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目的 了解麻风树籽甲醇提取物浸杀钉螺上爬现象对杀螺效果的影响。方法 室内观察浸泡在不同浓度药液中的钉螺上爬及死亡情况。结果 钉螺在药液中立即上爬,1h达高峰,上爬率86%-92%,48h自由上爬组各浓度药液中钉螺死亡率与人为干涉组相 浓度中钉螺死亡率比较差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。结论 该植物杀螺剂对钉螺有激动作用,短时间内钉螺大量上爬,减少了接触药物时间,严重影响杀螺效果。  相似文献   

麻风树籽提取物杀灭钉螺的实验研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 研究麻风树籽提取物杀灭钉螺的效果。方法 采用室内浸杀法,对麻风树籽的乙醇提取物和水提取物的杀螺效果进行观察。结果 麻风树籽乙醇提取物浸杀钉螺24、48h和72h的LC50分别为53.7、25.3mg/L和11.6mg/L;水提取物浸杀钉螺48h和72h的LC50分别为45.6mg/L和26.1mg/L。结论 麻风树籽乙醇提取物和水提取物对钉螺均具有杀灭作用。麻风树籽是研究植物杀螺剂较有价值的候选植物。  相似文献   

溴乙酰胺浸泡后钉螺上爬的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用溴乙酰胺0.5—4.0mg/L浸泡钉螺均有钉螺上爬,药浓度为1.0mg/L以下,钉螺上爬率于8h后达到高峰;药浓度为2.0mg/L以上,则钉螺立即上爬,1h后达高峰.用溴乙酰胺0.5、1.0、2.0和4、0mg/L浸泡48h,钉螺的上爬率分别为85.0%、60.0%、85.5%和7 0.0%,且上爬液面的钉螺死亡率低,大部分能继续存活,严重影响了溴乙酰胺的杀螺作用.  相似文献   

氯硝柳胺及与五氯酚钠复配后钉螺上爬实验研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本实验对氯硝柳胺乙醇胺盐50%的可湿性粉剂浸泡灭螺时,出现钉螺离水上爬逃避药物作用的现象进行了研究。结果提示:药浓度小于1.0mg/L,钉螺上爬较为明显,上爬率为56.15%;药深度达到1.0mg/L及以上,钉螺上爬明显降低,上爬率为7.0%。高浓度组(≥1.0mg/L)钉螺上爬的最高高度为低浓度组(〈1.0mg/L)的54.4%,上爬高度较低。氯硝柳胺与五氯酚钠复配后,钉螺的总上爬率为19.33  相似文献   

麻风树素浸杀钉螺卵效果观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
麻风树素植物杀螺剂室内浸杀螺卵结果表明,在≤1.2mg/L浓度下无杀螺卵作用,6mg/L、12mg/L有效杀成螺浓度下,幼螺平均孵出率分别为61%、41%,与清水对照组有非常显著性差异,表明麻风树素高浓度对螺卵有一定毒杀作用。  相似文献   

麻风树素植物杀螺剂室内浸杀螺卵结果表明 ,在≤ 1 .2 mg/ L浓度下无杀螺卵作用 ,6mg/ L、1 2 mg/ L有效杀成螺浓度下 ,幼螺平均孵出率分别为 61 %、4 1 % ,与清水对照组有非常显著性差异 ,表明麻风树素高浓度对螺卵有一定毒杀作用  相似文献   

本实验对氯硝柳胺乙醇胺盐50%的可湿性粉剂浸泡灭螺时,出现钉螺离水上爬逃避药物作用的现象进行了研究。结果提示:药浓度小于10mg/L,钉螺上爬较为明显,上爬率为5615%;药浓度达到10mg/L及以上,钉螺上爬明显降低,上爬率为70%。高浓度组(≥10mg/L)钉螺上爬的最高高度为低浓度组(<10mg/L)的544%,上爬高度较低。氯硝柳胺与五氯酚钠复配后,钉螺的总上爬率为1933%,且上爬出混合药液面的钉螺死亡率比未复配的上爬钉螺死亡率高(P<001)。因此氯硝柳胺现场灭螺时,为防止钉螺上爬,提高灭螺效果,可采用药浓度10mg/L以上,或与五氯酚钠复配使用  相似文献   

茶叶籽皂甙杀钉螺实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验用茶叶籽皂甙进行了杀螺及动物毒性的研究,结果表明:产地不同的4种茶叶籽皂甙浸杀成螺、幼螺和螺卵效果好,浓度为2.5-10mg/L,钉螺死亡率达100%,其中云茶杀螺活性最高,其次为浙茶与长茶,桃茶最低;喷洒用量20g/m2(其中云茶为5g/m2),杀螺效果为82.0%-90.0%;在杀螺剂量范围对鱼有毒性;小鼠口服急性毒性LD50大于5000mg/kg,属微毒;对家兔皮肤及眼结膜有轻微刺激作用。因其资源丰富,价廉,是一种很有开发前景的植物杀螺剂。  相似文献   

茶树籽杀钉螺作用的初步试验   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文初次报告了茶树籽[SeedofCameliasinensis(L)O.Kuntze]具有杀死钉螺的作用。LD50及LD90分别为10μg/ml及16μg/ml左右。茶树籽浓度为16μg/ml时可抑制2-5d卵龄的螺卵孵化成幼螺。应用16μg/ml时也有杀死幼螺的作用。当用8μg/ml作用钉螺24h后耗氧量降低65%,而10μg/ml的茶树籽浓度降低钉螺糖原含量约80%。  相似文献   

将麻疯树素配成不同浓度,观察不同时间钉螺及淡水鱼的死亡率。试验设萃取剂和清水对照。结果麻疯树素浓度为0.75 mg/L 24 h钉螺开始死亡,6.00 mg/L 48 h钉螺死亡率100%,室内浸杀钉螺24 h的LC50为3.40 mg/L;该药对淡水鱼苗有中度毒性,浸杀鲫鱼苗96 h的LC50为1.05 mg/L,浸杀草鱼苗96 h的LC50为2.78 mg/L。麻疯树素是一种有应用潜力的植物杀螺剂。  相似文献   

The aim of studies on plant molluscicides is to complement methods for controlling snails acting as intermediate hosts of schistosomes. We report on the toxic activity of extracts from Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) against snails transmitting Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium. We studied different extracts' effects on infectious larvae, cercariae and miracidia of S. mansoni. Compared to aqueous extract, methanol extract showed the highest toxicity against all tested organisms with LC100-values of 25 p.p.m. for cercariae and the snail Biomphalaria glabrata and 1 p.p.m. for the snails Bulinus truncatus and B. natalensis. Attenuation of cercariae leading to reduced infectivity in mice could be achieved in concentrations below those exerting acute toxicity. In view of our results and the ongoing exploitation of J. curcas for other purposes, this plant could become an affordable and effective component of an integrated approach to schistosomiasis control.  相似文献   

茶皂素是一种天然植物杀螺剂 ,据报道现场浸杀有较好杀螺作用 [1 ,2 ] ,为了进一步验证茶皂素在疫区现场应用的杀螺效果 ,我们在华容县幸福乡垸外易感地带进行了喷洒和浸杀灭螺试验 ,现报告如下。1 材料和方法1 .1 材料1 .1 .1 药物 茶皂素系湖南省辰溪县天然绿色技术制作所生产 ,含量为 5 0 %浆剂 ,易溶于水 ,批号 990 1。氯硝柳胺系安徽省淮南第三制药厂提供 ,含量为 5 0 %可湿性粉剂 ,批号 980 896。1 .1 .2 钉螺 湖北钉螺指名亚种 ,系湖南洞庭湖的肋壳钉螺。1 .2 方法1 .2 .1 喷洒杀螺试验 选择华容县幸福乡垸外易感地带的有螺…  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas is widely cultivated in Thailand, the seeds of which yield high quality oil used for biodiesel production. Toxicity due to ingestion of Jatropha curcas has become more common among children due to the close proximity between cultivation and residential areas. We report 10 calls made over a 40-month period to the Siriraj Poison Control Center involving 75 children ages 2-14 years who experienced toxicity after ingesting various amounts of Jatropha beans. The amounts ingested, presenting symptoms, pertinent laboratory findings and their collective dispositions are reported. A brief review of recent published literature on toxicity due to ingestion of Jatropha curcas was also done.  相似文献   

目的探讨麻风树叶治疗蠕形螨病的应用价值。方法用80%乙醇热回流提取法提取麻风树叶提取液。取蠕形螨感染者面部皮脂,分离并鉴定蠕形螨备用。设不同浓度麻风树叶实验组、2%浓度的甲硝唑对照组和生理盐水对照组,进行体外抗螨实验。pH仪测定不同浓度麻风树叶提取物pH值。设麻风树叶实验组和75%乙醇对照组,用健康家兔进行皮肤刺激实验和急性皮肤毒性实验。结果 50、25、12 mg/ml麻风树叶组与2%甲硝唑组毛囊蠕形螨死亡时间分别为(1.55±0.67)min、(1.61±0.67)min、(2.47±0.80)min和(1.20±0.48)min。50、25 mg/ml麻风树叶组以及2%甲硝唑组两两之间差异无统计学意义(P均0.05)。50、25、12 mg/ml麻风树叶提取液pH值分别为6.07±0.73、6.27±0.82、6.35±0.83,对家兔完整皮肤及破损皮肤刺激评分均为0,且无明显毒性。结论麻风树叶提取物具有较强的体外抗蠕形螨活性且具有皮肤安全性。  相似文献   

目的 目的 观察不同工艺提取的麻疯树籽油杀灭血吸虫尾蚴的效果, 以筛选制备麻疯树籽油的最佳工艺及配方。方 方 法 法 采用6种不同工艺提取的麻疯树籽油, 进行杀灭血吸虫尾蚴即时接触试验。采用麻疯树籽油及其与不同添加剂制成 的制剂, 进行昆明小鼠血吸虫尾蚴即时接触感染试验, 观察其抗血吸虫感染的减虫率。结果 结果 95%乙醇回流、 料液比1∶8、 2 h提取工艺出油率达30.7%。即时接触试验6种麻疯树籽油30 min内将尾蚴全部杀灭。即时接触感染试验麻风树籽油原 液减虫率达70.97%, 添加苯甲酸苄酯减虫率为58.87%, 单一添加月桂氮酮减虫率达77.42%, 添加苯甲酸苄酯、 邻苯二甲酸 二丁酯、 月桂氮酮减虫率达100%。结论 结论 95%乙醇回流、 料液比1∶8、 2 h提取工艺为麻疯树籽油最佳提取工艺。麻疯树籽 油有较好的血吸虫尾蚴杀灭作用。  相似文献   


Stroke is one of the leading causes of long-lasting disability in human and oxidative stress an important underlying cause. Molecular insights into pathophysiology of ischemic stroke are still obscure, and the present study investigated the protective effect of high dosage Grape Seed Extract (GSE 2.5 g/kg) on brain ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury using a proteomic approach. Ischemia was realized by occlusion of the common carotid arteries for 30 min followed by 1 h reperfusion on control or GSE pre-treated rats, and a label-free quantification followed by mass spectrometry analysis used to evaluate I/R induced alterations in protein abundance and metabolic pathways as well as the protection afforded by GSE. I/R-induced whole brain ionogram dyshomeostasis, ultrastructural alterations, as well as inflammation into hippocampal dentate gyrus area, which were evaluated using ICP-OES, transmission electron microscopy and immuno-histochemistry respectively. I/R altered the whole brain proteome abundance among which 108 proteins were significantly modified (35 up and 73 down-regulated proteins). Eighty-four proteins were protected upon GSE treatment among which 27 were up and 57 down-regulated proteins, suggesting a potent protective effect of GSE close to 78%of the disturbed proteome. Furthermore, GSE efficiently prevented the brain from I/R-induced ion dyshomeostasis, ultrastructural alterations, inflammatory biomarkers as CD56 or CD68 and calcium burst within the hippocampus. To conclude, a potent protective effect of GSE on brain ischemia is evidenced and clinical trials using high dosage GSE should be envisaged on people at high risk for stroke.


ObjectiveTo evaluate the safety of ethanolic seed extract of Eugenia jambolana (EJSE) using acute and sub-chronic toxicity assays in Swiss albino mice as per Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) guidelines.MethodsPossible behavioral changes and lethality were observed in mice administered a single dose [1 000, 2 000, 3 000, 4 000 or 5 000 mg/kg body weight (BW)] of EJSE. Plasma levels of metabolic, hepatic, cardiac and renal function markers, electrolytes, blood count and histopathology of major organs were monitored in mice chronically treated with EJSE (1 000, 2 000 or 3 000 mg/kg BW) for 28 days.ResultsSince no mortality was recorded in the acute toxicity evaluation up to a dose of 5 000 mg/kg bodyweight of EJSE, 50% lethal dose (LD50) was assumed to be > 5 000 mg/kg BW. In the sub-chronic toxicity evaluation, no adverse observations were recorded in mice administered with 2 000 mg/kg BW of EJSE; however at 3 000 mg/kg BW dose, moderately significant increase in the plasma levels of urea and creatinine was observed. Hence, the lowest observable adverse effect level (LOAEL) for EJSE was found to be 3 000 mg/kg BW and the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) was adjudged as 2 000 mg/kg BW.ConclusionsIt can be concluded from this study that, orally administered EJSE is safe up to a 10 fold higher dose than its reported therapeutic dose.  相似文献   

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