 30 thoracolumbar kyphosis patients with complete medical records and clear X-ray photograms have undergone operation. Of these 30 cases, 16 cases underwent posterior closing wedge osteotmy with instrumentation while the height of the osteotomy and the correction of the angle have been measured; 14 cases underwent spinal osteotomy with cage inserting into the intervertebral gap and closing posteriorly by a single posterior approach while the height of the osteotomy, the height and the place of the cage and the correction of the angle were also measured. A simple geometrical model was simulated to calculate the relationship between the height of the oeteotomy and the correction of the angle and these results are finally compared with the data coming from the actual measuring by the Wilcoxon statistic method. Results The distribution of data from the 16 cases by posterior closing wedge osteotomy with instrumentation was as such: 9 male and 7 female, the mean age was 49.2 years (range 38--70), the kyphosis improved from an average of 30° (range 15°--45°) preoperatively to 4° (range -26°--30°) postoperatively, the kyphosis was corrected on average 2.5-0 per 1 mm in the height of the osteotomy. The results from the simple geometrical model were that the mean of the correction of the angle per 1 mm was 2.2°. As a result, there was no significant difference (P 〉0.05) when comparing the measurement collected with the result simulated from the geometric model. The distribution of data from the 14 cases by spinal osteotomy with cage inserting into the interv  相似文献   

Thechangeofunitdischargesinthedorsomedialnucleusofthehypothalamusandtheeffectofelectroacupunctureonitintraumarats¥(黄彰海)(孙文颖)(...  相似文献   

SubstanceP(SP)hasbeenaffirmedasaprimaryafferentsensoryneurotransmitter.Intheauditorysystemofthemammal,SPisalsowidelydistributed.YlikosikietallljreportedthatSPmightbeaprimaryafferentneurotransmitterormodulatorinrabbitcochlea.WehavereportedthedistributionofSPandsubstancePreceptor(SPR)inthecochleaofguineapigsL'j.ButthereisnoreportaboutthedistributionofSPandSPRintheauditorycentreandmedialgenicularbodyofguineapigs.Inthispaper,wedescribethedistributionofSPR--positiveneuronsandfibersintheco…  相似文献   

The Na-K-2Cl co-transporter(NKCC)is anintegral membrane protein responsible for coupledelectroneutral transport of1Na:1K:2Cl across theplasma membrane in a variety of ani mal cells.There are two functionally distinct isoforms ofNKCC.The apically expressed adsorptiveisoforms(NKCC2)has been found only in the kidney,whereas the basolaterally located secretoryisoform(NKCC1)is expressedin several different tissues,where it participatesin vectorial salt transport,iongradient homeostasis,and …  相似文献   

目的 运用抛物线拟合法探讨薄荷醇的最佳促透皮吸收浓度.方法 以双氯芬酸钠为模型药物,采用不同浓度的薄荷醇通过离体大鼠皮肤渗透释药试验,在不同时间点取样,测定接受液中双氯芬酸钠的浓度,计算累积渗透量、渗透速率和增渗倍数等指标,运用抛物线拟合法评价不同浓度的薄荷醇的促渗效果.结果 不同浓度薄荷醇对双氯芬酸钠的透皮吸收均有促进作用,1.00%、2.00%、4.00%薄荷醇组与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),而0.25%、0.50%薄荷醇组与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 经抛物线拟合法计算得出薄荷醇的最佳质量浓度为3.22%.  相似文献   

Origin和SigmaPlot拟合细胞存活曲线效果的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的考察Origin和SigmaPlot软件对人食管癌细胞系EC9706照射后细胞存活曲线的拟合效果。方法分别用Origin和SigmaPlot软件的曲线拟合功能对人食管癌细胞系EC9706的细胞存活曲线进行多靶单击模型、线性二次模型的曲线拟合,并比较两种软件的拟合效果。结果两种软件以上述两种数学模型拟合的细胞存活曲线都有意义,其决定系数均大于0.95。结论 Origin和SigmaPlot软件拟合细胞存活曲线的效果高度一致,是放射生物学拟合细胞存活曲线的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨基层眼科老视的科学验配方法。方法收集老视患者240例,年龄45-63岁,随机分为甲、乙、丙三组,每组80例。甲组给予传统经验法验配;乙组给予工作距离减去储备的调节幅度法验配;丙组由综合验光仪验配;对三组验配结果和舒适度进行统计学分析。结果甲、乙、丙三组的视力矫正差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);三者长期戴镜的舒适度比较显示:乙组、丙组均优于甲组(P〈0.05),乙组、丙组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论乙、丙二组老视的科学验配优于甲组的经验验配,可以达到清晰、舒适、持久的视觉效果,在基层眼科中应广泛开展。  相似文献   

目的研究福州市细菌性疾病的发病规律和趋势。方法用2004-2010年细菌性疾病的发病率建立指数曲线方程,并进行外推5年预测。结果用方差分析对拟合曲线后的剩余误差进行检验,并计算相关指数R2,结果显示F=55.42(P<0.01),R2=0.9 820,接近1,拟合效果较好。结论应用指数曲线方程预测我市细菌性痢疾的发病趋势较准确可靠,预测未来5年其发病率呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

指数曲线电刺激对周围神经移植的组织学影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :研究指数曲线电刺激对周围神经移植修复后神经再生的影响。方法 :将 1 2 0只Wistar成年雄性大鼠制成坐骨神经移植模型 ,随机分为A组 (对照组 )、B组 (弥可保组 )、C组(指数曲线电刺激组 ) ,给予不同的治疗 ,在不同时段观察步态、毛发、展爪反射 ,测定SFI、神经传导速度、小腿三头肌湿重等指标。结果 :指数曲线电刺激有助于神经传导的恢复 ,减慢小腿三头肌失神经的废用 ,加快SFI及神经远段变性的恢复。结论 :指数曲线电刺激有利于神经再生。  相似文献   

研制CI-921混合胶束(CI-Micelles),建立CI-Micelles包封率的测定方法,并对胶束进行处方优化和体外表征。采用薄膜分散法制备CI-Micelles,通过透析法分离CI-Micelles的游离药物和载药胶束,测定药物含量,得到包封率和载药量的测定值,利用方程拟合法推算出CI-Micelles包封率和载药量的真实值。考察聚合物的总量、两种聚合物用量的比例和水合介质的种类对胶束粒径分布、包封率和载药量的影响;考察载药胶束4 ℃下6 d内的放置稳定性。结果表明,以总聚合物浓度为72 mg/mL,Pluronic F127与Solutol HS15质量之比为1∶2,5%葡萄糖溶液为水合介质时制备的CI-Micelles具有最佳的包封率(>90%)和粒径分布(17~25 nm,分布系数<0.210),在4 ℃下放置6 d,包封率及粒径均无显著变化。本实验所建立的新型包封率的测定方法——透析拟合法可以用来考察难以达到漏槽条件的弱碱性药物小粒径胶束的包封率。利用混合配比的聚合物材料Pluronic F127和Solutol HS15制备的CI-Micelles粒径分布均匀,包封率和载药量高,稳定性较好。  相似文献   

Assessmentofrightventricularsystolicfunctionisimportantinthemanagementandprognosisofavarietyofcardiacandpulmonarydisorders,butcurrenttechniqueshavelimitationsmainlyduetotheanatomicpositionandstructureoftherightventricle[1].Thoughtheradiographyofrightventr…  相似文献   

目的    探讨指数曲线电刺激治疗原发性骨质疏松症的可行性及作用机制。方法    取7个月龄未交配雌性SD大鼠24只,随机分为3组。A组为假手术组,B组为骨质疏松对照组,C组为骨质疏松后指数曲线电刺激治疗组。除A组外,B、C组均通过切除双侧卵巢法制成骨质疏松模型,12周后造模完成,24周分别测定腰4椎体的骨密度及生物力学参数,Masson三色染色法显示腰2的骨胶原形态,HE染色法显示腰3的骨小梁形态。结果    ① C组的骨密度、生物力学参数与A、B组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);② C组的骨胶原形态和骨小梁形态优于B组。结论    指数曲线电刺激是治疗原发性骨质疏松的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用选择性最小平方拟合法无创性评估机械通气病人镇静时呼吸努力程度的可能性。方法7例在重症监护病房(ICU)的重症病人以容量控制型(S)IMV模式通气,靶控输注异丙酚进行镇静,预定的血药浓度分别为05、10、15和20μg/mL,采集气道、食道压力和流量信号,流量对时间积分得到容积。应用选择性和非选择性最小平方拟合法对气道压力、流量和容量数据进行多重线性回归,以回归得到的均方根差(RMSD)评估呼吸努力的程度,并与经典的食道囊管法测得的平均食道压负向摆动幅度值进行比较。结果选择性和非选择性最小平方拟合法得到的RMSD值及其用气道峰值压规格化后的比率与平均食道压负向摆动幅度值的相关系数分别为0798、0554、0810和0671。结论RMSD可用以无创伤性评估机械通气病人镇静时的呼吸努力程度,应用选择性最小平方拟合法,以及用气道峰值压规格化后的比率均能进一步提高其评估效率。  相似文献   

目的 探讨 6 %羟乙基淀粉急性等容性血液稀释 (ANH)对患者凝血曲线和凝血功能的影响。方法 选择ASAⅡ~Ⅲ级全麻下神经外科手术患者 2 0例 ,在麻醉后手术前采血 (1 5ml/kg) ,同时等速输入等量的 6 %羟乙基淀粉。检测血常规、凝血酶原时间 (PT)、部分凝血活酶时间 (APTT) ;观察凝血液体时相 (SonACT)、信号达峰时间、凝血速率、最大凝血信号变化。结果 ANH后 ,红细胞压积 (Hct)、血红蛋白、红细胞计数均明显下降 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,达到中度血液稀释标准 (Hct0 .2 5~ 0 .30 ) ;PT明显延长、血小板显著降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,但仍在正常范围内 ;SonACT、信号达峰时间、凝血速率和最大凝血信号均无显著性变化 (P >0 .0 5 )。自体血回输后 ,所有检测值和稀释后相比 ,差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 中度的ANH对凝血曲线和凝血功能影响小  相似文献   

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