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新疆塔城市人体蠕形螨感染调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

三种类型酒渣鼻病与蠕形螨寄生的关系   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
目的:了解3型酒渣鼻病与人体蠕形螨感染的关系。方法:观察酒渣鼻病人的临床表现和进行有关实验室检查。结果:根据酒渣鼻病的临床表现,将490例酒渣鼻病分成皮炎型、痤疮型和鼻赘型3种类型,其蠕形螨感染率分别为89.3%、58.7%和36.4%,前两型蠕形螨感染率显著高于正常人组(P<0.01)。结论:皮炎型酒渣鼻病的主要病因是蠕形螨的感染,另两型酒渣鼻病的发病与人体蠕形螨感染也有关。  相似文献   

An epidemiological survey of head lice infestation among school children at Peshawar (Pakistan) was conducted from April to December 1986. Lice were detected by visual inspection and combing of the head. A total sample of 2287 students (1499 girls, 788 boys) aged 8-16 years from six schools revealed an overall prevalence of 46%, with girls showing a higher infestation rate (49%) than the boys (40%). The infestation in girls was more common in one of the three girls' schools surveyed, while in boys it did not differ significantly among different schools. The prevalence decreased as a linear function of age in both sexes. Pediculosis was directly related to hair length, and the rate of decrease with age was uniform in the three hair length categories compared. The infestation was directly related to crowding at home, and was negatively associated with dandruff. Like prevalence, the degree of infestation was higher in girls than in boys and decreased linearly with age in both sexes.  相似文献   

The prevalence of head lice infestation was estimated among the general population of four urban localities in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan during 1986. Altogether 1002 persons (656 females, 346 males) were screened by visual inspection and combing of the head. The overall infestation rate was 36.7%, with females showing a higher prevalence (41.5%) than males (27.7%). The prevalence did not differ significantly with locality, and exhibited only a slight seasonal variation. Pediculosis was high in the five to 19 year old age-group, beyond which it decreased, gradually in females and abruptly in males. Higher rate of infestation in females could be attributed to their long hair. A significant negative association between pediculosis and dandruff was noticed in males but not in females. Crowding and low level of education, which reflect poor socio-economic status, apparently contributed to higher rate of infestation. Prevalence was directly related to the number of children per family, suggesting that school children perhaps play an important role in the distribution of lice. Intensity of infestation, like prevalence, was higher in females than males, and decreased with age in both sexes.  相似文献   

人体蠕形螨人群感染现场流行病学的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解人群感染蠕形螨情况和流行规律及居住环境中物品污染情况,为科学防治提供依据。方法 应用挤压刮拭法和透明胶纸粘贴法检验人体皮肤;采用透明胶纸法检验物器具。结果 调查发现在校中学生感染率为48.05%,连续4次检查男、女人群感染率差异无显著性;蠕形螨人群感染随年龄增加而增多,对154名在校生的观察,人体蠕形螨感染具有家庭聚集性;宾馆房间物品检测,面巾和面巾挂杆污染率分别为0.07%和0.03%。结论 蠕形螨人群感染具有家庭聚集性,外界物品可作为传播载体,防治人体蠕形螨应包括感染者和与感染者共同生活人群的治疗,对感染者居住环境中的物品应采取消杀等措施进行处理。  相似文献   

不同人群人体蠕形螨感染情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查不同人群人体蠕形螨的感染情况,探讨其与职业、性别、地域等的关系。方法采用略加改进的透明胶纸法。结果共检查583人,阳性率30.53%(178/583)。学生中阳性率随年级及年龄的增高而上升,其中小学与高中之间差异显著;不同职业中,银行职员与饮食服务人员阳性率最高,但不同职业之间、性别之间、城乡之间差异无显著性。感染者中以混合感染居多,感染部位以鼻尖鼻翼部、鼻唇沟部阳性率最高,感染度以轻度感染为主。患有痤疮、酒渣鼻、毛囊炎等皮肤疾病者与正常者阳性率差异有显著性(χ2=106.15,P〈0.05)。结论不同人群感染人体蠕形螨较为普遍,但在职业、性别、地域上的差异无显著性,以轻度感染为主,鼻部感染居多。其阳性率高低与年龄、个人生活习惯及面部皮肤有无疾患关系密切。  相似文献   

目的 以齐氏姬鼠为对象,调查分析单一鼠种体表恙螨的寄生状况. 方法 选取云南省的25个县(市)作为现场调查点,在鼠笼内放置食饵诱捕齐氏姬鼠,收集其体表寄生的恙螨,用霍氏液封片、固定后在显微镜下对恙螨进行分类鉴定.对云南省齐氏姬鼠体表恙螨的构成比、染螨率、平均多度、感染度、物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数等指标进行统计分析.应用空间分布型指数测定优势恙螨在同一鼠种(齐氏姬鼠)不同个体之间的空间分布格局.用Preston对数正态模型研究单一鼠种(齐氏姬鼠)体表恙螨群落的种-多度分布情况,并在此基础上对群落内总物种数进行预测. 结果 从所捕获的1 620只齐氏姬鼠体表共采集到恙螨8 038只,分类鉴定出3亚科11属88种(包括7种待定种),总染螨率为28.83%,平均多度为4.93只螨/鼠,二者之间存在直线正相关,相关系数r=0.87.在所采集的88种恙螨中,有5种优势恙螨,其中小板纤恙螨(Leptotrombidium scutellare)是最主要的优势恙螨,其构成比为27.05%.主要恙螨在齐氏姬鼠不同个体之间呈聚集型分布.齐氏姬鼠体表恙螨群落的种-多度分布服从Preston对数正态分布,理论曲线的拟合优度较高(R2=0.89).在种-多度分布理论曲线拟合基础上,根据Preston总物种预测方法,初步推测出齐氏姬鼠体表恙螨的总物种数大约为110种,即:在目前的宿主样本数量(1 620只齐氏姬鼠)下,约有22种恙螨未采集到. 结论 云南省齐氏姬鼠体表寄生恙螨种类丰富,物种多样性较高.小板纤恙螨是云南省齐氏姬鼠体表最主要的优势恙螨.大样本研究在恙螨生态研究中十分重要.  相似文献   

本文报告四川西部藏区两型包虫病(Hydatidosis,HD)人群感染特点与分布趋势。在石渠县与甘孜县的8个调查点,采用以B超与X光检查为主,辅以Dot-ELISA与Eml8blot血清学试验的方法对3999人的检查结果,人群平均感染率4.03%。其中细粒棘蚴病(Cystic Echinococcosis,CE)2.13%,泡球蚴病(Alveolar Echinococcosis,AE)1.90%  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence of anaemia and iron-deficiency anaemia (IDA) in Kahramanmaras, a province in the south-eastern Anatolia. METHODS: The study was performed on 1491 persons of both sexes aged 2-69. All were volunteers. Haematological parameters were determined and haemoglobin (Hb) electrophoresis was carried out in all subjects, and only for those with haemoglobin levels below normal were subsequent measurements of ferritin and Hb A2 made to detect iron deficiency and rule out beta-thalassaemia. RESULTS: The means of all the haematological parameters for all age groups and sexes were found to be lower than the reference values given in the literature. Anaemia was found to be present in all age groups, especially in children aged 2-5 yr and women aged 19-40 yr (34.5% and 40.0%, respectively). IDA in the same age groups was 15.5% and 23.8%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The high rate of IDA raises serious concern about nutritional disease risks in the region. An inexpensive oral iron therapy and education as to the importance of iron for their health would help to provide optimal health for the population concerned, especially for mothers-to-be and children.  相似文献   

目的 调查不同行业人群中肺螨病的流行特征。方法 询问病史、螨渗液皮试及对螨渗液皮试阳性者进行痰检。结果 对1409人作螨渗液皮试,皮试阳性429人,阳性率30.45%;对皮试阳性或有明显呼吸道症状的457人痰检,痰螨阳性107例,检出率为23.41%,总患病率7.59%(107/1409)。检出的螨经鉴定分5科10属12种。农村磨坊人员患病率为14.10%,其次为面粉厂11.11%,粮库8.28%等。患病率随工作年限及年龄的增加而上升;性别间患病差别无显著性。结论 肺螨病流行与职业有密切关系,工作年限越长,工龄越长,患病率越高。对特定人群要加强个人劳动保护。  相似文献   

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