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目的探讨精神心理因素在肠易激综合征和功能性消化不良重叠症中的作用。方法对38例肠易激综合征(iBS)与功能性消化不良(FD)重叠症患者采用汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)14项和汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)17项版本进行心理测评,并将调查对象分为体力劳动组和非体力劳动组,比较分析各组评分的特点。结果女性FD与IBS重叠症患者焦虑抑郁障碍发病率较男性无显著性差异(68.2%vs75.0%,X2=0.21,P〉0.05),非体力劳动者FD与IBS重叠症患者焦虑抑郁障碍发病率较体力劳动者显著升高(85.2%vs36.4%,X2=9.09,P〈0.005)。结论非体力劳动者FD与IBS重叠症患者合并精神心理压力可能通过增加内脏敏感性使FD与IBS重叠症发病率更高,提示心理治疗可能有助于治疗FD与IBS重瞢症。  相似文献   

[目的]了解社区功能性消化不良(FD)老年患者伴随抑郁、焦虑症状患病率及既往诊治情况。[方法]采用现况研究方法,收集社区卫生服务中心就诊的FD老年患者305例。由经培训的调查员用统一的调查表进行面对面调查,同时使用综合医院焦虑抑郁(HAD)量表、Hamilton焦虑量表和Hamilton抑郁量表进行心理测评。[结果]被确定为抑郁、焦虑症状的FD老年患者的患病率约为24.6%。而经HAD量表确认具有抑郁、焦虑症状的患者中,抑郁和(或)焦虑障碍的患病率为68.1%;此外在非首诊患者中,经HAD量表确认具有抑郁、焦虑症状的患者病史显示,诊断其抑郁障碍并给予治疗的比例低于10.0%。[结论]在社区中,FD的老年患者具有较高的抑郁、焦虑症状和抑郁、焦虑障碍患病率,且既往诊治率较低,这一现状应引起社区医务人员的关注。  相似文献   

目的探讨紧张性头痛患者的焦虑抑郁症状。方法采用Zung氏焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)为调查工具,对80例紧张性头痛患者进行评定,并与对照组比较。结果焦虑阳性率病例组为83.75%,对照组为17.50N,两组比较有统计学意义(χ^2=70.24,P〈0.01);抑郁阳性率病例组为73.75%,对照组为13.75%,两组比较有统计学意义(χ^2=58.51,P〈0.01)。结论紧张性头痛患者,多伴有焦虑抑郁障碍。  相似文献   

目的观察功能性消化不良患者不同亚型与焦虑和抑郁的关系,探讨功能性消化不良患者不同亚型的发病机制,并为功能性消化不良的治疗提供依据。方法采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)及抑郁自评量表(SDS),通过问卷的方法,对功能性消化不良餐后不适综合征和上腹疼痛综合征各40例患者进行焦虑和抑郁评分。结果餐后不适综合征组SAS平分平均为(53.72±11.21)分,SDS评分平均为(49.48±9.03)分,SAS评分明显高于SDS评分(P〈0.05);上腹疼痛综合征组SAS评分平均为(49.03±9.04)分,SDS评分平均为(55.034-14.03)分,SDS评分明显高于SAS评分(P〈0.05)。两组间比较,餐后不适综合征组SAS评分明显高于上腹疼痛综合征组(P〈0.05),上腹疼痛综合征组SDS评分明显高于餐后不适综合征组(P〈0.05);两组患者各自症状评分与SAS和SDS评分呈显著正相关;两组间精神异常发生率、焦虑发生率、抑郁发生率比较无明显差异(P〉0.05)。结论两种功能性消化不良亚型与焦虑和抑郁均存在密切联系,重视焦虑和抑郁在功能性消化不良发病中的作用及临床表现,对于改善功能性消化不良患者生活质量有着重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

功能性及器质性消化系统疾病患者心理状态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭乃宝  黄培宁  黄晓蔚 《内科》2007,2(1):48-50
目的探讨焦虑及抑郁等不良情绪与功能性胃肠病,慢、急性消化系统疾病的关系。方法用抑郁自评量表(SDS)和焦虑自评量表(SAS)对52例功能性消化不良(FD)、50例肠易激综合征(IBS)、35例消化性溃疡及33例肝硬化失代偿期、38例急性消化系统疾病患者进行评定,并以52例正常人为对照。结果各组患者中焦虑、抑郁及焦虑合并抑郁的发生率分别为:FD44.2%、46.2%、25%,IBS72%、42%、34%,消化性溃疡3I.4%、20%、17.I%,肝硬化21.2%、48.5%、24.2%,急性消化系统疾病7.9%、5.3%、0%,与正常人群对比(7.7%、3.8%、0%),FD、IBS、消化性溃疡、肝硬化患者中焦虑、抑郁及焦虑合并抑郁的发生率均显著升高。结论功能性胃肠病及消化性溃疡、肝硬化等慢性病患者不良情绪的发生率显著高于正常人群。  相似文献   

目的探讨黑龙江省讷河市居民消化不良的流行病学情况。方法采用整群随机抽样方法对黑龙江省讷河市普通居民6352人进行问卷调查,同时问卷调查内科普通门诊2316例连续病例及消化专科门诊823例连续病例。结果黑龙江省讷河市居民消化不良患病率为38.25%,消化不良患病率随年龄增长而升高,至53~62岁年龄组达到高峰(30.25%),女性患病率(30.24%)高于男性(15.23%)(P〈0.05)。以消化不良为主诉的病人占普通内科门诊的12.12%,占消化专科门诊的53.29%。消化不良各亚型的构成比为动力障碍型63.52%,溃疡型19.56%,反流型5.62%。非特异型29.44%。消化不良合并肠易激综合征症状占38.59%,高于无消化不良症状者的9.58%(P〈0.001)。结论黑龙江省讷河市居民消化不良患病率与国外报道相近。  相似文献   

饮食指导联合心理干预对治疗肠易激综合征作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨肠易激综合征(IBS)伴抑郁症状患者通过饮食指导联合心理干预治疗能否更好地改善IBS相关症状。方法将临床诊断为IBS患者采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)总分超过160分,或任一因子分超过2分;抑郁自评量表SDS标准分≥50;焦虑白评量表SAS标准分≥53为伴抑郁症状的患者213例,采用随机数字表取样本106例,随机分成药物抗抑郁治疗组35例(对照组)、心理干预组(药物抗抑郁治疗基础上加心理干预)35例和联合饮食组(心理干预组治疗基础上加饮食指导)36例,疗程6周。治疗期间记录症状改善情况及心理症状白评量表(SCL-90)、抑郁自评量表评分以及焦虑自评量表,并追踪其疗效。结果联合饮食组在治疗第4周末和第6周末的总有效率分别为75.00%和94.44%,均明显高于对照组的48.57%和62.86%。与心理干预组相比,联合饮食组的总有效率也较高,从心身健康的改善来看,联合饮食组和心理干预组随着治疗时间的延长、压力的减轻以及饮食的调整,抑郁情绪明显缓解,患者的躯体化、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑和临床症状评分等变化显著,与对照组相比有显著性差异(P〈0.01,P〈0.05),结束治疗后第12周随访,联合饮食组的复发率仅有5.56%。结论饮食指导联合心理干预对治疗肠易激综合征起着协同作用,可有效提高IBS伴抑郁症状患者治疗效果并减少复发。  相似文献   

目的探讨功能性消化不良不同亚型患者精神心理因素、睡眠质量、生活质量方面的差异性。方法功能性消化不良患者120例,分为上腹痛综合征(epigastric pain syndrome,EPS)、餐后不适综合征(postprandial distress syndrome,PDS)和重叠型三组,均进行Zung氏焦虑自评量表、Zung氏抑郁自评量表、SF-36生活质量调查量表和匹茨堡睡眠质量指数量表评定。结果 (1)三组间在焦虑患病率、抑郁患病率、睡眠障碍患病率上比较差异均有统计学意义(P0.05);(2)三组患者在生理功能、情感职能、活力、精神健康、社会功能、躯体疼痛、总体健康方面比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05),其中重叠型组评分最高;在生理职能方面三组之间差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论功能性消化不良不同亚型患者焦虑、抑郁患病率,睡眠障碍率不同,生活质量有一定差异,针对功能性消化不良不同亚型患者的临床特征,有助于制定有效的治疗方案,对于提高功能性消化不良患者的生活质量有重要意义。  相似文献   

沈蕾  孔浩  侯晓华 《胃肠病学》2007,12(1):14-18
背景:肠易激综合征(IBS)好发于中青年。西方国家的IBS患病率约为4.4%。22%,国内少见IBS流行病学调查报告,尤其是对大学生这一特殊群体。目的:了解不同专业硕士研究生的IBS患病率、症状特征和影响因素。方法:对华中科技大学190名非医学专业和170名医学专业硕士研究生进行问卷调查,内容包括:①胃肠道健康状况调查表,根据罗马Ⅱ标准诊断IBS;②抑郁自评量表(sDs);③焦虑自评量表(SAS)。调查时间为2006年3-6月。结果:共获得有效问卷331份,有效率为91.9%。IBS总体患病率为15.4%(51/331),男女患病率差异无统计学意义(13.3%对17.6%,P=0.290),非医学专业组患病率显著高于医学专业组(19.7%对10.5%,P=0.022)。非医学专业组的腹痛、腹胀发生率及其持续时间和严重程度评分均显著高于医学专业组(P〈0.05),抑郁、焦虑评分亦显著高于医学专业组(P〈0.05)。logistic回归分析显示,抑郁情绪为可能的IBS危险因素(OR=365.17,R=0.010)。结论:非医学专业硕士研究生的IBS患病率、胃肠道症状发生情况和精神心理因素与医学专业生不同,非医学专业生更易患IBS。IBS相关症状及其发病与精神心理因素有关。  相似文献   

功能性胃肠病烧心症状病机分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨功能性胃肠病(FGIDs)烧心症状的中医证候分布规律、病机及其症状重叠与复发。[方法]构建证候四诊合参数据库,SPSS 8.0统计软件包分析。[结果]烧心症状分布与肝郁关系最为密切,其次与脾虚相关,再次为肾;33.3%的胃食管反流病(GERD)并肠易激综合征(IBS)症状重叠,47.1%的功能性消化不良(FD)患者伴有IBS症状重叠,97.6%的IBS患者伴有FD症状重叠;烧心治疗停药6个月后复发41例。[结论]以实证、虚实夹杂居多,病机关键是肝气横逆郁滞,脾胃虚弱;FGIDs患者症状重叠性较高,烧心复发率较高;其机制除了与酸相关外,内脏痛觉过敏等因素与烧心的产生亦有关。  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies suggest considerable overlap between functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). AIM: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether coexisting IBS is also associated with symptom pattern or pathophysiology in FD. METHODS: In 309 consecutive FD patients (207 women, age 42 +/- 0.8 yr), questionnaires were used to assess the dyspepsia symptom pattern and the Rome II criteria for IBS. The overall symptom severity was calculated adding the severity score (0-3, 0 = absent, 3 = severe) of eight dyspepsia symptoms. All patients underwent Helicobacter pylori testing, gastric barostat to determine sensitivity to distention and accommodation to a meal, and gastric emptying breath test. RESULTS: Fifty-four percent of the patients had FD alone, whereas 46% had FD + IBS. FD + IBS patients were more likely to be female (75%vs 60%, p < 0.01) and to have a greater weight loss (5.4 +/- 0.6 vs 3.5 +/- 0.4 kg, p < 0.05). Coexisting IBS did not increase the risk of having any of the dyspeptic symptoms but the overall symptom severity was significantly higher in FD + IBS (12.4 +/- 0.4 vs 9.8 +/- 0.3, p < 0.01). FD + IBS patients had a lower threshold for first perception (2.9 +/- 0.3 vs 3.8 +/- 0.3 mmHg, p < 0.05) and for discomfort (7.9 +/- 0.4 vs 9.5 +/- 0.5 mmHg, p < 0.05) and a greater prevalence of hypersensitivity to gastric distention (44%vs 28%, p < 0.05). Gastric emptying, accommodation to a meal, and prevalence of H. pylori infection did not differ in the two groups. CONCLUSION: About half of the FD patients fulfill the Rome II criteria for IBS. FD + IBS is more prevalent in female patients and is associated with a higher weight loss, with greater overall symptom severity, and with hypersensitivity to distention.  相似文献   

消化科门诊患者抑郁和焦虑障碍的现况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解北京地区综合医院消化科门诊患者抑郁障碍和焦虑障碍的患病率和诊疗状况.方法 对2007年5-6月在北京三所大型综合医院消化科就诊的年龄≥18岁的患者517例,应用医院焦虑抑郁量表(HADS)筛查,评分≥8分者由精神病科医生根据国际神经精神科简式访谈问卷(M.I.N.I.)做出临床诊断.同时由消化科医生在对HADS评分不知情的状况下作出疾病诊断以及处理意见.结果消化科门诊患者中抑郁和焦虑障碍的患病率为15.3%,抑郁障碍的患病率为12.0%,焦虑障碍为6.4%,抑郁合并焦虑障碍为3.0%.不同性别、不同年龄患者中抑郁障碍和焦虑障碍的患病率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).胃炎和消化功能紊乱性疾病是焦虑抑郁患者中主要诊断,分别占30.6%和26.4%.消化科医生对抑郁和焦虑障碍的正确识别率为2.8%.结论 北京地区综合医院消化内科门诊患者中抑郁和焦虑障碍的患病率较高,消化科医生的识别率较低.  相似文献   

Subtypes of functional dyspepsia (FD), includingrefluxlike dyspepsia, ulcerlike dyspepsia,dysmotility-like dyspepsia, and nonspecific dyspepsia,have been described and are widely used clinically.However, these symptom patterns often overlap, and theterms are insufficient for indicating all FD symptoms.In this study, we divided 71 FD patients into twogroups: patients with or without pain. Group I, the pain dyspepsia group, included patients in whomthe main symptoms were epigastralgia and/or chest pain.Group II, the painless dyspepsia group, includedpatients without pain, in whom the symptoms were nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. We examinedthe relationship between esophageal function andpsychiatric factors in the test groups and compared themwith a control group. Of the FD patients, 19.7% [8 (25%) of 32 group I patients, 6 (15.4%) of 39group II patients] had esophageal motility disorders,such as nutcracker esophagus and diffuse esophagealspasm. The LES pressure of group I was higher than that of group II by esophageal manometry (P< 0.05). In 17 (53.1%) of 32 group I patients and 31(79.5%) of 39 group II patients, psychiatric disorders(38.0% had depressive disorder and 21.1% had an anxiety disorder) were diagnosed followingDSM III-R criteria. Group II tended to be moredepressive than group I (P = 0.0508). Psychologicalassessment scores, STAI-I and STAI-II, were higher ingroups I and II than in the control group (P <0.001). Long-term distress, anxiety, and depression seemto influence the symptoms of FD patients. Esophagealdysmotility may be an important functional abnormality of FD.  相似文献   

Han M  Duan LP  Huang YQ  Ge Y  Hao JX  Wang K 《中华内科杂志》2010,49(12):997-1001
目的 使用通用、可靠的评估工具了解功能性消化不良(FD)就诊患者的人格偏离的类型和患病率,分析相互之间的联系.方法 246例FD患者纳入本研究,根据消化道症状的类型将患者分为4组,即单纯FD组、FD重叠反流样症状组(FD+RS组)、FD重叠肠易激综合征组(FD+IBS组),以及FD重叠反流样症状及肠易激综合征组(FD+RS+IBS组).使用人格诊断问卷4(PDQ-4)进行人格偏离筛查.结果 患者中160例(65%)被检出1种或1种以上的人格偏离,无明显性别差异,以焦虑和回避类为特征的C组人格(焦虑-抑制类)最为常见(142例,57.7%).FD+IBS组及FD+RS+IBS组患者的PDQ-4积分显著高于单纯FD组患者(23.39±8.77和24.22±10.97比18.98±11.88,P值均<0.05),提示人格偏离程度较重患者的消化道症状倾向于涉及食管、胃、肠道等多器官.伴有反流样症状(而无病理性酸反流证据)对A组人格(奇特及怪僻类)有一定提示作用.结论 就诊的FD患者人格偏离较多见.较多负性情感、较低的应对压力能力、较少的社会支持等因素可能在FD患者的就医行为中起了重要作用.存在人格偏离的FD患者,消化道症状倾向于涉及食管、胃、肠道等多器官,而不是局限于消化道的某一部分.  相似文献   

This review describes the conceptual and clinical relations between irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), other functional, somatoform, and mental disorders, and points to appropriate future conceptualizations. IBS is considered to be a functional somatic syndrome (FSS) with a considerable symptom overlap with other FSSs like chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia syndrome. IBS patients show an increased prevalence of psychiatric symptoms and disorders, especially depression and anxiety. IBS is largely congruent with the concepts of somatoform and somatic symptom disorders. Roughly 50% of IBS patients complain of gastrointestinal symptoms only and have no psychiatric comorbidity. IBS concepts, treatment approaches, as well as health care structures should acknowledge its variability and multidimensionality by: (1) awareness of additional extraintestinal and psychobehavioral symptoms in patients with IBS; (2) general and collaborative care rather than specialist and separated care; and (3) implementation of “interface disorders” to abandon the dualistic classification of purely organic or purely mental disorders.  相似文献   

This article revisits the links between psychopathology and functional gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), discusses the rational use of antidepressants as well as non-pharmacological approaches to the management of IBS, and suggests guidelines for the treatment of IBS based on an interdisciplinary perspective from the present state of knowledge. Relevant published literature on psychiatric disorders, especially somatization disorder, in the context of [BS, and literature providing direction for management is reviewed, and new directions are provided from findings in the literature. IBS is a heterogeneous syndrome with various potential mechanisms responsible for its clinical presentations. IBS is typically complicated with psychiatric issues, unexplained symptoms, and functional syndromes in other organ systems. Most IBS patients have multiple complaints without demonstrated cause, and that these symptoms can involve systems other than the intestine, e.g. bones and joints (fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint syndrome), heart (non-cardiac chest pain), vascular (post-menopausal syndrome), and brain (anxiety, depression). Host IBS patients do not have psychiatric illness per se, but a range of psychoform (psychological complaints in the absence of psychiatric disorder) symptoms that accompany their somatoform (physical symptoms in the absence of medical disorder) complaints. It is not correct to label IBS patients as psychiatric patients (except those more difficult patients with true somatization disorder). One mode of treatment is unlikely to be universally effective or to resolve most symptoms. The techniques of psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy can allow IBS patients to cope more readily with their illness. Specific episodes of depressive or anxiety disorders can be managed as appropriate for those conditions. Medications designed to improve anxiety or depression are not uniformly useful for psychiatric complaints in IBS, because the p  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have reported an overlap between gastroesophageal reflux symptoms, functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of FD and IBS in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and the effect on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). MATERIAL AND METHODS: FD and IBS prevalence and HRQoL were assessed by means of questionnaires in 215 referred and 48 non-referred (non-care-seeking) GERD patients, proven with 24-h pH-metry. HRQoL in 131 matched controls was used for comparison. RESULTS: In this group of GERD patients 25% had FD (Dutch general population 13-14%), 35% had IBS (Dutch general population 0.6-6%) and 5% had both FD and IBS. Only 35% had neither FD nor IBS. Among referred GERD patients, the prevalence of FD and IBS was higher (p=0.002 versus non-referred). Compared with controls, GERD patients without FD/IBS had lower HRQoL scores on only one of the nine SF-36 subscales (p相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the differences in the prevalence and severity of anxiety and depression in patients with functional dyspepsia (FD), nonerosive reflux disease (NERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and healthy controls. METHODS: Consecutive patients undergoing an index endoscopic examination for various symptoms were interviewed. All the three functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) were diagnosed according to the Rome III criteria. Anxiety and depression were diagnosed using a locally validated version of the hospital anxiety and depression scale. RESULTS: A total of 248 patients were recruited (62 in FD, NERD, IBS and control groups each) with no differences in the basic characteristics. There was a higher prevalence of anxiety and depression in FD, NERD and IBS groups than that in the control group (43.5%, 45.2% and 67.7% vs 14.5%, P < 0.001; and 22.6%, 33.9% and 38.7% vs 6.5%, P < 0.0001). Using the cut‐off score (> 8) for anxiety or depression, IBS patients had a higher rate of anxiety than FD (P = 0.01) and NERD (P = 0.02), while no significant differences in depression rates were observed among all three groups. CONLUSION: Anxiety is more common in patients with IBS than in those with FD and NERD, indicating a possible causal link in the former.  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. IBS may represent a primary disorder of gastrointestinal motility accompanied with motor dysfunction in various extraintestinal sites. Recent studies suggest that IBS is associated with bronchial hyper-responsiveness and bronchial asthma might be more prevalent in IBS patients than in control subjects. The aim of our study was to assess the prevalence of IBS in a cohort of asthmatic patients. We evaluated 150 patients with bronchial asthma (71 males and 79 females, aged 45.1+/-14.9 years) and two control groups including 130 patients with other pulmonary disorder and 120 healthy subjects. All subjects enrolled (asthmatic and controls) completed the Greek version of the Bowel Disease Questionnaire (BDQ). BDQ is a, previously validated, self-report instrument to measure gastrointestinal symptoms. Diagnosis of IBS was based on Rome II criteria. The IBS prevalence was significantly higher in asthmatics (62/150, 41.3%) than in subjects with other pulmonary disorders (29/130, 22.3%, P<0.001) and healthy ones (25/120, 20.8%, P<0.001). For all subjects studied, the prevalence of IBS was significantly higher in females (78/214, 36.4%) than in males (38/186, 20.4%, P<0.001). The IBS prevalence in asthmatic males was 29.5% vs. 15.2% in male patients with other pulmonary disorders (P=0.002) and 14.2% in male healthy subjects (P=0.002). The IBS prevalence in asthmatic females was 51.8% vs. 28.1% in females patients with other pulmonary disorders (P<0.001) and 26.5% in females healthy subjects (P<0.001). None of the asthma medications were associated with increased or decreased likelihood of IBS. We conclude that patients with bronchial asthma have an increased prevalence of IBS. Further studies are needed to clarify the potential pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the association between IBS and asthma.  相似文献   

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