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目的分析2008-2011年江苏省某农村地区戊型病毒性肝炎流行病学特征。方法利用已建立的疑似肝炎症状监测系统主动发现戊型病毒性肝炎患者,并对其流行病学特征进行分析。结果 2008-2011年戊型肝炎所占急性病毒性肝炎比例为27.29%,成为第2个主要病毒性肝炎。戊型肝炎年平均发病率2.2/万,戊肝发病全年散发,冬春季节高发;男性发病率高于女性,发病率随年龄增长逐渐升高,发病平均年龄(55.48±14.32)岁。戊型肝炎病毒株HEV1、4型并存,以HEV4型为主(95.6%)。结论本地戊肝呈散发,中老年高发,男性多于女性,以HEV4型为主。  相似文献   

绳百龙  吴风燕 《肝脏》2014,19(1):81-82
戊型肝炎(戊肝)为戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)引起的急性自限性病毒性肝炎,在临床上远较乙型肝炎、丙型肝炎少见,多表现为散发病例,但其发病率在我国多数地区成人急性病毒性肝炎中仍占首位。由于在临床工作中相对少见、与药物性肝病等疾病临床表现类似以及对戊型肝炎的认识不够等原因导致其误诊、误治情况多见,为此我们对4年来我院诊治的戊型肝炎患者的临床特征、实验室检查及转归进行分析,以促进我们更好地认识、诊治急性戊型病毒性肝炎。  相似文献   

戊型肝炎实验室诊断研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戊型肝炎(戊肝,HE)是一种由戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)引起的主要经肠道传播的急性传染性肝炎,既往称肠道传播的非甲非乙型肝炎,常引起爆发或流行,病死率约0.5%~1.5%,稍高于甲肝,但孕妇戊肝的病死率可高达20%。我国是戊肝的高流行区之一,约占临床散发性肝炎病例的10%~20%。1986-1988年我国新疆南部地区曾发生世界上最大的一次戊型肝炎流行。近年来,发现在猪、牛、羊、鸡、鼠等多种与人类密切接触的动物可感染HEV,并且动物中分离的HEV与人体内分离的HEV的基因序列高度一致,使人们逐渐将戊肝视为一种人兽共患病。在美国、日本及欧洲等传统的非戊肝流行区普通人群中发现了较高的戊肝感染率,使国际上对戊肝的危害性予以了更大的关注。  相似文献   

慢性HBV感染重叠HEV感染的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的进一步了解慢性乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染重叠戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)感染的临床特点及转归。方法对慢性HBV感染重叠HEV感染与单纯戊型肝炎进行临床对照研究。结果167例戊型肝炎均为散发型,发病无明显季节性,以40岁以上成人发病为主,平均年龄为42.12±14.06岁,男女比例为2.71∶1。其中,慢性HBV感染重叠HEV感染(简称乙戊肝)79例(47.31%),单纯戊型肝炎88例(52.69%)。乙戊肝组重度黄疸(TB>280μmol/L)、严重凝血功能异常(PTA<40%)和低蛋白血症的发生率明显高于单纯戊型肝炎组(P<0.01)。结论重叠戊型肝炎病毒感染是导致慢性HBV感染者病情急性加重和重症化,甚至发展成致死性重型肝炎的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

重型肝炎中HEV感染的临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨重型戊肝的临床表现及转归,对75例重型肝炎中的13例戊肝病毒(HEV)感染者进行临床分析。以单纯乙肝病毒(HBV)感染20例为对照组,比较其与单纯HEV,HEV合并HBV感染的重型肝炎在临床表现,实验室检查,预后等方面的差异。结果显示,重型肝炎的HEV感染率为17.3%(13/75),HEV与HBV重叠感染率为8.0%(6/75),在临床表现方面各组差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。HEV合并HBV感染组SB,PT及死亡率明显高于单纯HEV组及单纯HBV组,差异有显著性差异(P<0.05)。肝炎病毒重叠感染是影响戊型重型肝炎预后的重要因素。  相似文献   

戊型肝炎(Hepatitis E,以下简称戊肝)是由戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E Virus,HEV)引起的急性病毒性肝炎。研究发现,世界各地的多种动物(猪、鼠、鹿、猴、牛、羊、鸡、狗等)中存在天然HEV感染,提示着动物可能在戊肝的传播中发挥作用,进而引起戊肝是否人兽共患病的讨论。在动物中发现了猪、鸡和鼠HEV,较多的研究发现猪HEV可通过越种传播以及接触猪可能增加人群戊肝的感染风险,而鸡HEV也可越种感染猪、火鸡,同时在美国、越南、尼泊尔鸡的抗HEVIgG阳性率分别是30%、44%和13.6%,  相似文献   

重叠感染的戊型肝炎103例临床分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
1995年1月至1996年12月住院的重叠感染戊型肝炎(戊肝)103例,我们以单纯戊肝46例作对照,进行比较,现报告如下。临床资料一、一般资料1995年1月~1996年12月我院共收治戊肝患者180例,男142例,女38例;平均年龄39.7岁(14~81岁)。59例有肝炎或肝病史,占32.8%,既往肝炎(病)史距本次发病平均15.4年。本组病例中重叠感染戊肝103例,占57.2%。按1995年(北京)全国传染病与寄生虫病学术会议修订的病毒性肝炎诊断标准,重叠感染戊肝病例可分为乙+戊组70例,丙+…  相似文献   

<正>戊型肝炎(戊肝)是由HEV感染引起的人兽共患病,全球每年发生人戊肝约2000万例,我国为戊肝的高流行区之一[1]。一直以来戊肝被认为是具有自限性的急性病毒性肝炎,然而近年发现接受器官移植、化疗及免疫抑制药物治疗的患者以及HIV阳性者或AIDS患者感染HEV后可发生慢性戊肝。本文将肝移植术后戊肝肝硬化1例报道如下。1病例报告患者,男,48岁,因"肝移植术后4年余,间断呕  相似文献   

重度黄疸型戊型病毒性肝炎90例临床分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我院自1995年1月~1996年1月2共收住院戊型病毒性肝炎(戊肝)病人477例。全部病例均符合1995年全国病毒性肝炎会议成肝诊断标准。全部病例均检测抗HEV,结果均为抗HEV.IgM(+)或/和抗HEV.lgG(十)。#77例中,血清总胆红质(Ss)j250umol/I-[采用贝克曼(Beckman)全自动生化分析仪检测,正常值为3.4~25umol/l。]者90例,包括重型肝炎56例,急性重度黄疽型肝炎34例,占住院成肝病人总数的18.87%。本文对此90例重度黄疽型戊肝病人(重黄组)进行临床分析,并与同期收容的SB<75umol/L的轻型成肝88例(对照组)进行…  相似文献   

戊型肝炎人畜共患性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戊型肝炎(Hepatitis E,以下简称戊肝)是由戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus,HEV)引起的肠道传播为主的传染性疾病。戊肝的爆发流行主要累及发展中国家,常因饮用水源被污染所致,散发病例呈全球分布。HEV 主要侵犯青壮年,重型肝炎多,易感染孕妇并且病死率可高达15%~25%,严重  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: In industrialized countries hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is rare and its diagnosis is difficult because the utility of available tests is not well established. METHODS: We studied the presence of acute HEV infection markers in a cluster of 11 cases of acute hepatitis with IgG anti-HEV antibodies. RESULTS: Three cases were confirmed as acute hepatitis E and 8 as presumptive hepatitis E, two as a past HEV infection and one could not be determined. Three different HEV strains were identified in serum from 3 patients. Two strains belonged to genotype 3, the predominant genotype found in local urban sewage and the other strain belonged to genotype 1 and was considered an imported strain. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate the presence of some autochthonous, sporadic acute hepatitis E cases as well as an imported case in our area and the transitory nature of virological and serological markers for HEV.  相似文献   

Environmental surveillance of water sources is important to monitoring viral hepatitis transmission in clinical settings. This study investigated the circulation of hepatitis A (HAV) and E (HEV) viruses in sewage and clinical samples from Argentina. Between 2016 and 2017, 80 raw sewage samples and 86 clinical samples (stool and serum) from suspected cases of hepatitis A and hepatitis E were obtained. HAV and HEV were tested by both real-time and nested PCR. Positive samples were sequenced for genotype determination and phylogenetic analysis. Overall, HAV was recovered in 39% of sewage samples and 61.1% of clinical samples. HEV was detected in 22.5% of sewage samples and 15.9% of clinical samples. HAV was found more frequently in sewage during the winter and in clinical samples in spring; HEV was more prevalent in sewage during summer and in clinical samples in autumn. All HAV isolates belonged to genotype IA and HEV isolates belonged to genotype 3, the most prevalent genotypes in South America. High prevalence of HAV and HEV in environmental and clinical samples in Mendoza, Argentina was observed. These findings reinforce the importance of environmental surveillance and implementation of health strategies to control the spread of HAV and HEV in developing countries.  相似文献   

Although autochthonous hepatitis E has been reported in developed countries, its extent and nature in the United Kingdom are unclear. The aim of the present study was to report the natural history, lifestyle risk factors and molecular epidemiology of autochthonous hepatitis E infection in southwest England. Three hundred and thirty-three patients with unexplained hepatitis were tested for markers of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection over a 7-year period. HEV RNA isolated from the cases was amplified and characterized. Of the 333 patients, 21 had autochthonous hepatitis E. Patients were middle-aged or elderly and males were more commonly affected. Clinical manifestations ranged from asymptomatic infection to severe hepatitis. Of the 21 patients, 20 recovered within 6 weeks. None of the cases had travelled to an area endemic for HEV. None of the patients were vegetarian and all ate pork. Of the 21 cases, 20 occurred in the spring, summer and autumn months. All polymerase-chain-reaction-confirmed cases carried HEV genotype 3, which bore close sequence homology to HEV circulating in UK pigs. In the United Kingdom, autochthonous hepatitis E may be more common than previously recognized. Although the mode of transmission remains to be determined, it may be a zoonosis with pigs as a reservoir. Hepatitis E should be considered a public health issue in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Strains of hepatitis E virus (HEV) isolated from Argentinian patients with sporadic hepatitis, as well as from swine from Argentina, belong to genotype 3. HEV genotype 3 variants have been described associated with acute liver failure (ALF) in adults from Japan and the United Kingdom. In Argentina, 30% of ALF in adults and children are of unknown aetiology. To study if HEV could be an aetiological agent associated with ALF in children, serum and/or fecal samples fJom 35 children (mean age: 6 years, 20 female, 15 male) were analyzed during 2003 and 2004. HEV RNA was detected by RT-nested PCR with primers designed within ORF 1 and ORF 2 regions. HEV RNA could be detected in three cases. Two were 12-year-old boys fom Buenos Aires province and the third was a 3-year-old girl from Corrientes province. Sequence analysis indicates that the three isolates are distinct from each other but all belong to genotype 3, exhibiting a close relationship with swine and human strains fJom sporadic cases of HEV, previously reported in Argentina. This data suggests a potential link between ALF and HEVin children in Argentina and indicates the need for the determination of HEV status in the differential diagnosis in ALE Further studies would aid in determining the true impact of this infection in Argentina and the potential benefits of a vaccine against HEV presently in phase III trials.  相似文献   

目的 了解一起敬老院戊型肝炎(HE)暴发疫情的可能传染源,明确该起疫情的病原特点。方法 对疫点和相关人员进行现场访谈和病例对照研究,并采集116人份标本进行抗-HEV IgM和抗-HEV-IgG检测,通过RT-PCR对病毒感染者和可疑传染源进行HEV RNA检测和序列分析。结果 本次疫情共发病19例,亚临床感染11人。病例对照研究显示是否使用公共餐具P=0.062,自带餐具者无感染;人源、水源、猪源HEV毒株均为HEV-4d亚型,水源和人源毒株同源性100%,人源毒株与猪源同源性93.7%-95.5%。该敬老院自养生猪和自种菜地并施粪肥;食堂操作不规范,可能导致携带HEV的猪粪或污水污染餐具,是引起本起疫情的原因。 结论 该起暴发疫情与当地生猪HEV病毒携带率高,疫点食堂卫生管理欠规范有关。  相似文献   

Background and Aim: Locally acquired hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection has been described in a number of developed countries and is thought to be zoonotic from pigs. Little is known about hepatitis E in humans in New Zealand (NZ) but 90% of NZ pigs show evidence of HEV infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiology of hepatitis E infection in NZ by documenting HEV immunoglobulin (Ig) G seroprevalence in NZ blood donors, testing patients with unexplained hepatitis for HEV, and comparing genetic sequences of human HEV with local porcine isolates. Methods: In total, 265 blood donors were tested for HEV IgG and 77 patients with unexplained hepatitis were tested for HEV. Viral sequences were compared with known HEV isolates including those from NZ pigs. Results: The HEV IgG seroprevalence was 4%. HEV genotype 3 was isolated in four patients with unexplained hepatitis. Clinical and sequencing data suggest that two cases were acquired in Europe and two in NZ. All cases were in elderly patients, one of whom was asymptomatic and initially misdiagnosed as a drug reaction. The NZ‐acquired cases were most similar to HEV from Japan, and bore little sequence homology to HEV isolated from NZ pigs. Conclusions: Hepatitis E does occur in NZ in patients who have not traveled to endemic areas and seems to affect the elderly. The seroprevalence data suggest that subclinical/unrecognized infection is common. Sequencing data suggest that some reservoir other than pigs could be the source of HEV in NZ. It is recommend that all patients with unexplained hepatitis, whatever their age or travel history, are tested for HEV.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is considered as an emerging global health problem. In most cases, hepatitis E is a self-limiting disease and the virus is cleared spontaneously without the need of antiviral therapy. However, immunocompromised individuals can develop chronic infection and liver fibrosis that can progress rapidly to cirrhosis and liver failure. The lack of efficient and relevant cell culture system and animal models has limited our understanding of the biology of HEV and the development of effective drugs for chronic cases. In the present study, we developed a model of persistent HEV infection in human hepatocytes in which HEV replicates efficiently. This HEV cell culture system is based on differentiated HepaRG cells infected with an isolate of HEV-3 derived from a patient suffering from acute hepatitis E. Efficient replication was maintained for several weeks to several months as well as after seven successive passages on HepaRG naïve cells. Moreover, after six passages onto HepaRG, we found that the virus was still infectious after oral inoculation into pigs. We also showed that ribavirin had an inhibitory effect on HEV replication in HepaRG. In conclusion, this system represents a relevant and efficient in vitro model of HEV replication that could be useful to study HEV biology and identify effective antiviral drugs against chronic HEV infection.  相似文献   

Acute hepatitis E occur commonly as outbreaks in endemic areas, but can occur sporadically in other part of the world. Acute hepatitis E has been reported rarely in Korea. A case of concurrent acute hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection and hyperthyroidism was reported in an inactive hepatitis B surface antigen carrier. We experienced two cases of concomitant acute HEV infection in patients with hyperthyroidism. The first case had acute HEV infection with subclinical hyperthyroidism while taking propylthiouracil. The second case suffered from acute HEV infection in a patient with Graves' disease intractable to propylthiouracil. Herein, we suggest the possible association between HEV infection and hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

Large outbreaks of acute hepatitis E, caused by hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotypes 1 and 2, are known from developing countries with suboptimal sanitation infrastructure. An increasing incidence of HEV infections is being reported in industrialised countries, caused mainly by HEV genotypes 3 and 4, which are often found among pigs. Recent evidence suggests that in immunocompromised patients about 50% of the cases of acute hepatitis E evolve to chronic hepatitis with rapid progression to cirrhosis. Thus, HEV should be considered a cause of chronic hepatitis in immunocompromised patients, such as solid organ transplant recipients. Because an antibody response to HEV may be absent in these patients, an HEV RNA test should be carried out when serum liver tests are elevated over months. In small case series, ribavirin has been shown to represent a promising treatment option for chronic HEV infection. To increase the awareness for HEV infection in immunocompromised patients, a representative case report of an HEV-infected renal transplant recipient with chronic hepatitis E, successfully treated with ribavirin, is presented. Studies are required to determine the optimal duration of ribavirin therapy and to assess outcome for solid organ transplant recipients with chronic HEV infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In rural areas of southern China, where hepatitis E is endemic, residents generally rear pigs in pigsties near their houses. The study was conducted to assess the possibility that hepatitis E virus (HEV) infections in this region are acquired primarily through contact with swine. METHODS: One hundred twenty swine fecal samples collected from pigsties located in eight rural communities of southern China were tested for HEV RNA. The swine HEV isolates were analyzed genetically and were experimentally inoculated into rhesus monkeys to determine the potential risk of cross-species infection. RESULTS: Twenty-nine of the 120 swine fecal samples were positive for HEV RNA. The nucleotide sequences of these swine HEV strains shared 85%-99% identities with the local human genotype 4 isolates and belonged to two subgroups of genotype 4. Importantly, swine HEV strains representing both subgroups induced hepatitis in rhesus monkeys by inoculation with the virus, evidenced by elevated serum alanine transaminase (ALT), viremia, fecal viral shedding, anti-HEV seroconversion, and liver histopathological changes. CONCLUSIONS: Swine may be the principal reservoir for human HEV infection in rural southern China.  相似文献   

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