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柴可群认为,脾气虚、肝阴亏、肾水竭和湿热夹杂是肝癌的病机特点。中医辨治肿瘤四则四法据病机而立,即扶正为本、祛邪有度、全程调神、随证而治的辨治肿瘤基本治则和健脾补肾、化痰解毒、疏肝解郁、温阳通络基本治法。通过阐述中医辨治肿瘤四则四法的内涵以及在肝癌临证中的运用,总结柴可群运用中医辨治肿瘤四则四法论治肝癌的经验,活用中医辨治肿瘤四法,针对肝癌不同病期,合乎肝癌病机本质,对临床有较好的指导意义。  相似文献   

沈敏鹤主任中医师从三焦辨治脑瘤经验举隅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈敏鹤主任中医师系国家重点专科和浙江省医学重点学科中西医结合肿瘤学国家级名老中医吴良村教授的学术继承人。沈敏鹤主任中医师从事中西医结合肿瘤内科临床工作20余载,擅长中西医结合治疗各种常见恶性肿瘤,尤其对脑瘤的中医药治疗有着独到的见解,笔者有幸随师侍诊,获益匪浅,现将沈师从三焦辨治脑瘤验案3则介绍如下。  相似文献   

目的:本文就庞声航教授运用民族医学—壮医学辨治肿瘤从其辨证经验、治疗法则、组方用药等方面加以论述,旨在阐明庞声航教授独到的民族医学学术思想和学术成就,为临床辨治肿瘤提供新的思路。  相似文献   

李华  周语平  刘光炜 《吉林中医药》2009,29(12):1024-1025
吴瑭的《温病条辨》是一部理法方药兼备的温病学著作。书中创立温病三焦辨证纲领一以三焦为纲,病名为目,结合卫气营血辨证理论,形成了温病学的辨治体系。在三焦辨证理论指导下,吴瑭提出温病三焦辨治养阴思想,治疗温病尤其重视顾护阴液,针对温邪侵袭程度,结合三焦辨证制定不同的治则、治法及遣方用药规律。三焦辨治养阴思想在临床实践中有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

肿瘤因高发病率和高死亡率而成为当今国内外研究热点。俞云教授通过多年对肿瘤的研究总结,提出了"十大辨证",继承传统辨病辨证,提出新的辨证思路,将中西医学优势进行比较和融合,全面辨病和精确辨证,取得良好疗效。文章总结俞云教授治肿瘤的系统辨治思想,着重突出俞云教授临证中的独特经验和见解。  相似文献   

正柴可群主任中医师系浙江省名中医、享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家、浙江省有突出贡献中青年专家,是国家临床重点专科中西医结合肿瘤专科和国家中医药管理局中西医结合肿瘤重点专科负责人,从事中医药防治肿瘤工作三十余载,通过不断归纳总结,提炼出柴氏中医防治肿瘤四则四法,即基本治则为扶正为本、祛邪有度、全程调神、随证而治,抗癌四法为健脾补肾、化痰解毒、疏肝解郁、温阳通络~([1]),辨治肿瘤,有的放矢。肺癌是严重威胁我国人民生命健康的疾病,其难治有三:  相似文献   

介绍仝小林神系疾病辨治要点及态靶结合选药思路。其将顶焦从传统的三焦理论中剥离出来,建立"四焦八系"理论,从神系病辨治的实践层面主张脑主神明,认为临床中许多精神、情志类疾患实际属于脑的神系病变,神经系统疾病实际属髓系病变。并建立顶焦刚柔辨治体系,执简驭繁地提出神系病辨治要点;强调中西医结合,提出态靶同调的临证选方遣药法则。  相似文献   

陆乾人主任系上海市浦东新区名中医,从事中医内科工作40余年,在中医药防治肿瘤工作有30年,有丰富的临床经验。提倡恶性肿瘤应中西医结合综合治疗,互相取长不短,提高疗效。擅长恶性肿瘤术后、放化疗后的中医药治疗和晚期癌症患者的中医辨证治疗。作为名中医工作室成员和继承人的我有幸师从陆乾人主任,侍诊左右,现将陆乾人主任辨治肿瘤经验思路初步概括如下。  相似文献   

近代天津是中西医结合医学较为兴盛的地域之一,其代表医家、医著不胜枚举。津沽中西医结合医学承袭传统中医学术之本,兼采“西学中用”的治学思路,推动了中医汇通学派的发展。本文以津门名医杨达夫温病学术思想及其辨治常见内科疾病的系统理论为研究对象,详细阐述其西学中用、精研温病的学术贡献,其中包括三焦辨证的理论内涵、三焦辨证的诊疗原则与西医治疗的对应性。并明辨温病学派与伤寒学派“寒温一体”的理论特色,将历代伤寒与温病之争合二为一。同时以喘病为例,本于中医寒热、虚实、痰的辨证纲领,融合西医病理机制,体现其中西汇通辨识疾病的思辨模式,以期为当代中西医结合医学提供诊疗思路。  相似文献   

<温病条辨>为温病学三焦辨证的论治确立了方法体系,而三焦辨证是辨病基础上的辨证.本文就吴鞠通的辨病结合辨证进行探讨,进一步研究了温病的发生、发展和传化规律.  相似文献   

沈舒文教授从医三十余载,为国家第四批名老中医、陕西省中医管理局重点学科消化专业学术带头人,善治消化系统疑难杂症。现将笔者跟师学习期间所遇耻骨直肠肌综合征医案1则报道如下。  相似文献   

沈英森教授出身于中医世家,是广东省名中医、南粤优秀教师,系第三、四批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作导师。沈师从事临床和教学工作40余年,有丰富的临床经验和深厚的理论造诣,治疗疑难病症,匠心独运,常获奇效。笔者有幸侍诊左右,获益良多,特撷其验案3则,以飨同道。  相似文献   

沈英森治疗肿瘤临证思维及用药经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈英森教授治疗肿瘤经验丰富,疗效可靠.笔者有幸侍诊两载,现将其治疗肿瘤的临证思维及用药经验介绍如下. 1 一看正气盛衰 1.1 正气尚可者宜中西医结合治疗对于肿瘤的治疗,沈教授强调中西医疗法相结合.尤其是青中年患者,一般正气尚盛,宜先进行靶点明确的手术、放疗或化疗.此时中医治疗措施如大黄、芒硝施用于邪盛而正气不虚之患...  相似文献   

干燥综合征(sjgren’s syndrome,SS)是一种以侵犯唾液腺和泪腺等外分泌腺、具有高度淋巴细胞浸润为特征的系统性自身免疫性疾病,临床以口眼干燥为常见症状,伴有皮肤干燥、口唇干裂、关节疼痛和肌无力,常累及其他脏器出现多种损害。本病病因不明,  相似文献   

沈丕安教授系上海市名中医,全国著名的风湿病专家,曾任中华中医药学会风湿病分会主任委员.从医近50载,擅长运用中医药治疗自身免疫性疾病,尤其是在运用中药治疗系统性红斑狼疮方面,有着独到的见解和丰富的经验,并结合现代药理研究甄选出具有较强免疫抑制作用的中药治疗狼疮性肾炎,可明显改善蛋白尿,疗效显著,不良反应少.笔者有幸师...  相似文献   

王氏保赤丸系根据清代道光年间通州著名中医王胪卿祖传九世秘方配制,并由其嫡孙王绵之教授监制的纯中药制剂。该药由大黄、黄连、制天南星、川贝母等组成。方中大黄苦寒,攻积导滞,泻火凉血,行瘀通经;黄连苦寒,清热燥湿,泻火解毒;制天南星苦凉,化痰熄风定惊;川贝母苦寒,化痰止咳,清热散结。王氏  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effects of feeding phenylalanine (Phe) and tyrosine (Tyr) on the accumulation of total phenolic compounds and four phenylethanoid glycosides (PeGs) to a cell suspension culture of the parasitic plant Cistanche deserticola.METHOD: A cell suspension culture of C. deserticola was established and precursors of different concentrations were fed. In each group, the cell was sampled at the 24^th day after inoculation. The content of total phenolic compounds and four PeGs compounds were determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method and an HPLC method, respectively.RESULTS: In the Phe fed cells, the maximum PeGs yield was achieved when Phe was fed at 1.5 mmol·L^-1 and the yield reached 1.13 times the control cell concentration. In the Tyr fed cells, the maximum yield of PeGs was 1.60 times of control when 0.75 mmol·L^-1 Tyr was fed to the cells. Furthermore, it was found that the salidroside yield was 4.01 times of control group when 5 mmol·L^-1 Tyr was fed.CONCLUSION: Tyr is a better precursor for PeGs accumulation compared with Phe, and the rate limiting enzymes might be involved in the Tyr branch.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE; To observe capillary blood flow at acu- points during acupuncture treatment of primary dysmenorrhea and gain new insights into its anal- gesic mechanism. METHODS: Patients with primary dysmenorrhea were enrolled and randomly assigned to a treat- ment or control group. Subjects' symptoms were differentiated into various Traditional Chinese Medi- cine (TCM) syndromes and treated for 10 sessions with puncturing acupuncture or self-pressing right-hand Hegu (LI 4), adding other acupoints based on syndrome. Laser speckle was used tocompare the change in the vasomotor amplitude and perfusion of the capillaries in Hegu (LI 4) be- fore and during the treatment. Each subject was re- quired to finish the period pain symptoms observa- tion form, verbal rating scales, numerical rating scale, pain rating index, face rating scale, Zung self-rating depression scale, Zung self-rating anxi- ety scale, and numerical rating scale before and af- ter treatments. RESULTS: After 10 sessions, the symptom scores, pain index (PI), and visual analog scale (VAS) de- creased significantly in treatment group. The vol- ume of blood flow in Hegu (LI 4) declined slightly. No significant evidence supported that needling caused capillary contraction, but the capillary vaso- motor amplitude at Hegu (LI 4) increased remark- ably. CONCLUSION: Acupuncture can increase the capil- lary blood flow, thus promoting the flow of Qi and blood in terms of TCM theory, which facilitates pain relief.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To summarized the antimicrobial-like effects of Radix Ginseng, which provide important information to the relevant researchers and clinicians, and will benefit the clinical treatment of infectious diseases. METHODS: PubMed and Google were used to search for and collect scientific publications related to Radix Ginseng and microbial infections. The authors read, classified, and discussed the associated scientific results or evidences, and summarized the corresponding results. RESULTS: In this review, recent studies on the beneficial effects of Radix Ginseng extracts on microbial and biofilm infections were reviewed. The impor- tance and significance of Radix Ginseng's beneficial effects are discussed. Evidence for the favorable ef- fects of Radix Ginseng extracts on viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections and the possible un- derlying mechanisms are summarized. CONCLUSION-" Radix Ginseng might be a promising supplemental remedy for the prevention and treat- ment of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

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