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In TCM it is held that urticaria is mostly due to weak constitution with deficiency of qi and blood, or prolonged illness that causes consumption of qi and blood. Such constitution can result in formation of wind due to blood deficiency, and intemal-extemal lack of resistance due to qi-deficiency, which gives chances to pathogenic wind to invade the body, hence the occurrence of urticaria. Therefore, this disease is a complicated one with deficiency in the origin and excessiveness of pathogen. The Acupuncture and Moxibustion Department of Guanganmen Hospital has adopted acupuncture treatment for this disease through treating both the incidental and fundamental simultaneously, and obtained quite good clinical therapeutic effects as is summarized in the following.  相似文献   

王少飞 《四川中医》2013,(12):35-36
Renal hematuria, long course of disease, pathogenesis is complicated. The occurrence of renal hematuria with hot and humid, kidney deficiency, blood stasis, pathogenic wind, and many other factors related to disease mainly related to the kidney and urinary bladder, and lung, spleen, heart, collaterals, and so on. Its pathogenesis based on spleen and kidney deficiency, humid heat and blood stasis, for standard, factors. When a variety of reasons cause renal collaterals injury or blood row is in error, it could cause blood in the urine. Chinese herbal medicine has better curative effect for renal hematuria treat- ment, in pathogenesis of Traditional Chinese Medicine to guide clinical medication, complement the principle of syndrome differ- entiation of TCM.  相似文献   

Research on Meridians in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The theory of meridian (it is interpreted as channels and collaterals, or meridian in English), is an important theoretical kernel of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). TCM holds that meridian is a complicated system with the fourteen meridians as the main part, which distributes over the whole human body. Each meridian belongs to a corresponding viscus interiorly, and winds around the limbs and joints exteriorly. It functions to transport the qi and blood, regulates the balance between Yin and Yang, responses to the changes in the natural world. It is the pathway for transporting qi and blood. Accordingly, it is considered to be the connective, regulative and responsive system of the body. In comparison to the Western medicine and modem biology, it elucidates the vital process and regulation of the function of human body in a totally different way and involves many brilliant theoretical expositions. Therefore, it has been deeply concerned by many researchers in China and abroad. Once the essence of meridian is elucidated, it must vigorously promote the development of TCM as well as the whole medical science and benefit the mankind.  相似文献   

“Xiongbi“ chest (or precordial) pain with stuffiness, or chest pain syndrome is referred to choking pain in the chest due to stagnation of chest -yang, failure of qi and blood in warming and nourishing the local meridians. It is usually caused by stagnation of dampness and phlegm in the interior, or by insufficiency of qi and blood stasis, leading to impeded flow of qi and blood in the heart vessels. Its pathological characteristics are deficiency (chest-yang) in origin and excess (i.e., qi stagnation) in superficiality. The therapeutic principles are promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, getting rid of blockage and dredging the passages of yang-qi.  相似文献   

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, also called ulcerative disease, is a sharply circumscribed loss of the tissue lining those parts of the digestive tract exposed to gastric juice containing acid and pepsin. Because its formation and development are closely related to the digestive effect of acidic gastric juice and pepsase, the disease is called peptic ulcer. It is a common disease, belonging to epigastric pain in TCM, mainly caused by cold attacking the stomach, stagnated liver-qi affecting the stomach, or spleen and stomach deficiency with deficiency and cold of the middle-jiao. Regulating qi to stop pain is the principle for its treatment. Peptic ulcer is usually differentiated as the following TCM syndromes.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effects of filiform needle acupuncture combined with dermal needle tapping for vertebrobasilar ischemic vertigo. Methods: Based on the etiopathogenesis of TCM, the disease is caused by turbid phlegm clouding the heart orifice combined with wind, leading to insufficient nourishment of the brain due to deficiency of blood. Fenglong (ST 40) was punctured with filiform needle to resolve phlegm; Fengchi (GB 20) to dispel wind; Baihui (GV 20) to stop dizziness; and Lieque (LU 7) to widen the inner diameter of the vertebral arteries and increase peak systolic velocity and minute blood flow volume, so as to improve blood supply to the vertebral arteries. Dazhui (GV 14) was stimulated by tapping with a dermal needle to improve blood supply to the head. Results: Of 50 patients in this series, 39 cases (78%) were cured, 6 cases (12%) relieved, 4 cases (8%) improved, and 1 case (2%) failed, with a total effective rate of 98%. Conclusion: Acupuncture combined with dermal needle tapping is an effective therapy for treating vertebrobasilar ischemic vertigo.  相似文献   

正Qi deficiency and blood stasis is a common feature in coronary heart disease,cardiac hypertrophy,myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury and heart failure,for which there is a lack of effective prevention and treatment methods in modern medicine.Some traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has shown beneficial effect on heart diseases in clinic,and increasing clinical and basic studies have been carried out devoting to the mechanism behand these medicines,particularly focusing on their potential of tonifying Qi and promoting blood circulation,as well as the scientific essence of the Qi deficiency and Blood Stasis.In order to exchange the latest research results in this field,we have organized special issues of Qi deficiency and blood stasis,tonifying Qi and promoting blood circulation.Experts from this field are welcome to contribute original research articles or reviews.  相似文献   

Background:Diabetic kidney disease(DKD)is a chronic renal microvascular complication associated with abnormal glucose metabolism.According to traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)theory,Qi and Yin deficiency with blood stasis(the name of TCM symptoms,its main clinical features are fatigue,dry mouth,red or pale tongue,weak pulse,etc.)is the primary TCM syndrome of DKD,and Qiming granule(QMG)is suitable for the treatment of Qi and Yin deficiency with blood stasis syndrome.In view of this,we designed a randomized controlled trial to assess whether QMG is efficacious and safe in treating DKD patients.Methods:This protocol is for a randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled,parallel group,six-centre clinical trial.A total of 180 participants will be randomized into the QMG group or placebo group,with a 1:1 ratio.The study will last for 50 weeks,including a 2-week run-in period,24 weeks of intervention,and 24 weeks of follow-up.The experimental intervention will be QMG,and the control intervention will be a placebo.The primary outcome will be the 24h urinary albumin excretion ratio and the change in the albumin-to-creatinine ratio.The secondary outcome will be evaluation of renal function,fundus changes,management of blood lipids,TCM symptom improvement and safety assessments.Adverse events will be recorded during the trial.Discussion:This study is a randomized controlled trial to test the effectiveness and safety of QMG for DKD patients.The findings of this study will help to provide evidence-based recommendations in treating DKD patients.Trial registration:Chinese Clinical Trial Registry,ChiCTR-TRC-12002953.Registered 23 December 2012.  相似文献   

Asthma is an allergic disease, characterized by paroxysmal dyspnea with wheezing sound in the throat and inability to lie flat. It may attack in people with different ages and in different seasons, especially in cold and cool seasons or during sudden changes of the weather. TCM thinks that asthma is often caused by retention of phlegm and fluid in the lungs due to disturbance of activities of qi. In the early stage of this disease, it generally belongs to excess syndrome. If attacking repeatedly, it may bring disasters to different zangfu-organs including spleen, lung,kidney and heart. Clinically this disease may be divided into 5 types: retention of cold-fluid in the lungs, accumulation of phlegm-heat, deficiency of both lung-qi and spleen-qi, deficiency of both lung-yin and kidney-yin, and deficiency of both heart-yang and kidney-yang.……  相似文献   

May be the important idea and practice that challenged and questioned modem science of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) would become the resource of primary innovation. Some ideas such as systemic holism and treated with pre-disease had already improved the development of recent biology. Meridian-Viscera Correlativity (MVC) theory is the core in meridian theory, and it illustrates the circulation of qi and blood that is dominated by the heart governed vessel and lung governed qi, and also it contributes to the complex relation system in meridian-viscera, viscera-viscera, meridian-meridian. Although we know that modem medicine is about the complex signal transmitting system of somatic-viscera, viscera-viscera, somatic-somatic that composed by brain and neuron-endocrine-humeral system. So, apply the theory and methods of systemic biology and look the human body as a whole, through collecting biological signals in a large scale to deeply study nervous system, especially the limbic-hypothalamus-autonomic nervous system, and combined the research on the signals transduction of bioactivity material, genomics and the interaction between environment signals,  相似文献   

目的:唤醒广大中医工作者对睡眠呼吸障碍性疾病的认识和重视,从而投入到睡眠呼吸障碍性疾病的研究中来。方法:笔者将自己对该病的参悟,结合近十年来中医文献对于该病的概念、病因病机和治则治法等进行探讨。结论:中医研究睡眠呼吸障碍刚刚起步,尚存在很大的发展空间,中医临床工作者对此应予以关注,探索出更为有效的治疗方案来。  相似文献   

长期以来,大凡认真研读过《黄帝内经》(以下简称《内经》)脏腑理论的中医学者,都会因文中既提"十二藏",又述"五藏六府",以及将一个不具备"藏而不泄"之"脏"功能的"心包"列于脏位。将无"满而不能实","传化物而不藏"之"腑"功能的"三焦"给以腑名,而时有困惑。近年来,随着糖尿病患者,胰腺癌患者及十二指肠球部溃疡等患者的大量涌现。胰腺和十二指肠作为脏腑功能的显现,越来越受到重视。笔者根据《内经》,关于脏与腑功能的界定标准,及现代解剖学,生化学所见,结合长期的临床实践之需求,提出了将人体"胰腺"取代无脏功能的"心包"以正其脏位。并将与胰腺有密切生理关系的十二指肠取代三焦,作为与胰腺相表里的腑。这样就将"五藏六府",正式升级为"六脏六腑"。即:肺与大肠、胰与十二指肠、心与小肠、脾与胃、肝与胆、肾与膀胱,以合《内经》"十二藏"之说。经过如此传承精华与守正创新,则可使《内经》的脏腑理论得以进一步完善。既符合了人体内客观真实的脏腑生理结构状况,而且对中医临床的脏腑辨证论治,提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

护理管理学是管理学科中的具体应用,属于专业领域管理学,是以提高护理质量和工作效率为主要目的的活动过程。世界卫生组织(WHO)指出:“护理管理是为了提高人们的健康水平,系统利用护士的潜在能力和有关人员、设备及社会活动的过程。”护理管理过程包括:资料收集、规划、组织人事管理、领导与控制的能力,在有效时间内做最经济有效的运用,为病人提供最优质的护理。护理管理可分为护理行政管理、护理业务管理和护理教育管理三个部分。  相似文献   

目的:对胎膜早破(PROM)孕妇宫颈阴道分泌液中基质金属白介素-8(IL-8)、微量元素(铜、锌)的含量与PROM的关系进行探讨。方法:选择足月初产胎膜早破孕妇40例(PROM组)和正常足月初产孕妇未破膜者40例(对照组),分别用双抗体夹心ELISA法和溶出电极法测定阴道分泌液中IL-8和铜、锌的含量。结果:PROM组阴道分泌液中IL-8水平平均为657.20±83.33μg/ml,明显高于对照组421.54±22.35pg/ml,差异有显著性(P〈0.01);PROM阴道分泌液中铜、锌的含量分别为2.18±1.57μg/L,0.45±0.17μg/L,均明显低于对照组3.67±2.07μg/L,0.72±0.36μg/L,差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。结论:PROM组孕妇阴道分泌液中IL-8含量明显升高,而铜、锌含量明显降低,对胎膜早破的早期诊断有一定帮助。  相似文献   

从现代生殖医学角度探讨“肾藏精主生殖”理论   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
"肾藏精、主生殖"理论是祖国医学藏象学说的重要组成部分,是对人体生殖功能的基本认识。从现代辅助生殖医学理论角度出发,通过"人体生殖能力由肾精、天癸所主导;卵细胞的发生以肾精为基础,卵细胞的排出有赖于肾阳之鼓动;精子的发生以肾精为基础,精子的动力源于肾阳;子宫内膜容受性受肾精主控;胚胎质量及发育潜能由肾精决定"5个方面探讨了"肾藏精、主生殖"的理论,并为今后中医学生殖理论的研究拓展思路和空间。  相似文献   

剖宫产是指采用硬膜外或脊髓麻醉,切开产妇的腹壁及子宫壁取出胎儿、胎盘及附属物的手术,是解除孕产妇及胎儿危急状态的有效方法,它能降低孕产妇及围生儿的病死率,但剖宫产手术伤口大、创面范围广,容易发生产后并发症.所以术后护理就特别重要,不仅可以及时有效地促进患者的康复,还能减少并发症的发生.  相似文献   

目的:探讨产后出血的预防措施及体会。方法:回顾性分析我院1995.1-1999.1(3071例)和2000.1-2009.1(3071例)两组住院产妇的临床病例资料,统计产后出血的人数和发生率等数据并进行预防措施的比较。结果:前者产后出血人数39人,发生率为0.65%。后者产后出血人数39人,发生率为0.65%。结论:恰当的预防产后出血的措施是必要而有效的。  相似文献   

鸦胆子乳加化疗治疗晚期肺癌疗效观察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
鸦胆子乳加化疗治疗晚期肺癌疗效观察辽宁省本溪市本溪钢铁公司总医院内科(辽宁117000)孙慨,魏桂珍,王亚湘1991年1月~1992年4月我科应用鸦胆子乳口服液及注射液(以下简称鸦乳)结合化疗治疗晚期肺癌24例,并与单纯化疗患者16例进行对照,以观察...  相似文献   

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