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目的:总结二尖瓣成形术在婴幼儿先天性心脏病(先心病)中的应用.方法:自2007年10月至2012年10月,108例二尖瓣关闭不全(不包括完全性或部分性房室通道)婴幼儿行二尖瓣成形手术,所有婴幼儿中有3例(2.7%)行再次二尖瓣成形术.术中根据瓣膜病变情况选择合适的成形方法,包括二尖瓣瓣环环缩、Wooler瓣环成形术、瓣裂修补、乳头肌缩短技术及复合技术.对所有患者均行临床和超声心动图检查评估二尖瓣功能.结果:全组婴幼儿无死亡病例,所有婴幼儿复查超声心动图提示:二尖瓣残留少量反流23例(21.3%),中度反流12例(11.1%),重度反流3例(2.7%),3例重度反流患几分别于术后2年、2年9个月及4年行再次手术,再次手术后1例无反流,2例少量反流.结论:二尖瓣成形术是婴幼儿先心病中二尖瓣关闭不全手术的首选术式,均能取得良好的治疗效果  相似文献   

目的:探讨动脉导管未闭合并功能性二尖瓣反流的治疗策略及疗效观察 方法:回顾性分析2008年1月至2015年7月在本中心实施手术治疗的65例PDA合并功能性二尖瓣反流患者的临床资料。其中有轻度二尖瓣反流16例、中度反流26例、重度反流23例,其中41例行介入封堵术,19例行左侧经胸切口动脉导管结扎术。3例成人患者合并重度二尖瓣反流者行体外循环下PDA结扎及二尖瓣成形术,2例左室明显扩大伴重度二尖瓣反流、心功能低下者先行PDA封堵后2周再行体外循环下二尖瓣成形术。术后3月随访复查心脏彩超了解二尖瓣反流情况。 结果:围术期无死亡。PDA术后均无残余分流。8例术前有反复肺部感染的患儿术后呼吸机辅助时间2~5天后顺利脱机,其余患者均恢复顺利。单纯处理PDA的患者(共60例),术后3月心彩超提示:二尖瓣无反流26例,轻度反流24例,中度反流10例,无重度反流病例。行体外循环手术者术后均恢复良好,3例一期手术者术后二尖瓣反流为轻度以下,2例分期行成形者术后二尖瓣反流为轻度、轻偏中度。 结论:对PDA合并功能性二尖瓣反流患者,单纯处理动脉导管即可获得良好的效果。对合并极重度二尖瓣反流伴左室扩大、心功能不全患者,行分期手术可获得良好的手术安全性。  相似文献   

目的:评估二尖瓣修补治疗非风湿性二尖瓣反流患者的效果。方法:1997-06至2007-06,本组为301例非风湿性二尖瓣关闭不全的患者施行了二尖瓣成形手术,其中162人为男性,139人为女性,117人为中度关闭不全,184人为重度关闭不全。平均年龄为(53.2±16.4)岁(15~72岁)。术前NYHA心功能Ⅱ级55例,Ⅲ级187例,Ⅳ级59例。99例前瓣脱垂(腱索断裂64例,腱索延长35例),后瓣脱垂139例(腱索断裂88例,腱索延长51例),前、后瓣都脱垂63例。患者中7例合并冠心病,1例合并主动脉瓣关闭不全,12例合并三尖瓣关闭不全,11例合并房间隔缺损(继发孔型)。手术均使用可膨胀聚四氟乙烯缝线替换腱索(4CVGore-Tex缝线)。所有患者都有不同程度的二尖瓣环扩张,都常规使用二尖瓣瓣环成形环施行瓣环成形。所有手术都在全麻、中度低温(28℃~31℃)及体外循环下进行。平均主动脉阻断时间为(76.2±12.3)min。结果:1例术后早期死于多脏器功能衰竭,1例患者术后因重度二尖瓣反流导致溶血而施行了机械瓣置换。除死亡和换瓣者以外,所有患者术后都予以随访(2个月~10年)。除1例外,其余的患者术后心功能...  相似文献   

目的 研究应用二尖瓣成形环行瓣环环缩术治疗缺血性二尖瓣返流的手术效果。方法 选择2000年1月~2015年12月在我院行二尖瓣成形术的缺血性二尖瓣返流并发室壁瘤的患者72例,根据二尖瓣病变部位及性质选择成形方案,其中33例使用二尖瓣成形环进行瓣环环缩术。回顾性分析手术的近期、远期治疗效果。结果 围手术期死亡4例(6%)。术后二尖瓣返流程度较术前明显改善,中度及中度以上二尖瓣返流1例(1%)。术后随访(5±3)年,随访期死亡11例(16%),出现中度及中度以上二尖瓣返流12例(18%)。是否使用成形环进行瓣环环缩术后早期二尖瓣返流程度无统计学差异,但远期成形环环缩组较对照组二尖瓣返流程度有显著改善(P<0.05)。结论 缺血性二尖瓣返流并发室壁瘤的患者中,二尖瓣成形术可安全、有效地重建二尖瓣功能。使用成形环进行瓣环环缩可改善远期效果。  相似文献   

目的:比较二尖瓣成形术与二尖瓣置换术治疗重度缺血性二尖瓣反流(IMR)患者的近中期临床结果,探讨其治疗方法的选择。方法:2010年至2017年,成人冠心病合并重度IMR接受冠状动脉旁路移植术及二尖瓣成形/置换术共106例,其中二尖瓣成形56例,二尖瓣置换50例。研究主要终点为左心室收缩末期容积指数(LVESVI),二级终点:死亡、中风、二尖瓣再次手术、心力衰竭、NYHA分级恶化、二尖瓣再次反流、生活质量。结果:两组患者术前基线资料差异无统计学意义。两组患者在术后30 d、1年复合心脏事件终点发生率方面差异无统计学意义(P=0.97)。术后1年LVESVI及LVEF改善、基于SF-12评分的生活质量,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。术后1年二尖瓣成形组再发中-重度二尖瓣反流明显高于二尖瓣置换组(P=0.002)。结论:对于重度缺血性二尖瓣反流,二尖瓣成形或置换术均可获得较好的近中期临床效果;全瓣保留二尖瓣置换术更低的远期中重度二尖瓣反流发生率可能使患者更多的获益,但要权衡人工瓣膜置换的利弊。  相似文献   

目的 总结小儿二尖瓣关闭不全外科矫治经验。方法 回顾近12年我院收治75例小儿二尖瓣关闭不全患,其中男31例,女44例,年龄1.5-12岁,平均7.1岁。单纯二尖瓣关闭不全8例,合并其它心血管畸形67例。二尖瓣关闭不全轻度7例,中度47例,重度21例。二尖瓣脱垂24例,瓣叶裂38例,瓣叶发育不良2例,单纯二尖瓣环扩大11例。手术在中低温体外循环心内直视下进行,行腱索缩短13例(含多根腱索缩短4例),乳头肌缩短1例,腱索移植3例,瓣叶修复41例,瓣环成形25例,二尖瓣置换2例。同时矫正合并心血管畸形。结果 全组无手术死亡。完全矫正二尖瓣关闭不全54例(71.2%),残留少量反流17例(23.3%),中度反流4例(5.5%)。术后随访1.5-13年(平均7.8年),1例术后4.5年因急性左心衰再次行人工瓣置换术,1例合并严重肺动脉高血压术后5年死于右心衰竭,1例人工瓣置换术后失访。其余患发育良好,心功能均恢复正常。结论 二尖瓣成形术治疗小儿二尖瓣关闭不全可取得良好的效果。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨治疗动脉导管未闭合并二尖瓣关闭不全的临床经验。 方法 分析41例动脉导管未闭合并二尖瓣关闭不全的临床资料,男23例,女18例;年龄1~52(9.5±10.7)岁。术前超声心动图提示:动脉导管直径3~11(6.84±2.10)mm,合并二尖瓣反流10例为轻度反流,16例中度反流,15例重度反流。37例患者的二尖瓣未进行处理,其中16例通过左胸侧后切口结扎动脉导管,21例单纯行介入封堵;2例患者因同时伴有重度三尖瓣反流而在体外循环下同期施行了三尖瓣成形术;2例合并重度二尖瓣关闭不全一般情况较差的患者,首先一期行PDA封堵术,封堵术后2周体外下一例行二尖瓣置换,一例二尖瓣成行术。 结果围术期无死亡,PDA术后均无残余分流,3例术前有反复肺部感染的患儿术后呼吸机辅助时间2~5天后顺利脱机,其余患者均恢复顺利。患者出院后门诊随访,术后1周、1月、3月复查瓣膜反流情况。单纯处理PDA的患者(共37例),术后心彩超提示:术后1周与术前比较二尖瓣反流均明显减少;术后3个月与术后1个月比,二尖瓣反流略有减少。术后3个月时二尖瓣无反流19例,轻度反流13例,中度反流5例,无重度反流病例;行体外循环手术者术后均恢复良好,两例一期手术者术后二尖瓣反流为轻度以下,分期行成形者术后二尖瓣反流为轻中度 结论对动脉导管未闭合功能性二尖瓣关闭不全患者,采取单纯PDA结扎或者封堵,可有效减轻心脏负担,改善二尖瓣反流状况。对于一般情况较重不能耐受一期手术的患者,可行分期手术,一期先行PDA封堵术,缓解了二尖瓣反流和肺动脉高压情况,可有效地降低了二期二尖瓣手术的手术风险。  相似文献   

目的:回顾两种二尖瓣成形术治疗合并主动脉根部瘤的二尖瓣反流,探讨此手术的临床效果。方法:2010年7月至2015年5月,北京安贞医院收治的33例合并主动脉根部瘤的二尖瓣反流的患者进行回顾性分析,男性28例,女性5例,平均年龄(53.2±15.5)岁。其中25例患者置入二尖瓣成形环(成形环植入组),所置入的二尖瓣人工瓣环平均直径为(29.5±1.5)mm,8例患者行交界环缩术(交界环缩组)。术前超声心动图显示:所有患者二尖瓣病变均为中度或重度关闭不全,成形环植入组反流面积为(8.5±4.1)cm2,交界环缩组反流面积为(5.7±1.3)cm2。成形环植入组患者平均体外循环时间(164.2±29.3)min,平均主动脉阻断时间(118.2±23.4)min,交界环缩组患者平均体外循环时间(111.9±28.4)min,平均主动脉阻断时间(77.8±22.2)min。结果:术后无死亡,无恶性心律失常及其他严重并发症。成形环植入组术后平均ICU停留时间为(23.0±12.5)h,交界环缩组术后平均ICU停留时间为(23.0±8.8)h。复查超声心动图显示:成形环植入组少量反流8例,无或微量反流17例;交界环缩组少量反流4例,无或微量反流4例。结论:二尖瓣反流合并主动脉根部瘤时可以经房间隔切口或房间沟切口行成形环植入术和经主动脉切口行交界环缩术。上述两种二尖瓣成形术治疗主动脉根部瘤合并二尖瓣反流的效果确切,对于二尖瓣反流程度较轻的患者可以采用经主动脉切口行交界环缩术,以减少体外循环和阻断的时间。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中度功能性二尖瓣反流(FMR)在重度主动脉瓣关闭不全患者中的处理原则及其近中期疗效。方法 分析2019年10月至2020年10月南京医科大学附属南京医院心胸血管外科16例重度主动脉瓣关闭不全合并中度功能性二尖瓣反流患者经手术治疗的临床资料。结果 所有术后患者围手术期无死亡,术后随访(2.9±1.7)个月,术后超声心动图提示FMR程度与术前相比较有所减轻,同时左心房内径(LAD)(P=0.01)、左心室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)(P=0.025)及左心室收缩末期内径(LVESD)(P=0.045)明显缩小,但LVEF较术前反而有所下降,但无统计学意义(P=0.259)。术后3~6个月随访,所有患者无复发,无需再次手术,复查超声心动图与术前比较LAD(P=0.022)、LVEDD(P=0.006)、LVESD(P=0.043)呈进行性缩小, 接近正常水平,EF较术前相比明显改善,有显著统计学差异(P=0.029) ,且FMR同步明显减轻。截至最后一次随访,5例二尖瓣无反流,7例微量反流,4例少量反流,手术成形效果满意。结论 重度主动脉瓣关闭不全合并中度的FMR建议积极行二尖瓣成形术处理,能够保留二尖瓣瓣膜的持久性和功能性,可获得较满意的近中期疗效。  相似文献   

目的:回顾性分析综合应用二尖瓣成形术矫治复杂二尖瓣关闭不全的中远期临床效果。方法:2003年1月2014年3月,综合应用多项成形技术修复23例复杂二尖瓣关闭不全患者瓣膜,患者年龄14~71(45±23)岁。术前超声心动图提示二尖瓣关闭不全:中度6例,重度17例,均存在2个以上的反流点;联合应用后瓣矩形切除、前叶三角形切除、腱索缩短、腱索转移、缘对缘二孔化、置入人工腱索、置入人工瓣环等技术修复二尖瓣。术中采用注水试验和经食管超声心动图检查评估成形效果。手术后每年进行1次超声心动图检查,采用Kaplan-Meier方法评估术后随访期死亡率和无二尖瓣反流发生率。结果:全组患者无手术死亡和住院死亡,随访时间为(71±37)个月,2例患者失访(9%),1例患者于术后3年死于心力衰竭,预计11年总体生存率为95%。根据最近一次超声心动图随访结果,22例存活患者中,3例患者分别于术后9个月、72个月和96个月发生中度二尖瓣反流,免于中度以上二尖瓣反流的预计发生率为76.4%。无患者因为二尖瓣反流复发或者其它原因进行二次心脏手术。结论:正确判断二尖瓣闭锁不全的病理改变,综合应用多种成形技术可以取得良好的二尖瓣成形中远期效果。  相似文献   

目的:总结先天性二尖瓣关闭不全患儿成形手术治疗的近中期结果。方法:选择自2016年1月至2018年1月因中重度二尖瓣关闭不全于我院行“三步法”二尖瓣成形术治疗的患儿70例。研究分析患者二尖瓣病变特征,术中操作要点,手术安全性和有效性,术后并发症及近中期随访结果。结果:70例患儿中男性31例,女性39例;年龄中位数23.83(四分位间距7.58,52.39)个月;身高85.50(67.75,105.25)cm;体重11.75(6.48,16.88)kg。手术均采用胸骨正中切口,均在全麻低温体外循环下进行。体外循环时间(102.10±40.65)min,主动脉阻断时间(67.76±32.97)min。术后住院15.50(11.75,25.75)天,术后早期死亡率为2.86%。术后二尖瓣中度以上关闭不全患者比例较术前显著降低(术前100%,术后7.14%;P<0.01)。术后随访20(17.45~26.30)个月。随访期间死亡率为1.5%,再次手术发生率为7.35%,二尖瓣中量以上反流发生率为14.71%。结论:“三步法”二尖瓣成形术是一种安全、有效的治疗方法,近中期结果良好,为二尖瓣关闭不全患儿提供了一种可靠的手术选择。  相似文献   

目的:探讨"缘对缘"技术矫治二尖瓣关闭不全的经验及近中期手术疗效。方法:2001年6月至2007年10月利用"缘对缘"技术对58例二尖瓣关闭不全患者行二尖瓣成形术,其中瓣膜退行性病变39例;先天性二尖瓣病变14例;缺血性改变导致二尖瓣关闭不全2例;感染性心内膜炎1例,风湿性心脏病2例。术前超声显示二尖瓣反流量:中度11例,中到重度21例,重度26例。结果:术中及术后早期无死亡,术后一周超声心动图示左心房内径,左心室舒张期末内径,左心室射血分数均减小。随访11个月至7年,超声心动图监测反流:无或微量20例,轻度19例,轻到中度9例,中度3例,重度2例,3例死亡,2例术后行二尖瓣置换术。结论:"缘对缘"技术是一种有效的治疗二尖瓣关闭不全的手术方法,可取得较为满意的临床效果,远期疗效需进一步观察。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We studied the predictors and natural history of moderate mitral regurgitation following valvuloplasty using Inoue balloon since it has not been well documented in a large series. METHODS: Balloon mitral valvuloplasty was performed in 590 consecutive patients with severe mitral stenosis with mitral regurgitation of mild or lesser grade. Echocardiography and haemodynamics of patients who developed moderate mitral regurgitation were compared with those who did not. They were followed-up. Factors that predicted the development of moderate regurgitation were studied. RESULTS: 21 patients (3.5%) developed moderate regurgitation (identified by auscultation, haemodynamics, angiography and colour flow mapping). They were managed conservatively. At 3 months, regurgitation decreased in severity to mild grade in 12 patients. At 1 year, it was trivial in 5, mild in 11 and remained moderate in 5. There was progressive symptomatic improvement. No clinical, echocardiographic, hemodynamic or procedural variables could predict the development of moderate mitral regurgitation. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with moderate regurgitation after mitral valvuloplasty show gradual improvement in regurgitation and symptoms. There were no factors-clinical, echocardiographic, hemodynamic or procedural-that predicted the occurrence of moderate MR after BMV.  相似文献   

The present study examined the safety and immediate and late outcome of 12 patients with coexisting moderate (angiographic grade 2+) mitral regurgitation and significant subvalvular disease and/or calcified mitral valves (group 1) after percutaneous balloon mitral commissurotomy (BMC) and compared the results with 64 patients without these adverse valve features (group 2). BMC produced a significantly smaller echocardiographically determined mitral valve area improvement in group 1 compared with group 2 (from 0.7 +/- 0.2 cm2 to 1.3 +/- 0.3 cm2 vs. 0.8 +/- 0.2 cm2 to 1.7 +/- 0.4 cm2, respectively, p < 0.05). Similarly, compared with group 2, less patients in group 1 obtained an optimal valvuloplasty outcome defined as a 3 50% increase in mitral valve area or a final valve area of 3 1.5 cm2 without final 3 3 grade angiographic mitral regurgitation (75% vs. 95%, p < 0.05). There was, however, no severe (3 angiographic grade 3+) mitral regurgitation in group 1 compared with 1 in group 2 (p = NS). At a mean follow-up of 19 +/- 14 months, there were no deaths or strokes. Restenosis was noted in 4 patients; 3 in group 1, and 1 in group 2. We conclude that BMC is safe and effective in patients with pre-existing moderate mitral regurgitation and severe subvalvular disease and/or significant mitral calcification with minimal risk of creating severe mitral regurgitation. The valve area improvement was, however, substantially smaller and the restenosis rate higher than those without moderate mitral regurgitation and favorable valve anatomy.  相似文献   

Mitral regurgitation was serially assessed by pulsed Doppler echocardiography in 144 patients undergoing balloon aortic valvuloplasty for symptomatic aortic stenosis. Regurgitant scores of 0, 1, 2 and 3 were assigned to pulsed Doppler patterns corresponding to no, mild, moderate and severe mitral regurgitation, respectively. Before balloon aortic valvuloplasty, mitral regurgitant score correlated significantly (p less than 0.005) but weakly with aortic valve area (r = -0.24), left ventricular ejection fraction (r = -0.34) and left ventricular systolic pressure (r = 0.23). There was no significant correlation between mitral regurgitation and either mean catheterization or mean Doppler aortic valve gradient. Balloon aortic valvuloplasty produced significant decreases in both catheterization and Doppler mean transvalvular aortic valve gradients (56 +/- 19 to 31 +/- 12 and 60 +/- 19 to 48 +/- 16 mm Hg, respectively; both p less than 0.0001) and a significant increase (p less than 0.0001) in aortic valve area assessed by catheterization (0.6 +/- 0.2 to 0.9 +/- 0.3 cm2). Left ventricular ejection fraction did not change, but cardiac output increased (p less than 0.001) and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure decreased (p less than 0.0001). Pulsed Doppler findings of mitral regurgitation were present in 102 of the 144 patients. Eighty-eight patients had a score compatible with mild or more severe degrees of mitral regurgitation, and 49 had a score indicative of moderate or severe valvular insufficiency. In the entire group of 144 patients, mitral regurgitant score decreased significantly from 1.1 +/- 1.0 to 1.0 +/- 1.0 (p less than 0.001).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Intraoperative two-dimensional contrast echocardiography was performed on 29 patients undergoing open heart surgery to determine the presence of mitral regurgitation before and immediately after the operative procedure: 14 patients had predominant mitral stenosis, 9 had severe mitral regurgitation and 6 had no mitral valve disease (control subjects). Two-dimensional echocardiography was performed by applying a 5 MHz transducer directly on the heart during injection of saline solution through an apical ventricular sump or transseptal needle, generating contrast microbubbles, with imaging in two planes. Baseline studies were performed after thoracotomy and pericardiotomy before cardiopulmonary bypass, and a second study was done after the operative procedure, with the patient off cardiopulmonary bypass with hemodynamic stabilization before chest closure. No control subject had contrast evidence of mitral regurgitation before or after cardiopulmonary bypass. Two of three patients with mitral valvuloplasty and two of five with commissurotomy required a second operative procedure before chest closure because of persistent mitral regurgitation detected by intraoperative two-dimensional contrast echocardiography. Thirteen of the 15 patients with valve replacement had no mitral regurgitation after cardiopulmonary bypass. Intraoperative two-dimensional echocardiographic findings correlated with data from postoperative clinical examinations and two-dimensional echocardiography-Doppler studies. It is concluded that two-dimensional echocardiography with contrast is an important intraoperative tool for assessing the presence and relative severity of mitral regurgitation after mitral commissurotomy, valvuloplasty or valve replacement. This technique may allow surgeons to be more aggressive in combining reparative operative procedures (that is, commissurotomy and valvuloplasty) in an attempt to retain native valves.  相似文献   

The optimal management of moderate (grade 2-3+) ischemic mitral regurgitation (MR) in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) remains controversial. While CABG alone can reverse regurgitation in some patients with moderate MR, adjunctive mitral repair may be necessary in others. We performed low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) in 60 patients with moderate MR who were about to undergo CABG. Group I, 25 patients who demonstrated reduction in MR during DSE, had CABG alone. Group II, 35 patients in whom MR was unchanged during DSE, had mitral valve repair as well as CABG. MR was reduced postoperatively in both groups (P < 0.0001). Postoperative ejection fraction in Group I (12.2%) improved more than that in Group II (9.3%) (P < 0.01). We conclude that CABG alone may be sufficient to correct moderate MR when MR is reduced during DSE.  相似文献   

Approximately 30% to 50% of patients will develop ischemic mitral regurgitation (MR) after a myocardial infarction, which is a result of progressive left ventricular remodeling and dysfunction of the subvalvular apparatus, and portends a poor long-term prognosis. Surgical treatment is centered on mitral valve repair utilizing a restrictive annuloplasty, or valve replacement with preservation of the subvalvular apparatus. In the recent Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network (CSTN) study, patients with severe ischemic MR were randomized to mitral valve repair with a restrictive annuloplasty versus chordal-sparing valve replacement, and concomitant coronary artery bypass grafting, if indicated. At 2-year follow-up, mitral valve repair was associated with a significantly higher incidence of moderate or greater recurrent MR and heart failure, with no difference in the indices of left ventricular reverse remodeling, as compared with valve replacement. The current appraisal aims to provide insight into the CSTN trial results, and discusses the evidence supporting a pathophysiologic-guided repair strategy incorporating combined annuloplasty and subvalvular repair techniques to optimize the outcomes of mitral valve repair in ischemic MR.  相似文献   

Doppler echocardiographic studies were performed in 21 consecutive patients (mean age 56 +/- 11 years) to evaluate postoperative results of mitral ring anuloplasty. All patients were symptomatic and all had clinically severe isolated mitral regurgitation (MR). The origin of MR was myxomatous degeneration, coronary artery disease, rheumatic heart disease or congestive cardiomyopathy. In 20 patients ring anuloplasty was performed using the Carpentier ring and 1 patient using the Duran ring. Postoperative Doppler echocardiographic studies were performed to detect and semiquantitate residual MR by flow mapping and to identify left ventricular inflow or outflow obstruction. The severity of MR was assessed by flow mapping in the left atrium and graded from I to IV in increasing severity. Blood flow velocity spectra were recorded from the left ventricular outflow tract during systole and from the left ventricle subjacent to the mitral valve during diastole. Pressure half-time, mitral valve area and mitral valve gradient were derived from digitized mitral diastolic flow velocity spectra. After ring valvuloplasty, 9 patients had no MR and 6 had grade I, 3 grade II, 2 grade III and 1 patient grade IV MR. Peak diastolic mitral valve gradient was 8 +/- 4 mm Hg, mean diastolic gradient was 3 +/- 2 mm Hg and pressure half-time was 83 +/- 17 ms, representing a calculated mean mitral valve area of 2.9 +/- 0.8 cm. Peak velocity in the left ventricular outflow tract was 0.9 +/- 0.2 m/s, indicating no obstruction to outflow. Our study confirms that mitral ring valvuloplasty produces a significant reduction in severity of MR, and this is achieved without obstructing left ventricular inflow or outflow.  相似文献   

Combined coronary bypass grafting and valve procedures for mitral valve regurgitation result in poor outcomes, but the impact of the etiology of valve regurgitation on operative and long-term outcomes is not well defined. A retrospective analysis of 468 patients who had combined coronary bypass grafting and valve operations for mitral regurgitation showed that 78% had valve repairs and 22% had replacements for ischemic (45%) or degenerative (55%) disease. Predictors of operative mortality were ischemic mitral regurgitation, failure to use the internal mammary artery for grafting, severe coronary disease, acute myocardial infarction, low ejection fraction, advanced heart failure, emergency operation, and mitral valve replacement. The 5-year survival rates for propensity-matched patients with ischemic or degenerative disease were similar (66%). Low ejection fraction (< 35%), advanced age (> 67 years), valve replacement surgery, residual mitral regurgitation, and severe coronary artery disease were predictors of poor long-term outcome. Although the operative outcomes of ischemic mitral regurgitation were poor compared to those of degenerative disease, the long-term survival was similar in both groups of propensity-matched patients. Left ventricular remodeling, an optimal valve procedure without residual mitral regurgitation, and left ventricular function are more important determinants of long-term outcome than the etiology of valve regurgitation.  相似文献   

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