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二巯基丙硫酸钠解救急性四次甲基二砜四胺中毒的疗效观察   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
我们分析总结了 1998年 3月至 2 0 0 0年 3月应用二巯基丙磺酸钠 (Na DMPS)解救急性四次甲基二砜四胺 (ATI,毒鼠强 )中毒患者 39例的用法、用量及疗效 ,旨在探讨Na DMPS解救ATI的基本方法 ,以供临床借鉴。1 临床资料 :所有患者均经气相色谱分析仪检测确诊为ATI,中毒程度按邵孝[1] 主编的现代急诊医学进行判定。重度组 :男 8例 ,女 12例 ,年龄 18~ 78岁 ,均口服中毒 ,中毒至症状发作为数分钟至半小时 ,就诊时间多为发病后0 5~ 1h内 ,1例约 2h ,1例为 4h ,1例中毒就诊时间不详。轻度组 19例为误食所致。男 15例 …  相似文献   

呼吸系统疾病197硫酸镁治疗COPD急性发作的疗效[英]/SkoredinMS…∥ArchInternMed.-1995,155(5).-496~500作者就硫酸镁治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)急性发作的疗效进行了观察。患者72例,年龄>35岁,男...  相似文献   

转导人TIMP—2基因抑制癌浸润转移的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 外源性人TIMP-2基因在人LAK细胞中的表达及其对胃癌浸润转移的抑制作用。方法 通过磷酸钙-DNA共沉淀的方法将TIMP-2重组真核表达质粒pL(TIMP-2)SN转染兼性包装细胞PA317包装形成病毒颗粒。用病毒液感染人LAK细胞,再以Northern杂交、SDS-PAGE及反向酶谱试验进行表达及活性分析。用转基因LAK细胞(LAK/LT)2×10^6给胃癌转移模型腹腔内注射。结果 TI  相似文献   

抗抑郁药治疗功能生消化不良的临床研究   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
目的 探讨精神、心理因素与功能性消化不良(FD)的关系及抗抑郁药对其的疗效。方法对24例正常人和24例FD患者进行汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)和症状自评量表(SCL-90)评分;用抗抑郁药、5-羟色胺再摄取剂(SSRI)帕罗西汀(赛乐特)和盐酸氟西汀(百优解)治疗FD患者,疗程均为8周,治疗后再行量表评分。结果 三种量表(HAMD、HAMA、SCL-90)评分对比,均  相似文献   

测定20例正常人及20例NIDDM伴微白蛋白尿患者红细胞膜ATP酶活力和红细胞内Na+、K+、Ca+浓度。结果与正常组比较,NIDDM微白蛋白尿患者Na+-K+-ATP酶和Ca++-ATP酶活力降低(P<0.05和P<0.01);红细胞内K+浓度降低(P<0.05),Na+和Ca++浓度增高(P均<0.01)。给予NIDDM微白蛋白尿患者卡托普利(12.5mg,tid,×2周;25mg,tid,×14周)治疗16周,红细胞Na+-K+-ATP酶及Ca++-ATP酶活力和红细胞内Na+、K+、Ca++浓度基本恢复正常,尿白蛋白排泄量减少。  相似文献   

目的 探讨HLA-DR-DQ连锁基因单倍体与成人缓慢进展型1型糖尿病(SPIDDM)和速发型1型糖尿病(FPIDDM)的相关性。方法 利用PCR/SSP技术检测了52例SPIDDM患者、30例FPIDDM患者和130例正常人的HLA-DR-DQ连锁基因频率。结果 ①HLA-DQA1*0301-DQB1*0201和DQA1*0501-DQB1*0201连锁基因单倍体与SPIDDM(Pc〈0.001)  相似文献   

老年急性心肌梗塞心率变异时域分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析急性心肌梗塞(AMI)后老年患者心率变异(HRV)时域指标,了解AMI后HRV变化。方法以多单位协作方式对157例AMI后2周的老年患者行动态心电图检测HRV时域法5项指标,并与健康老年组对比分析。数据经EpiInfo(6.0)统计软件处理。结果①AMI患者的正常R-R间期标准差(SDNN)、平均值的标准差(SDANN)和标准差的平均值(SDNNIndex)低于对照组(P<0.01),而相邻正常R-R间期差值的均方根(RMSSD)和相邻正常R-R差值大于50ms记数占总R-R间期数的百分比(PNN50)虽低于对照组,但无显著差异(P>0.05)。②AMI后HRV时域5项指标男、女性别间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。③SDNN、SDANN和SDNNIn-dex在心肌梗塞各部位间无显著差异(P>0.05),RMSSD和PNN50前间壁低于下壁心肌梗塞(P<0.05)。结论老年人AMI后HRV降低。反映交感神经活性的SDNN、SDANN和SDNNIndex和反映迷走神经活性的RMSSD和PNN502组指标变化不相同。  相似文献   

系统性红斑狼疮患者血浆D-二聚体水平测定及其临床意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 了解系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者D-二聚体的水平测定及其临床价值。方法 用单克隆抗体乳胶凝集试验法测定59例SLE患者血浆D-二聚体水平。结果 (1)SLE患者血浆D-二聚体水平较正常组显著增高(P〈0.001);(2)SLE患者血浆D-二聚体水平与SLAM得分呈显著正相关(r=0.554,P〈0.001);(3)D-二聚体阳性组SLAM得分、发生血管炎、狼疮性肾炎均明显高于阴性组(P〈0.  相似文献   

复方海蛇胶囊治疗老年及老年前期痴呆双盲研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 观察复方海蛇胶囊(RSC)治疗老年痴呆的临床疗效。方法 随机双盲法用药,共108例,治疗组58例(单纯VD22例、单纯AD31例,AD±VD5例);空白对照组50例(VD29例、AD18例,VD合并AD3例),治疗组服RDC,对照组服空白胶囊,均为每例每次6粒,每粒0.28克,每日三次,疗程3个月。以MMSE、HDS、WMS评定疗效。结果 ①RSC与对照组治后MMSE增值分别为2.880±1  相似文献   

硫酸镁对慢性肺心病患者肺动脉高压的短期影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
临床上硫酸镁(MgSO4)对新生儿肺动脉高压(PAH)的疗效已基本得到肯定[1],但MgSO4能否降低慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)所致肺心病患者的PAH,尚未见报道。我们用右心漂浮导管检测法观察静脉滴注MgSO4对慢性肺心病伴PAH患者血流动力学及血气的短期影响,为临床治疗提供依据。对象 COPD所致肺心病患者8例,男5例,女3例,年龄53~71岁,均符合第二次全国肺心病专业会议修定的诊断标准。无心衰或心衰已控制,右心导管检查证实患者在安静状态下的肺动脉平均压>20mmHg(1mmHg=013…  相似文献   

We have analyzed the effects of aprotinin and Na2CaEDTA on phospholipase A2 activity and on the outcome of experimental pancreatitis in pigs. Hemorrhagic pancreatitis was induced in 29 piglets by infusing Na-taurocholate and trypsin into the pancreatic duct with simultaneous intravenous injection of secretin. Twelve animals serving as controls had no specific treatment. Nine animals were treated with aprotinin and eight pigs with Na2CaEDTA. Ten of the control animals died within 24 h of the induction of pancreatitis, and two of them lived for a week. In the aprotinin group three piglets died within 24 h and two died during the next day; four animals lived for a week. In the Na2CaEDTA group five animals died within 24 h and one the next day; two animals lived for a week. In all the animals serum phospholipase A2 activity increased significantly (p less than 0.01), there being no differences between the groups. In those animals that lived for a week the phospholipase A2 activities decreased on the 2nd day. This decrease was seen in both treated groups. Aprotinin prolonged the survival time of the animals. This prolongation was statistically significant (p less than 0.05, chi-square test, logrank test). Na2CaEDTA did not improve the prognosis of the animals. Neither of the drugs given influenced the serum phospholipase A2 activities during the first hours of the disease.  相似文献   

为探讨急性心肌梗死直接经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术的安全性及临床疗效 ,选择 6 2例未经静脉和冠状动脉内溶栓治疗的急性心肌梗死患者 ,在紧急冠状动脉造影后即行直接经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术 ;另外选择 5 9例急性心肌梗死患者 ,采用溶栓治疗 ,溶栓治疗后不再接受介入治疗和外科冠状动脉搭桥 ,然后比较直接经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术和溶栓治疗的疗效、安全性及预后。结果发现 ,直接经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术组 6 0例再灌注成功 ,成功率为 96 .7% ,其中 4例合并心源性休克的患者均再灌注成功 ,血压回升 ,急性上消化道出血 1例 ,死亡率为 0 ;溶栓治疗组 38例再灌注成功 ,成功率为 6 4 .4 % ,住院期间死亡 5例 ,出院 6月内死亡 2例 ,急性上消化道出血 1例 ,血尿 1例 ,溶栓治疗后心源性休克 5例 ,死亡率为 1 1 .9%。直接经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术再灌注成功率明显高于溶栓治疗 ,死亡率和主要心脏事件的发生率明显低于溶栓治疗 (P <0 .0 1 )。结果提示 ,急性心肌梗死的直接经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术治疗安全有效 ,再灌注成功率明显高于溶栓治疗 ,疗效及预后优于溶栓治疗  相似文献   

Background and study aimTherapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) through measurement of infliximab (IFX) trough levels and antibodies to infliximab (ATI) is performed to guide IFX intensification strategies and improve its efficacy. We conducted this study to explore the relationship between clinical and endoscopic/radiological remission and IFX and ATI levels in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) treated with IFX and to evaluate the appropriateness of treatment decision post TDM.Patients and methodsThis was a cross-sectional study of a cohort of adult patients with IBD. Serum IFX trough concentrations and ATI were measured.ResultsA total of 129 patients [104] with ulcerative colitis (UC) and 25 with Crohn’s disease (CD)] were included in this study, of whom 61.2% were men. The mean disease duration was 6.7 years, and 72% of patients with UC had extensive colitis. The mean serum IFX trough level was 4.1 µg/mL; the IFX trough levels were subtherapeutic in 75 patients (58%), therapeutic in 37 patients (29%), and supratherapeutic in 17 patients (13%). Positivity to ATI was found in 16 patients (12.4%). Only 43 patients (33.3%) underwent an appropriate change in therapy after TDM, patients with penetrating CD disease had low IFX levels and higher C-reactive protein levels at 12 months before TDM.ConclusionsPatients with IBD with therapeutic IFX levels tend to have increased endoscopic/radiological remission rates. However, an appropriate change in management based on TDM was absent in the majority of patients, potentially reflecting the need to have a dashboard to support and guide clinicians in decision-making.  相似文献   

A multicenter prospective study on the treatment of chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) was conducted by the Idiopathic Disorders of Hematopoietic Organs Research Committee (IDHORC), the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan. The aim of the study was to establish an improved therapeutic guide for chronic ITP. Of the 247 eligible patients 175 have been followed up to the present time, 16 patients have died, and 56 have been lost to follow-up. The median follow-up time was 55 months (range: 1 to 91 months). Of the 206 patients treated with corticosteroids, 13.1% achieved sustained complete remission. Splenectomy produced remissions in 52.5% of 72 patients evaluated 12 months after operation. Eighty-five patients were treated with immunosuppressive agents, but the response rates were low and the effect was transient in most cases. In the patients followed up without any specific treatment, the mean platelet counts showed slight improvement. Of the 16 patients who died during the observation period, only one died of bleeding; the remaining 15 died of causes unrelated to thrombocytopenia. It is noteworthy that five patients who were treated with corticosteroids or immunosuppressive agents died of infection.  相似文献   

To enhance therapeutic efficacy and reduce adverse effects, practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) prescribe a combination of plant species/minerals, called formulae, based on clinical experience. Nearly 100,000 formulae have been recorded, but the working mechanisms of most remain unknown. In trying to address the possible beneficial effects of formulae with current biomedical approaches, we use Realgar-Indigo naturalis formula (RIF), which has been proven to be very effective in treating human acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) as a model. The main components of RIF are realgar, Indigo naturalis, and Salvia miltiorrhiza, with tetraarsenic tetrasulfide (A), indirubin (I), and tanshinone IIA (T) as major active ingredients, respectively. Here, we report that the ATI combination yields synergy in the treatment of a murine APL model in vivo and in the induction of APL cell differentiation in vitro. ATI causes intensified ubiquitination/degradation of promyelocytic leukemia (PML)-retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARalpha) oncoprotein, stronger reprogramming of myeloid differentiation regulators, and enhanced G(1)/G(0) arrest in APL cells through hitting multiple targets compared with the effects of mono- or biagents. Furthermore, ATI intensifies the expression of Aquaglyceroporin 9 and facilitates the transportation of A into APL cells, which in turn enhances A-mediated PML-RARalpha degradation and therapeutic efficacy. Our data also indicate A as the principal component of the formula, whereas T and I serve as adjuvant ingredients. We therefore suggest that dissecting the mode of action of clinically effective formulae at the molecular, cellular, and organism levels may be a good strategy in exploring the value of traditional medicine.  相似文献   

目的评价大剂量化疗、自体外周血干细胞移植、生物治疗序贯疗法对非霍奇金淋巴瘤的疗效。方法2003年6月至2007年3月在第三军医大学新桥医院对67例中、高度恶性非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)患者采用大剂量化疗、自体外周血干细胞移植、白介素-2(IL-2)生物治疗序贯治疗,观察其治疗效果和相关并发症。结果67例患者中,41例完全缓解期患者(NHL-CR),经上述序贯治疗,36例持续CR(87.8%),5例复发(RE,12.2%),其中1例死亡(2.4%);26例部分缓解患者(NHL-PR),达CR15例(57.7%),RE11例(42.3%),其中死亡5例(19.2%)。结论该序贯疗法治疗非霍奇金淋巴瘤安全有效,治疗前达到CR患者疗效更好。  相似文献   

AIM:To evaluate the prevalence of double negative(DN)sera and the mechanisms responsible for DN status.METHODS:Sera of inflammatory bowel disease patients treated with infliximab(IFX)were tested for drug/antibodies to infliximab(ATI)trough levels and the proportion of DN results was compared between a commercially available double antigen ELISA(with labeled IFX as the detection antibody)and an antilambda ELISA(with anti-human lambda chain detection antibody).Repeat testing with lower than customary serum dilution(1:10)was performed.Patients with DN status were matched with IFX+/ATI-controls and were followed-up for subsequent development of nontransient ATI to investigate if DN status precedes ATI.RESULTS:Of 67 sera obtained at time of loss of response,only 6/67(9%)were DN by anti-lambda ELISA compared to 27/67(40%)with double antigen ELISA(P0.001,Fisher’s Exact test).Of the latter27 sera,22%were also DN by anti-lambda ELISA,whereas 44%were actually IFX positive(IFX+ATI-),30%were ATI positive(IFX-ATI+)and 4%were double positive(IFX+ATI+).Re-testing using a 1:10 dilution converted most DN results into IFX+and/or ATI+status.Patients with DN status had shorter survival free of non-transient ATI compared with matched controls(log rank test,P0.001).In 9/30(30%)of these patients,non transient ATI occurred before and after the event at which the DN serum was obtained,supporting the view that a DN result may represent aparticular time-point along the two curves of ATI titer rise and infliximab drug level decline.CONCLUSION:DN status may result from false negative detection of IFX or ATI by double antigen ELISA,suggesting a transitional state of low-level immunogenicity,rather than non-immunological clearance.  相似文献   

AIM:To assess tumor necrosis factor-a(TNF-a),infliximab(IFX)concentrations,and antibodies against IFX molecules in patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)who develop loss of response,side effects,or allergic reaction during anti TNF-a therapy.METHODS:Blood samples of 36 patients with response loss,side effects,or hypersensitivity to IFX therapy(Group?Ⅰ)and 31 patients in complete clinical remission(GroupⅡ)selected as a control group were collected to measure trough serum TNF-a level,IFX,and anti-IFX antibody(ATI)concentration.We examined the correlation between loss of response,the development of side effects or hypersensitivity,and serum TNF-a,IFX trough levels,and ATI concentrations.RESULTS:The serum TNF-a level was shown to be correlated with the presence of ATI;ATI positivity was significantly correlated with low trough levels of IFX.ATIs were detected in 25%of IBD patients with loss of response,side effects,or hypersensitivity,however no association was revealed between these patients and antibody positivity or lower serum IFX levels.Previous use of IFX correlated with the development of ATI,although concomitant immunosuppression did not have any impact on them.CONCLUSION:On the basis of the present study,we suggest that the simultaneous measurement of serum TNF-a level,serum anti TNF-a concentration,and antibodies against anti TNF-a may further help to optimize the therapy in critical situations.  相似文献   

Atrial tachyarrhythmias (AT) are the most common cardiac rhythm disturbance. In the present study, we analyzed the cholinergic-adrenergic interaction in the in vitro induction of cholinergic-dependent tachyarrhythmia by high-frequency electric stimulation. Tachyarrhythmia was evoked in isolated rat right atria by trains of electric stimuli. Atrial response was expressed as the tachyarrhythmia induction index (ATI, i.e. the fraction of applied trains that resulted in arrhythmia induction). ATI was reversibly increased by 0.6 microM carbachol (CCh), which also decreased atrial spontaneous rate (ASR). In contrast, 10 nM isoproterenol (ISO), 100 microM tyramine and the phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutyl-methylxanthine (IBMX, 100 microM) increased ASR and decreased ATI. Amiodarone (AMI, 10 microM) reduced ATI in the presence and absence of CCh. Further CCh addition restored ATI in atria treated with either IBMX or AMI, but not when both compounds were present. Increase in ATI by CCh in atria pretreated with IBMX plus ISO was significantly attenuated by 3 mM NaF. The antagonism between cholinergic muscarinic and beta-adrenergic receptor stimulation (the former facilitating and the latter inhibiting tachyarrhythmia installation) possibly involves regulation of the phosphorylation status of adenosine cyclic 3'-5'-monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent protein kinase substrates. Additionally, cAMP-independent, AMI-sensitive mechanism stimulated by CCh (possibly muscarinic-dependent K(+) current activation) seems to contribute to AT facilitation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨AS患者英夫利西单抗(IFX)谷浓度(TLs)与疗效的关系,了解抗IFX抗体(ATI)产生情况。方法:连续纳入2017年1月至2018年12月苏北人民医院接受IFX治疗的AS患者38例。在第8次应用IFX前空腹抽取检测血清IFX-TLs和ATI水平,在第1次、第6次、第8次应用IFX前进行AS病情活动度评分(ASDAS),采用单因素方差分析、秩和检验、χ^2检验、Logistic回归分析进行统计学分析。从而进行疗效评价。结果:①38例AS患者,其中6例(16%)出现了ATI。这6例患者第8次IFX给药(38周)时出现病情反弹。②以第8次IFX治疗相比第6次IFX治疗的ASDAS是否上升进行分组,绘制受试者工作曲线(ROC)曲线,计算出IFX-TLs维持在0.635μg/ml以上时,患者病情不易反跳。③Logistic回归分析结果显示IFX-TLs与BMI相关[OR(95%CI)=1.536(1.023,2.308),P=0.039],与合并用药相关[OR(95%CI)=0.218(0.06,0.797),P=0.021]。结论:ATI的产生以及IFX-TLs变化与IFX失应答密切相关,应定期监测,调整治疗方案。  相似文献   

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