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石榴是石榴科植物。近年来,随着老药新用的提出,石榴所具有的抗肿瘤作用等药效以及它的新的药理作用不断被发现。本文综述了石榴的抗肿瘤作用及其应用现状等方面的研究进展,并展望其在医疗保健等方面的应用前景,为石榴药用功能的合理开发和维医临床应用提供了科学参考。  相似文献   

石榴籽中挥发油成分的气-质联用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石榴籽为石榴科石榴属植物石榴Punicagrana tumL.的干燥成熟种子[1],具有较高的营养价值和抗菌、抗氧化、止泻等药理作用[24]。石榴籽中所含的化学成分主要为甾体类、磷脂和甘油酯等[57]。本研究利用气相色谱质谱联用技术对石榴籽的挥发油成分进行了系统分析研究,为进一步合理开发利用提供科学依据。1实验材料本实验材料于2003年9月购自山东省枣庄市,经王如峰鉴定为石榴P.granatum的干燥成熟种子。凭证标本(No.031011)保存于清  相似文献   

石榴的药理作用与安全性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
石榴为石榴科石榴属植物,原产于伊朗和印度北部间的区域,栽培历史悠久。因其花果美丽,果实鲜美可口,深受人们喜爱。石榴营养丰富,且具有广泛的药用价值。本文介绍了石榴各部位所含的主要活性成分及其抗氧化、抗微生物、抗癌、抗紫外辐射以及改善代谢综合症等药理活性的研究进展,概述了石榴活性成分间的协同作用以及石榴提取物的安全性,对加强石榴相关药理活性和质量标准的研究,及开发石榴相关产品方面具有重要意义,对石榴资源的综合开发利用也具有重要价值。  相似文献   

中药对中枢神经系统(CNS)疾病的作用和机制是近年来研究的热点。石榴科植物石榴Punica granatum L.对CNS疾病的作用受到广泛关注,石榴籽、石榴皮、石榴花、石榴汁等不同药用部位均被发现可用于治疗CNS疾病。因此,对石榴不同药用部位成分进行比较,并总结各个药用部位对不同CNS疾病(阿尔茨海默病、帕金森病、神经胶质瘤、创伤性脑损伤等)的作用,为进一步研究石榴治疗CNS疾病的物质基础及作用机制、发挥其药用价值提供参考。  相似文献   

RP-HPLC法测定石榴皮中安石榴苷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李海霞  张红岭  刘延泽  杜鹃 《中草药》2006,37(5):780-782
石榴皮为石榴科植物石榴P un ica g ranatum L.的干燥果皮,在我国传统医药中主要用于久泻、出血、蛔虫等证。《中国药典》2005年版规定石榴皮中鞣质不得低于10%,可见鞣质类成分是其主要成分,此类成分的变化是影响石榴皮质量的主要因素;并且石榴皮作为富含鞣质类成分的中药,在近  相似文献   

石榴花(古丽娜)的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
维吾尔族药古丽娜又名石榴花,为石榴科石榴属植物石榴Punica granatum的干燥花瓣。在民间石榴花有悠久的药用历史,有极高的药用价值。石榴花能治疗腹泻、痢疾、消化性溃疡、蠕虫感染等胃肠道疾病,糖尿病等常见的代谢系统疾病和支气管炎等呼吸系统的疾病等,但目前国内外研究不多。长期以来石榴被广泛利用,而资源丰富的石榴花却未被充分利用,石榴花是具有良好深入研究价值和很大潜在开发价值的天然植物资源,其化学成分多样、药理活性显著,尤其在糖尿病治疗上有待后续更深入研究,本文通过查阅相关文献,从石榴花的品种资源、药材性状、化学成分、药理作用、主要应用、质量控制和制剂等方面进行综述,旨在为石榴花进一步研究和利用提供参考。  相似文献   

安石榴,简称石榴(Punica granatum),为安石榴科安石榴属植物。该科仅1属,2种,产地中海至喜马拉雅地区。我国引种安石榴1种,栽培历史悠久,为常见果树及庭院观赏树。主产陕西、山东、河南、新疆、安徽、云南、四川等地。其花大而艳丽,单瓣或重瓣。外种皮肉质多浆,味酸甜,可食。果皮、根皮均入药,性温,味酸、涩。功效收敛,固涩,驱虫。花叶亦有药用记载。  相似文献   

石榴皮中的鞣质及多元酚类成分   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
刘延泽  李海霞 《中草药》2007,38(4):503-504
石榴皮为石榴科植物石榴Punica granatum L.的干燥果皮,在我国传统医药中主要用于久泻、出血、蛔虫等证。现代药理研究证明,石榴皮中的总鞣质具有抗菌、抗病毒、杀灭精子、防治性病传播等活性[1]。《中国药典》从1995年版就规定石榴皮中鞣质的量不得低于10%,可见鞣质类化合物是  相似文献   

石榴皮是石榴科植物石榴(Punica granatum L.)的干燥果皮。2010年版《中国药典》记载石榴皮具有涩肠、止泻、止血、驱虫的功能。近年来国内外十分关注石榴全果及各部位中的生理活性成分及抗氧化性能方面的研究[1]。目前有报道石榴皮多酚和总黄酮的提取工艺研究[2],但针对石榴皮中总抗氧化物提取的报道极少,且提取方法多为煎煮法,易造  相似文献   

山石榴 别名:假石榴、山葡萄、山蒲桃、牛头子。 基原:为茜草科灌木植物。 性味:温,酸、涩。有毒。 功效主治:散瘀消肿。主治跌打瘀肿,外伤出血,皮肤疥疮。  相似文献   

目的 通过电感耦合等离子体质谱(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,ICP-MS)法建立加味左金丸中Cd、Pb、As、Hg、Co、V、Ni、Cu、Li、Sb、Ba、Mo、Sn、Cr、Na、Mg、Al、Ca、Ti、Mn、Fe、Zn、Ga、Se、Sr、Tl共计26种无机元素的测定方法。方法 加味左金丸通过微波消解法处理后,根据相对分子质量的大小选择内标物,其中7Li、23Na、24Mg、27Al、40Ca、48Ti、51V、52Cr、55Mn、56Fe、58Ni、59Co、63Cu、66Zn、70Ga、75As、77Se、86Sr以72Ge作为内标;95Mo、114Cd、118Sn、121Sb、137Ba以115In作为内标;202Hg、205Tl、208Pb以209Bi作为内标。对标准品溶液、空白溶液与供试品溶液进行分析,采用标准曲线法进行定量分析。通过ICP-MS法进行测定。结果 26种无机元素线性的相关系数r ≥ 0.999 6,检出限为0.001~1.500μg/L,定量限为0.01~5.00 μg/L,精密度与重复性试验的RSD均小于5%,平均回收率在82.64%~106.44%,RSD均小于5%。对3个厂家的12批样品进行了测定,26种元素的含量差异较大,其中Na、Mg、Ca、Fe 4种元素的含量比较高,均大于500 μg/g,Cd、Pb、As、Hg、Co、Li、Sb、Mo、Sn、Cr、Se、Tl的含量比较低,均小于1 μg/g。由结果可知,人体的常量元素,如Na、Mg、Ca的含量比较高,Cd、Pb、As、Hg等有害元素含量比较低。根据《中国药典》2020年版一部的要求,本品中Cd、Pb、As、Hg与Cu均符合规定。结论 该方法快速、准确,可以用于加味左金丸中无机元素的测定。  相似文献   

A girl, three and a half years old at the respective date, premature in 25th week of gestation, had been presented. On day three after birth, she had had a IVH III° right and left with severe involvement of parenchyma and other multiple complications, e. a. infant respiratory distress syndrome up to the 42nd day postpartum, and epileptic attacks with apnoeic events.  相似文献   

目的::研究七味红花殊胜敬对缺血再灌注肝损伤的保护作用.方法:在大鼠肝缺血再灌注模型上,观察七味红花殊胜散对缺血再灌注肝损伤引起的血清丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、一氧化氮(NO)含量的变化.结果:七味红花殊胜散对大鼠血清MDA、SOD、GSH与再灌组比较有明显差异(P<0.05),NO含量与再灌组比较有明显差异(P<0.05).结论:七味红花殊胜散对大鼠急性缺血再灌注肝损伤具有保护作用.  相似文献   

BackgroundYamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is a well-known acupuncture system for human patients which was developed by Dr. Yamamoto.ObjectiveMy aim was to transpose the human YNSA map onto canines and felines.MethodI started researching a canine/feline YNSA map in 2002. I investigated approximately 3,000 canines and felines for YNSA and 2,500 for Tail Acupuncture. The ratio of canines and felines was 6 to 4. I researched and found all the equivalent points by palpating animal patients on the basis of an exact Neck Diagnosis.ResultsI nearly completed the map in 2006. The points in the occipital region are incomplete and my research is still in progress. In the process of researching canine/feline YNSA points, I accidentally found the other microsystems around the tail and named it “Tail Acupuncture”.ConclusionsYNSA and Tail Acupuncture are acupuncture systems utilizing microsystems and support each other in canines and felines. The merits of YNSA and Tail Acupuncture are 1) immediate effects, such as in cases of lameness, 2) simplicity in finding the exact points to treat and 3) the scalp and the tail can be utilized separately or together as treatment zones, according to the situation.  相似文献   

The locomotor system is one of the major fields of application for acupuncture. The results of the large acupuncture studies funded by German Health Insurances from 2000 until 2006 are impressive and repressive: they restrict acupuncture application by allocation of reimbursement and create the necessity of reorientation, since acupuncture can neither be adequately described nor prescribed solely on the basis of disease entities. Regarding these disease entities, it seems rather necessary to analyse the layers of problems and formulate a hierarchy of therapeutic goals instead. Only in this way the effects of acupuncture, related techniques and further therapeutic modalities can be matched with the set of objectives. The article presents general principles and follows their application from biological aspects to implications for the locomotor system and consequences for the application of physical therapy. The manual of acupuncture focuses on therapeutic effects and objectives first, and then goes on to sketch simple therapeutic strategies and finally complex approaches within acupuncture. These may encompass acupuncture, microsystem acupuncture and complex therapeutic modes.  相似文献   



Since the onset of her menopause about ten years ago, a sixty-year old patient has been suffering from hot flashes and sleep disorders causing her to become increasingly anxious and nervous. As the patient's mother had died of breast cancer, substitution of hormones was not advisable. Relaxation methods such as Yoga and Autogenic Training could only mildly alleviate the symptoms.


To effectively treat the sleep disorder, improve quality of life, lessen frequency and severity of hot flashes


Weekly sessions with ear- and body acupuncture for ten weeks


After the third acupuncture session the patient reported a decrease of nightly waking episodes but suffered from acute pain in the neck as well as shoulder region. After nine therapy sessions, the patient reported a 50% decrease of nightly waking episodes. The hot flashes, however, remained unchanged.


In this case, acupuncture significantly improved the patient's sleeping disorder. It also reduced the symptoms of anxiety and nervousness. Other menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and dryness of mucous tissues, could not be influenced.  相似文献   



Acupuncture as a regulative therapy is well-suited for the treatment of functional, reversible disorders. Additionally, the WHO recommends its application for pain therapy in cases of arthritis and back pain due to various causes. This case study should clarify which paths to take in the case of a multi-morbid patient suffering from chronic pains due to polyarthrosis.


Pain reduction and improvement of quality of life as well as improvement of sleep quality.


Annual treatment series consisting of 10 sessions each, one session per week.


short-term pain reduction before undergoing endoprosthetic surgery; considerable improvement of general status and sleep.


Acupuncture may bring temporal relief in cases of chronic pain due to osteoarthritis and should therefore be applied in combination with western medicine. Acupuncture is particularly well-suited to treat the co-emergent vegetative symptoms.  相似文献   

目的揭示常见证候荷瘤小鼠神经-内分泌-免疫组织基因转录的总体特征。方法采用小鼠标准化四诊及辨证方法,及Gene Chip Mouse Exon1.0ST Array等技术,检测H22荷瘤小鼠早期邪毒壅盛(邪毒)和气虚、中期阳气虚、中晚期气阴阳虚等4个常见证候下丘脑、垂体、肾上腺、睾丸、脾脏、胸腺、肿瘤RNA的转录与剪接。结果正常昆明种雄性小鼠下丘脑、垂体、肾上腺RNA电泳的28S峰低于18S,而睾丸、脾脏、胸腺、肿瘤相反。肿瘤发生的早期,下丘脑、垂体、肾上腺基因表达模式发生显著改变,邪毒尤甚,出现了失代偿。下丘脑28SRNA迅速抬升并持续,气虚强于邪毒。垂体RNA总量降低,28S陡降,邪毒尤甚。肾上腺RNA电泳特征类似垂体,气虚与邪毒相近,中晚期气阴阳虚尤甚。睾丸变化不明显。随着病情发展,脾脏重量持续增加,而胸腺相反,重量持续下降,蛋白合成和糖代谢下降。肿瘤组织蛋白合成与糖代谢,邪毒大于气虚。以上7个组织与正常对照组相比,有9127个基因表达发生差异、51126个外显子剪接发生差异。结论神经-内分泌-免疫网络组织基因转录的差异是荷瘤小鼠不同证候内在重要的物质基础。  相似文献   

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