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Objective After prevalence surveys in all eight regions, Mali started a national programme to control trachoma in 1998. In the sparsely populated desert region of Kidal, where active trachoma prevalence was 46.2% in children under 10, no interventions beyond routine eye‐care services were implemented. We estimated the prevalence of trachoma in Kidal, 12 years after baseline mapping surveys, to determine whether interventions to control trachoma were warranted. Methods A total of 2165 individuals from 477 households were examined for clinical trachoma signs in a cluster survey using the WHO simplified grading system. Individual and household risk factors for trachoma were assessed. Results The prevalence of follicular trachomatous inflammation (TF) in children 1–9 years of age was 15.6% (95% CI 11.8–19.5%). Trachomatous trichiasis (TT) was observed in 4 persons for an overall prevalence in all ages of 0.16% (95% CI 0.0–0.35%). Estimated household latrine coverage in the region was 33.1% (95% CI 14.0–52.2%). Residents of 52.8% of surveyed households reported access to a water source outside geographical boundaries of their communities. Conclusions In the absence of control interventions, the prevalence of clinical signs of trachoma among children was substantially lower than estimates 12 years earlier. The current prevalence of active trachoma remains above the threshold adopted by WHO, yet there is little evidence of chronic blinding trachoma.  相似文献   

With non‐communicable diseases (NCDs) projected to become leading causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries, research is needed to improve the primary care response, especially in sub‐Saharan Africa. This region has a particularly high double burden of communicable diseases and NCDs and the least resources for an effective response. There is a lack of good quality epidemiological data from diverse settings on chronic NCD burden in sub‐Saharan Africa, and the approach to primary care of people with chronic NCDs is currently often unstructured. The main primary care research needs are therefore firstly, epidemiological research to document the burden of chronic NCDs, and secondly, health system research to deliver the structured, programmatic, public health approach that has been proposed for the primary care of people with chronic NCDs. Documentation of the burden and trends of chronic NCDs and associated risk factors in different settings and different population groups is needed to enable health system planning for an improved primary care response. Key research issues in implementing the programmatic framework for an improved primary care response are how to (i) integrate screening and prevention within health delivery; (ii) validate the use of standard diagnostic protocols for NCD case‐finding among patients presenting to the local health facilities; (iii) improve the procurement and provision of standardised treatment and (iv) develop and implement a data collection system for standardised monitoring and evaluation of patient outcomes. Important research considerations include the following: selection of research sites and the particular NCDs targeted; research methodology; local research capacity; research collaborations; ethical issues; translating research findings into policy and practice and funding. Meeting the research needs for an improved health system response is crucial to deliver effective, affordable and equitable care for the millions of people with chronic NCDs in developing countries in Africa.  相似文献   

Objective To determine spatial patterns of co‐endemicity of schistosomiasis mansoni and the soil‐transmitted helminths (STHs) Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and hookworm in the Great Lakes region of East Africa, to help plan integrated neglected tropical disease programmes in this region. Method Parasitological surveys were conducted in Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and Burundi in 28 213 children in 404 schools. Bayesian geostatistical models were used to interpolate prevalence of these infections across the study area. Interpolated prevalence maps were overlaid to determine areas of co‐endemicity. Results In the Great Lakes region, prevalence was 18.1% for Schistosoma mansoni, 50.0% for hookworm, 6.8% for A. lumbricoides and 6.8% for T. trichiura. Hookworm infection was ubiquitous, whereas S. mansoni, A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura were highly focal. Most areas were endemic (prevalence ≥10%) or hyperendemic (prevalence ≥50%) for one or more STHs, whereas endemic areas for schistosomiasis mansoni were restricted to foci adjacent large perennial water bodies. Conclusion Because of the ubiquity of hookworm, treatment programmes are required for STH throughout the region but efficient schistosomiasis control should only be targeted at limited high‐risk areas. Therefore, integration of schistosomiasis with STH control is only indicated in limited foci in East Africa.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, Cuba was able to overcome a severe crisis, almost without negative health impacts. This national retrospective study covering the years 1989–2000 analyses the country’s strategy through essential social, demographic, health process and health outcome indicators. Gross domestic product (GDP) diminished by 34.76% between 1989 and 1993. In 1994 slow recuperation started. During the crisis, public health expenses increased. The number of family doctors rose from 9.22 to 27.03 per 104 inhabitants between 1989 and 2000. Infant mortality rate and life expectancy exemplify a series of health indicators that continued to improve during the crisis years, whereas low birth weight and tuberculosis incidence are among the few indicators that suffered deterioration. GDP is inversely related to tuberculosis incidence, whereas the average salary is inversely related to low birth weight. Infant mortality rate has a strong negative correlation with the health expenses per inhabitant, the number of maternal homes, the number of family doctors and the proportion of pregnant women receiving care in maternal homes. Life expectancy has a strong positive correlation with health expenses, the number of nursing personnel and the number of medical contacts per inhabitant. The Cuban strategy effectively resolved health risks during the crisis. In times of serious socio‐economic constraints, a well conceptualized public health policy can play an important role in maintaining the overall well‐being of a population.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the association of accessibility to a health facility with caregivers’ care‐seeking practices for children with danger signs before and after community‐based intervention in Lusaka, Zambia. Method Health education on childhood danger signs was started in September 2003 at the monthly Growth Monitoring Program Plus (GMP+) service through various channels of health talk and one‐on‐one communication in a peri‐urban area of Lusaka. Two repeated surveys were conducted: in 2003 to collect baseline data before the intervention and in 2006 for 3‐year follow‐up data. Caregivers who had perceived one or more danger signs in their children within 2 months of the surveys were eligible for the analysis. The association between appropriate and timely care‐seeking practices and socio‐demographic and socio‐economic factors, attendance at community‐based intervention and the distance to a health facility was examined with logistic regression analysis. Results The percentage of caregivers immediately seeking care from health professionals increased from 56.1% (106/189) at baseline to 65.8% (148/225) at follow‐up 3 years later (OR = 1.51, P < 0.05). Long distance to the health facility and low‐household income negatively influenced caregivers’ appropriate and timely care‐seeking practices at baseline, but 3 years later, after the implementation of a community‐based intervention, distance and household income were not significantly related to caregivers’ care‐seeking practices. Conclusion Poor accessibility to health facilities was a significant barrier to care‐seeking in a peri‐urban area. However, when caregivers are properly educated about danger signs and appropriate responses through community‐based intervention, this barrier can be overcome through behavioural change in caregivers.  相似文献   

Objective To assess perceptions held by health workers in a Malawian district about obstetric critical incident audit. Insight into factors contributing to participation and endorsement may help to improve the audit process and reduce facility‐based maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. Methods This study involves semi‐structured interviews with 25 district health workers, a focus group discussion and observation of audit sessions in health facilities in Thyolo District, Malawi, between August 2009 and January 2010. Data were analysed with maxqda 2010. Results Findings were categorized into four major areas: (i) general knowledge of audit, (ii) participation in local audit and feedback sessions, (iii) the ability to reproduce the local audit cycle and (iv) effects and outcomes of audit and feedback. All health workers were familiar with the concept of audit and could reproduce the local cycle. Most health workers classified audit as an instructive and helpful tool to improve the quality of their work, provided that it is performed in a manner that enhances motivation and on‐the‐job learning. Conclusions Contradictory to recent reports from other African settings, which showed negative effects of audit on health workers’ motivation, staff in this district considered audit and feedback valuable tools to enhance the quality of the care they provide. Audit has become part of the professional routine in the district, and its educational value was considered its most important appeal.  相似文献   

Objective The objective is to investigate the effect of malaria control with insecticide‐treated mosquito nets (ITNs) regarding possible higher mortality in children protected during early infancy, due to interference with immunity development, and to assess long‐term effects on malaria prevalence and morbidity. Methods Between 2000 and 2002, a birth cohort was enrolled in 41 villages of a malaria holoendemic area in north‐western Burkina Faso. All neonates (n = 3387) were individually randomised to ITN protection from birth (group A) vs. ITN protection from age 6 months (group B). Primary outcome was all‐cause mortality. In 2009, a survey took place in six sentinel villages, and in 2010, a census was conducted in all study villages. Results After a median follow‐up time of 8.3 years, 443/3387 (13.1%) children had migrated out of the area and 484/2944 (16.4%) had died, mostly at home. Long‐term compliance with ITN protection was good. There were no differences in mortality between study groups (248 deaths in group A, 236 deaths in group B; rate ratio 1.05, 95% CI: 0.889–1.237, P = 0.574). The survey conducted briefly after the rainy season in 2009 showed that more than 80% of study children carried asexual malaria parasites and up to 20% had clinical malaria. Conclusion Insecticide‐treated mosquito net protection in early infancy is not a risk factor for mortality. Individual ITN protection does not sufficiently reduce malaria prevalence in high‐transmission areas. Achieving universal ITN coverage remains a major challenge for malaria prevention in Africa.  相似文献   

Tanzania has made considerable progress towards reducing childhood mortality, achieving a 57% decrease between 1980 and 2011. This epidemiological transition will cause a reduction in the contribution of infectious diseases to childhood mortality and increase in contribution from non‐communicable diseases (NCDs). Haemoglobinopathies are amongst the most common childhood NCDs, with sickle cell disease (SCD) being the commonest haemoglobinopathy in Africa. In Tanzania, 10 313 children with SCD under 5 years of age (U5) are estimated to die every year, contributing an estimated 7% of overall deaths in U5 children. Key policies that governments in Africa are able to implement would reduce mortality in SCD, focusing on newborn screening and comprehensive SCD care programmes. Such programmes would ensure that interventions such as prevention of infections using penicillin plus prompt diagnosis and treatment of complications are provided to all individuals with SCD.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the association between schistosomiasis and reproductive tract symptoms. Method A cross‐sectional study was conducted in a Schistosoma haematobium‐endemic area of rural Zimbabwe. A total of 483 permanently resident adult women of Mupfure Ward aged 20–49 were interviewed and examined clinically, each providing three consecutive urine samples. Logistic regression analysis was used to control for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Results Women with genital sandy patches had significantly more genital itch (P = 0.009) and perceived their discharge as abnormal (P = 0.003). Eighty percent of the women who had genital itch, yellow discharge, and childhood or current waterbody contact had sandy patches. Fifty‐two percent of the women with genital sandy patches did not have detectable S. haematobium ova in urine. Genital schistosomiasis was associated with stress incontinence and pollakisuria, but not with menstrual irregularities, current or previous ulcers, or tumours. Conclusion Genital schistosomiasis may be a differential diagnosis to the STDs in women who have been exposed to fresh water in endemic areas. Because of the chronic nature of the disease in adults, we suggest to pay special attention to the prevention of morbidity.  相似文献   

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