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癫痫是临床常见的、精神致残率高的神经内科疾病。安痫宁冲剂为纯中药制剂 ,由柴胡、白芍、制南星、钩藤、茯苓、白胡椒等药物组成 ,具有镇惊安神、熄风止痉之功 ,在临床上治疗本病取得了较好疗效。为了探讨该方的药理作用 ,将本方进行了抗惊厥及镇静安神作用的实验观察。1 材料1.1 实验动物 选用昆明种小白鼠。雌雄各半 ,体重 2 0± 2 g ,由黑龙江中医药大学实验动物中心提供。医动字第 0 9- 2 - 2号。1.2 药物  安痫宁冲剂 :将白胡椒、钩藤加乙醇提取 2次 ,每次 2h ,乙醇液回收乙醇至稠膏状 ,残渣再与其余7味药混合 ,加水煎煮 2次…  相似文献   

安痫宁冲剂抗癫痫作用机理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安痫宁灌服可使青霉素诱发癫痫小鼠脑匀浆中升高的MDA下降,降低的SOD活力增强,降低的ATP酶活力增高,表明其抗癫痫作用与抗自由基和维持Na^ 、K^ 、Mg^2 、Ca^2 离子的动态平衡有关。  相似文献   

林蓉  李信民等 《现代中医》1996,9(3):167-170
实验通过观察白金定痢口服液对实验性癫痫大鼠急性发作期大脑皮层GABA(r-氨基丁酸)、GLu(谷氨酸)、5-HT(5-羟色胺)含量的影响,以探讨其对癫痫发作期的防治机理。结果表明:白金定痢口服液组、苯巴比妥组与模型组比较,脑组织GABA、5-HT含量均有升高(P<0.05);苯巴比妥和中药治疗组脑组织中Glu含量均低于模型组(P<0.05)。指示:白金定痫口服液可通过提高鼠脑组织GABA、5-HT含量,发挥其中枢抑制作用和降低Glu含量,减弱其中枢兴奋作用而达到其抗痫功效。  相似文献   

宁痫丹治疗癫痫病607例观察及实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

定痫灵抗癫痫作用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨定痫灵抗癫痫作用。方法:采用大鼠戊四氮(PTZ)惊厥法,观察大鼠惊厥发生率,惊厥发生潜伏期及惊厥发作持续时间。结果:定痫灵能明显抑制大鼠戊四氮惊厥发生率,缩短惊厥发和持续时间,潜伏期延长,并能降低阅剂量小鼠戊四氮半教惊厥剂量(CD50)。结论:本品有一定的抗惊厥作用。  相似文献   

目的研究传统中药定痫丸提取液对电刺激杏仁核点燃鼠后放电阈值的影响及其安全性.方法将用药理学方法纯化后的定痫丸提取液经胃管灌入试验鼠胃内,观察其对点燃鼠后放电阈值的影响及其安全性.结果定痫丸提取液能明显提高点燃鼠后放电阈值,其有效时间在用药后第 4日开始,持续到第 7日,其中 20只动物停药次日后放电阈值逐渐降低, 2d后恢复到原有基线;实验中部分动物出现动作减少、嗜睡、便溏、体重下降.结论定痫丸提取液抗痫作用安全、有效.  相似文献   

目的:观察肠宁颗粒对正常小鼠和脾虚小鼠的药理作用。方法:采用墨汁法观察了肠宁颗粒对新斯的明所致小肠推进运动亢进的影响.测定游泳时间观察其对鼠正常小鼠耐力的影响.通过计算湿粪数观察了肠宁颗粒对番泻叶所至泻下小鼠的止泻作用;同时观察了肠宁颗粒对大黄所致的脾小鼠体重、免疫器官重量及游泳时间的影响及肠宁颗粒对脾虚小鼠D-木糖吸收率及血精淀粉酶活性的影响。结果:肠宁颗粒能明显抑制小鼠小肠推进运动亢进;可显著延长小鼠的游泳时间;其低、中、高剂量均可使泻下模型小鼠湿粪数明显减少,腹泻程度减轻;能使脾虚小鼠体重增长明显加快同时,延长了脾虚小鼠的游泳时间,高剂组小鼠胸腺系数有明显增加;可明显增加脾虚小鼠木糠吸收,同时可明显降低其血清淀粉酶活性。结论:肠宁颗粒能有效地抗疲劳和抑制小肠运动,有明显的止泻作用,对于脾虚小鼠有很好的治疗作用。  相似文献   

目的:观察肠宁颗粒对正常小鼠和脾虚小鼠的药理作用.方法:采用墨汁法观察了肠宁颗粒对新斯的明所致小肠推进运动亢进的影响,测定游泳时间观察其对鼠正常小鼠耐力的影响,通过计算湿粪数观察了肠宁颗粒对番泻叶所至泻下小鼠的止泻作用;同时观察了肠宁颗粒对大黄所致的脾小鼠体重、免疫器官重量及游泳时间的影响及肠宁颗粒对脾虚小鼠D-木糖吸收率及血精淀粉酶活性的影响.结果:肠宁颗粒能明显抑制小鼠小肠推进运动亢进;可显著延长小鼠的游泳时间;其低、中、高剂量均可使泻下模型小鼠湿粪数明显减少,腹泻程度减轻;能使脾虚小鼠体重增长明显加快同时,延长了脾虚小鼠的游泳时间,高剂组小鼠胸腺系数有明显增加;可明显增加脾虚小鼠木糠吸收,同时可明显降低其血清淀粉酶活性.结论:肠宁颗粒能有效地抗疲劳和抑制小肠运动,有明显的止泻作用,对于脾虚小鼠有很好的治疗作用.  相似文献   

戊四唑致痫模型大鼠脑神经元损害及宁痫颗粒的干预作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :观察慢性癫痫模型大鼠大脑神经元损害的病理学变化及中药复方宁痫颗粒的影响作用。方法 :以戊四唑 (PTZ) 35 m g/ kg腹腔注射 ,诱导 SD大鼠慢性癫痫模型 ,应用病理学方法 ,观察比较各组大鼠皮质、海马区神经元受损情况。结果 :模型组皮质、海马区神经元明显损伤 ,数目减少 ;中药组神经元形态、数量均未见显著改变。结论 :PTZ诱导慢性癫痫发作可造成大脑皮质、海马神经元的损伤 ;宁痫颗粒对癫痫发作所致的神经元损伤具有良好的保护作用  相似文献   

宁痫汤抗癫痫作用及对大脑亮-脑啡肽含量变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张丽萍  叶庆莲  臧知明  武丽 《陕西中医》2003,24(11):1048-1049
目的 :探讨宁痫汤的抗痫作用及机理。方法 :应用放射免疫法 ,观察宁痫汤 (僵蚕、蝉衣、姜黄、竹茹、半夏、大黄等 )对戊四唑诱导的实验性癫痫的阻抗作用 ,以及对癫痫大鼠脑内亮 -脑啡肽含量的影响。结果 :宁痫汤对癫痫发作有良好的拮抗作用 ,并能明显降低大鼠脑内亮 -脑啡肽的含量。结论 :宁痫汤的抗痫作用可能与降低癫痫大鼠脑内亮 -脑啡肽的含量 ,从而提高惊厥域值有关  相似文献   

目的:对柴胡等7种中草药的超临界CO2萃取物进行抗惊厥作用的比较,并初步探讨其作用机制.方法:将昆明种小鼠1 060只随机分为11组,柴胡CO2萃取物组(柴Ⅰ)、柴胡CO2乙醇提取物组(柴Ⅱ)、石菖蒲CO2萃取物组(石Ⅰ)、石菖蒲CO2乙醇提取物组(石Ⅱ)、天南星CO2乙醇提取物组(天Ⅱ)、钩藤CO2乙醇提取物组(钩Ⅱ)、半夏CO2乙醇提取物组(半Ⅱ)、瑞香狼毒CO2萃取物组(狼Ⅰ)和柏子仁CO2萃取物组(柏Ⅰ)、托吡酯组、生理盐水组,每组分为4~6个剂量组,每个剂量组20只,ig给药,观察各剂量组对最大电休克(maximal electroshock seizure,MES)模型的对抗作用;以上述各药抗MES惊厥的ED50为给药剂量,观察ig各药对小鼠戊四唑惊厥模型(metrazol seizure test,MET)的对抗作用;由小鼠抗MES惊厥的ED95折算得到大鼠ig剂量,建立大鼠皮层定位注射青霉素点燃模型,比较各药对惊厥行为和脑电图的影响.结果:①9种受试中药提取物中天Ⅱ、钩Ⅱ、石Ⅰ、半Ⅱ、狼Ⅰ、柴l、石Ⅱ对MES模型均有对抗作用,且量效均呈正相关性.②7种受试中药提取物均可延长MET惊厥潜伏期,数值由大到小排列依次为天Ⅱ、钩Ⅱ、石Ⅰ、半Ⅱ、狼Ⅰ、柴Ⅰ、石Ⅱ,其中天Ⅱ(11.06 ±4.32)min的作用效果优于托吡酯(9.57±4.47) min.③CO2萃取物较CO2乙醇萃取物起效快,作用持续时间短.(4)半Ⅱ、柴Ⅰ、天Ⅱ、钩Ⅱ、石Ⅰ、石Ⅱ均可不同程度的延长青霉素诱发的痫性发作潜伏期、减轻发作程度,延长痫性放电的潜伏期,减少痫波发放频率,减小放电最高波幅.结论:天Ⅱ、钩Ⅱ、石Ⅰ、半Ⅱ、狼Ⅰ、柴Ⅰ、石Ⅱ均可对抗小鼠MES和MET惊厥;半Ⅱ、柴Ⅰ、天Ⅱ、钩Ⅱ、石Ⅰ、石Ⅱ可抑制大鼠皮层定位注射青霉素诱发的癫痫发作和痫性放电,其中半Ⅱ是对抗青霉素点燃惊厥发作最有效的药物,且对该模型的对抗作用优于托吡酯.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the anticonvulsant activity of the volatile oil of nutmeg, the dried seed kernel of Myristica fragrans Houtt, using well‐established animal seizure models and to evaluate its potential for acute toxicity and acute neurotoxicity. The volatile oil of nutmeg (nutmeg oil) was tested for its effects in maximal electroshock, subcutaneous pentylenetetrazole, strychnine and bicuculline seizure tests. All the experiments were performed at the time of peak effect of nutmeg oil. Nutmeg oil showed a rapid onset of action and short duration of anticonvulsant effect. It was found to possess significant anticonvulsant activity against electroshock‐induced hind limb tonic extension. It exhibited dose dependent anticonvulsant activity against pentylenetetrazole‐induced tonic seizures. It delayed the onset of hind limb tonic extensor jerks induced by strychnine. It was anticonvulsant at lower doses, whereas weak proconvulsant at a higher dose against pentylenetetrazole and bicuculline induced clonic seizures. Nutmeg oil was found to possess wide therapeutic margin, as it did not induce motor impairment when tested up to 600 µL/kg in the inverted screen acute neurotoxicity test. Furthermore, the LD50 (2150 µL/kg) value was much higher than its anticonvulsant doses (50–300 µL/kg). The results indicate that nutmeg oil may be effective against grand mal and partial seizures, as it prevents seizure spread in a set of established animal models. Slight potentiation of clonic seizure activity limits its use for the treatment of myoclonic and absence seizures. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

陈臻  李嫚 《吉林中医药》2010,30(4):303-304
目的:观察糖网宁颗粒剂治疗早期糖尿病视网膜病变的临床疗效。方法:将60例糖尿病视网膜病变患者随机分为两组,治疗组30例,对照组30例,在给与口服降糖药或皮下注射胰岛素控制血糖的基础上,治疗组口服糖网宁,配合静滴银杏叶提取物,对照组采用单纯静滴银杏叶提取物治疗。结果:治疗组总有效率93.3%,对照组总有效率66.7%,两组相比较有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:糖网宁颗粒剂治疗早期糖尿病视网膜病变具有较好的临床疗效。  相似文献   

石菖蒲挥发油对癫痫大鼠海马氨基酸含量的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 :研究石菖蒲萃取挥发油对癫痫大鼠海马内兴奋性与抑制性氨基酸含量的影响 ,探讨其抗癫痫的可能机制。方法 :用超临界CO2 萃取法 (SFE CO2 )提取石菖蒲挥发油 ,脑室内注射海人酸 (KA)建立大鼠癫痫模型 ,观察经挥发油治疗后的癫痫大鼠海马氨基酸含量的变化。结果 :经石菖蒲挥发油 35mg·kg-1腹腔注射后的KA大鼠海马的GABA含量明显升高 ,谷氨酸 (Glu)显著降低 (P<0.05 )。结论 :石菖蒲萃取挥发油可调节癫痫大鼠脑内的兴奋性与抑制性氨基酸的平衡 ,从而起到抗癫痫的作用。  相似文献   

The anticonvulsant activity of acetone extract of the seeds of Heracleum persicum (Umbelliferae) was examined against pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and maximal electroshock (MES)-induced seizures in mice. The extract showed a dose-dependent protective effect in both seizure models. However, the sedative dose of the extract, examined by rotarod test, was close to the anticonvulsant doses. Preliminary phytochemical analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, terpenoids, triterpenes and steroids in the extract. The observed pharmacological effects could be due to alkaloids, terpenoids and triterpenes present in the plant.  相似文献   

Anticonvulsant and neurotoxicity profile of Nardostachys jatamansi in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ethanol extract of the roots of Nardostachys jatamansi DC. (Valerianaceae) was studied for its anticonvulsant activity and neurotoxicity, alone and in combination with phenytoin in rats. The results demonstrated a significant increase in the seizure threshold by Nardostachys jatamansi root extract against maximal electroshock seizure (MES) model as indicated by a decrease in the extension/flexion (E/F) ratio. However, the extract was ineffective against pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced seizures. Nardostachys jatamansi root extract also showed minimal neurotoxicity against rotarod test at doses that increased the seizure threshold. Further, pretreatment of rats with phenytoin at a dose of 12.5, 25, 50 and 75 mg/kg in combination with 50mg/kg of Nardostachys jatamansi root extract resulted in a significant increase in the protective index (PI) of phenytoin from 3.63 to 13.18. The dose response studies of phenytoin alone and in combination with Nardostachys jatamansi extract on the serum levels of phenytoin clearly demonstrated the synergistic action of both the drugs.  相似文献   

Taxus wallichiana Zucc. (Himalayan Yew) is often used in northern areas of Pakistan for the treatment of pyrexia, acute pains and epilepsy. We have investigated certain pharmacological activities of the methanol leaf extract against convulsion, nociception and pyrexia induced in rodents. The aim was to justify and explore its folk uses in these pathological conditions, on scientific basis. The studies were carried out using acetic acid-induced nociception and pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions in mice, while formalin test and yeast-induced pyrexia in rats. Significant analgesic (67.77 and 74.29%) effect was found in acetic acid-induced model at doses of 100 and 200mg/kg, i.p. respectively. Crude extract exhibited significant (P<0.05) inhibition of the formalin noxious stimulation on both early and late phases of pain by the extracts (100 and 200mg/kg doses). In case of yeast-induced pyrexia model, 200mg/kg dose showed very significant (P<0.01) inhibition while 50 and 100mg/kg dose caused a significant (P<0.05) inhibition. Plant extract has controlled the pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions in mice. 100 and 200mg/kg i.p doses of the extract significantly (P<0.05) inhibited the mioclonus and clonus while inhibition of tonus and hind limb tonic extension (HLTE) was highly significant (P<0.01). The anticonvulsant activity of this plant has been reported for the first time throughout the whole genus. The observed pharmacological activities provide the scientific basis for the folkloric use of the plant in treating epilepsy, pyrexia and acute pain.  相似文献   

Since a previous study indicated that the water extract of Scutellariae radix (SR) had high affinity for the benzodiazepine (BDZ) binding site of GABA(A) receptors, the present study examined whether SR water extract has an anticonvulsant effect in vivo and an enhancing effect on gamma-amino-n-butyric acid (GABA)-stimulated uptake of 36Cl(-) in cortex preparation in vitro in mice. The results showed that SR water extract had little effect on pentylenetetrazol (PTZ, 85 mg/kg, s.c.)-induced clonic seizures but significantly inhibited maximal electroshock-induced tonic seizures with an ED(50) of 3.6 g/kg. The BDZ agonist chlordiazepoxide (10 mg/kg, i.p.) had anticonvulsant activity on both types of seizures. In 36Cl(-) uptake assay, SR water extract (1-500 microg/ml) had no significant effect on 25 microM GABA-stimulated 36Cl(-) uptake, whereas chlordiazepoxide (10 microM) increased the 36Cl(-) uptake to 125% of control. Therefore, the present results showed for the first time that SR water extract had anticonvulsant activity against maximal electroshock-induced tonic seizures, and suggested that this anticonvulsant effect might be not via the activation of the BDZ binding site of GABA(A) receptors, but probably via the prevention of seizure spread.  相似文献   

目的:考察3种定痫胶囊加服维生素组合(受试药物Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ)与含维生素组合的定痫胶囊(受试药物Ⅱ、Ⅳ、Ⅵ)的抗癫痫作用并对药效进行比较研究。方法:昆明种小鼠120只,雌雄各半,随机分为12组。癫痫大发作4组:戊四氮组、苯巴比妥钠组、受试药物Ⅰ组、受试药物Ⅱ组;癫痫小发作4组:戊四氮组、丙戊酸钠组、受试药物Ⅲ组、受试药物Ⅳ组;精神运动性癫痫发作4组:匹鲁卡品组、苯巴比妥钠组、受试药物Ⅴ组、受试药物Ⅵ组,每组10只,分别经戊四氮ip和sc、匹鲁卡品ip制备癫痫大发作、小发作及精神运动性发作模型,观察并记录给药后30 min内小鼠的惊厥潜伏期、惊厥次数及死亡时间。结果:Ⅰ与Ⅱ均显著延长癫痫大发作小鼠的死亡时间(P<0.01);Ⅱ能显著延长癫痫大发作小鼠惊厥潜伏期(P<0.01)。Ⅲ与Ⅳ均显著减少癫痫小发作小鼠的惊厥次数(P<0.01);显著延长癫痫小发作小鼠的死亡时间(P<0.01),Ⅳ降低小鼠死亡率(P<0.01)。Ⅴ与Ⅵ均显著长精神运动性癫痫小鼠的死亡时间(P<0.05)。结论:6种受试药物分别能显著治疗由戊四氮、匹鲁卡品诱发的癫痫大发作、小发作及精神运动性发作;在治疗癫痫小发作时,含维生素组合的菖连定痫胶囊作用优于菖连定痫胶囊+维生素组合。  相似文献   

Hypericum perforatum L. is used in traditional medicine for its anticonvulsant property. We studied the anticonvulsant activity of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Hypericum perforatum aerial parts in mice in order to evaluate the traditional use of this plant. The pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and the maximal electroshock seizure (MES) tests were used for assessing the anticonvulsive effects of this plant. In the PTZ test, the extracts (0.1-1g/kg, i.p.) delayed the onset of tonic convulsions and protected mice against mortality. In the MES test, both extracts did not showed an antiseizure activity. L-NAME (1-10 mg/kg, i.p.), a nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor, reduced the anticonvulsant activity of the extracts. The results of this study indicate that the extracts of Hypericum perforatum aerial parts could contribute to the control of petit mal seizure and this effect may be partially mediated by nitric oxide pathway.  相似文献   

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