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小檗属植物果实资源利用的展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
姚霞  肖伟  孟一峰  肖培根 《中国现代中药》2016,18(11):1506-1512
小檗属植物在全世界分布广泛,在世界范围内传统药用历史悠久,用于治疗很多疾病。中国传统药用其根。在许多欧亚国家该属植物果实和根部均有传统药用历史,果实可药食两用。近年研究发现小檗属植物果实具有良好的药理活性,尤其在心血管系统方面,极具开发潜力,以往的研究多集中在小檗属植物根、根皮及其提取物小檗碱,对果实的研究不多,本文对小檗属植物果实传统应用、现代化学和药理研究概况进行分析,为小檗属植物果实资源开发利用及相关研究提供依据。  相似文献   

曹琳娜  彭佩克  潘志强 《中草药》2022,53(13):4187-4197
木通属AkebiaDecne.目前发现5种,其植物在中医药治疗上应用广泛,药用品种主要是木通(五叶木通)Akebia quinate、三叶木通A. trifoliata和白木通A. trifoliate subsp. australis;主要药用部位为其藤茎和果实,具有利尿通淋和疏肝理气等功效。近年来木通属植物也常用于中医药的肿瘤防治,许多研究表明其提取物对胃癌、肝癌等肿瘤细胞的增殖产生抑制作用,而来自木通属植物不同部位提取物的抗癌作用也不尽相同,其抗肿瘤机制包括诱导凋亡、抑制侵袭与转移、阻滞细胞周期、抑制肿瘤细胞血管生成等。对木通属植物的藤茎、果实、种子提取物和其天然产物的抗肿瘤作用研究进行归纳综述,为木通属植物在中医药肿瘤防治方面的应用提供新思路。  相似文献   

七叶树属植物的现代研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:综述七叶树属植物的分布、化学成分、药理作用、临床应用等方面的研究进展。方法:查阅相关文献加以归纳整理。结果及结论:我国七叶树属植物资源丰富,加强对该属植物的综合研究,使之更好地为人民服务。  相似文献   

《中国药典》收载中药苍耳子Xanthii Fructus的正品来源为苍耳属植物苍耳Xanthium sibiricum的成熟、干燥果实,通过系统地查阅古代本草文献,结合我国苍耳属几种苍耳类植物的形态描述和野外实地观察,对本草中记载的供药用的苍耳子原植物描绘图进行比较分析,对苍耳子供药用品种的来源植物进行了再考证,指出本草中苍耳子的来源植物的记载多为与药典一致的苍耳,但也存在兼有蒙古苍耳X. mongolicum的使用,为苍耳属药用植物的资源合理利用和开发提供依据.  相似文献   

七叶树属药用植物的化学、药理和临床研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张新  王志伟 《中药材》2001,24(7):526-529
七叶树属(Aesculus Linn.)共有植物约30余种,我国有16种。本属植物七叶树Aesculus chinensisBge.、浙江七叶树A.chinensis Bge.var.chekiangensis(Hu et Fang)Fang和天师栗A.wilsonii Rehd.的干燥成熟种子,在我国是传统的理气中药,称作娑罗子,有理气宽中、和胃止痛等功效,用于胸腹胀闷、胃脘疼痛等症。本属欧洲七叶树A.hippocastanum L.的种子和树皮在欧洲是传统的民间药物,其种子又名欧马栗(horse chestnut),从中提取的β-七叶皂甙,是一种良好的抗炎消肿药物,用于治疗痔疮、静脉性  相似文献   

云南省悬钩子属药用植物资源研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
悬钩子属(Rubus L.)是蔷薇科的一个大属,我国已经发现的种类有201种98变种[1~3],产于全国各地,但以长江流域西南地区种类最丰富,分布最集中。本属植物大部分种类的果实多浆,味甜酸,可供食用,在国外早已长期栽培作为重要水果;许多种类的果实、种子、根或叶可供药用。近年来,国内许多研究者对悬钩子属植物进行了一系列药理研究,发现悬钩子属植物具有多种药理作用,对调节机体的生命活动和医疗保健作用具有重要意义。据笔者初步统计,在全国各地中医中药中应用的悬钩子属植物有51种或变种,约占总种数的17%,其中藏医用药3种[5]。该属植物药用部位…  相似文献   

天师栗別称:杪欏子、娑罗子,市埸俗称“囌囉子”。本品系七叶树科七叶树(杪欏树)之果实,經干燥而得。植物形态:杪欏树为高大乔木,树高可达6—7丈。掌状复叶,对生,小叶5—7片,大小不等,倒卵狀長橢圓形,先端尖銳,边緣有鋸齿;表面綠色有光澤,背面除叶脈外無毛。五六月間,枝端出花軸,密生細花,排列成圓錐花序。花瓣4片,白色或帶紅暈。果实略为球形,壳硬而多瘤,一室,为3瓣裂;种子棕黄色,供药用。  相似文献   

枸杞属药用植物资源系统利用与产业化开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
枸杞属Lycium L.植物种质资源全世界约80种,有药用记载的16种,其中以果实入药的有8种,以枝叶入药的有11种,以根入药的有9种。载入《中华人民共和国药典》的仅有宁夏枸杞的果实、根皮和枸杞的根皮,其余均作为民族药或地方习用品入药。除果实和根皮外,枸杞叶、花均有药用记载;除作药用外,枸杞属植物资源也是功能性食品的重要原料。本文结合课题组枸杞研究进展对该类群药用植物资源系统利用现状、潜在资源价值及其产业化前景等进行了系统整理和构建,目的是为枸杞属药用植物资源产业链延伸和价值提升提供借鉴。  相似文献   

由于芍药属Paeoniae植物果实未作药用,因此对其较详细的研究鲜有报道。作者从芍药 P.lactiflora Pall.鲜果甲醇提取物中  相似文献   

中药苦瓜的降糖作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苦瓜为葫芦科苦瓜属植物 Momordica cha-rantia Linn.Cucurbitaceae 的果实,性苦、寒,其根、茎、叶、花及种子皆可供药用。苦瓜的果实及种子具有多种较强的生理功能,本文报道其降血糖的作用。  相似文献   

目的:建立天师栗无公害精细栽培体系,保障规范化生产的娑罗子质量符合临床用药需求。方法:本规范依托推广单位自有基地多年来天师栗生产数据为主,兼顾其它单位生产和科研情况,适用于天师栗无公害基地生产。结果:本文从精准选地、品种繁育、合理施肥、病虫害防治、采收期确立、质量标准的建立等多方面,建立了天师栗的无公害规范化精细栽培技术体系。结论:天师栗无公害规范化种植体系的建立对天师栗的种植具有一定的科学性和重要性,为天师栗的引种栽培以及合理规划生产布局提供了参考依据,并建立了无公害娑罗子质量标准和树立了种植规范。  相似文献   

A new prenylated coumarin, S-6-[2-(hydroxymethyl)butoxy]-7-hydroxy-4-methyl-2 H-chromen-2-one ( 1), named pavietin, has been isolated from the leaves of an Aesculus pavia genotype along with three known flavonol glycosides, quercetin 3- O-alpha-rhamnoside (quercitrin, 2), quercetin 3- O-alpha-arabinoside ( 3), and isorhamnetin 3- O-alpha-arabinoside (distichin, 4). The chemical structure of compound 1 was determined by chemical and spectroscopic methods, inclusive of UV, MS, and 1D and 2D NMR experiments. It showed appreciable antimicrobial properties against several pathogens, displaying a significant antifungal activity toward one of the main fungal parasites of Aesculus species, Guignardia aesculi. The same biological tests performed with a mixture of flavonoids 2- 4 resulted in weak or no activity. Compound 1 was undetectable in Aesculus hippocastanum, a closely related species lacking resistance to fungal pathogens. The possible role of 1 in plant resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

七叶树为高大落叶乔木,以干燥成熟种子——娑罗子入药,具有疏肝理气、和胃止痛之功效,是我国珍稀濒危中药材。本文采用文献调查结合实地考察的方法,对中国境内七叶树资源种类、分布概况、适生生境、资源现状进行分析和总结,阐明了对七叶树属药用植物资源规范化种植和系统化研究的必要性和紧迫性,并提出资源可持续利用的重要性,以期为娑罗子药材的开发和合理利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

天师栗中三萜皂甙元成分研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从天师栗种子提取的皂甙混合物经酸水解后,分离得到3个三萜皂甙元,经理化性质及光谱分析鉴定为21-当归酰-原七叶树甙元,七叶树甙元,原七叶树甙元。  相似文献   

Antitumor agents, 82. Cytotoxic sapogenols from Aesculus hippocastanum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two cytotoxic sapogenols, the new hippocaesculin (1) and the known barringtogenol-C 21-angelate (2), were isolated from the acid hydrolysis product of a crude saponin fraction that was obtained from the fruits of Aesculus hippocastanum. The structures of 1 and 2 were determined from their chemical transformations and spectral data. Compound 1 is either 21-O-angeloyl, 22-O-tigloyl R1-barrigenol, or 21-O-tigloyl, 22-O-angeloyl R1-barrigenol.  相似文献   

Extracts of Aesculus hippocastanum L. (horse chestnut) seed have been used in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency, edema and hemorrhoids. Most of the beneficial effects of horse chestnut are attributed to its principal component β‐escin or escin. We have evaluated the cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of escin in the H‐Ras 5RP7 cell line by analyzing cell growth inhibition, apoptosis and caspase‐3 dependent activity. We have also shown structural and ultrastructural changes in these cell using confocal and transmission electron microscopy. The results indicated that escin has significant inhibitory effects on cell growth and the percentage of apoptotic cells increased after treatment with escin, and the micrographs confirmed that escin damaged these cells and induced apoptosis. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Aim of the study

Seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum L. have long been used in European phytotherapy to treat inflammatory and vascular problems. In Turkish folk medicine, tea prepared from the crushed seeds was used to pass kidney stone and against stomach ache, while a fraction of seed was swallowed to alleviate hemorroids symptoms.In order to evaluate the in vivo effects of escin mixture from Aesculus hippocastanum seed on the blood and tissue antioxidant defense systems in standard pellet diet (SPD) and in high-fat diet (HFD) consumed male mice.

Materials and methods

Escin mixture was obtained from the ethanol extract of seeds. Escin mixture was administered orally to male mice fed either standard pellet diet (SPD) or high-fat diet (HFD) at 100 mg/kg doses daily for 5 weeks and the tissue (liver, kidney and heart) and blood samples were collected at the end of experimental period. The effect of escin mixture on the plasma antioxidant activity; blood and tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) levels; erythrocyte and tissue superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase activity (CAT) in SPD and HFD consumed animals were experimentally studied.


Escin mixture prohibited the adverse effects of oxidative stress and showed a protective effect on the liver architecture both in SPD and HFD consumed male mice. Escin mixture prohibited the adverse effects of oxidative stress and showed a protective effect on the liver architecture both in SPD and HFD consumed male mice. Combined administration of high-fat diet with escin mixture decreased blood (p < 0.01), liver (p < 0.01), kidney (p < 0.05), and heart (p < 0.05) of MDA, liver SOD (p < 0.01) and CAT (p < 0.05) levels and increased blood (p < 0.01) and liver GSH (p < 0.001) levels in mice.


The present results indicate that Aesculus hippocastanum increase the antioxidative defense system of the body and prevent HFD-induced lipid peroxidation in male mice.  相似文献   

Eight bioactive triterpenoid saponins (1-8) were isolated from the seeds of Aesculus chinensis, four of which are novel compounds. The major saponins were identified as escin Ia (1), Ib (2), isoescin Ia (3) and Ib (4), while the new compounds were identified as 22alpha-tigloyl-28-acetylprotoaescigenin-3beta-O-?beta -D-glucopyranos yl (1-2) ?beta-D-glucopyranosyl (1-4)-beta-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid (escin IVc, 5), 22alpha-angeloyl-28-acetylprotoaescigenin-3beta-O-?bet a-D-glucopyrano syl (1-2) ?beta-D-glucopyranosyl (1-4)-beta-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid (escin IVd, 6), 28-tigloylprotoaescigenin-3beta-O-?beta-D-glucopyranosyl (1-2) ?beta-D-glucopyranosyl (1-4)-beta-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid (escin IVe, 7), and 28-angeloylprotoaescigenin-3beta-O-?beta-D-glucopyranosyl (1-2) ?beta-D-glucopyranosyl (1-4)-beta-D-glucopyranosiduronic acid (escin IVf, 8). The structures were determined by chemical and spectroscopic methods. All the above compounds were evaluated for their inhibitory activity against HIV-1 protease.  相似文献   

Antiviral flavonoids from the seeds of Aesculus chinensis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A bioassay-guided fractionation of an ethanol extract of the seeds of Aesculus chinensis led to the isolation of two new flavanoids (1 and 2), along with eight known ones (3-10). The structures of the new compounds were elucidated by spectroscopic methods including 2D NMR. All compounds were tested for antiviral activity against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV 3), and influenza virus type A (Flu A). Compounds 1, 2, and 6 showed significant antiviral activities against RSV with IC(50) values of 4.5, 6.7, and 4.1 microg/mL and selective index (SI) values of 15.8, 32, and 63.8, respectively. Compound 8 demonstrated significant antiviral activity against Flu A with an IC(50) of 24.5 microg/mL and a SI of 16.0, respectively.  相似文献   

Extract from seeds and bark of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L) is used as an herbal medicine against chronic venous insufficiency. The effect and mechanism of action on veins, arteries, and platelets are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects and mechanisms of action of horse chestnut on the contraction of bovine mesenteric veins and arteries, and human platelet aggregation. Contraction studies showed that horse chestnut extract dose‐dependently contracted both veins and arteries, with the veins being the most sensitive. Contraction of both veins and arteries were significantly inhibited by the 5‐HT2A receptor antagonist ketanserin. No effect on contraction was seen with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin, the α1 receptor antagonist prazosin or the angiotensin AT1 receptor antagonist saralasin neither in veins nor arteries. ADP‐induced human platelet aggregation was significantly reduced by horse chestnut. A further reduction was seen with the extract in the presence of ketanserin. In conclusion, horse chestnut contraction of both veins and arteries is, at least partly, mediated through 5‐HT2A receptors. Human platelet aggregation is reduced by horse chestnut. The clinical importance of these findings concerning clinical use, possible adverse effects, and drug interactions remains to be investigated. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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