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Medicinal plants have played an important role in treating and preventing a variety of diseases throughout the world. Metabolic syndrome had become a global epidemic, defined as a cluster of three of five criteria: insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, abdominal obesity, hypertension, low high-density cholesterol, and hypertriglyeeridemia. The current review fo- cuses on Indian medicinal plant drugs and plants used in the treatment of diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Though there are various approaches to reduce the ill-effects of diabetes and hyperlipidemia and its secondary complications, plant-based drugs are preferred due to lesser side effects and low cost. The current review focuses on twenty-three medicinal plants used in the treatment of Diabe- tes mellitus and nine medicinal plants used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia. The wealth of knowledge on medicinal plants points to a great potential for research and the discovery of new drugs to fight diseases, including diabetes and hyperlipidemia.  相似文献   

Background:Acupuncture has been recommended as a nonpharmacological intervention for managing cancer-related symptoms.However,there are few bibliometric analysis-based studies concerning the overall trends and characteristics in acupuncture therapy for cancer management.This study aims to summarize the status and bibliometric characteristics of acupuncture as an intervention for cancer-related symptoms.Methods:All clinical research papers on acupuncture for the management of cancer-related sympt...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To apply data mining methods to research on the state of sub-mental health among residents in eight provinces and cities in China and to mine latent knowledge about many conditions through data mining and analysis of data on 3970 sub-mentally healthy individuals selected from 13385 relevant question naires.METHODS: The strategic tree algorithm was used to identify the main mani festations of the state of sub-mental health. The backpropogation artificial neural network was used to analyze the main mani festations of sub-healthy mental states of three different degrees. A sub-mental health evaluation model was then established to achieve predictive evaluationresults.RESULTS: Using classifications from the Scale of Chinese Sub-healthy State, the main manifestations of sub-mental health selected using the strate gictree were F1101(Do you lack peace of mind?),F1102(Are you easily nervous when something comes up?), and F1002(Do you often sigh?). The relative intensity of manifestations of sub-mental health was highest for F1101, followed by F1102,and then F1002. Through study of the neural network, better differentiation could be made between moderate and severe and between mild and severe states of sub-mental health. The differentiation between mild and moderate sub-mental health states was less apparent. Additionally, the sub-mental health state evaluation model, which could be used to predict states of sub-mental health of different individuals, was established using F1101, F1102, F1002, and the mental self-assessment totals core.CONCLUSION: The main manifestations of the state of sub-mental health can be discovered using data mining methods to research and analyze the latent laws and knowledge hidden in research evidence on the state of sub-mental health. The state of sub-mental health of different individuals can be rapidly predicted using the model established here.This can provide a basis for assessment and intervention for sub-mental health. It can also replace the relativel  相似文献   

Leeches are invertebrates that have a long history of application in the development of human medicine in both the East and the West.This paper comprehensively analyzes and evaluates current research and the latest progress with regard to the application of leeches,their medical value,and their application prospects from various perspectives,so as to provide a reference for new viewpoints and directions for research on leeches.Modern research has revealed that leeches contain various bioactive components,which have pharmacological effects such as anticoagulation,antithrombosis,blood viscosity reduction,and anti-atherosclerosis.Leech therapy is an important treatment approach for venous congestion after microsurgery and is also an effective adjuvant treatment for diabetic feet,chronic pain,and tumors.Therefore,leeches are of importance for the research and development of new drugs,the restoration of blood supply after surgery,and the adjuvant treatment of diseases accompanied by blood blocking.In addition,leeches can also be used as model organisms for research in evolutionary biology and invertebrate neurophysiology as well as in neurophysiological,behavioral,and functional studies.  相似文献   

Network toxicology that is an important branch of the network pharmacology emerges on the basis of network biology. It refers to study on the toxicological features of a constructed network model which is used to analyze toxic substances and their interaction and regulation in biological systems, particularly investigate the toxic effects of drugs and/or compatibility of medicines on body, and clarify the mechanism of toxicity. Network toxicology currently develops rapidly in safety prediction of Chinese materia medica(CMM). The application of network toxicology to safety and toxicology study on CMM is extremely beneficial to identify the toxic components and potential incompatibility of CMM. Since CMM is a complex system with multi-components, multi-targets, and multi-interactions, the network toxicology in safety prediction of CMM faces three great challenges, including integration studies of bioinformatics, innovation of methods, and tools and risk assessment in future development of the network toxicology in CMM research. In this paper, relevant database, approaches and tools that network toxicology utilized in the safety study of CMM were carefully reviewed. Based on the progress made, the scientific development and modernization of CMM will be greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

Traditional medicine (TM) plays an inevitable role in drug discovery and development. Most of the therapeutically useful molecules used in the present day are inspired from TM. Herbal drugs are the oldest forms of medicines used for the treatment of various ailments and the TM of every country has a long history of their usage. To develop more data on their quality, safety, and efficacy, so also to improve the consumer’s need of modern days several thrust areas of research are to be focused on the developme...  相似文献   

正Biosynthesis and metabolic engineering together with molecular breeding provides an attractive approach to enhance the yield of effective components in medicinal plants and thus to improve or design the quality of Chinese Materia Medica,which is a great motivation for the sustainable development of the entire supply chain of traditional Chinese medicines.We invite researchers home and abroad to contribute original research articles as well as reviews on the topic of biosynthesis-driven quality design of Chinese Materia Medica and other herbs.  相似文献   

Medical acupuncture is a term given to a pragmatic treatment approach used within the public health services in North Western Europe and other Western countries. Its rationale and methods are derived from, but distinct from, classical traditional Chinese medicine as it is practiced in China and in Europe. The article summarizes 9 principles of the medical acupuncture modality, offers an explanatory model, and reviews international research during 2005 to 2012.  相似文献   

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been widely used to treat and prevent diseases for thousands of years in China and is generally recognized for its unique holistic view and remarkable therapeutic effect on complex diseases. The worldwide interest to TCM has been increasing in recent years, especially since TCM has shown inspiring efficacy in the treatment of COVID-19. These attentions include both recognition of the important role of TCM and doubts about its efficacy and safety. At present, the internationalization and modernization of TCM are facing many challenges, such as unclear biological mechanism of herbs and formulae, and the difficulty of ensuring the quality and safety of TCM. Given the multi-component and multi-target characteristics of TCM, how to systematically describe the interaction between TCM and complex diseases, evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of TCM and carry out quality control has become the focus and difficulty of research. Network pharmacology, as a systematic and holistic medical research paradigm, can help to systematically reveal the biological basis of TCM, and has been widely used in the research of TCM bioactive ingredients, syndromes, formulae, and other topics. The concept of "network target" based on TCM research (Li et al., 2011) has been used to explore new methods and applications since its inception, leading to a new discipline of TCM network pharmacology (Li and Zhang, 2013). On the one hand, TCM network pharmacology research shows the tendency of combining computational, experimental and clinical approaches (Wang et al., 2021), and the research paradigm is improving continuously. On the other hand, the application of network pharmacology is expanding to a variety of aspects in TCM research. It has been applied in fields such as exploring the biological basic of disease and syndrome, uncovering the mechanism of TCM formulae, identifying toxic components and quality markers (Q-Marker) of traditional Chinese medicine and so on. The concept of Q-Marker which was proposed by Prof. Liu to standardize the quality research of TCM has established an effective research framework for the quality control of traditional Chinese medicine (Liu et al., 2017). Since it was proposed, Q-Marker has been utilized by researchers to analyze many TCM herbs and formulae, making an important contribution to the TCM quality control system. A previous research strategy of predicting and determining Q-Marker based on network pharmacology method (Wang et al, 2019) shows the potential of network pharmacology combined with Q-Marker in the application of quality control of TCM. The effectiveness and safety of TCM are taken into consideration when determining Q-Marker. There have been many successful application cases of network pharmacology in studying the effective ingredients and mechanism of TCM, and network pharmacology is also being used more and more frequently in the study of TCM toxicity. This issue will publish a research paper titled “Integrating systematic pharmacology-based strategy and experimental validation to explore mechanism of Tripterygium glycoside on cholangiocyte-related liver injury” on the use of network pharmacology to explore the toxic components of TCM and their underlying mechanisms. Tripterygium glycoside (TG) extracted from Tripterygium wilfordii have been used in clinical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases, and there are several new indications under study. However, hepatotoxicity, the main adverse effect of TG in clinical practice, is an urgent problem to be solved. By combining network pharmacological analysis with in vivo and in vitro experimental verification, the authors discovered that triptolide, the primary toxic component of TG, could inhibit proliferation and promoted apoptosis of cholangiocytes by inhibiting the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and AKT and activating Bax and cleaved-Caspase 3 signaling. This study is a typical example of using network pharmacology to predict the toxic components and mechanisms of TCM. At the same time, it also shows that network pharmacology can be combined with Q-Marker strategy to identify the toxicity Q-Marker of TCM, and aids in the quality control and standardization of traditional Chinese medicine. As a discipline that has been developed for a short period of time, there are still many challenges in the theory, methodology and application of network pharmacology. The quality control research of TCM using network pharmacology also needs more investigation and exploration. The publication of Network Pharmacology Evaluation Method Guidance in 2021 has positive implications for the standardization of network pharmacology research and promotes the healthy development of the discipline (Li, 2021). However, as the fields of network pharmacology research continues to expand, the guidance cannot cover all kinds of research and need to be updated and revised in time. With the combination with new technologies such as artificial intelligence high-throughput technologies, network pharmacology will undoubtedly develop at a high speed. We look forward to a wider application of network pharmacology in TCM research, which will provide new scientific evidence for deciphering the mysteries of TCM and thus promote the inheritance, innovation and development of TCM.  相似文献   

《喉科指掌》共六卷,为清代张宗良撰,刊于1757年。卷一总论咽喉病的诊治大纲、分经及针穴图等;卷二为选方及制药法;卷三至卷六分为咽喉、乳蛾、喉痹、喉风、喉痈、大舌、小舌及杂喉等八门,共73病症的证治图说。其内容丰富,传世较为广泛,对后世喉科学的发展有深远影响,书中所记载的六味汤因配伍严谨、取药规范、疗效稳定,现仍为喉科临床所常用。笔者重温《喉科指掌》¨’原著,收益良多,现将其学术思想浅析如下。  相似文献   

本文分析了中医药科技查新的现状及主要问题,并认为在中医药科技查新中需要实施知识管理.提出了知识管理在中医药科技查新中应用的初步设想.  相似文献   

中医学历史悠久、卷帙浩繁,但论述较为分散,知识混杂多样。知识图谱具有知识语义化、数据易关联、易扩充的特征,因而逐渐成为中医药知识信息化的重要手段。为有利于更好地运用知识图谱传承发展中医药知识,文章在简述知识图谱在中医药领域的构建与应用情况的基础上,重点从本体技术和分词、实体识别、关系抽取等3种知识抽取技术等方面介绍了知识图谱构建关键技术在该领域中的研究应用概况、规律与特点。文章还从知识图谱存储关系型知识的角度出发归纳了中医药领域对该类知识的应用方向及关键技术。通过对文献的分析与总结,探讨了中医药领域知识图谱构建与应用中的问题并提出未来的发展建议。  相似文献   

目的:了解湖南省乡镇卫生院专业技术人员中医药知识知晓率及其影响因素。方法:采用自编问卷,对206名湖南省乡镇卫生院专业技术人员进行调查。结果:湖南省乡镇卫生院专业技术人员中医药知识知晓率仅为63.83%,且学历和职称均偏低,不同学习背景(学习中医)对知晓率的影响有差异(χ^2=42.42,P=0.01)。结论:加强中医院校学生的中医知识教育,拓宽乡镇卫生院专业技术人员中医继续教育的途径,同时积极开展"订单式"中医人才培养模式。  相似文献   

该研究目的是研制《中药临床信息数据元标准目录》,为中医电子病历的应用提供中药临床药学的应用标准及模式。研究方法是通过文献分析、调查问卷、小组讨论、专家咨询4种形式制定工作路线、初步确立研究内容:从中药本草考证,中药材产地、采收、加工,性状鉴别、理化鉴别、现代研究,性味归经、功效主治、临床应用,炮制,中药调剂,中成药规格、用法用量、使用注意、功效主治等,小包装等的应用,新药研究,管理等一条线展开。包括中医药理论、应用及医院管理等信息;按照国家《卫生信息数据元标准》总则及第16部分中有关内容,数据元研究基本方法,从界定的研究内容中提取中药临床信息数据元。提出构建《中药临床信息数据元标准目录》的思路与方法,整理出中药临床信息数据元标准目录,分为基础类、临床应用类、管理类三部分,并且规范中药临床信息数据元的标识、定义、表示、允许值。讨论中药临床信息数据元的信息来源、采集标准、留接口、规范科学术语、与已有标准对接、维护管理方案等问题。  相似文献   

检索中国知网、万方、维普数据库,检索词为"多发性硬化、中医、中药、针灸",采用主题词+自由词构建检索式,检索时间为2008年1月1日—2019年1月1日,共检索到中文文献164篇,根据文献纳入、排除标准,剔除不规范及重复文献,选取54篇进行精读。中医在治疗多发性硬化病上有其独特的优势,并且取得了显著研究进展,为多发性硬化的治疗提供新的诊疗体系,为医学工作者今后对于多发性硬化的研究及治疗提供了参考和依据。  相似文献   

在“信息爆炸”的现代社会,信息数量的成倍增长为知识的利用与管理带来严峻的挑战。中医药在现代化过程中,数量庞大的古籍、数据、文献等的数字信息化同样面临如何利用、管理的问题。本文将展示一种高效、便捷、可视化的知识管理模式——知识地图,并就其如何在中医药信息领域合理应用与实践,提出了一些前期的思路与设想。  相似文献   

中医药知识记录分散、隐性知识众多,又富含关系知识,因此在关联、表达、利用知识上具有优势的知识图谱能够为领域提供有益辅助。系统梳理中医药领域知识图谱的构建及其应用的研究工作,可见基于中医药知识图谱的应用正在不断发展,将知识图谱构建技术运用于中医药知识图谱中时则需虑及领域特点。根据领域知识特点与实践需求,一些研究设计了知识框架,选择了合适的知识抽取、融合和存储技术,尝试了知识补全,构建中医药知识图谱并实现信息理解、搜索、推荐、自动问答以及辅助决策等应用。不过,在丰富关系种类、理论知识与多模态知识,拓展知识来源,完善质量评估与控制,加强子领域知识图谱的构建以及共享与协作等方面,还需许多努力。  相似文献   

目的 构建国医大师周仲瑛辨治肺癌的中医药本体,实现中医药肺癌领域知识的共享和推理。方法 以国医大师周仲瑛教授辨治肺癌门诊医案为知识源,采用protégé5.5.0工具,以OWL为本体的描述语言,借鉴“七步法”构建国医大师周仲瑛教授辨治肺癌领域本体,实现肺癌中医诊疗知识表示和领域建模。结果 肺癌中医药本体较为全面展示周仲瑛教授病机辨证知识体系,共有类74个,实例206个,对象属性8个,数据属性5个,为从概念层次上掌握周仲瑛教授病机辨治肺癌知识体系奠定基础。结论 本体的构建对肺癌的中医诊疗经验的知识表示、知识共享、未来知识库及知识图谱建设具有一定的参考与应用价值。  相似文献   

从可视化技术发展的背景入手,详细对比了信息可视化与知识可视化在起源、理论基础、目的、可视化对象、描述对象、工具、参与者类型、应用以及互补方式等方面的区别。认为信息可视化是以显性知识为主要研究对象,以探索新规律为目的,让用户更高效、直观的掌握和分析数据;知识可视化是以显性知识和隐形知识共同为研究对象,以提高知识在群体之间的传递和利用为目的,改善知识的传播与交流,强化知识密集,提高决策和解决能力。结合中医背景知识的特点,探索中医与可视化的相关性,并分析其在中医领域的应用情况及思路,旨在为中医可视化技术的发展及平台设计提供更多的线索。  相似文献   

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