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目的 评价辽宁省居民碘营养状况,为制订碘缺乏病精准防治策略和措施提供科学依据.方法 依据全国碘缺乏病监测方案,2017-2019年辽宁省在100个县(市、区)开展重点人群碘营养状况横断面调查.每个县(市、区)划为东、西、南、北、中5个片区,每个片区随机抽取1个乡镇(街道),每个乡镇(街道)抽取1所小学,每所小学抽取8~...  相似文献   

目的 了解白银市重点人群碘营养状况,为科学防治碘缺乏病提供依据。方法 使用随机抽样的方法抽取白银市8~10岁儿童和孕妇家庭盐碘和尿碘检测数据,并使用SPSS 25.0对监测结果进行统计分析。结果 2018—2022年共检测家庭碘盐7 500份,居民碘盐合格率≥90%,各年盐碘中位数均在23~26 mg/kg以上,非碘盐25份(0.33%),不合格碘盐份数为354份(4.72%)。2017—2022年两类重点人群碘盐合格率均≥90%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.399,P=0.983),碘盐覆盖率均≥99%,差异无统计学意义(χ2=4.408,P=0.405),8~10岁儿童不同年份间尿碘中位数比较差异无统计学意义(H=4.000,P=0.406);不同地区儿童尿碘差异具有统计学意义(H=16.815,P=0.002);不同年份间孕妇尿碘中位数比较差异无统计学意义(H=4.010,P=0.403);不同地区间孕妇尿碘中位数差异无统计学意义(H=4.863,P=0.302)。结论 8~10岁儿童尿碘处于适宜水平,孕妇尿碘存在不同程度上的碘缺乏,白...  相似文献   

目的 了解2018-2020抚顺市孕妇及儿童的碘营养水平,为科学补碘提供依据.方法 在抚顺市下辖的四区三县对小学生及孕期妇女进行碘营养调查.采集调查对象随意一次尿样及家中食用盐样品,测定尿样的碘含量及盐碘含量.同时对饮用水进行了水碘的检测.结果 抚顺市属于低碘地区.碘盐合格率较高.尿碘水平个体间存在很大差异.儿童尿碘水...  相似文献   

目的 为了解南山区重点人群碘营养状况,及时掌握其消长趋势,适时调整防控策略。方法 2018—2020年在南山区东、西、南、北、中5个片区抽取1个街道,采集8~10周岁非寄宿学生家庭食用盐样和随机尿样开展碘含量检测,2018—2019年开展甲状腺容积B超测量;在此5个街道中采集孕妇家庭食用盐样和随机尿样开展碘含量检测。结果 2018—2020年共检测盐样900份,盐碘中位数为24.3 mg/kg,碘盐覆盖率为93.11%,碘盐合格率为98.09%,合格碘盐食用率为91.33%。600名学生尿碘中位数为224μg/L,男生尿碘水平高于女生(Z=-2.601,P<0.05)。2018年、2019年甲状腺肿大率分别为3%和2%。300名孕妇尿碘中位数为148μg/L,2020年孕妇补碘率为99%。结论 2018—2020年深圳市南山区8~10周岁学生碘营养状况超过适宜水平;2020年孕妇碘营养水平低于适宜值,尿碘中位数逐年下降,应加强孕妇群体科学补碘健康教育。  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳市福田区重点人群尿碘水平,进一步掌握辖区人群碘营养现状,为深圳市福田区消除碘缺乏病工作和合理补碘提供科学依据.方法 2018-2020年连续3年在辖区设置采样点,每年分别采集8~10岁儿童尿样200份、孕妇尿样100份.采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测尿中碘含量,并对检测结果进行统计分析.结果 2018-20...  相似文献   

目的 分析日照市东港区2018-2020年儿童及孕妇的碘营养状况,为碘缺乏病防治提供参考.方法 按照《山东省碘缺乏病监测方案》要求,2018-2020年在东港区辖区内每年对8~10岁儿童、孕妇进行碘营养调查,采集调查对象随意一次尿样及家中食用盐样品,测定尿碘及盐碘含量.结果 2018-2020年,儿童碘盐覆盖率>95%...  相似文献   

目的了解四川省双流县4类人群的尿碘水平,为科学防治碘缺乏病提供依据。方法每年按东、西、南、北、中5个方位随机抽取孕妇、哺乳期妇女、0~2岁婴幼儿、8~10岁学龄儿童各10名,采用尿中碘的砷铈催化分光光度测定法检测,检测中每批样品均带标准物质,以保证检测质量。结果儿童尿碘中位数181.30μg/L,低于50μg/L占4.0%,低于100μg/L占16.6%;0~2岁婴幼儿尿碘中位数200.50μg/L,低于100μg/L的占18.2%;孕妇尿碘中位数138.00μg/L,尿碘中位数低于150μg/L,低于150μg/L的比例占48.7%;乳母尿碘中位数147.50μg/L,低于100μg/L的占30.4%。结论双流县儿童、0~2岁婴幼儿、乳母的碘营养水平均在适宜的范围,而孕妇的碘营养水平不稳定,应加强碘缺乏病健康教育和健康促进工作。  相似文献   

目的 分析新疆兵团部分地区重点人群的碘营养状况,为有针对性的防治碘缺乏病提供对策.方法 按照《新疆生产建设兵团碘缺乏病监测方案(2019)》要求,第二师、第六师、第十二师共采集了600份8~10岁儿童尿样和277名孕妇尿样,并进行测定.结果 8~10岁儿童平均尿碘中位数是218.42 μg/L,<100μg/L的样本占...  相似文献   

目的了解达标后河南省宝丰县重点人群的碘营养状况。方法尿碘测定采用酸消化砷-铈接触法;盐碘测定采用直接滴定法。结果孕妇尿碘中位数为187.7μg/L,低于50μg/L的比率为1.2%,低于100μg/L的比率为13.1%,不同孕期尿碘水平有显著差异;哺乳期妇女尿碘中位数为147.8μg/L,低于50μg/L的比率为1.8%,低于100μg/L的比率为15.9%;婴幼儿尿碘中位数为178.3μg/L,低于50μg/L的比率为0.9%,低于100μg/L的比率为8.0%;共调查家庭食用盐1036份,碘盐覆盖率为100.0%,中位数为28.8mg/kg。结论宝丰县重点人群的碘营养是适宜的,能够满足其生理需要。  相似文献   

目的了解重庆市实现消除碘缺乏病阶段目标后人群碘营养状况,为科学防治碘缺乏病提供科学依据。方法2011年选择重庆市西部地区的永川、璧山县和东部地区的涪陵、万州区作为监测县,以县为单位,按东、西、南、北、中抽取9个乡(镇),每个乡(镇)抽取4个村,每个村抽取10户居民食用盐。随机抽取1所小学,抽取8~10岁儿童90人采集尿样测定。用砷铈催化分光光度法测定尿碘,直接滴定法监测盐碘。结果共抽取居民户食盐1 440份,碘含量中位数为29.34 mg/kg;不同区县间碘含量比较差异有统计学意义(H=180.52,P<0.01);碘盐覆盖率、碘盐合格率、合格碘盐食用率分别为99.72%、96.73%、96.46%。共调查8~10岁儿童360份尿样,尿碘中位数为297.85μg/L;不同区县间尿碘中位数比较差异有统计学意义(H=30.05,P<0.01)。360份尿碘<50μg/L者占1.11%,50~99μg/L者占6.67%,100~199μg/L者占27.78%,200~299μg/L者占31.11%,300μg/L以上者占33.33%。;尿碘构成比比较,区县间有统计学意义(χ2=39.20,P<0.01),性别、年龄间均无统计学意义(χ2性别=1.94,χ2年龄=4.28,P>0.05)。结论重庆市人群碘营养处于适宜量状态,盐碘水平存在下调的空间。  相似文献   

目的 及时发现武汉市血吸虫病重点水域水体感染性,减少血吸虫病传播风险.方法 选择血吸虫病易感重点水域长江武汉段、府河-沦河水系、东荆河-通顺河水系和金水河水系,采用哨鼠监测法监测水体血吸虫感染风险.结果 2017—2019年共开展哨鼠监测38点次,涉及全市8个区21个行政村.三年共投放哨鼠760只,回收哨鼠742只,总...  相似文献   

Objective To estimate the present salt iodine content and iodine nutrition need of high risk population of iodine deficiency disorder in Meixian County. Methods Each primary school was selected from urban and rural areas(Xiyang Town, 20 kilometers away from Meixian County), the goiter rate of 8 to 10 year-old students was examined and urinary iodine and household salt iodine was sampled. Twenty to 40 year-old women of childbearing age nearby schools around the urban and villages around Xiyang Town were selected to collect their urine and salt samples. At urban hospitals and rural health centers, 0 to 2 year-old infant urine samples were collected, Thyroid gland was palpated and urinary iodine was determined by iodine in urine by As3+-Ce4+catalytic spectrophotometry, salt iodine was determined by direct titration. Results The goiter rates of 8 to 10 year-old students were 1.5 % (3/200), 1.0% (1/100) for the urban area and 2.0% (2/100) for rural area. Median of urinary iodine in 8 to 10 year-old students, infants, women of childbearing age averaged at 237.1 μg/L and 280.1, 234.7,187.6 μg/L respectively, with each being 287.4,245.0,205.5 μg/L in urban area and 278.9,228.5,176.4 μg/L in rural area. Women of childbearing age had a higher percentage of urinary iodine < 50.0 μg/L than students,students had a higher percentage than infants, each being 7.5%(15/200), 4.5%(9/200), 4.0%(4/100). The ration of urinary iodine > 300.0 μg/L was more in infants than in students, that in students was more than that in women of childbearing age, each being 33.0% (33/100), 30.0% (60/200),22.5% (45/200). The median of salt iodine was 27.2 mg/kg. The coverage of iodized salt was 100.0%(400/400). Ninty-seven percent(194/200) and 96.0% (192/200) of qualified iodized salt were consumed in urban area and in rural area. Conclusions The amount of iodine added to salt meets the requirement in the 3 kinds population risk of iodine deficiency disorder. But a higher iodine status has been found out in students and infants. It is reasonable to decrease the present salt iodine content.  相似文献   

广东省梅县重点人群碘营养状况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To estimate the present salt iodine content and iodine nutrition need of high risk population of iodine deficiency disorder in Meixian County. Methods Each primary school was selected from urban and rural areas(Xiyang Town, 20 kilometers away from Meixian County), the goiter rate of 8 to 10 year-old students was examined and urinary iodine and household salt iodine was sampled. Twenty to 40 year-old women of childbearing age nearby schools around the urban and villages around Xiyang Town were selected to collect their urine and salt samples. At urban hospitals and rural health centers, 0 to 2 year-old infant urine samples were collected, Thyroid gland was palpated and urinary iodine was determined by iodine in urine by As3+-Ce4+catalytic spectrophotometry, salt iodine was determined by direct titration. Results The goiter rates of 8 to 10 year-old students were 1.5 % (3/200), 1.0% (1/100) for the urban area and 2.0% (2/100) for rural area. Median of urinary iodine in 8 to 10 year-old students, infants, women of childbearing age averaged at 237.1 μg/L and 280.1, 234.7,187.6 μg/L respectively, with each being 287.4,245.0,205.5 μg/L in urban area and 278.9,228.5,176.4 μg/L in rural area. Women of childbearing age had a higher percentage of urinary iodine < 50.0 μg/L than students,students had a higher percentage than infants, each being 7.5%(15/200), 4.5%(9/200), 4.0%(4/100). The ration of urinary iodine > 300.0 μg/L was more in infants than in students, that in students was more than that in women of childbearing age, each being 33.0% (33/100), 30.0% (60/200),22.5% (45/200). The median of salt iodine was 27.2 mg/kg. The coverage of iodized salt was 100.0%(400/400). Ninty-seven percent(194/200) and 96.0% (192/200) of qualified iodized salt were consumed in urban area and in rural area. Conclusions The amount of iodine added to salt meets the requirement in the 3 kinds population risk of iodine deficiency disorder. But a higher iodine status has been found out in students and infants. It is reasonable to decrease the present salt iodine content.  相似文献   

Objective To estimate the present salt iodine content and iodine nutrition need of high risk population of iodine deficiency disorder in Meixian County. Methods Each primary school was selected from urban and rural areas(Xiyang Town, 20 kilometers away from Meixian County), the goiter rate of 8 to 10 year-old students was examined and urinary iodine and household salt iodine was sampled. Twenty to 40 year-old women of childbearing age nearby schools around the urban and villages around Xiyang Town were selected to collect their urine and salt samples. At urban hospitals and rural health centers, 0 to 2 year-old infant urine samples were collected, Thyroid gland was palpated and urinary iodine was determined by iodine in urine by As3+-Ce4+catalytic spectrophotometry, salt iodine was determined by direct titration. Results The goiter rates of 8 to 10 year-old students were 1.5 % (3/200), 1.0% (1/100) for the urban area and 2.0% (2/100) for rural area. Median of urinary iodine in 8 to 10 year-old students, infants, women of childbearing age averaged at 237.1 μg/L and 280.1, 234.7,187.6 μg/L respectively, with each being 287.4,245.0,205.5 μg/L in urban area and 278.9,228.5,176.4 μg/L in rural area. Women of childbearing age had a higher percentage of urinary iodine < 50.0 μg/L than students,students had a higher percentage than infants, each being 7.5%(15/200), 4.5%(9/200), 4.0%(4/100). The ration of urinary iodine > 300.0 μg/L was more in infants than in students, that in students was more than that in women of childbearing age, each being 33.0% (33/100), 30.0% (60/200),22.5% (45/200). The median of salt iodine was 27.2 mg/kg. The coverage of iodized salt was 100.0%(400/400). Ninty-seven percent(194/200) and 96.0% (192/200) of qualified iodized salt were consumed in urban area and in rural area. Conclusions The amount of iodine added to salt meets the requirement in the 3 kinds population risk of iodine deficiency disorder. But a higher iodine status has been found out in students and infants. It is reasonable to decrease the present salt iodine content.  相似文献   

广东省梅县重点人群碘营养状况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To estimate the present salt iodine content and iodine nutrition need of high risk population of iodine deficiency disorder in Meixian County. Methods Each primary school was selected from urban and rural areas(Xiyang Town, 20 kilometers away from Meixian County), the goiter rate of 8 to 10 year-old students was examined and urinary iodine and household salt iodine was sampled. Twenty to 40 year-old women of childbearing age nearby schools around the urban and villages around Xiyang Town were selected to collect their urine and salt samples. At urban hospitals and rural health centers, 0 to 2 year-old infant urine samples were collected, Thyroid gland was palpated and urinary iodine was determined by iodine in urine by As3+-Ce4+catalytic spectrophotometry, salt iodine was determined by direct titration. Results The goiter rates of 8 to 10 year-old students were 1.5 % (3/200), 1.0% (1/100) for the urban area and 2.0% (2/100) for rural area. Median of urinary iodine in 8 to 10 year-old students, infants, women of childbearing age averaged at 237.1 μg/L and 280.1, 234.7,187.6 μg/L respectively, with each being 287.4,245.0,205.5 μg/L in urban area and 278.9,228.5,176.4 μg/L in rural area. Women of childbearing age had a higher percentage of urinary iodine < 50.0 μg/L than students,students had a higher percentage than infants, each being 7.5%(15/200), 4.5%(9/200), 4.0%(4/100). The ration of urinary iodine > 300.0 μg/L was more in infants than in students, that in students was more than that in women of childbearing age, each being 33.0% (33/100), 30.0% (60/200),22.5% (45/200). The median of salt iodine was 27.2 mg/kg. The coverage of iodized salt was 100.0%(400/400). Ninty-seven percent(194/200) and 96.0% (192/200) of qualified iodized salt were consumed in urban area and in rural area. Conclusions The amount of iodine added to salt meets the requirement in the 3 kinds population risk of iodine deficiency disorder. But a higher iodine status has been found out in students and infants. It is reasonable to decrease the present salt iodine content.  相似文献   

Objective To estimate the present salt iodine content and iodine nutrition need of high risk population of iodine deficiency disorder in Meixian County. Methods Each primary school was selected from urban and rural areas(Xiyang Town, 20 kilometers away from Meixian County), the goiter rate of 8 to 10 year-old students was examined and urinary iodine and household salt iodine was sampled. Twenty to 40 year-old women of childbearing age nearby schools around the urban and villages around Xiyang Town were selected to collect their urine and salt samples. At urban hospitals and rural health centers, 0 to 2 year-old infant urine samples were collected, Thyroid gland was palpated and urinary iodine was determined by iodine in urine by As3+-Ce4+catalytic spectrophotometry, salt iodine was determined by direct titration. Results The goiter rates of 8 to 10 year-old students were 1.5 % (3/200), 1.0% (1/100) for the urban area and 2.0% (2/100) for rural area. Median of urinary iodine in 8 to 10 year-old students, infants, women of childbearing age averaged at 237.1 μg/L and 280.1, 234.7,187.6 μg/L respectively, with each being 287.4,245.0,205.5 μg/L in urban area and 278.9,228.5,176.4 μg/L in rural area. Women of childbearing age had a higher percentage of urinary iodine < 50.0 μg/L than students,students had a higher percentage than infants, each being 7.5%(15/200), 4.5%(9/200), 4.0%(4/100). The ration of urinary iodine > 300.0 μg/L was more in infants than in students, that in students was more than that in women of childbearing age, each being 33.0% (33/100), 30.0% (60/200),22.5% (45/200). The median of salt iodine was 27.2 mg/kg. The coverage of iodized salt was 100.0%(400/400). Ninty-seven percent(194/200) and 96.0% (192/200) of qualified iodized salt were consumed in urban area and in rural area. Conclusions The amount of iodine added to salt meets the requirement in the 3 kinds population risk of iodine deficiency disorder. But a higher iodine status has been found out in students and infants. It is reasonable to decrease the present salt iodine content.  相似文献   

Objective To estimate the present salt iodine content and iodine nutrition need of high risk population of iodine deficiency disorder in Meixian County. Methods Each primary school was selected from urban and rural areas(Xiyang Town, 20 kilometers away from Meixian County), the goiter rate of 8 to 10 year-old students was examined and urinary iodine and household salt iodine was sampled. Twenty to 40 year-old women of childbearing age nearby schools around the urban and villages around Xiyang Town were selected to collect their urine and salt samples. At urban hospitals and rural health centers, 0 to 2 year-old infant urine samples were collected, Thyroid gland was palpated and urinary iodine was determined by iodine in urine by As3+-Ce4+catalytic spectrophotometry, salt iodine was determined by direct titration. Results The goiter rates of 8 to 10 year-old students were 1.5 % (3/200), 1.0% (1/100) for the urban area and 2.0% (2/100) for rural area. Median of urinary iodine in 8 to 10 year-old students, infants, women of childbearing age averaged at 237.1 μg/L and 280.1, 234.7,187.6 μg/L respectively, with each being 287.4,245.0,205.5 μg/L in urban area and 278.9,228.5,176.4 μg/L in rural area. Women of childbearing age had a higher percentage of urinary iodine < 50.0 μg/L than students,students had a higher percentage than infants, each being 7.5%(15/200), 4.5%(9/200), 4.0%(4/100). The ration of urinary iodine > 300.0 μg/L was more in infants than in students, that in students was more than that in women of childbearing age, each being 33.0% (33/100), 30.0% (60/200),22.5% (45/200). The median of salt iodine was 27.2 mg/kg. The coverage of iodized salt was 100.0%(400/400). Ninty-seven percent(194/200) and 96.0% (192/200) of qualified iodized salt were consumed in urban area and in rural area. Conclusions The amount of iodine added to salt meets the requirement in the 3 kinds population risk of iodine deficiency disorder. But a higher iodine status has been found out in students and infants. It is reasonable to decrease the present salt iodine content.  相似文献   

Objective To estimate the present salt iodine content and iodine nutrition need of high risk population of iodine deficiency disorder in Meixian County. Methods Each primary school was selected from urban and rural areas(Xiyang Town, 20 kilometers away from Meixian County), the goiter rate of 8 to 10 year-old students was examined and urinary iodine and household salt iodine was sampled. Twenty to 40 year-old women of childbearing age nearby schools around the urban and villages around Xiyang Town were selected to collect their urine and salt samples. At urban hospitals and rural health centers, 0 to 2 year-old infant urine samples were collected, Thyroid gland was palpated and urinary iodine was determined by iodine in urine by As3+-Ce4+catalytic spectrophotometry, salt iodine was determined by direct titration. Results The goiter rates of 8 to 10 year-old students were 1.5 % (3/200), 1.0% (1/100) for the urban area and 2.0% (2/100) for rural area. Median of urinary iodine in 8 to 10 year-old students, infants, women of childbearing age averaged at 237.1 μg/L and 280.1, 234.7,187.6 μg/L respectively, with each being 287.4,245.0,205.5 μg/L in urban area and 278.9,228.5,176.4 μg/L in rural area. Women of childbearing age had a higher percentage of urinary iodine < 50.0 μg/L than students,students had a higher percentage than infants, each being 7.5%(15/200), 4.5%(9/200), 4.0%(4/100). The ration of urinary iodine > 300.0 μg/L was more in infants than in students, that in students was more than that in women of childbearing age, each being 33.0% (33/100), 30.0% (60/200),22.5% (45/200). The median of salt iodine was 27.2 mg/kg. The coverage of iodized salt was 100.0%(400/400). Ninty-seven percent(194/200) and 96.0% (192/200) of qualified iodized salt were consumed in urban area and in rural area. Conclusions The amount of iodine added to salt meets the requirement in the 3 kinds population risk of iodine deficiency disorder. But a higher iodine status has been found out in students and infants. It is reasonable to decrease the present salt iodine content.  相似文献   

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